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not procure the assistance of any of the attorneys, as all of them had declined to take up the case, it being one against one of the profession. The Chief Justice has ordered that the papers put in, should be inspected, and if containing enough to found any charge upon, it should be formally preferred, and the attorney called upon to answer it.-Ibid. April 14.

MARCH OF THE 21ST.-A correspondent informs us that the 21st N. I. arrived at Allahabad on the 6th instant, and halted two days to receive percussion muskets from the magazine, in exchange for those of the old pattern. The regiment expected to reach Banda on the 18th instant, viâ Futtehpore. - Ibid. April 15.

HAIL STORM.-About half-past one o'clock on the afternoon of Monday, a very severe storm of thunder, lightning, and rain, accompanied by hail, occurred at Barrackpore, Serampore, and their vicinity. The fall of this rain, which has for some days been expected, is very opportune for the rice crops in Lower Bengal. Without rain at this time the crops would have failed.-Ibid.

DISALLOWING PRIVATE PRIZES AT THE MEDICAL COLLEGE.— We have heard on good authority, that the Council of Education have come to the determination of not allowing the gifts of prizes and medals from private individuals to the students of the Medical College at the ensuing distribution. - Ibid.

THUNDER STORMS.-We had two more thunder storms on Wednesday evening, one of which was accompanied by a smart fall of hail. The weather has been remarkably cool and pleasant during the past week, and the thermometer in the Hurkaru office stood 79 deg. in the house at seven o'clock yesterday morning. We believe the season is a remarkably healthy one, there having been as yet but very little sickness among the Christian population of Calcutta. - Ibid. April 16.

SIR H. MADDOCK.-We are sorry to hear that his honour the deputy governor while out riding at Barrackpore, two or three days ago, owing to his horse rearing up suddenly, fell and sprained an ancle; but it is with pleasure we state the injury sustained was not serious.-Ibid.


WHO'S TO PAY THE PIPER ?- A circumstance that involves some party for a heavy responsibility, is now on the tapis. tween eleven and twelve months ago, three years' clothing was sent out to this country for H. M. 18th Royal Irish to the Quarter-Master-General of the army. This supply consisted of a variety of articles, such as are in use among the soldiery, and estimated at betwixt seventy and eighty thousand rupees. The Quarter-Master-General, at the time of their arrival, was with the head quarters up the country, and the bales of goods were landed at the Custom-house, where they have since remained, owing to the godowns, which ought to have received them, undergoing repairs. On the goods being landed at the Customhouse, a committee from the fort sat to inspect them, and reported them to be in a sound state; but, some months after, it was discovered, that they had suffered from the depredation of white ants, which had so far injured their contents, as to render them unfit for distribution to the regiment. It is now contemplated, as they are so much damaged, to sell them by public auction; and the question, as to who is to be answerable for the loss that will be sustained, has been referred to the AdvocateGeneral for decision. - Ibid.

"WHO'S TO PAY THE PIPER?"-REVIEWED. In a report which appeared in yesterday's issue, under the heading of Indian News, it was incorrectly stated that the clothing for one of Her Majesty's regiments is at present warehoused at the Customhouse.

We have been since informed that the goods in question have been sold. We learn also that the Advocate- General has not been called upon to give his opinion as to who should pay the piper.-Ibid. April 17.

PURCHASE OF BUILDINGS FOR GOVERNMENT PURPOSES.-We understand that the range of buildings between Boudet's Corner and the Bengal Secretariat Office is to be vacated by the present occupants, and to be used for the accommodation of various Government offices. We believe that Government intends to pur. chase the buildings above mentioned, so that the new arrangement may be looked upon as likely to be a permanent one.Ibid. April 20.

MEDICAL COLLEGE.-We understand that Government, in consequence of their having abolished private prizes in the Medical College, have resolved to give a medal to the most proficient student at the ensuing examination in the following branches : namely, anatomy, surgery, materia medica, chemistry and botany.-Ibid.

THE MACNAGHTEN GHAUT.-We have been informed, on good authority, that the Committee of the Macnaghten Ghaut have selected Juggurnauth Ghaut as the most appropriate place for

the erection of a Hindoo Female Ghaut, and it is said have approved of the plan which has been submitted to them by Messrs. Vos and Terraneau.-Ibid. April 21.


BARRACKPORE.-On Saturday evening, for about two hours, this station was visited with a very severe storm of rain, accompanied with hailstones as large as that old gentleman " the oldest inhabitant" ever remembers to bave seen. The weather has been cool and pleasant since the storm.-Hurkaru, April 19.

BENARES.-WEATHER.-Very hot in the day, but still plea. sant at night, and early in the morning.-Thermometer 7 a.m. 76 degrees. Noon 84.

The Matabangha accommodation boat, in tow of the Mahanuddy steamer, anchored off Rajghat, on the 5th instant, and landed treasure to the amount of five lakhs of rupees for the use of the Benares treasury. A strong party of cadets, under the command of Captain Moir, were on board; several of the young gentlemen landed here. The steamer made the passage up in eighteen days.

Arrivals.-April 2.-Mr. T. E. Gordon, and Mr. M. C. Pitter, from Goruckpore, Mr. F. Thompson from Calcutta; 5th, Mr. Sutherland from Cawnpore.

Departures.-April 1.-Dr. J. Stokes to Sasseram; 2d, Major Elwall, to Allahabad; 3rd, Mr. Donaldson and Mr. F. Thompson, to Allahabad; 4th, Ensign G. H. Griffiths, to Loodeanab, Ensign J. Gully, to Lahore, and Mr. F. O. Wells, to Mirzapore; 5th, Ensigns Jones and Donovan, to Allahabad; and Mr. Sutherland, to Calcutta.-Recorder, April 6.

Weather-Strong westerly winds in the day. The nights and morning continue cold. Thermometer at 7 a.m. 78; noon 85 degrees.

