HOME OFFICE, Whitehall, S.W.-Hours 11 to 5. Principal Sec. of State for Home Affairs, Rt. Hon. Sir M. White Ridley, Bart., M.P., £5,000. Private Secs., J. A. Longley, M. Delevingne. E. Under Secretaries: Permanent, Kenelm Digby, £2,000.-Parliamentary, Right Hon. J. Collings, M.P., £1,500.-Assistant Under Secs., H. Cunynghame, C. S. Murdoch, C.B., £1,200 to £1,500 each.-Prin. Clerks, C. J. Knyvett, C.B., C. E. Troup, H. B. Simpson, £900 to £1,000.-Senior Clerks, C. Deffell, W. P. Byrne, F. J. Dryhurst, £700 to £800.-Junior Clerks, £200 to £500.-Superintendent of Registry, G. R. Moran, £550.-Clerk of Accounts, G. H. Tripp, £400 to £600.-Assistant Clerk of Accounts, S. M. Grünwald, £400.-Clerk for Statistical Returns, W. J. Farrant, £350 to £500.-Clerk for Mineral Statistics, J. B. Jordan, £350.-Assistant Supt. of Registry, E. E. B. Bochmer £350.-Official Analysts, T. Stevenson, M.D., and A. P. Luff, M.D, Factory Department, Home Office. H.M.S. Chief Inspector, A. Whitelegge, M.D., M.R.C.S., £1,200. Superintending Inspectors, Capt. S. W. May, R.N., Leeds; W. D. Cramp, Birmingham; É. Gould, Whitehall; Lt.-Col. W. O. Meade-King, Whitehall; E. H. Osborn, Manchester; R. W. Cooke-Taylor, Glasgow, £550 to £750. First Class Inspectors, £410 to £500. Second Class Inspectors, £300 to £400, Junior Inspectors, £200 to £300. Lady Inspectors, Miss M. E. Abraham, Whitehall; Miss M. M. Paterson, Glasgow; Miss L. A. E. Deane, Whitehall; Miss A. M. Anderson, Whitehall; Miss R. E. Squire, Whitehall, £200 to £300. Inspectors' Assistants, £100 to £150. Inspectors of Explosives. Chief Inspector, Col. Sir V. D. Majendie, K.C.B., £1,200. Inspectors, Col. A. Ford, C.B., £805, Capt. J. H. Thomson, £500 to £750. Chemical Adviser, Dr. Dupré, F.R.S. Inspectors of Mines. Metallif. Mines, C. Le Neve Foster, £800. Coal Mines, &c., F. N. Wardell, £900, T. Bell, H. Hall, W. B. Scott, J. M. Ronaldson, J. S. Martin, £850, J. T. Robson, A. H. Stokes,. B. Atkinson, W. N. Atkinson, J. L. Hedley, J. Gerrard, R. Donald Bain, £600 to £800. Assistant Inspectors, £300 to £400. Prison Commission, Home Office. Chairman and Surv.-Gen., E. J. RugglesBrise, £1,8oo. Prison Comms., and Directors of Convict Pr., Capt. W. J. Stopford, R. S. Mitford, £1,100, Lt. Col. M. G. Garsia, £1,000. Inspector and Secretary, Major E. G. Clayton, R. E., £700 to £800. Inspectors, Major Arthur Griffiths, Capt. J. M. Lennox, Capt. W. F. V. Harris, R. M. Gover, M.D. (Medical Insp.), £100 to £800. Surveyor, Lt. Col. Alten Beamish, R.E., £700 to £800. Clerk of Acts, C. Crickmay, £550 to £650. Comptroller of Prison Industries, J. Duncan, £700 to £800. Asst. Surveyor, U. J. Wright, £300 to £350. Assist. Inspector, T. D. M. T. Robertson, £400. Sub-Inspectors, F. V. Hornby, £265, A. G. S. Maule, £250. TREASURY-Continued. Queen's Proctor's