
Mr. Conolly, breathes fuch a fpirit of impartiality throughout, added to the confideration, that although eight years has elapfed fince it was written, it ap. plies with as much force at the prefent period, as it evidently did then, that we are induced to give it a place in

this article.

privy council, a reprefentative in parliament for the county of Londonderry, as alfo, governor and cuftodes rotulorum, and colonel of the militia of the faid county.

Odes delivered before Earl Camden, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, on Wednesday the 20th of April, 1796, the Day on which his Excellency laid the firfi Stone of the additional Buildings of the Royal College of St. Patrick, Maynooth.

The right honourable Thomas Conolly, from his large fortune and high family connection, is commonly regarded as the head of that refpectable clafs of men, the country gentlemen: His abilities, now for a long feries of years more addicted to fporting than public bufinefs, have received no very high degree of polith; and his elocu• Ήλθε τοι πρώην ιεραν Φεξοισα tion entitles him not to much diftinc. Βαρβιτον, καινας μελετως κοι tion as a public fpeaker. Poffeffed of



Θαύματ' εοςτης.

a fund of dry humour, he frequently ex nudioins ɛgateira xooun
applies it not unhappily; and his ar
guments, though too generally loose,

defultory, and ill arranged, often have Movex, ng

αθανατην κατείχεν

Ενθαγ' Ηρωων γενεην παλαίων,
Ενθα καλλισίαν αρεταν αυτον,
Και φίλον Μέσαις, Χαρίτεσσι πασαις,
Κοιρανον ευξεν.

Ουτος εν, φησιν, παλιν αμμι κύδος
Σλησετ' Αργειών, χρονιαστε Θήβας
Παντα γεν κλεινος πολε Νησιάρχης

Καλα σαώσει»

point, force, and energy. A bluntnefs Ελλάδος γαιην, δαπέδον 7 Ολυμπο,
of manner, accompanied with a candid Πολλα μοχθήσας, ανεπαύσατ' ιρην
opennefs of heart, ftrongly mark his
Ως ιδε Κερνην
fpeeches-which evidently appear, and
are felt by his audience as the plain, un-
artificial effufions of an honeft mind,
deeply impreffed with a full conviction
of the truth and juftice of its fentiments.
Enjoying a good natural understand--
ing, it fupplies him with matter well
worth attending to, which though
perhaps not of the very firft impreflion)
is always found and folid. Spirited he
conftantly is often warm, and fome-
times even violent: but that violence
was juftified by the momentous occa,
fion, and did credit to the integrity of
his mind, and the warmth of his feel-
ings. Too elevated to be the tool, and
not aiming to be the leader of a party,
he acts uniformly from the impulfe of
his inclinations; and though ever on
good terms with the chief governors of
this country, he has frequendy food
foremost in the moft decided oppofi-
tion to their meafures. In the debates
on Mr. Orde's noted commercial pro-
pofitions, he took the lead in a diftin-
guished manner, and by his firm, man-
ly, and fpirited conduct on that occá-
fion, july entitled himself to the grate
ful thanks of his country."

Και ου φερτισίων, μακας, αντίληψη
ΚΑΝΔΕΝΟΥ παι φίλτατε, των απανων

Mr. Conolly is a member of the

Ωι Θεοι δωκαν να κλίσθαι

Τεμπέα Μέσαις.

Ενθα Φορμιγγων κέλαδος λιγείαν,
Ebaxnar Bakewe ajo. En,
Ενθα κ' αίζηών θαλέρων αμοιβη,
Χρησον εν μολπαις Μεδεοντ' αείσει,

Και (ε μετ' αυτον.


TO grace the wonders of this glorious day, here lately, with her facred lyre new ftrung, the lovely Mule arrived, the charmer once of learned Greece, and on Olympus high with raptures heard.Soon as IERNE's fa


cred land fhe made, well pleafed fhe O nunc tenacem Qui imperio regis

refted from her toilfome courfe; for here the found a race from heroes fprung: here every virtue in its lovelieft form here on the throne a Prince, to the Mufes and the Graces all a friend.