Our newly-appointed General, to the command of this division of the army, arrived this morning under the usual salute. The General has pro tempore put up with Major Hughes.

The Patna steamer passed down on the 6th instant at 1 p.m. Lieut. col. Foord, who we stated erroneously had taken his passage in another vessel, embarked on board the Patna for this Presidency.

Arrivals.-April 5th, Dr. J. Hope, from Allahabad; 7th, Lieutenant Russell, from Allahabad.

Departures.-April 7th, Dr. J. Hope, to Shurgutty, Mr. H. S. Reid, to Cawnpore, and Lieut. Russell, to Berhampore.— Ibid, April 9.

GHAZEEPORE. - Jail Emeute.-We have just received information that a serious disturbance occurred between the prisoners of the Ghazeepore jail and the police, on the 6th instant. The cause which gave rise to the riot at Jounpore also operated here. The Darogah, in attempting to carry out Mr. Woodcock's regulation for the reduction of diet, was met at once by all the prisoners with a demonstration of sullenness and discontent, and they, with one accord, refused to take the reduced rations, and chose rather to fast, than yield to the commands of authority. They actually abstained from food a whole day. Such a beginning was a fair warning that there would be a crisis, when the irritation had been carried to its highest by agitation among themselves; and a storm did break out, attended by the result which it was desirable to prevent. A division of the prisoners, who were sent out on the roads of the station to execute their daily work, made a sudden and desperate attack upon the burkundazes, who were in charge, with their mattocks and hoes, and a few "letters" they had contrived to pick up conveniently, and without much effort, forced their guardians to seek their security in flight, The prisoners, freed from their restraint, were endeavouring to make the best use of their liberty, when the Collector, Joint- Magistrates, and Judge, who had received speedy intimation of the riot, set out immediately at the station to their aid. The force soon overtook the fugitives, who it seems had not separated, or attempted to effect their escape by concealment. An encounter, therefore, became inevitable-they were attacked, still shewing a firm determination to resist, when five or six being cut down, and several wounded, they made a reluctant submission, and were forced back to their place of confinement. Here, when they were secured, they were each of them punished with stripes. Although, says our informant, the quiet of the place is restored, and the sensation occasioned in the city has subsided, there are signs by which it may be perceived that the worst of passions are awakened, and that more serious consequences may ensue, if systematic plots are suffered to be concocted by inattention.-Benares Recorder, April 9.

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JULLUNDER.- Coal.-It affords us the greatest satisfaction to make public the following favourable report from Dr. W. B. O'Shaughnessy, chemical examiner of the specimens of coal, which we did ourselves the pleasure of forwarding for his opinion. We shall take measures for supplying Dr. O'S. with the larger quantity he requires with the the least possible delay :

"Calcutta Mint, March 30, 1847. "My dear Sir,-The coal you obtained from the Julundhur has been examined by Mr. Dodd and myself. It is thickly encrusted and veined with pyrites, so that in the small sample you sent it was with difficulty that a fragment could be obtained sufficiently pure for the determination of the specific gravity.

The subjoined memorandum exhibits the results, which are on the whole satisfactory, and encourage the hope that the same locality will yield coal of considerable value :

Sp. gr.

Volatile matter per 100

Fixed carbon........

Ash, chiefly oxide of iron

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KIDDERPORE-Dispensary.-The liberal proposal made by Rajah Suttchurn Ghosal, towards the erection of a dispensary at Kidderpore, designed to supply medicines to the inhabitants of that district, as well as those of Allipore, Garden Reach, and the suburbs to the south of the town, has been increased by the subscriptions of a few gentlemen to fifteen hundred rupees. rajah proposes to present a piece of ground for the building, accompanied by a gift of five thousand rupees towards defraying part of the expenses of its erection. An appeal is made to the public generally, but more particularly to the residents of the localities it is intended to benefit, to assist in forwarding the benevolent object proposed by the rajah. Government, no doubt, will give the encouragement required to aid an attempt, that is so well calculated to alleviate the sufferings, that attend all classes of its people in sickness.-Hurkaru, April 15.

NARAINPORE-Destruction of the Salt Golahs.-On Wednesday last, the 14th instant, about two o'clock, P. M., a fire took place at the Narainpore Government Golahs, which, in the short space of about an hour, consumed thirteen salt golahs and twelve aulungs or drying golahs. The fire commenced at one of the chokedah's huts, and on account of the strong wind blowing at the time, communicated to the golahs, and thus destroyed the whole of them. The loss to Government, as it is, must be great, and if immediate measures are not taken to secure the salt now lying exposed, the loss by a shower or two of rain will be much greater, as there must be three or four lakhs of salt on the spot. - Ibid, April 17,


OUDE-Silk.-Captain Hollings, the manager of the AgriHorticultural Society at Lucknow, hes sent us specimens of silk produced in Oude, by worms sent up in the egg by a member of the parent society in Calcutta. The silk is of excellent quality and colour, and in its present condition, is said by competent judges to be worth about eight rupees per factory seer. It is, however, altogether too slender in the thread,- a fault easily avoided; and if it were got up of about three times the thickness of the samples sent us, it would, we are assured, fetch a price nearly as high as that of the best produced in Bengal,say from nine to eleven rupees per factory seer. The worms which produced this silk were fed at first on the leaves of the Morus Multicaulis, but afterwards when the supply failed, on those of the common mulberry of the country. Capt. Hollings expresses his readiness to send both silk worms' eggs, and plants of the Morus Multicaulis, to applicants as soon as he able to meet the demand. The plants are from stock sent to Capt. H. by the secretary of the Agricultural Society here. Hurkaru, April 12.



