NEW-YORK (address of all, New-York City)-I. Daniel E. Finn, Dem.; II. Thomas J. Barry, Dem.; III. William H. Leonard, Dem.; IV. Patrick Henry Roche, Dem.; V. Richard Van Cott, Rep.; VI. Timothy P. Sullivan, Dem.; VII. Edward W. Hart, Dem.; VIII. Charles S. Adler, Rep.; IX. James F. Maccabe, Dem.; X. Jeremiah J. Sullivan, Rep.; XI. William H. Gledhill, Dem.; XII. Joseph Schulum, Dem.; XIII. Patrick F. Trainor, Dem.; XIV. Jacob Fritz, Dem.; XV. Thomas F. Myers, Dem.; XVI. Benjamin Hoffman, Dem.; XVII. John Aird Dempsey, Dem.; XVIII. John F. Daley, Dem.; XIX. Robert Mazet, Rep.; XX. John P. Corrigan, Dem.; XXI. George C. Austin, Rep.; XXII. Daniel D. Tooher, Dem.; XXIII. Richard Gilleland, Rep.; XXIV. John B. Fitzgerald, Dem.; XXV. Patrick Henry Murphy, Rep.; XXVI. Patrick J. Andrews, Dem.; XXVII. Francis E. Laimbeer, Rep.; XXVIII. Joseph I. Green, Dem.; XXIX. Lawrence Edward Brown, Rep.; XXX. George William Meyer, jr., Dem.; XXXI. Harvey T. Andrews, Rep.; XXXII. Thomas F. Donnelly, Dem.; XXXIII. James P. Degnan, Rep.; XXXIV. Philip W. Reinhard,_jr., Rep.; XXXV. Douglas Mathewson, Rep. NIAGARA-I. Henry E. Warner, Rep., North Tonawanda; II. Frank A. Dudley, Rep., Niagara Falls. ONEIDA-I. George E. Philo, Rep., Utica: II. William Cary Sanger, Rep., Sangerfield; III. William B. Graves, Rep., Taberg. ONONDAGA—I. William J. Bellen, Rep., Baldwinsville; II. Edward G. Ten Eyck, Rep., Fabius; III. Joseph Bondy, Rep., Syracuse; IV. Edwin M. Wells, Syracuse. ONTARIO - Murray Benham, Rep., Hopewell Centre. Rep., ORANGE-I. Louis F. Goodsell, Highland Falls; II. Louis Bedell, Rep., Goshen. SENECA-Harry M. Glen, Rep., Seneca James S. Harrison, Rep., Addison; II. Joel Clark, Rep., Cameron. SUFFOLK-I. Erastus F. Post, Rep., Quogue; II. Carll S. Burr, jr., Rep., Commack. SULLIVAN-George M. McLaughlin, Rep., Monticello. TIOGA-Daniel P. Witter, Rep., Rich ford. Commissioner of Parks-Jacob G. Dettmer, $5,000. of Health-Z. Taylor Commissioner Emery, $5,000. Commissioner of Buildings-Wesley C. Bush, $5,000. OTSEGO-Charles Burlington. PUTNAM-Emerson Brewster, B. Gorham, Rep., Corporation Counsel-Joseph A. Burr, $5,000. Collector of Taxes-R. Ross Appleton, $5,000. Register of Arrears-Henry A. Powell, $5,000. President of Board of Assessors-Barzillai G. Neff, $5,000. City Treasurer-Hubert G. Taylor, $5,000. President of Board of Elections-George E. Moulton, $4,000. President of Board of AldermenJoseph R. Clark, $2,000. 1,916 3,232 77 10 Assem- Rep. Dem. Dem. Proh. Soc. Dem. Dem. Dem. Regis S. M. tra Mat- Rep. Por ter. Grif- Rep. Dem. Clin- tion. 1896. 3,341 100 1,803 3,313 94 5,793 49 4,477 70 2,503 4,442 66 7,987 8.634 2,649 4,097 103 2,652 4,063 8,901 4,611 100 3,793 4,697 124 3,820 4,656 109 9.386 3,562 3,411 2,613 2,973 3,305 3,829 104 20 105 3,130 3 3,031 2,871 3,824 3,396 4,245 106 14 75 2,486 2,997 68 7,038 3,762 58 7,430 3,920 3,429 91 8,141 2,857 4,241 145 2,879 4,192 133 8,042 7,851 6,618 399 16,643 1,432 1,473 62 1,435 1,461 62 3,315 Tot'ls.156,359 135,624 5,541 682 10,025 146,668 141,452 8,657 148,142 139,288 7,712 330,976 Pl'r'ty 20,735 SHERIFFS AND COUNTY CLERKS OF NEW-YORK STATE. Lewis V. Thayer, R..1894 Jas. M. Bothwick, R..1895 Plattsburg. Cortl'd Village. [Malone... Johnstown. Batavia.. Lake Pleasant. Edward F. Rowley, R.1896 F. S. Channell, R....1894 SHERIFFS AND COUNTY CLERKS OF NEW-YORK STATE.