Department, Queen's Proctor, Hon. H. J. A. Cuffe, C.B. 2nd Div. Clerk, W. A. Walker, £250. PRIVY COUNCIL OFFICE, Whitehall, S.W. Hours 11 to 5. Lord Pres., The Duke of Devonshire, K.G. Clerk of the Council, Sir C. L. Peel, K.C.B., £1,700. Deputy Clerk of Council and Chief Clerk, J. H. Harrison, £1,200. Senior Clerk, W. R. Walkes. Junior Clerk, C. J. Dalrymple Hay. Priv. Sec. to Lord Pres., A. Fitzroy. Education Department. Vice-Pres., Rt. Hon. Sir J. E. Gorst, Q.C.,M.P., £1,000-Private Sec., T. R. Walrond, £150. Sec., Sir G. W. Kekewich, K.C.B., £1,800Private Sec., H. W. Simpkinson, £150. Assistant Secs., G. Miller, F. C. Hodgson, W. Tucker, J. W. J. Stephenson, £900 to £1,200. Director of Special Inquiries and Reports, M. E. Sadler, £650 to £800. Senior Examiners, J. White, H. L. Whateley, H. W. Hoare, C. M. Cowie, A. Barratt, H. F. Pooley, W. I. Ritchie, £650 to £800. Junior Examiners, H. M. Lindsell, J. R. Advising Counsel, H. M. Lindsell, £150. Second Class Clerks, £255 to £350. Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. Chief Inspectors, H. E. Oakeley, W. Williams, Inspectors, £400 to £800, Sub-Inspectors, First Class, £300 to £500. Directress of Needlework, The Hon. Mrs. R. E. Inspectress of Cookery and Laundry Work, Miss H. M. Deane, £250. Science and Art Department. Secretary, Maj.-Gen. Sir J. F. D. Donnelly, Assist. Sec., A. J. R. Trendell, C. M.G., £1,000. Proverb-Every little helps. HOME OFFICE-continued. General Prisons Board, Ireland. Chairman, J. S. Gibbons, £1,200. Secretary, S. H. Douglas, £30 to £450. FOREIGN OFFICE, Downing Street, S W. Hours 12 to 6. Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, The Marquis of Salisbury, K.G., £5,000.Principal Secretaries, Hon. Eric Barrington, C.B., Hon. S. M'Donnell, Hon. S. Greville Under Secretaries: Permanent, Sir T. H. Sanderson, K.C.B., K C.M.G., £1,000.-Parliamentary, Right Hon. G Curzon, M.P., £1,50. -Assistant Under Secs., Hon. F. Bertie, Hon. F. Villiers, C.B., £1,500 each.-Chief Clerk, Sir George Dallas, Bart., £1,200.-Assistant, E. B. Newman, £75.-Clerks in Chief Clerk's Department, H. W. Fraser, F. E. Ellis, 5co.-- Senior Clerks, Sir H. G. Bergne, K.C.M.G., Hon. B. Eric E. Barrington, C.B., Sir Clement L. Hill, K.C.M.G., E. W. Wylde, C.M.G., Wm. A. Cockerell, F. A. Campbell, £900 to £1,000.Assistant Clerks, B. P. Bridges Taylor, A. Larcom, C. A. Hopwood, H. Farnall, C.M.G., W. C. Cartwright, C.M.G., R. P. Maxwell, £700 to £300. -Junior Clerks (1st Class), £200 to £600.-(2nd Class, £100 to £200.-Librarian, A. H. Oakes, £1,000.-Assist., F. H. Streatfield, £550 to £650. -Clerks, £100 to £300.-Treaty Dept., C. B. Robertson, £joc to £1,000.--Assist., E. C. Hertslet, £550 to £655.-Clerk in Commercial Dept., W. R. D. Maycock, £jor.-Legal Adviser, W. E. Davidson, Q.C,, £1,255.