
mated at between 6000l. and 7000l. yearly.

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N. B. If the toller at either gate impofe upon any perfon, either going out or coming into town with goods, upon conviction before Mr Mayor, or any of the justices, the toller fhall pay fixpence; and any person that shall at tempt to defraud the toller of his dues, upon fuch cons viction, shall pay fixpence.

Printed by Order of Guild. A true Copy.


All corn belonging to ftrangers, when the fame comes to town, is to pay toll at the gates, and if the fame be grinded at the New Mills the toll is to be refunded by the tollers, on producing a ticket from the tenant of the faid mills, certifying that the corn is grinded there. Alfo that no toll fhall be taken for meal of any fort grinded at the faid mills, fold in town, either in the houfe or market.




HE Taxes are the fame in Berwick with


those in other parts of England, except in a few trifling ones, fuch as borough meal, rent, &c.






Former State of Population.

ROM the above-mentioned account of

Berwick, by M. Jorvin, it may be thought to have been more populous a century ago than at present. The contrary, however, we believe to have been the cafe. Our conclufion is founded on the following well authenticated statement, and other circumstances communicated by the Reverend Jofeph Rumney, the present vicar of the parish.

"The annual average of funerals for 12 "years, from 1733 to 1744, both inclufive,

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appears, from this parish register, to have, "been 106, which, multiplied by 36, makes. "the population, 50 years ago, to have been "3816." But according to Mr Rumney's account, who has lately examined the register of christenings and funerals for a century and upwards, the population at that time would not exceed one half of the prefent, Add to this, many of the oldest inhabitants both in Berwick and Caftlegate aver that the prefent population in Caftlegate greatly exceeds that of any former period within their recollection. Befides, much less than a century ago, all Bridge Street, Sandgate, Palace Street, Palace, houfes on the Ramparts, part of the Back-way, Fool-Ford, Neft, &c. &c. have been built; moreover all the old houfes were in general greatly fmaller than those of modern erection.



Prefent State.

HOUGH the Author regrets that vari


ous profeffional avocations have hitherto put it out of his power to number the inhabitants as he intended, by going from houfe to house, yet he flatters himself, that from the registers of funerals and baptisms communicated by Mr Rumney, and the dif senting ministers, upon an average, for five years preceding 1796, and from other fources of information, yet he will be enabled nearly to afcertain the real population of the town.

By multiplying the funerals by 36, and the baptisms by 26, the population amounts to 7930 in the year 1796.

The population of Berwick has increased rapidly within these 20 years, particularly the laft ten or twelve, and it is ftill increasing.

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