Foreign Department, Simla, April 7, 1847.-The GovernorGeneral has much satisfaction in publishing the following translation of a proclamation by the Gwalior Durbar, received from the Govenor-General's agent for the affairs of Scindia's dominions, prohibiting the practice of suttee within the territories of Maharaja Scindiah:

Translation of a Proclamation issued by the Gwalior Durbar.

The political agent at Jeypoor, having collected the shastrees, made enquiries of them regarding suttee, and they said that the custom was iniquitous, and then this custom was prohibited by the Jeypoor government. This Durbar had previously issued verbal orders prohibiting this custom, and now a proclamation is issued to the effect that the amil should take precautions, and call on the zumeendars, chowdrees, kanoongoes, and other officers, not to allow a suttee to take place in their villages. If a suttee takes place in any village, and the zumeendar does not give information to the sirkar, such zumeendar shall be imprisoned for 12 years, and if any amil after having received information of a suttee being about to take place, does not prevent it, such amil shall be deprived of his situation.


(True translation.)

R. SHAKESPEAR, Assist. for the affairs of Scindia's dominions. By order of the right hon. the Governor-General of India. H. M. ELLIOT. Offg. Sec. to the Government of India, with the Gov.-Gen.



At a Court assembled on Friday, the 26th day of February, 1847, Mr. Acting master pilot George Spence was tried on the following charge:

Disobedience of orders in having, when in pilotage charge of the inward-bound ship Lady McDonald, under tug of a steamer, on or about the 21st of January, 1847, between the hours of four and six o'clock p.m., on a flood-tide, passed the Bishop's College, and proceeded considerably above it, without casting off; the same being a breach of the standing orders, as contained in the rules for running pilots, Article 40. By order of the Offg. Supdt. of Marine.

(Signed) JAS. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. Fort William, Feb. 20, 1847.

Finding. Not guilty of the charge, and the Court do therefore most fully acquit him, the said Mr. Acting master pilot George Spence, of all and every part of the charge.

(Signed) HY. PIDDINGTON, President.

J. J. R. BowMAN, Judge Adv.

Fort William, Master Attendant's Office, March 6, 1847. Minute. In closing its proceedings, the Court desires, in fully and unanimously acquitting Mr. Spence of the charge against him, to express its opinion that on the occasion in question, that officer appears to have discharged his duty with zeal and credit to himself.

(Signed) HY. PIDDINGTON, President. J. J. R. BOWMAN, Judge Adv. Fort William, Master Attendant's Office, March 6, 1847. The Court having thus fully acquitted Mr. Acting master pilot George Spence, and the Hon. the Deputy Governor of Bengal having been pleased to approve and confirm the finding and decision of the Court, Mr. Spence has been ordered to be released from arrest and to return to his duty. By order of the Offg. Supdt. of Marine,

JAS. SUTHERLAND, Secretary. Fort William, Marine Supdt.'s Office, April 14, 1847.


At a court assembled on Friday, the 5th day of March, 1847, Mr. Master pilot James Keymer, was tried on the following charges:

First Charge.-Conduct highly disgraceful and unbecoming an officer in the pilot service, in having been in a state of intoxication on board the American ship Goodwin, on the evening of the 27th January, 1847, whilst under orders to pilot that vessel

to sea.

Second Charge.-Disobedience of order in quitting the ship Goodwin, after taking pilotage charge on the evening of the 27th of January, 1847.

Third Charge.-Neglect of duty in not reporting to the master attendant, his inability to proceed in pilotage charge of the

American ship Goodwin, until the forenoon of the 29th January, 1847, thereby causing detention to the ship, and heavy expenses to the owners in demurrage for a steamer. By order of the Offg. Supdt. of Marine.

(Signed) J. SUTHERLAND, Secretary.

Fort William, Feb. 20, 1847.

Finding. Not guilty of the first charge; not guilty of the second charge; guilty of the third charge.

Sentence. The court having found the defendant guilty as above specified, do adjudge him, the said Master James Keymer, to be reprimanded.

Fort William, Master Attendant's Office, March 17, 1847. (Signed) HY. PIDDINGTON, President.

J. J. R. BOWMAN, Judge Adv. Remark No. 1.-In reference to the first charge, the Court desires specially to record that it considers Mr. Master pilot James Keymer as honourably acquitted of the charge of intoxication, which it considers as totally unfounded, and that he has produced to the Court satisfactory testimonials of a long and most creditable fulfilment of his duties in every respect during twenty years.

Remark 2nd.-The Court desires to record, in reference to the third charge, that it considers Mr. Master pilot Keymer's offence as having many extenuating features, such as his hope and desire to have rejoined the ship up to the last moment, and the lax practice of forwarding reports to the head clerk instead of directly to the master-attendant; and in consideration of his long and unblemished services as above referred to, beg respectfully and unanimously to recommend him to the favourable consideration of Government.

(Signed) HY. PIDDINGTON, President.

His Honour the Deputy Governor, having been pleased to approve and confirm the finding and sentence of the Court, and to direct that Mr. Master pilot James Keymer be reprimanded, he has been ordered to be reprimanded accordingly, and to return to his duty.

By order of the Officiating Superintendent of Marine,
Fort William, the 10th April, 1847.



ALEXANDER, R. to be an asst. to the mag. and coll. of Balasore. ALEXANDER, W. S. civ. and sess. judge of Bhaugulpore, made over ch. of current duties of off. to prin. sudder ameen, to proc. on circuit duty, April 5.

BEGBIE, A. W. to offic. as a judge of sudder dewanny and nizamut adawlut, N.W. provinces, dur. abs. of C. R. Cartwright on leave. BEST, W. R. offic. dep. comm. 3rd class, to be a mem. of the loc. comm. of pub. inst. at Saugor, April 3.

BLUNT, G. to off. as civ. and sess. judge of Meerut, fr. date of receiving ch. of those offices, and until further orders, April 10. CAMPBELL, C. H. asst. to mag. of Sarun, vested with special powers, April 7.

