Plurality 134792 63416 186441 1.80 Total vote. 189597 *Total vote for Palmer, Nat. Dem., 1; Levering, Pro., 1,724; Bentley, Nat. Pro., 386: Matchett, Soc.-Lab., 159; Bryan and Watson, Pop., 2,389. †M. S. Bailey, Nat. Sil. 71,808. VOTES FOR STATE OFFICERS, 1896. Lieut.-Governor. Hosea Townsend, Rep., 24,475; Jared L. Brush, Dem. and Sil. Rep., 86,989; Wm. S. Lee, Pop. and Nat. Sil., 69,526; Geo. Ash. Pop., 2,801. Sec'y of State.-Edwin Price, Rep., 25, 352; C. H. S. Whipple, Dem. and Sil. Rep., 85,296; F. Kratzer, Pop. and Nat. Sil., 70,003; Soloman J. Toy, Pop., 2,289. Treasurer.-James H. Barlow, Rep., 25,289; Geo. W. Kephart, Dem. and Sil. Rep., 85,256; Horace L. Clark, Pop. and Nat. Sil., 70,385; J. R. Hinkle, Pop., 2,347. Auditor.-Geo. S. Adams, Rep., 25,802; John W. Lowell, Dem. and Sil. Rep., 85,584; George Seaver, Pop. and Sil.. 69,521; Dennis H. Dickason, Pop., 2,509. Att'y-General. Alexander Gullett, Rep., 23,075; Byron L. Carr, Dem. and Sil. Rep., 86,321; N. C. Miller, Pop. and Nat. Sil., 68,566; John McAndrew, *Pop., 2,469. Sup't Pub. Inst'n.-Mrs. Ione T. Hanna, Rep., 14,471; Grace E. Patton, Dem. and Sil. Rep., 85.915; L. S. Cornell, Pop. and Nat. Sil., 68,953; Geo. J. Blakeley, *Pop., 3,848. "Total vote for Levering, Pro., 1,806; Matchett, Soc.-Lab., 1,223. Total vote for Manchester, Pro., 1,846; Morton, Soc.Lab., 1,254. VOTE ON STATE TICKET, 1896. Lieut.-Governor.-James D. Dewell, Rep.. 108, 895; S. A. Crandall, Dem. (Sil.), 56,957; Wm. W. Hyde, Nat. Dem., 5.334; C. E. Steele. Pro., 1,850; E. Chatfield, Soc.-Lab., 1,238. Phelps, Rep., Sec'y of State.-Chas. 108.795; H. S. Cummings, Dem. (Sil.), 57,080; Wm. Belcher, Nat. Dem., 5.313; W. L. Chamberlain, Pro., 1,831; F. Serrar, Soc.-Lab., 1,233. CONNECTICUT.-Continued. Treasurer.-C. W. Grosvenor, Rep., 108,901; Asa R. Ross, Dem. (Sil.), 57,019; Geo. H. Hoyt, Nat. Dem., 5,334; Geo. B. Fenner, Pro., 1,829; Henry Laine, Soc.Lab., 1,231. Controller.-Benj. F. Mead, Rep., 108,939; Edwin N. Ripley, Dem. (Sil.), 56,895; Hobart W. Curtis, Nat. Dem., 5,263; A. C. Barton, Pro., 1,822; Henry Powell, Soc.Lab., 1,235. Democrats Populists 33 33 1 VOTE FOR CONGRESSMEN, 1896. I. E. Stevens Henry, Rep., 27,623; E. Henry Hyde, Dem. (S. M.), 2,119; Joseph P. Tuttle, Dem. (Sil.), 10,859; Samuel Joseph, Soc.-Lab., 343; J. I. Bartholomew, Pro., 501. II. Nehemiah D. Sperry, Rep., 35,944; H. Holton Wood, Dem. (S. M.), 1,213; Austin B. Fuller, Dem. (Sil.), 22,317; Timothy Sullivan, Soc.-Lab., 666; E. P. Augur, Pro., 4,820. III. Chas. A. Russell, Rep., 15,269; Henry W. Hammond, Dem. (S. M.), 500; Jos. T. Fanning, Dem. (Sil.), 7,665; Wm. Ingalls, Pro., 408. IV. Ebenezer J. Hill, Rep., 30,658; M. W. Seymour, Dem. (S. M.), 1,404; M. J. Houlihan, Dem. (Sil.), 15,273; F. L. Wooster, Pro., 430; H. McDonald, Soc.Lab., 199. DELAWARE. *PRESIDENT, †GOV'N'R, -1896. Clay Franklin ... 