-Oriental Interp., Professor. Charles Wells. -Passport Clerk, F. de Bernhardt, £355.-Queen's Messengers (Foreign Service), C. F. C. Seymour, Capt. P. H. M. Wynter, Capt. J. R. Lumley, H. A. Taylor, J. H. Graves, F. E. Raikes, £400 each; Guy L'Estrange Ewen, Capt. H. K. Stewart, and A. J. Mounteney-Jephson, £250 each. CWN. AGENTS FOR COLONIES, Downing Street, S. W. City Ofice, 1, Tokenhouse Buildings, E. C. Crown Agents, Sir M. F. Ommanney, K.C.M.G., E. E. Blake, Majo: M. A. Cameron, R.E. Accountant, J. W. Leonard. Registrar, T. Dunn. Engineering Clerk and Head of Contract Branch, T. R. Marsh. INDIA OFFICE, St. James's Park, S.W. Hours, 10 to 4. Principal Secretary of State, Rt. Hon. Lord G. Hamilton, M.P., £5,000. Priv. Secs., R. Ritchie, F. T. C. Hastings. Political A.-de-C., Sir Gerald S. Vesey-FitzGe ald, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., £500. Under Secretaries -Permanent, Sir J. A thur Godley, K.C.B., £2,000.-Parliamentary, The Earl of Onslow, G.C.M.G., £1,509.--Assist. Und. Sec., Sir H. G. Walpole, K.C.B., £1,200. -Fin. Sec., Sir H. Waterfield, K.C.S.I., C.B., £1,200; Assist., S. C. Hogg, £800 to £1,000.Military Sec., Maj.-Gen. Sir O. R. Newmarch, K.C.S.I., £1,200; Assist., F. Whitmo e-Smith, £800 to £1,coo.--Revenue and Statistics Sec., Sir C. E. Bernard, K.C.S.I., £1,200: Assist., A. N. Wollaston, C.I.E., £300 to £1,000.-Stecial Assist. and Visitor to the India Museum, Sir George C. M. Birdwood, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., M.D., LLD., £300.-Political and Secre: Sec., W. Lee Warne, C.SI., £1,200; Assist., E. Neel, C.I.E., £300 to £1,000.-Public Works Sec., C. S. Colvin, £1,200; Assist., H. Hill, £300 to £1,000.Judicial and Public Sec., Sir P. P. Hutchins, K.C.S.I., £1,200; Assist., W. N. Sturt, Loo to £1,000.-Senior Clerks, £600 to £8.0.Librarian, C. H. Tawney, C.I.E., £600.— Auditor, W. Godsell, 1,000.-Assist., F. C. Holiday, £700 to £800. Council. Vice-President, Sir James B aithwaite Peile, K.C.S.I. Field Marshal Sir Donald M. Stewart, B., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., C.I.E., Maj.-Gen. Sir Owen Tudor Burne, K.C.S.I., C.I.E., Robert Hardie,. Sir Alex. J. Arbuthnot, K.C.S.I., Sir Alfred Comyns Lyall, K.C.B., G.C.I.E., Sir Charles Arthur Turner, K.C.I.E., Gen. Sir Archibald' Alison, Bt., G.C.B., Sir Charles H. T. Crosthwaite, K.C.S.I., Sir Steuart C. Bayley, K.C.S.1., C.I.E., F. C. Le Marchant, £1,200 each. Clerk of the Council, Sir Ho ace Geo. Walpole, K.C.B. Reading Clerk to the Council, Colin G. Campbell. Director, F. G. B. Trevor, L800 to £1,000. Store Department. Director-General, E. G. Burls, £1,200. Deputy Dir.-Gen., Robert G. Crozier, £7:0 to £1,000. Senior Clerks, William Lindsay, John M. Wigner, S. A. Taylor, W. G. Butler, Frederick C. B. Wright, H. J. W. Fry, £500 to £750. (Branch Dep., Belvedere Rd., S.W.) Registrar and Sunt., F. C. Danvers, £1,0 ́c. Asist., P. J. Rowlands, Charles Morgan, G. A. Field, £350 to £655. COLONIAL OFFICE, Downing Street, S.W. Hours 11 to 6. Emigrant's Information Office. 