DAVIDSON, T. R. a mem. of sud. bo. of rev. assum. ch of off. FRASER, A. coll. of Goorgaon, vested with special powers, April 5. GLOVER, F. A. B. app. dept. comm. 3rd class in the Saugor and Nerbudda ter. v. Lieut. Tulloh, prom. April 7.

HATHORN, H. V. civ. and sess. jadge of Sarun, made over ch. of current duties of off. to the pria. sudder ameen, to proc. on circuit duty, April 5.

HAWKINS, J. A. F. register of sudder court, to be an ex officio mem. of committee for examination of candidates for the office of moonsiff, April 7.

HUTCHINSON, J. R. to offic. as jt. mag. and dep. coll. of Allyghur dur. abs. of Robertson, April 3.

LIMOND, C. to be an asst. to mag. and coll. of Moorshedabad.
LOCH, G. jt. mag. and dep. coll. of Bancoorah, res. ch. of off.
LUSHINGTON, H. to offic. as a judge of the sudder adawlut, N. W.
provinces, dur. abs. of G. P. Thompson, on leave.
MCLEOD, D. F. ret. to duty, April 2.

ROBINSON, F. F. to offic. as a mem. of sudder board of N. W. prov. until further orders.

SAMUELLS, E. A. supt. and remembrancer of legal affairs, to be an ex-officio mem. of committee for examin. of candidates for the office of moonsiff, April 7.

SEALY, C. T. offic. mag. of Moorshedabad, assum. ch. of off. TYLER, W. H. to offic. as comm. of Agra div. until further orders. WORSLEY, J. T. dept. mag. in ch. of sub. div. Sasseeram, vested with powers of a jt. mag. in that district, April 7.



MACKILLOP, J. R. April 6. OUSLEY, G. April 6.

PROBYN, W. G, April 6.


BROWNLOW, H. civ. and sess. judge of Shahabad, 1 mo.
CUNYNGHAM, A. T. Diek, coll. Rungpore, 1 mo. April 5.
DRUMMOND, F. B. 1 mo.

GRANT, J. civ. and sess. judge of Dinagepore, 1 mo. April 7.
LIMOND, C. 14 days in ext. March 31.

MACKILLOP, C. W. asst. to mag. and coll. of Sylhet, leave canc,
March 31.

ROBERTSON, D. jt. mag. and dep. coll. of Allyghur, 1 mo. April 2. SHAW, F. A. stud. coll. Fort William, 4 mo. to Darjeeling, on m. c. March 31.

[blocks in formation]

ANNESLEY, Ens. R. M. S. 65th N.I. to rec. reports of qr. mrs. dep. dur. abs. of Robertson, March 23; to rec. ch. of stat. staff off. at Nowgong. dur. abs. of Robertson, March 29. ATKINSON, Lieut. F. D. adj. 2nd Eur. regt. toch. of post guns, and to cond. dut. of stat. staff at Subathoo, March 24. BARING, Lieut. H. 4th N.I. ret. to duty, April 1. BOULTON, Lieut. R. 7th L.C. offie. interp. and qr. mr. 8th L.C. to rec. ch. of stat. staff offic. fr. Pogson, March 24. CAMPBELL, Lieut. and Adj. R. to ch. of detach. 2nd Assam L.I. batt. proc. by water to Rungpore, March 29.

CAUTLEY, Brev. maj. 10th L.C. to ch. of treasure chest, Mhow stat. from O'Hanlon, March 29.

COMBE, Ens. A. posted to 9th N.I. at Benares, March 23. FAIRHEAD, Maj. J. A. inv. estab. perm. to res. in the hills at Subathoo or Simla, March 30.

FORBES, Lieut. E. 19th N.I. to join at Nagodé, March 25.
GODBY, Lieut. col. C. c. B. fr. 36th N.I. to 1st Eur. fus. March 29.
GRIFFITH, 2nd Lieut. J. C. art. to be 1st lieut. fr. May 31, 1847,
in suc. to Rawlins, dec.

HAMILTON, Capt. J. W. dep. com. 2nd class, to be dep. com. 1st class, in the Saugor and Nerbudda terr. v. Brown, April 3. HAMILTON, Lieut. J. J. Kelat-i-Ghilzie regt. to act as adj. to left wing dur. its sep. fr. h. q. March 24.

HORSFIELD, Brev. maj. R. art. to be major fr. May 31, 1847, in suc. to Rawlins, dec.

KITTOE, Capt. M. 6th N.I. plac. at disp. of lieut. gov. N. W. P. for employ. in erection of a college at Benares.

O'HANLON, Brev. maj. P. 1st L.C. del. over ch. of treasure chest to Brev. maj. Cautley, March 29.

PETER, Ens. C. W. to join and do duty with 9th N.I. at Benares. POGSON, Lieut. W. Q. to offic. as interp. and qr. mr. to 1st L.C. RAMSAY, Capt. G. asst. to resid. Nagpore, rec. ch. of res. fr. Col. A. Speirs, Feb. 20.

REID, Lieut. B. T. 34th N.I. to act as interp. and qr. mr. to 1st
Eur. fus. v. Reynolds, March 25.

ROSE, Ens. H. 3rd N.I. to be lieut. fr. April 1, v. Griffiths, dec.
SAGE, Lieut. col. W. posted to 36th N.I. March 29.

SANDERS, Brev. lieut. col. T. art. to be lieut col. fr. March 31, in suc. to Rawlins, dec.

SHERWELL, Brev. capt. M. E. 2nd Eur. regt. to be interp. and qr. mr. v. Corfield, prom.

TICKELL, Capt. S. R. assum. ch. of off. prin. asst. to comm. of Arracan, at Akyab, March 20.