146 288 Gadsden Hamilton Hernando Lake 244 26 114 352 80 56 38 321 399 13 29 160 541 299 313 1031 2164 138 99 1069 222 265 13 71 238 3 66 577 74 500 302 830 54 Total vote.. Total vote for Bryan and Watson, Pop., 1,977; Levering, Pro., 644. VOTE FOR STATE OFFICERS, 1896. Sec'y of State-T. F. McGowrin, Rep., 5,280; John L. Crawford, Dem., 26,311; J. C. Keller, Pop., 3,174. Controller-John McDougall, Rep., 5,421; W. H. Reynolds, Dem., 24,551; P. W. Knapp, Pop., 3,199. Treasurer-W. A. Allen, Rep., 5,538; C. B. Collins, Dem., 24,559; L. H. Cohoon, Pop., 2,817. Att'y-General-William B. Sheppard, Rep., 5,168; W. B. Lamar, Dem., 25,088; Frank Harris, Pop., 3,241. Chief Justice-Thomas E. Wilson, Rep., FLORIDA.-Continued. 5,647; M. H. Mabry, Dem., 24,736; D. L. McKinnon, Pop., 3,966. Sup't Pub. Inst'n-Byron F. Marsh, Rep., 5,714; W. A. Sheats, Dem., 25,016; O. N. Williams, Pop., 3,418. Comm'r of Agriculture-H. S. Chubb, Rep., 4,983; L. B. Wombwell, Dem., 24,616; J. F. Richburg, Pop., 2,887. The Legislature is composed of: Republicans, 2; Democrats, 95; Populists, 2; Independents, 1. The Senate has 32 members, and the House 68. VOTE FOR CONGRESSMEN, 1896. I. E. K. Nichols, Rep., 2,797; S. M. Sparkman, Dem., 14,823; J. A. Williams, Pop., 1,308; J. C. Green, Pro., 201. II. J. N. Stripling, Rep., 6,576; R. W. (S. M.), 1,156; W. R. Peterson, Pop., 855; M. E. Spencer, Pro., 195. Wright.. Atkinson Palmer..R Bryan... Mc 233 GOV'N'R. 1896.-1896. Nat. Rep. Dem. Dem. Dem. Pop. Bryan... McKinley. .1,117 2,150 392 599 ....3,005 4,504 575 34 1,747 2,015 414 827 6 1,008 1,350 241 3,829 2,607 955 146 2 163 407 612 227 1 929 980 9 449 1,218 23 1,839 1,517 8 915 415 25 1,420 1,290 682 372 1 661 788 1,019 731 985 1,154 8 1,055 401 27 1,946 2,088 503 706 Harris ... 122 154 22 Hart 339 738 5 2 946 350 Houston .... 486 626 Jackson ... 700 1,205 Jasper Jefferson Johnson 239 213 Jones Laurens -1,165 1,245 21 1,295 1,197 Lee 29 813 991 1,340 788 Lincoln Bryan 423 528 171 259 6 478 Bullock 511 1,042 9 1,345 1,261 Macon Burke 193 1,414 10 1,070 Butts 582 Marion Calhoun Camden.. 27 312 538 234 Campbell 377 434 5 730 572 Meriwether 11 1,674 1,082 Carroll 733 1,490 5 1,704 1,363 Miller 55 315 1 520 227 Catoosa 8 Milton 589 570 Charlton Mitchell Chatham .1,697 2,506 516 5,165 423 Monroe Chattahooche.. 349 157 441 503 Chattooga 11 1,087 769 Morgan 819 629 Cherokee Murray 323 557 Clarke 419 707 Muscogee 501 1,365 108 1,176 428 Clay Newton 580 973 Clayton 472 516 Oconee Clinch Oglethorpe Cobb Coffee Colquitt 758 1,387 873 14 1,618 1,128 Paulding 358 330 106 1,242 552 627 3 1,111 1,056 428 Pickens 693 458 135 361 Pierce Columbia 401 192 Pike 724 890 Coweta 571 1,196 Polk Crawford Pulaski Dade Putnam Dawson Quitman Decatur Rabun 101 404 De Kalb... 439 815 384 627 Dodge 315 568 12 999 539 Dooly Richmond .1,698 3,716 139 4,618 1,127 483 473 Dougherty