dient Souls, according to the best Light and Knowledge receiv'd from Him, of whatsoever Nation or different Profeffion. That all the Members of CHRIST's Church are Baptized by Him with the HOLY GHOST and Fire, thereby giving them a new Heart, and putting new Spirit within them, by which they are born again and become new Creatures. That these have Communion and Fellowship together in in the Eating the Flesh of the SON of MAN, and Drinking His Blood, by Faith, in receiving and partaking of of the Bread of GOD, that comes down from Heaven, and Wine of the Kingdom from the immediate Hand of CHRIST, the Minifter of the Sanctuary and true Tabernacle, which the LORD hath pitched, and not Man, these sup with JESUS, and He suppeth with them. That GOD hath appointed a Day, in the which He will Judge the World in Righteousness by JESUS CHRIST, and that then all in the Graves shall hear His Voice, and come forth, they that have done Good, to the Refurrection of Life, and they that have done Evil, to the Refurrection of Damnation; then this Corruptible shall put on Incorruption, this Mortal shall put on Immortality; the Body is sown a Natural Body, shall be raised a Spiritual Body. That there is is an Eternal Rest prepared for the People of GOD, the glorious Kingdom, and Inheritance of Heaven, the Joys of which infinitely furpass all the Pleasure of this World; but as for them that Live and Die Unholy and Impenitent, the Wicked and all them that forget GOD, they shall be turned into Hell, where is Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth with Torment, and that for ever and ever. 2 That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Teftament, are of Divine Authority, because Holy Men of GOD wrote them as they were moved by the HO LY GHOST; wherefore they are profitable for Doctrine, for Reproof and Instruction it Righteoufness, to the end the Man of GOL may be throughly furnished unto all good Works, able to make wife to Salvation, through Faith in JESUS CHRIST, and that they are therefore the only external Rule of Faith and Manners. 'Tis meet (adds be) Men should have right Sentiments concerning these great Truths of CHRISTIANITY; Nevertheless, I must own, that the Life and Substance of the Religion of the Holy JESUS is the Internal Knowledge of the Operations of the Holy GHOST in our Souls bringing us to a saving and sensible Knowledge of the SON of GOD, and true Obedience and Adoration to Him, whereby we come to die to our selves, our own Affections and Wills, and to live to Him that Died for us and rose again; our to have Affections Set on things that are above. In a Word, to do the Will of our Heavenly FATHER. For true CHRISTIANITY is not a Bundle of bare Notions and dry Formalities, but is moft Virtuous, Powerful and Efficacious; Mortifying the corrupt Defires and Affections of our fallen Nature; and making us new Creatures, to live to GOD in Holiness and Righteousness, and to enjoy in this World the Gracious Comforts and Influences of His most blessed Presence in Worship and Devotion; that at the last we come to the Fullness of Enjoyment and Glory of the Kingdom, and World that is without End. Section O F the Apostles Creed, and want of Cha- ... of Proteftant's is to be found. Sect. II. Of the sufficiency of the Divine Light, the Sect. III. Of the Primary Rule and Guide of the Holy I whatever, and of Infallibility. Sect. IV. Of immediate Revelation, what we own, and what we disclaim, and of Miracles. Sect. V. Of the Divine Light, why a Diversity of a Phrase without Contradiction, and that it is neither our Soul, Reafon, nor our natural Confcience. p. 54. Sect. VI. Of Regeneration, and Spiritual Worship. p. 68. Sect. VII. Of the Benefit of Christ's Death and Suf- &con81. 5 which 15 matter 30 Sect, IX. Of Baptism and the Supper, both the outward and inward, the Elementary and Spiritual. p. 107. SectX X. Of Prayer, and Family Devotion, the Judgment of Bishop Uther, concerning Worshippers in the Temple, and those in the outward Court. p. 123. Sect. XI. Of Heaven and Hell, and the Eternity of Re- wards, and Punishments in the World to come. p. 128. Sect, XII. His Recapitulatory Conclusion, and bla- our in Speech, Garb An Ample Confeffion of our Eaith.in and Behavi- 04 T Hough the foregoing Reply, according to the before the Decease of the Querist; yet was the Printing thereof defer'd fome Time, 'till our Friends from the Queen's County (to whole Confideration in particular those Queries were propofed) came to Town; of whom, upon Enquiry, whether any of them had feen and confider'd Them, I received Answer, few had either seen or read them fince the Author owned them. Whereupon with all convenient Speed I put it to Press, and a confiderable Part was finished before his Death: Howbeit, had not his Works been Printed 'till after his Death, as is most usual, I suppose none would account a just Vindication of our abused Principles, either improper or unneceffary. ১ If any Stumble at these Words in the Title, Cona cluding the Works of I. Bayit, yet alive. They not only indicate that uncommon Transaction, that his Works were Printed before his Death; but vindicate the Stile of the Defendant in time to come, who proposed several Things to the Confideration of the Querist, which he must now refer and direct to fuch of his Brethren who are one with him, and approve of this Epilogue to his Works, especially those of the Subfcribing Party, not knowing 'till after the Wri -ting of this, whether fide the Querift efpoused: J Lastly, If any of the foregoing Remarks feem un -pleasant, I would restrict them only to fuch of 'em, Ewhose Rigid Principles tend to Perfecution; one Mark of Anti-Christ, wherever it appears, and intend by them no Offence to the Judicious and Moderate, among any, whom I truly Love and Esteem. |