TULLOH, Lieut. R. H. D. dep. comm. 3rd class, to be dep. comm. of 2nd class in the Saugor and Nerbudda territories, v. Hamilton, prom. April 3.

WADDILOVE, Lieut. G. M. 24th N.I. to inf. branch of Nizam's army, v. Capt. N. Morreison, dec. April 10.

WARNER, Brev. Capt. W. K. art. to be capt. fr. May 31, in suc. to Rawlins, dec.

WROUGHTON, Lieut. R. C. interp. and qr. mr. 12th N.I. to rec. ch. of stat. staff office fr. Lieut. Scot, March 23.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

BACON, Ens. J. H. 56th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Simla. BARRY. Capt. H. 71st N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Simla, and hills n. of Deyrah.

BAUGH, Ens. B. H. 34th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Bareilly, Nynee Tal, and hills n. of Deyrah.

BIDDULPH, Capt. G. 2nd in com. 3rd irr. cav. 6 mo. April 25, to Mussoorie.

BOSWORTH, 2nd Lieut. T. H. art. 8 mo. fr. March 22, to Simla and

hills north of Deyrah, on m. c.

BRIGGS, Lieut. W. 71st N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Simla.

BRUCE, Ens. A. H. B. 29th N.I. to March 10, to Landour and hills north of Deyrah.

BURGESS, Lieut. F. J. 74th N.I. 2 mo. fr. March 20, to Saugor. CAMPBELL, Brev. lieut. col. G. art. Feb. 15, to March 18, to Meerut.

CHAMBERLAIN, Lieut. T. H. 9th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Bareilly and bills north of Deyrah.

CHAMBERS, Lieut. R. W. 11th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Kurn aul and Simla.

CLIFFORD, 1st Lieut. G. H. art. 4 mo. fr. May 3, in ext. to Simla. CONROY, Lieut. J. A. 58th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 1, to remain at Benares.

COOMBS, Lieut. J. R. R. 42nd L.I. 6 mo. fr. April 1, to Allahabad.

CORFIELD, Lieut. H. R. 9th N.I. 1 mo. fr. April 10.
CUMBERLEGE, Major N. J. 74th N.I. to Feb. 23, in ext.

DARNELL, Lieut. T. C. 51st N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 1, to Nynee Tal and Almorah.

DOUGLAS, Ens. C. R. G. 32nd N.I. offic. interp. H.M.'s 14th drags. 8 mo. fr. March 20 to Simla, on m. c.

EVANS, Brev. maj. D. F. 16th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to hills n. of Deyrah, on m. c.

FARMER, Brev. maj. C. 21st N.I. to Nynee Tal, instead of hills n. of Deyrah, March 23.

FARQUHARSON, Lieut. A. O. 38th L.I. 6 mo. fr. April 18, to Nynee
Tal, and hills n. of Deyrah.

FULLARTON, Capt. S. M. 39th N.I.to Eur. on furl.
GARDNER, Ens. H. 8th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15 to Simla.
HALLETT, Ens. C. T. 72nd N.I. 3 mo. fr. Feb. 15, to rem. at
Simla on m. c.

HARRIS, Major P. com. 5th Scind. cont. leave canc. April 10.
HIRE, Lieut. S. J. 2nd Assam L.I. batt. Jan. 1 to Feb. 17 in ext.
HODGSON, Ens. H. N. 9th N.I. 8 mo. fr. April 1 to Bareilly and
hills n. of Deyrah on m. c.

HOLLINGS, Capt. W. C. 47th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 27, to Lucknow. IRVINE, Eas. C. 51st N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Nynee Tal and Almorah.

JACKSON, Lieut. C. 39th N.I. 3 mo. fr. Mar. 20 to Calcutta and Rajmahal.

JELLICOE, Brev. major A. A. 55th N.I. 6 mo. fr. May 1, to Moradabad.

JONES, Capt. W. P. 22nd N.I. 6 mo. fr. May 15, to Nynee Tal and Almorah.

LENNOX, Brev. major W. G. 43rd L.I. April 1 to Sept. 30, to

LLOYD, Capt. E. S. 49th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 20. to Simla.
MACDONALD, Capt. J. 50th N.I. to Europe on furl.
MAISTER, 1st Lieut. G. art. to March 19.

MCBARNET, Lieut. G. G. 55th N.I. interp. and qr. mr. 8 mo. in ext. fr. March 1, to rem. at Simla.

MCMULLIN, Lieut. J. R. 50th N.I. 6 mo. fr. May 1, to Lucknow. MEE, Maj. G. A. 58th N.I. 3 years furl. to Europe on m. c. MONTGOMERY, Capt. G. J. 15th N.I. 6 mo. fr. March 12, to pres. prep. to app. for furl to Europe.

MOORE, Cornet L. G. 3rd L.C. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Simla. NEMBARD, Capt. J. F. 56th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Simla. PATON, 1st Lieut. R. M. art. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Simla and hills N. of Deyrah.

POND, Lieut. A. 30th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Mussoorie and Simla.

REMMINGTON, 1st Lieut. F. F. h. art. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Hosheyarpore, Simla, and Mussoorie.

RICHARDSON, Brev. capt. T. C. 18th N.I. March 15 to May 1, in ext.

RICHARDSON, Capt. W. 73rd N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Simla.
Ross, Lieut. E. D. R. 73rd N.I. fr. May 1 to Oct. 15, to Delhi.
SCOTT, Capt. C. C. J. 32nd N. I. to March 10.

SCOTT, Capt. C. 27th N.I. prin. asst. to comm. of Assam 2 mo. this cancels former leave.

SMITH, Capt. J. 49th N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15 to hills N. of Deyrah. SOMERVILLE, Lieut. M. R. 61st N.I. Feb. 1 to March 4, in ext. STALLARD, 1st Lieut. S. 5th co. 7th batt. art. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to hills N. of Deyrah.