"He then," faid fhe, "He then it is that will, he the famed ruler of this Ifle, that will for us, ere long, revive the glory of Argos and of ancient Thebes, and every bleffing to us all fecure." And thou, great CAMDEN'S darling, happy fon, what honours muft thy noble toils await; fince, raifing a new temple for the Mufes, Heaven chofe to make thee the prime architect.Here then the harp's melodious notes; here the refponfive choirs of grateful youths, will fing the praifes of the best of Kings; and, next to his, will celebrate thy name.


Tandem infolentis ludibrium Freti
Trucefque ventos, temperat, aureo

Nunc ipfe profpectans Tridenti,
Hefperiae Dominator Orae:

Tandem peractis rite Laboribus,
Victoque Ponti gurgite barbari,
Jam vela ceperunt beatos,
O Socii Comitefque, Portus.

Ceffit minacis jam Pelagi fragor,
fido in littore fiftimur:
Civefque miramur peternae,
Cum lachrymis gemituque, terrae.

Hic, cara avito, quam juvat ofcula Flentem, Sodales, reddere Limini !

Quam vota praefenti decebit Incolumes ftatuiffe, Caefar!

Tu nos jacentes, Maxime, fublevas ; Tu faneta maeftis moenia Civibus,

Tu Conditor, Victorque, purae Fers fpolia unus opima Paci.

Tu fata praeftas nunc, melioribus, Placata, Princeps, confiliis, bone: Tu fofpitas feffos penates Barbarico reduces Tumultu.

Impune lactos, ambitiofius, Proferre cantus et licet et decet ; Quos, more facrato, Nepotes Excipiant memores perenni.

Molem tremendo, Quique hominum


Te Sancte, qua fas eft, precamur: Te Benefacta juvant benignum.

Tu magna magno praemia muneri Clemens rependas, namque potes, pre


Tu bella, foevum tu furorem, et
Infidias cohibe cruentas.

Laetus, diuque Hic ftet Domitor maris
Immotus alti: ftet Patriae Pater,
Seramque felici reponas
Progeniem Solio paterno,


Arife TERNE! dry thy tears,

The fhades of night are chafed away; The blissful beam of morn appears, And long fhall laft the coming day!

Lo! Perfecution's iron mace,

That long oppreffed thy fertile land, And crushed thy brave ill fated race, Drops broken from her withered hand!

Behold! the fiends that ranged our isle, Sufpicion, Hatred, Civil Strife, Whofe open force, or lurking guile Empoifoned all the fweets of life,

Fly blafted from the face of light,

With all their gloomy train of woes! And fink at once in hell and night.From hell and night they firft arofe. Behold! a patriot King's command

Has called the public virtues forth, And fent them, a confederate band, To raise and cherish drooping worth: (With kindred pity) to affuage

The forrows of thy mourning fwains; Recall once more a golden age,

And pour abundance o'er thy plains:

To lead thy fcattered offspring home, Aliens and exiles now no more; Though long-too long condemned to

[blocks in formation]

But chief-to form thy infant race

To every kind and generous art, Adorn their fouls with every grace, With every virtue warm their heart.

Even now, before thy wondering eyes, Behold at noble Camden's call, The facred towers already rife, Already fpreads the fpacious wall.

See! led by him, the fmiling mufe
Defcends to view her future feat;
Affumes her harp, her notes renews,
And greets him in her new retreat.

O Camden! patron of our youth,
'Tis thine to raise this ufetul pile,
Sacred to virtue, crder, truth-

And hope long banished from our ifle.

For other chiefs let arches fwell,

And pompous obelisks arife;
Let haughty domes their glories tell,

And bear their trophies to the skies:

In breathing bronze, or marble warm As glowing life, let heroes ftand; And long, a venerable form,

Attract the wonder of the land.

Let vulgar Fame thus fondly trust
Such mouldering monuments of pride,
That, vain as man, return to duft,

And fink in Time's oblivious tide.

Here be thy trophies-not alone

To yon aufpicious work configned, Not caft in brafs, nor raifed in ftone, But flamped upon th' immortal mind.

While many a chief, repulfed by fame,

And many a ftatefman lies forgot : Narfed by the mufe, thy favoured name Shall live and flourish on this fpot. ·

Here ever new, to future days

Thy better glories thall defcend : And hearts, too young to lavish praife, Shall hail thee-Founder-FatherFriend.