Schley 327 266 Douglas Screven 1,057 1,256 Early Spalding Echols 52 Stewart 213 635 Effingham Elbert 209 155 1,344 15 1,571 1,032 Talbot Emanuel 507 690 Fannin 920 507 Fayette 345 562 26 1,435 1,375 612 424 2 942 695 6 531 277 2 234 501 68 1,147 1,116 309 237 2 361 546 Treasurer-W. J. Speer, Dem., 132, 632; W. C. Sibley, Pop., 76,136. Attorney-General-J. M. Terrell, Dem., 131,113; Donald Clark, Pop., 73.602 Commissioner of Agriculture-R. T. Nesbitt, Dem., 131,942; W. D. Smith. Pop.. 76,433. VOTE FOR CONGRESSMEN, 1896. 1. Joseph F. Doyle, Rep., 4,716; Rufus E. Lester, Dem., 8,786; Geo. H. Miller, Pop., 2,672, II. J. E. Peterson, Rep., 3,868; James M. Griggs, Dem., 7,454; John A. Sibley, Pop., 3,035. III. E. B. Lewis, Dem., 7,459; S. S. Montgomery, Pop.. 3,096. IV. A. H. Freeman, Rep., 4,304; W. C. Adamson, Dem., 8,519; C. J. Thornton, Pop.. 252. V. J. C. Hendrix, Rep.. 6,715; L. F. Livingston, Dem., Sil., 9.258. VI. Chas. L. Bartlett, Dem., 8,236; A. A. Murphy, Pop., 4,696. VII. W. L. Massey, Rep., 5.087; John W. Maddox, Dem., 10,719; J. W. McGarrity, Pop., 4,256, VIII. W. Patrick Henry, Rep., 2,701; W. M. Howard, Dem., 9,088; G. L. Anderson, Pop., 2,962. IX. H. P. Farrow, Rep., 5,421; F. C. Tate, Dem., 11,037; Thos. E. Winn., Pop., 3,926. X. W. H. Fleming, Dem., 10,119; John T. West, Pop., 7,105. XI. W. G. Brantley, Dem., 9,141; Ben Milliken, Pop., 6,019. U. S. SENATORSHIP. The Democratic Legislative caucus convened on November 9, 1896, to nominate a United States Senator for the six years' term beginning March 4, 1897. The first ballot was as follows: W. Y. Atkinson, 49: A. Stephens Clay, 46; E. P. Howell, 36; Hall Lewis, 20; Clement A. Evans, 13: James W. Robertson, 8. All these were Democrats, and all, except Evans. of the Free Silver faction. Twelve ballots were taken on the first day, with little change in the number of votes, except that Robertson was dropped after the third ballot. On the following day eleven ballots were taken and several new candidates appeared, one of them, Sam Jones, who got one vote, and another, Louis F. Gerrard, who scored 13. Evans lost until the second ballot on the second day, when he had only one vote. The votes came back to him later, but, on November 13. he withdrew from the race upon the advice of his friends. Clay's vote had increased until he had 82, or four short of the number required. Then an adjournment was taken over Sunday, and on Monday Clay was nominated on the thirty-first ballot, receiving 95 votes, Howell 40, and the other 27 being distributed among the other candidates. On the next day, November 18, the two houses met in joint session, and Mr. Clay was elected to succeed Gen, John B. Gordon as U. S. Senator, the vote being: Clay, Dem., 161; Wm. Phillips, Pop., 34; J. F. Hanson, Rep., 3. Those not voting were 17 Democrats, 2 Populists, 1 Republican. |