STEWART, 1st Lieut. W. 3rd co. 5th batt. art. 3 mo. to pres. prep. to app. for perm. to sea on m. c. March 25.

STEWART, 1st Lieut. W. art. 2 years to Cape and N. S. Wales on

m. c.

THELLUSON, Lieut. F. G. 29th N.1. 6 mo. fr. April 15 to hills N. of Deyrah.

TURTON, Capt. J. 3rd N.I. July 1 to Sept. 30, to pres.
TWYCROSS, Lieut. W. S. 73rd N.I. 6 mo. fr. April 15 to Simla.
WEBBER, Col. M. C. 55th N. I. to Europe on furl. April 13.
WEDDERBURN, Lieut. J. 69th N.I. 6 mo. fr. May 1, to Landour.
WILKINSON, Ens. C. inf. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to N. of Deyrah and

WILLIAMS, 2nd Lieut. B. R. 3rd co. 7th batt. art. 6 mo. fr. April 15, to hills N. of Deyrah.

WROUGHTON, Lieut. R. C. 12th N.I. leave canc.



DUNLOP, Surg. A. V. M.D. 52nd N.I. to aff. med. aid to 46th N.I. ELLIOT, Surg. T. C. 11th L.C. to aff. med. aid to 16th irreg. cav. FOGARTY, Asst. surg. G. T. C. 70th N.I. to aff. med. aid. to 4th co. 7th batt. and No. 1 light field battery attached, March 29. HANDYSIDE, Surg. C. B. M.D. to join 71st N.I. March 30. HEATHCOTE, Asst. surg. T. G. civ. surg. at Seharunpore, to med. ch. of 3rd irreg. cav. on departure of Handyside, March 30. HODGSON, Asst. surg. R. to med. ch. of Seikh corps and civ. stat. at Kangra, March 30.

MACINTYRE, Surg. C. art. to med. ch. of detach. of Eur. inf. recruits arrived at Dum-Dum.

MAXWELL, Asst. surg. T. M.D. to assume temp. med. ch. of 46th N.I. at Jullundur, March 30.

MONTGOMERIE, Surg. W. to be garr. surg. at Fort William, April 9. Ross, W. H. B. to be civ. asst. surg. East Burdwan, April 7. SIMPSON, Asst. surg. A. M.D. to rec. med. ch. of right wing of 53rd N.I. fr. Stott, March 25.

SMITH, Asst. surg. C. M. 6th L.C. to rec. med. ch. of civ. and jail estab. at Feroze pore station.

STOTT, Asst. surg. T. to join head qr. and left wing 53rd N. I. at Etawah.

THRING, Asst. surg. R. S. O. M.D. 10th irr. cav. to rec. ch. of 2nd and 4th troops of 3rd brig. h. art. 2nd co. 2nd and 4th co. 4th batt. foot art. and 8th and 9th co. of sappers and miners fr. Asst. Surg. Harrison.

WATSON, Asst. surg. J. C. M.D. and A.M. to do duty with 5th L.C. March 24.



NICHOL, R. April 7.

SMALL, D. H. April 1.


Ross, Asst. surg. W. H. B.


ALLAN, Asst. surg. J. 6 mo. fr. April 10 to Nynee Tal and hills N. of Deyrah.

KEIR, Asst. surg. A. M.D. civ. surg. at Ajmere, 6 mo. fr. April 15, to Mussoorie and hills N. of Deyrah.

SYMONS, Asst. surg. J. S. C. 46th N.I. on m. c. March 29.

HER MAJESTY'S FORCES IN THE EAST. STAFF. Maj. H. V. Brooke has arr. at Bombay, and assum. his app. of Mil. Sec. to Sir W. Cotton.

DRAGOONS.-3rd regt. Capt. Forbes, leave of abs. to Simla, 6 mo. fr. April 8.-9th. do. (Lancers) Capt. Lord J. Browne on board the Precursor, on her voyage to Suez.-10th. do. (Hussars) Capt. Sir T. Monro, Bt. and Capt. Harrison, leave of abs. to Mahableshwur, Cornet C. Mc Mahon to be Lieut. v. Walsh dec.15th. do. Cornet G. A. Hartman has passed examina. in Hindoostanee Language, with moonshee allowance, April 16. The C.-in-C. is pleased to antedate the comm. of Capt. R. F. Poore, in E. I. only to 22nd July, 1839.-April 10.

INFANTRY.-8th regt. Lieut. col. W. Hartley, Lieuts. Baynes, Hartley, de Robeck and Garnet, leave of abs. to Mahableshwur.10th. do. Capt. M. Mc Gregor, fr. 21st. to be Capt. v. Harries who exch.; Lieuts. Amiel and Miller, and Ens. Smyth, leave of abs. 8 mo. to hills N. of Deyrah on m. c.-17th. do. Surg. Heffernan to ch. of Staff and Med. Store at Sukkur, c. v. Assist.-surg. Thomson. -21st. do. Lieut. Johnson leave of abs. 6 mo. to hills N. of Deyrah ; Capt. J. P. Haines fr. 10 ft. to be Capt. v Capt. M. MacGregor, who exch. Lieuts. Graham, Finley, Provost and Tuke, leave of abs. 6 mo. to hills N. of Deyrah.-22nd. do. Brev. maj. George, C.B. 6 mo. in ext. to England; Capt. Dunbar, 2 years to England; Brev. lieut.-col. Poole, 3 mo. in ext. to England; Capt. Harding, to act as Pers. Interp. dur. abs. of Capt. Pelly.-24th. do. Lieut. B. Thornhill fr. 39th, to be Lieut. v Payne, who exch.; Lieut. F. Clark fr. 41st, to be Lieut. v. Handcock, who exch.; Capts. Ellice and Wodehouse, 6 mo. leave to Simla.-28th. do. Surg. Young to act as Dep. Insp. Gen. Hospitals at Bombay v. Franklin proc. to Bengal; Capt. Vignoles, leave of abs. to Cape of Good Hope, on m. c. for 1 year.29th. do. Lieut. J. H. Archer fr. 39th ft. to be Lieut. v. White who exch.-32nd do. Lieut. W. Bellingham to be capt. v. Williams, who

