Aeroplane and Commercial Aviation News, 107. kötet1964 |
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28. oldal
... experience and / or with GAPAN rotary wing instructor's certificate or with previous experience instructing in the Services . ENGINEERS : Licensed or unlicensed , preferably with experience of helicopter maintenance . Positions are ...
... experience and / or with GAPAN rotary wing instructor's certificate or with previous experience instructing in the Services . ENGINEERS : Licensed or unlicensed , preferably with experience of helicopter maintenance . Positions are ...
33. oldal
... Experience in the field of civil aviation and knowledge of municipal airport management is essential . The vacancy will arise from the retirement of the present Airport Commandant in about six months ' time but it may be decided to ...
... Experience in the field of civil aviation and knowledge of municipal airport management is essential . The vacancy will arise from the retirement of the present Airport Commandant in about six months ' time but it may be decided to ...
32. oldal
... experience to the CHIEF PILOT BRITISH EAGLE INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES LTD LONDON AIRPORT HOUNSLOW MIDDLESEX GAUERS V.H.F. RADIOS 6220 MW / LW / VHF 9 Transistors Wt . 23 lbs . 6301 VHF only 12 Transistors Wt . 22 ozs . £ 31.0.0 ( including ...
... experience to the CHIEF PILOT BRITISH EAGLE INTERNATIONAL AIRLINES LTD LONDON AIRPORT HOUNSLOW MIDDLESEX GAUERS V.H.F. RADIOS 6220 MW / LW / VHF 9 Transistors Wt . 23 lbs . 6301 VHF only 12 Transistors Wt . 22 ozs . £ 31.0.0 ( including ...
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accident AeCAN Jan Aer Lingus Aero Aeroflot Aeronautics AEROPLANE AND COMMERCIAL Air France Air Lines Air Transport aircraft airfield airframe airline Airport Airways Airwork Services Alitalia American applications appointed BAC One-Eleven Boeing Bowling Green Lane Bristol British Aircraft Corporation British Eagle cabin Caravelle cargo carriers cent Channel Airways charter civil COMMERCIAL AVIATION Concorde Convair 440 cost craft crash delivery director electrical engine equipment fares flight flown flying freight fuel Hawker Siddeley Hawker Siddeley Trident helicopter hydraulic increase industry International landing licence load factor London Lufthansa Mach manager manufacturers ment miles Ministry of Aviation operations overhaul passengers pilot production profit programme Qantas radar radio revenue Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce Spey routes runway safety scheduled seats speed supersonic take-off tion Trident turboprop U.S. SST United Viscount wing