-(Continued). Term of office: Three years. Rochester.. Lockport. Goshen... Jefferson..... Watertown.... Kings. Brooklyn.. Lewis.. Lowville.. Livingston. Geneseo. Madison.. Morrisville.. Monroe. Montgomery. Fonda. New-York.. N. Y. City. Niagara. Oneida.. Albion.... Sam'l B. Kellogg, R..1896 Frank D. Pierce, R...1894 Richmond.. St. Lawrence. Canton... Tompkins. Ulster.. Ballston... Riverhead. Kingston. Lake George. White Plains.. ELECTIONS IN STATES, 1896. Pro., "Dem. (S. M.).** National Democrat; "PopProhibi "Nat. Dem.," "Rep." denotes Republican; "Dem. (sil.)," Silver Democrat; .," National Prohibition; "Pro.," Sound Money or National Democrat; "Fusion; "Ind.," Independent. Where ap Populist; "Sil.," Silver Party; "Nat.' or similar combinations, it means that the candition; "Soc.-Lab.," Socialist-Labor; "Fus.,' pears "Pop.-Dem.," "Dem.-Pop.,' date is the nominee of the first organization designated, and was indorsed by the others. For votes for President at previous elections, see election tables in Tribune Almanac for 1896. ALABAMA. PRESIDENT. -1896 *GOV'N'R. Nat. PRESIDENT. *GOV'NR. Nat. Rep. Dem. Dem. Dem.aPop Rep. Dem. Dem. Dem.aPop. Counties (66). Bryan. Mc Kinley. Goodwyn Johnston Palmer.. Palme Bryan... Johnston Goodwyn Talladega 922 1635 49 2157 2260 Tallapocsa . 685 2019 106 2201 2298 289 1232 99 1125 536 Tuscaloosa 965 1404 79 2402 1950 34 794 469 Walker 1101 1064 22 1866 818 Barbour 1437 2215 315 2971 1179 Washington. 224 551 46 539 366 Bibb 650 984 Blount 2619 1890 Bullock 749 1844 39 1049 1522 Wilcox 45 2954 45 3422 77 Winston 589 274 6 518 350 ... Butler Calhoun Chambers 846 1256 1222 2317 .. 1057 1722 113 88 1536 1547 171 2536 2299 63 2626 1925 Cherokee 602 659 89 1170 1704 Chilton 310 549 52 522 1005 Choctaw 357 1017 50 1010 1412 Totals ...54737 107137 6462 128541 89290 Per cent... 28.13 67.44 3.32 59.03 40.97 Pluralities *Total vote for Levering, Pro., 2,147; Bryan and Watson, Pop., 24,089. 39,251 217,831 a In Clarke 502 2200 25 Clay ... 489 1112 Cleburne 472 879 21 Coffee 114 799 52 2284 1167 37 1351 1286 867 953 1041 1464 dorsed by Republicans. LEGISLATURE. -1897 -1895 Sen.Ho.Jt.bal. Sen. Ho.Jt.bal. Colbert 1754 1615 93 1885 1688 Conecut 881 599 155 649 1385 Coosa 499 870 49 1484 Covington 69 637 Crenshaw 330 909 Cullman Dale 447 755 Dallas 519 4042 847 1040 1029 1465 1977 52 5596 110 De Kalb.. 1446 1365 46 1506 Elmore 1379 1182 119 1617 1360 2518 Escambia 482 877 82 954 Etowah 873 977 109 1498 703 1623 Fayette 441 603 39 706 1050 Franklin 483 821 33 816 1136 Geneva 46 488 39 808 1307 Greene 503 1725 Hale 933 2768 77 24 1966 445 809 Henry 675 2157 246 2564 2594 Jackson 675 2658 117 2496 2076 Comm'r Jefferson 3394 Lamar 6977 509 1093 Lauderdale.. 1024 2254 Lawrence Lee ... 1685 1199 Limestone Lowndes 450 6946 5619 553 977 37 1249 1786 482 4490 1500 Monroe 1411 549 Montg'm'ry 977 2582 983 Mo. gan 1462 1970 195 2031 1914 Perry 463 2485 34 3397 Pickens.... 