retires; Ens. M. Turner to be lieut. v. Bellingham; Lieut. col. Markham; Capts. Inglis, Robyns, Smyth, Pigott; Lieuts. Yard, Hedly; Ens. Williams and O'Callaghan leave of abs. to Simla for 6 months; Maj. Brown, 6 mo. to Mussoorie; Lieut. Steward, 6 mo. to Nynee Tal; Lieut. Birtwhistle and Ens. Turner, 6 mo. to bills N. of Deyrah.-39th do. Lieut. Emerson, 3 mo. to Calcutta and to Europe by overland route.-50th do. This corps arr. at Fort Wm. on 12th ult. prep. to proceed to Eng.-53rd do. Lieut. col. Byrne, C.B. has leave to Simla for 6 mo.; Capt. Mansfield has leave to Simla and Deyrah, 6 mo. -60th do. (Rifles) Lieut. J. L. Baynes leave at pres.; Lieut. W. Hutchinson, leave at pres.; Lieut. A. H. H. Mercer, fr. 3rd foot to be lieut. v. Warburton, who. exch. -61st do. Maj. Jones, Capt. Campbell, Lieuts. Massey, Redmond, Fleming, Deacon, Wickham, Crosdale, Richardson, and Brackenbury, have leave of abs. to hills n. of Deyrah; and Maj. Dalton 6 mo. to Simla.-78th do. (Highlanders) Lieut. H. D. Campbell, leave of abs. to Mahableshwur; Lieut. Hewson is doing duty with H.M.'s 8th foot at Poona.-80th do. Lieut. Freeman to Deyrah Dhoon; and Lieut. Hart to Simla, 6 mo. ea.-86th do. Capt. Stuart to England for 2 yrs.

PROBATES AND ADMINISTRATIONS TO ESTATES. RICHARD BOYCOTT JENKINS, formerly of Calcutta, a lieutenant colonel in the military service of the East-India Company, on their Bengal establishment, to Edward Jenkins, Esq. of Howrah, in the district of the 24- Pergunnahs, a member of the civil service of the East-India Company on their Bengal establishment. Frith and Sandes, proctors.

THOMAS JACKSON, late of No. 21, Baker-street, Portman-square, in the county of Middlesex, Esq. surgeon, on half-pay of the 14th regiment of foot,to William Storm, Esq. of Calcutta, merchant and agent. W. N. Hedger, proctor.

JAMES VALANTINE GARDNER, late of Khassgunge, in the province of Behar, zemindar and talookdar, to Solomon Shekoh Gardner, of Khassgunge, aforesaid, the son. Shaw and Lyons, proctors.

JAMES BADDILY, late superintendant of the house of correction at Calcutta, in the province of Bengal, to Sir Thomas Edward Michell Turton, Baronet, the Ecclesiastical registrar of the supreme court. W. G. Campion, proctor.

HANNAH MARSHMAN, late of Serampore, in the province of Bengal, widow, to John Clark Marshman, of Serampore, afore. said, gentleman, and James Charles Murray, of Calcutta, an assistant in the office of Messrs. Colvin, Ainslie, Cowie, and company, of Calcutta, agents. Grant and Remfry, proctors. MICHAEL CAMPBELL, Esq. late of Coomarcolly, in the zillah of Pubnah, indigo planter, to Sarah Campbell, of the same place, the widow. Baillie, Molloy, and Mackintosh, proctors. EDMUND BUCKLE, Esq. late a captain of artillery, in the service of the honourable East India Company, to Major William Anderson, C. B. of Ishapore, near Barrackpore, a major of artillery. Judge and Vrignon, proctors.

ALFRED PETER CURRIE, late in the civil service of the East India Company, on their Bengal establishment, to Mrs. Jane Currie, the widow. T. B. Swinhoe and Son, proctors. JAMES WALKER, late of the stud department at Ghazeepore, in the North Western Provinces of India, to Thomas Milner, of Cawn. pore, in the North Western Provinces aforesaid, an assistant employed in government magazine office, for the North Western Provinces. R. M. Thomas, proctor.



ALLAN, Mrs. John, s. at Calcutta, April 10.

ARRATOON, the lady of M. T. s. at Loodianah, April 6.
BENNETT, Mrs. Capt. T. H. d. at Howrah, April 9.

BERESFORD, the lady of Henry B. c.s. d. at Mymensing, April 8.
BEST, the lady of Capt. H. M.'s 10th, s. at Mussoorie, March 26.
BURNEY, the lady of Major George, 38th L.I. s. at Umballah,
March 12.

COLES, the lady of Charles, d. at Koonch, March 16.

DUFF, the lady of Wm. s. at Singhehsur, March 31.

GOLDIE, the lady of Capt. Barre W. eng. d. at Ghazeepore,
April 7.

HUISH, the lady of Capt. Alfred, art. s. at Meerut, April 13.
JONES, Mrs. F. Weston, d. at Calcutta, April 10.

KAY, the lady of Capt. Robert D. 2nd N.I. asst. adj. gen. s. at
Chowringhee, April 15.

MAITLAND, the lady of Capt. Henry Daniel, 72nd N.I. d. at Khote Khangra, April 6.

MCLEAN, Mrs. W. T. d. at Calcutta, April 15.

MONEY, the lady of Gilbert P. c.s. s. at Moradabad, April 15.
MORRISON, the wife of Rev. J. H. d. at Agra, April 9.
MYTTON, the lady of R. H. d. at Allipore, April 17.
PLACE, the wife of F. W. d. at Delhi, April 19.

