1 FOR 1898. HENRY ECKFORD RHOADES, Editor. ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS. (Prepared expressly for The Tribune Almanac by Berlin H. Wright, Penn Yan, N. Y.) ECLIPSES. lows: There will be six eclipses this year, three of each, the sun and moon, as fol I. A partial eclipse of the moon, January 7, visible in the United States as follows: II. A total eclipse of the sun, January 22, invisible in America. III. A partial eclipse of the moon, July 3, invisible in America. IV. An annular eclipse of the sun, July 18, invisible in North America. V. A partial eclipse of the sun, December 12-13, visible in the Antarctic regions. VI. A total eclipse of the moon, December 27, visible throughout the United States, as follows: SUPERIOR PLANETS, EAST OR WEST, OF THE SUN. TABLE I. MEAN TIME OF SIDEREAL NOON, OR MERIDIAN PASSAGE OF THE VERNAL EQUINOX AT WASHINGTON, D. С., FOR 1898. (For other places, add 9.83 seconds for each hour of longitude east of Washington, and subtract the same for each hour west of Washington.) H.M.S. | H.M.S. H.M.S. H.M.S. | H.M.S. | H.M.S. H.M.S. | H.M.S. | H.M.S. | H.M.S. | H.M.S. | H.M.S. TIMES OF UPPER MERIDIAN PASSAGE OF POLARIS, OR NORTH STAR, 1898. Surveyors and civil engineers may obtain the variation of the magnetic needle for any place in the United States by directing their compass to the North Star (Polaris) when it is upon the meridian, as given in the table below, for the upper culmination; or 11 hours 58 minutes 2 seconds, before or after, when the star is on the lower meridian. Exact local time is used in the table, and the timepiece used must be correct, and the bearing of the star taken promptly on time, and that bearing will be the true variation of the needle. An error of only a few seconds in the timepiece will vitiate the bearing found; therefore, it will be much better to take the bearing when the star is furthest east or west, at its greatest elongation, as observations made upon it then are not affected materially by small errors of timepieces. To use this table for other places than Washington, D. C., add 9.83 seconds for each hour of longitude east of Washington, and subtract 9.83 seconds for each hour west of it. From February 1 to August 1, use the lower culmination. (For table to find the time of greatest elongation of Polaris, see Page 1, Table I, Almanac of 1897.) The year 5657 is an Emolismic year, containing 13 months; Veadar. the seventh, of 30 days being added. The year contains 55 Sabbaths, and is the 14th year of the 298th eycle of 19 years. A TABLE OF ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN BRIGHT STARS. To ascertain when any Star or Constellation found in the following Table will be on the upper meridian, add the numbers opposite in the left-hand column of figures to the time of "Sidereal Noon" found in these pages. For the rising of a Star, subtract the number opposite in the right-hand column of figures from its meridian passage. For the setting of a Star, add the same number to its meridian passage. Those marked (....) revolve in a circle of perpetual apparition, and do not rise or set north of the latitude of New York (40° 42′ 40′′), for which latitude the semidiurnal arcs are calculated. The civil day begins at midnight, and consequently 24 hours after midnight, or 12 hours from noon, is morning of the succeeding day; and more than 24 hours from noon, is evening of the next day. This table is arranged in the order of culmination. Stars having an asterisk (*) in the last column are seen only in Florida and Texas, when passing the meridian. a Arietis y Ceti • Ceti (Mira) a Ceti (Menkar). 8 Persei (Algol) a Persei (Algenib).. η Tauri (The Seven Stars) a Tauri (Aldebaran). a Aurige (Capella).. 8 Orionis (Rigel) y Orionis (Bellatrix)... Tauri (El Nath) 8 Orionis (Mintaka). e Orionis (Anilam) a Columbæ (Phet).. Orionis (Saiph). a Orionis (Betelguese) B Aurige (Menkalina)... μ. Geminorum Canis Majoris ẞ Canis Majoris (Mirzam) a Argus (Canopus) y Geminorum (Athena). • Geminorum (Mebusta). a Canis Majoris (Sirius) Canis Majoris (Adhara).. 8 Geminorum (Wasat). η Canis Majoris (Aludra).... a Geminorum (Castor).... a Canis Minoris (Procyon) B Geminorum (Pollux) y Argus • Argus Argus (Naos).. • Argus a Ursæ Majoris (Dubke)... 0 37 52 8 Ursæ Majoris (Merak). 04 0 86 51 0 20 2 25 0 35 0 38 4 53 0 Leonis 8 Leonis (Zozma). ẞ Leonis (Denebola). y Ursæ Majoris (Phad) al Crucis (Acrux) 0 50 1 3 y Crucis.. 1 48 29 8 Corvi. 1 19 5 30 8 Crucis e Ursa Majoris (Alioth) 8 Virginis € Virginis. a Virginis (Spica) 5 Ursæ Majoris (Mizar). η Ursæ Majoris (Benetnasch) 8 Centauri (Agena)... 2 38 6 9 a Bootes (Arcturus)... 2 11 5 48 a Centauri (Bengula).. 2 56 6 13 aa Libræ. 3 19 10 8 Ursa Minoris (Kochab) 3 16 8 Libræ 15 95 29 15 28 7 44 15 37 6 23 15 52 4 37 15 57 4 49 * * 16 20 4 20 16 23 7 20 17 7651 5 30 5 56 A Scorpii (Lesuth). 17 23 3 18 5 35 3 37 у Агӕ. 17 14 17 27 2 27 6 87 24 a Ophiuchi (Ras Alhague). 17 27 6 45 6 15 4 1 y Draconis (Etanin) 17 51 6 17 4 55 Sagittarii. 18 5 4 43 6 21 e Sagittarii 18 14 3 35 * 7 19 4 5 7 27 8 11 7 33 6 19 * Aquile (Altair).. 22 Capricorni (Giedi).. a Pavonis 7 38 7 50 8 51 31 8 19 Pegasi (Enif). 7 59 2 58 a Aquarii 9 13 * a Gruis a Hydræ (Alphard). • Leonis μ Leonis a Leonis (Regulus) 18 43 8 17 19 43 6 30 20 9 5 15 20 14 * 9 38 7 31 10 16 44 a Pisces Australis (Fomalhaut).. 22 48 4 0 23 31 |