211 1279 Pike 862 1569 Randolph Russell Sumter .... 802 1265 2929 447 222 VOTE ON STATE TICKET, 1896. Sec'y of State.-James A. Grimmett, Rep., 82,108; James K. Jackson, Dem.. 122,819. Treasurer.-John A. 76,834; Geo. W. Ellis, Dem., 116,941. Sup't of Education.-Wm. M. Wood, Pop., 78,952; John O. Turner, Dem., 115,447. Agriculture. Joseph H. Harris, Pop., 78,529; I. F. Culver, Dem.. 115,734. VOTE FOR CONGRESSMEN, 1896. II. Thos. H. Clarke, Dem. (S. M.), 5,361; V. A. T. Goodwin, Pop., Rep., 8,742; VI. A. S. Vandergaff, Dem. (S. M.), Rep., 4,985; John H. Bankhead, Dem., 10.148: G. W. Youngblood, Pop., 3,295. VII. James J. Curtis, Rep., 4,982; Wm. I. Bullock, Dem. (Sil.), 5,628; Jos. H. Parker, Dem. (S. M.), 451; M. W. Howard, Pop., 6,168. ...22 ..... 9 73 95 24 65 89 23 32 8 34 42 Bingham, Pop., of ALABAMA-Continued. VIII. Oscar R. Hundley, Rep., 11,630; Joseph Wheeler, Dem., 15,640; W. W. Callahan, Dem. (S. M.), 333. IX. Archibald Lawson, Dem. (S. M.), Rep., 2,316; Oscar W. Underwood, Dem. (Sil.), 13,489; Gratton B. Crowe, Pop., 5,618. United States Senator.-The Legislature, on November 24, 1896, elected E. W. Pettus, Dem., Dallas, as United States Senator, for six years, from March 4, 1897, to succeed Senator Pugh, Dem. The vote was: Pettus, 93; Joseph H. Longshore, Pop., 24: W. D. Wickersham, Rep., 6. Perry Phillips Pike Poinsett 233 217 682 199 567 186 Arkansas 550 1,180 637 1,109 56 Baxter 168 528 222 Benton ...... Boone 573 1,732 561 1,518 98 Van Buren.. 374 862 507 665 198 Bradley 185 1,054 63 801 54 Washington ..1,197 3,213 1,237 2,406 669 Calhoun Carroll Chicot 258 418 Yell Clark ...... Clay Cleburne 108 1,034 141 757 Columbia Total vote... Conway 72.591 149.347 no 62 Craighead 333 1,270 167 Crawford ....1,311 1,871 1,447 1,841 88 Crittenden Cross Dallas Desha Drew Faulkner Franklin ..... 424 1,746 Grant Green .37512 110103 35836 91124 13990 Per cent.....25.12 73.72 25.27 64.26 9.86 55.288 141,801 There was National Democratic electors' ticket, and the Democratic Bryan ticket had 5 Bryan and Sewall electors and 3 Bryan and Watson electors. Levering, Pro., 839; Bentley, Nat. Pro., 893. Miller, Pro., 851. VOTE ON STATE TICKET, 1896. (No Populist or Prohibition candidates except for Governor, as above). Sec'y of State-H. A. Reynolds, Rep., 40,319; A. C. Hull, Dem., 96, 999. Auditor-J. Frank Mayes, Rep., 51,433; Clay Sloan, Dem., 97,697. Att'y-General-E. H. Vance, Rep., 40,201; E. B. Kinsworthy, Dem., 97.571. Treasurer-A. A. Tuffts, Rep., 39,902; Ransom Gulley, Dem., 97,888. Land Comm'r-Mark A. Sanders, Rep., 40,175; J. F. Ritchie, Dem., 97,902. Supt. Cole, Rep., 39.773; Junius Jordan, Dem., 98,318. Comm'r of Agriculture-Charles F. Duke, Rep., 39,563; W. G. Vincenhoeller, Dem., 98,071. Chief Justice-Jacob Trieber, Rep., 38,965; Henry G. Bunn, Dem., 95,574. Liquor License Law-For, 86,088; against, 61,862. LEGISLATURE. -1897-1895 Sen. Ho.Jt.bal. Sen. Ho.Jt.bal. 1 2 3 1 3 Republicans 4 Democrats.. 30 87 117 31 88 119 1 Populists... 12 9 9 or F. |