PRIOR, the lady of Capt. Chas. 64th N.I. d. at Barrackpore,
March 29.

REMFRY, Mrs. Joseph, d. at Calcutta, April 9.

SHAW, the lady of J. Campbell, d. at Ghazeepore, March 29.
THOMPSON, Mrs. J. s. at Calcutta, s. April 7.

TROLLOPE, the lady of Lieut. Fred. 62nd N.I. s. at Dacca, April 1. YERBERY, the lady of Maj. H. M. 3rd Lt. Dragoons, s. at Sabarunpore, March 30.


Cocks, Arthur Herbert, c.s. to Anna Marion Jessie, d. of Lieut.
col. James Eckford, 6th N.I. at Loodiana, April 15.
DONOUGH, T. A. to Caroline S. d. of J. Kelso, at Rungpore, Apr. 7.
FORDYCE, Major John, art. to Phœbe, d. of Surg. James Graham,
M.D. art. at Meerut, April 14.

GRUDIER, Richard, to Emma, d. of J. Emmer, at Simla, April 16.
HORAN, George, to Charlotte, d. of Joseph Morgan, sen. at Agra,
April 12.

JENKINS, Edward, c.s. to Jane Crawford, d. of John Jenkins, at Calcutta, April 15.

NOLDWRITT, W. B. to A. E. M. G. Hallett, at Subathoo, April 6. THUILLIER, Lieut. Henry E. L. art. to Annie Charlotte, d. of Geo. G. Macpherson, at Calcutta, April 8.

VINCENT, Major gen. Wm. 8th N.I. to Mrs. relict of the late Capt. Geo. Becher, at Boolundshubur, April 6.


BROWNE, Lieut. Lord James De Burgh, H.M.'s 9th Lancers, on board the Precursor.

CLARK, Mrs. David, at Calcutta, aged 36, April 11.
FERNANDIS, Mathew, s. of M. at Calcutta, aged 10, April 11.
HORNBY, Mary Emily, d. of G. W. at Kidderpore, aged 1, April 9.
LAKIN, Harriet Eliza, d. of the late G. B. at Calcutta, aged 1,
April 18.

LEGGETT, Frederick H. s. of Henry, at Calcutta, aged 11 mo.
April 18.

MACMULLEN, Kate E. d. of Brev. capt. S. F. Adjt. 6th L.C. at Ferozepore, aged 1, April 9.

MACNIEL, Alexander, at Raneegunge, aged 19, April 13.

POOLE, Capt. D. H. of the steamer Mahanuddy, at Mirzapore, aged 27, April 9.

RAWLINS, Lieut. col. Jno. art. near Calcutta, April 4.

RICE, Alexander R. s. of Capt. J. G. A. 6th N.I. at Buddoowal, aged 2, March 21.

SMITH, E. P. at Agra, April 7.

THORNHILL, John B. s. of R. B. at Mynpoorie, aged 1, April 12.



APRIL 9. Braemar, Lovewell, Mauritius.-11. Hosannah, Norris, Madras; steamer Tenasserim, Coles, Madras; Rapide, Bockelman, Hamburgh.-12. Duke, Carson, Liverpool.-13. Sir Robert Seppings, Tait, Rangoon; Kandiani, Halbert, Newcastle; Bertrand, Meacom, Bombay.-16. Deogaum, Eames, Bombay; John Hepburn, Livingstone, Rangoon.-17. Cove, Spratt, Mauritius.-18. Eneas, Saunders, Madras; Mary Graham, Robinson, Point Pedro. -20. Arratoon Apcar, Durham, Singapore; Java. Parker, Hobart Town.-21. Ruby, Allan, London; Ariel, Burt, Macao and Singapore.


Per Earl Grey.-Mr. Thos. Pietch, M.D.; Mr. Alex. Bridges, and 270 return emigrants.

Per Braemar.-Master Charles Menham.

Per Hosannah.-Mr. S. Moorat.

Per steamer Tenasserim.—Mr. Ryan.

Per Rapide.-Mr. A. Berenhardt.

Per Bertrand.-Mr. W. C. Rogers, Mr. E. Alix, Mr. J. H. Ayward.

Per Cove.-Capt. Paddle, Mr. Borchard, and Mr. John Murray. Per Eneas. Mr. H. Holmes, Mr. J. Lamb, Mr. Every, 129 return emigrants.

Per Arratoon Apcar.-Mrs. and Master Hullock, J. F. Pattie, A. J. Johnson, and C. Johannes.


APRIL 8. Jolly Robin, Beverley, Liverpool; Alibi, Rhodes, Colombo, via Madras; Currency, Wainwright, Liverpool.-9. Enigma, Connew, Maulmain; Jane and Serina, Danekes, Batavia.— 10. James, Weisbred, Bombon; Bon Accord, Buckle, London; Rustomjee Cowasjee, Wright, China; steamer, Hindoostan, Lewis, Southampton, via Cape; Reginald Heber, M'Farlane, Liverpool.-11. Steamer, Enterprize, Dicey, Arracan and Maulmain.-15. Pearl, Hodges, Penang and Singapore; William, Mackenzie, Demerara; Hyderee, Powell, Mauritius; John M'Vicar, M'Leod, Liverpool. 16. Ivanhoe, Simson, Liverpool.-17. Mary Charlotte, Weber, Mau. ritius.


Per John M'Vicar.-Charles F.Thompson, Esq. c.s. and servant; Mrs. Macdonald and Capt. Macdonald, 50th N.I.; Messrs. H. G. Richards, Arnold, Bryant, and Nelson Matthews, Mr. Hammond King, and four Misses Macdonald, and servant; Mr. Walker and servant; Capt. Bray, H. M.'s 39th regt.

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