COMES DE CAMDEN, Hiberniæ Pro-Rex, ad Religionis et Litterarum,

incrementum, hujus R. Collegii Catholici Deo, fub nuncupatione S. Patrici dicati, patriâque Munificentiâ dotati, primum lapidem collocavit; præfentibus, præter Aulicum Comitatum, plu rimis ex Collegii Curatoribus, et fre quentiffimo populo: x11. Kal. Maii Anni Salutis M.DCCXCVI. Regni Georgü III. Regis Augufti xxxvI.











Albert and Emma: an Interefting Hif tory. (Continued from Page 339.)

THE baron, could only be heightened by ma, at the humble pofture of the his addrefs. She had inftantly retreat ed a few paces from the door which the had vainly attempted to open, and fupported herself with difficulty against a bookcafe. Be not alarmed, charm ing Emma,' faid the baron, in a voice of affumed foftnefs,' you fee before you a man, who, till he beheld your incomparable beauty, never completely loft his liberty. Regard me no lon ger as the mafter of your father, but as the flave and lover of his daughter, and who only waits her commands to fhew by his obedience the truth and generofity of his fentiments.' During

'HE confufion and furprife of Em

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fhall know no limits.' While the ba-
ron difplayed the fparkling treasure to
the eyes of the unambitious Emma, fhe
pushed them from her with difdain.
Once more, my lord,' faid the, let
me affure you, that I have a heart im-
penetrable to vanity, or to any gran-
deur, to which the power of wealth
could raise me:' But,' cried the ba
ron, interrupting her, foftening the
natural ferocity of his features and gaz-
ing tenderly on her, is your heart im-
penetrable to love, and cannot it be
moved to yield a generous return to
fentiments fo fincere? Let me owe to
mutual affection that, which you deny
to ambition; and accept the honours
which fhall be offered you, as tributes
due from my gratitude, rather than
as bribes to allure your compliance.'
Never, never,' replied Emma:
heart will ever continue as untouched
by love, as by your proffered gifts: it
is proof againft every fentiment, that
would injure my honour and debafe
my virtue !'-' I understand you, pre-
fumptuous girl,' returned the baron
you would raise your daring hopes to
fhare by legal ties my name and rank.*
No,' exclaimed Emma, could
you ftoop fo low as to demand my hand
in an honourable alliance, my heart
would reject the offer, and my tongue
difclaim an union, which, no intreaties
could induce, no authority compel me
to accept! After this honeft confeffion,
my lord, you will fuffer me to quit your
prefence.' The enraged baron was
now raised to a pitch of refentment
which banished at the moment every
paffion but that of anger. Mortified
pride ftung him to the quick; and
viewing her with a look of contempt,

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this fpeech, Emma's gentle frame was agitated by a variety of inexpreffible emotions. Amazement, fear, and indignation prevented her interrupting the baron; but when, on his rifing and advancing to her at the clofe of his fpeech he attempted to take her hand, My lord,' faid fhe, fhrinking from his touch, you must permit me to affure you, that I have no with but to return to my father in his cottage all my ideas of happinefs are centered. Condefcend to open this door, or to admit my departure through that colonnade; my intrufion here was entirely owing to madame de Chalons, who propofed to fhew me the caftle.' How much indebted am I then to her,' replied the baron, for this interview, which gives me an opportunity to unfold the fentiments of a heart devoted to you alone. No longer fhall fuch beauty, formed to thine in palaces, be concealed in a cottage. Accept my affections, and command my fortune. . Indignant blushes dyed the cheeks of Emma, at a propofal, which the could not misconceive, and all the pride of wounded delicacy rushing into her bofom, fufpended for a moment its natural timidity, and animated her to pronounce these words: That fortune, my lord, from which you affume the privilege thus to infult the daughter of a peafant, can neither dazzle my vani ty, nor tempt my ambition; my humble birth infpires in me no pride, but that of virtue, and the poffeffion of no dignity, but that of confcious innocence. Allow me to retire, my lord: my father doubtless wonders at my abfence. Your father, froward beauty, waits my pleasure in the caftle,' returned the baron, with a look of anger, Tis well,' faid he, your audacity 'your compliance or rejection of my has difpelled the charm of beauty: ungenerous offers will decide his future worthy of a prepoffeffion, which cofate. Recollect, Emma, the extent of vers me with difgrace, you may return my power; dread my refentment, or to that obfcurity and indigence, which deferve my gratitude; they each fhall befit the meannefs of your birth, and be unbounded. If you reward my paf- the groveling fentiments of your foul." fion, your father will refide in this caf--Uttering thefe words he took a key tle, freed from the toils of fervitude, the witness and partaker of thofe benefits which my love fhall heap upon you receive this cafket of jewels, as a trifling earneft of a liberality, which

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from his pocket, and throwing it on the ground left her at liberty; the inftantly feized the opportunity to unfaften the door, and to efcape; haftening through the hall, inftead of turn

ing toward the offices by which he had entered it, he took advantage of the great door, that food open, and def cending a flight of fteps with a celerity urged by her fears of detention, the flew across the court, darted through the iron gates, and gained the end of the front avenue in a few moments. She then stopped for want of breath, and funk, almoft fpent, under the thade of a lofty elm: recollecting, however, that the was not yet beyond the reach of purfuit, fhould the enraged baron change his mind, and attempt to recall her, the arofe, and cafting an apprehenfive Jos toward the cafile, the perceived her father advancing toward her with How fteps: affured by his prefence, the hesitated not to wait his approach; and he had no fooner reached the fpot, where the food trembling to receive him, than they clafped each other in a filent embrace: but Emma, urged by the dread of a moment's delay, entre at ed her father to fufpend all interrogations till they fhould have regained their cottage, which they had no fooner reached, than they each gave vent to the agitations, which mutually oppreff. ed them.

The ftory of Bernard's illness had been a fabrication, invented merely for the purpose of entrapping his daughter in the fare laid for her. As he paffed the caftle, in the morning, he had been met by monfieur Du Val, the fteward, and requested to wait there to receive the commands of his lord, who had fome defigns to communicate to him, greatly to his advantage. The good old man, who never yet had formed a wifh, beyond the fufficiency which his humble itation had always allowed him, heard this circumstance with cold in difference; but out of respect to the baron, waited his pleafure. He was introduced into a pavilion in the garden, and requefted not to quit it till the baron, who propofed to join him there, fhould dismiss him.

He remained about two hours, in vain expectation; the fteward at length entered, and informed him that he had liberty to depart, as the baron's fentiments were changed in regard to him, from the ungrateful rejection, which

Emma had prefumed to offer to pro pofals that did her but too much ho nour, and would have raised her and her family to a fituation which muft have rendered them the object of envy to the furrounding peafantry. Bernard, ftrongly agitated, replied to this harangue, then may I truly glory in my child, whofe fteady virtue teaches her to refift the treacherous arts of fe duction, and to fpurn at an elevation, which would fink her far beneath her lowly birth and humble education, Let me haften from a fpot once the re fidence of worth and honour, but now become the scene of infamy and fhame." - Have a care, old man,' replied Du Val, how you tempt the vengeance of your mafter, by fuch daring language.' I fear no danger,' interrupted Bernard, but the lofs of honour, and own no real master but that power Omnipotent, who guarding the innocent, forfakes only the guilty!-Having thus faid, he reached the lodge; the porter opened a private gate which ad mitted him through the avenue, where he joined, as we before related, his be loved daughter.

The enraged baron, in the firft emo tions of his refentment, had been in duced to banith from his prefence, the woman, who had prefumed to defpife his cffers, and reject his love. A mo mentary hatred took poffeffion of his mind, but it foon gave place to fofter fentiments-her beauty, the fimple elegance of her form, her unftudied graces, and even the innocence which he meditated to deftroy, returned to his imagination, his imagination, and difappointed paffion once more raged with greater violence than ever. In the firft tranfports of his anger, he had commanded Du Val to dimifs Bernard with con tempt, as an object beneath his future notice; he now fummoned again into his prefence this trufty meffenger, this confidential friend of all his vices. The wily minion foon pacified the perturbed fpirit of his lord, with that fubtle flat tery, which he well knew how to ad minifter; he artfully and respectfully ventured to blame the baron, for fet ting at liberty the prey which he had once fecured in his net, and advised

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