31. Broadway; S.W. Hours, 10 to 6. Sat, 10 to 1 30. Chief Clerk, John Pulker. Editor of Publications, W. B. Paton. Proverb-Fair words butter no parsnips. E WAR OFFICE, Pail Mall, S. W. Hours, 10 to 5. Principal Secretary of State, The Marquis of Lansdowne, K.G., Priv. Secs., C. G. E. Welby, H. P. Harvey, H. Morrison. Under Secretaries, Sir A. L. Haliburton, K.C.B., £2,000; Hon. St. John Brodrick, M.P., £1,500; Priv. Secs., H. J. Gibson, Lord E. Talbot, M.P. Assistant Under Secretary, G. Lawson, C.B., £1,500. Financial S.cretary, J. P. Williams, M.P., £1,500. Priv. Sec., R. H. Brade. Assist. Fin. Secretary, Sir R. H. Knox, K.C.B. Acct.General, Sir R. H. Knox, K.C.B. Chap.-Gen., Rev. J. C. Edghill, D.D., £1,000. Dir.-Gen. of Medical Dept., Surg.-Maj.-Gen. J. Jameson, M.D., £1,5ɔɔ. Dir.-Gen. of Ordnance Factories, Wm. Anderson, C.B., M.I.C.E., D.C.L., F.R.S., £1,500. Faymaster-General's Office, Whitehall, S.W. Hours, 10 to 4. Paymaster-General, The Earl of Hopetoun (unp.); Assist., C. J. Maude, £1,100. Judge-Advocate-General's Office, 7, Victoria Street, S. W. Hours 10 to 4. Judge dv.-Gen., Rt. Hon. Sir F. H. Jeune. Deputies, J. C. O'Dowd, C.B., £1,000; Lieut.Col. J. L. C. St. Clair, £800. Army Purchase Commission, 7, Victoria Street, S. W. Commissioners, J. C. O'Dowd, C.B., £2co; Lieut.-Col. J. L. C. St. Clair. Commander-in-Chief's Office, Horse Guards, Pa'l Mall. Hours ro to 5. Commander-in-Chief, Field-Mar. Wolseley, K.P., £4,500. Viscount Military Sec., Maj.-Gen. Coleridge Grove, C.B., £2,100. Adjutant Gen., Gen. Right Hon. Sir Redvers Buller, V.C., G.C.B., K.C.M.G., £2,400. Quartermaster-Gen., Gen. Sir E. Wood, V.C., G.C.B., £2,100. THE ADMIRALTY, Whitehall, S.W. Hours 10 to 5. Lords Com., Rt. Hon. G. J. Goschen, M.P., Adm. Sir F. W. Richards, G.C.B., £1,500, V.-Adm. Sir J. A. Fisher, K.C.B., £1,200, R.-Adm. Sir F. G. Bedford, K.C.B., £1,200, R.-Adm. Gerard Noel, £1,200, A. Chamberlain, M.P., £1,000. Par. and Fin. Sec., W. E. Macartney, M.P., £2,000.-Perm. Sec., Sir Evan Macgregor, K.C.B., £2,000.--Assist. Sec., R. D. Awdry, C.B.-Priv. Sec. to First Lord, Capt. Hon. H. Lambton, R.N. Hydrographer, R.-Adm. W. J. L. Wharton, C.B., R.N., F.R.S., £1,000. Controller, V.-Adm. Sir J. A. Fisher, K.C.B., €2,293. Director Naval Constr., Sir W. H. White, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. Director of Ordnance, Capt. H. C. Kane, C.B., R.N., £1,300. Engineer-in-Chief, A. J. Durston, C.B., R.N. Accountant-General, Sir G. FitzGerald, K.C.M.G., £1,500. Director of Contracts, T. Gwyn, £1,200. Director of Transport, Capt. Bouverie Clark, R.N., £1,200. Director-Gen. of Medical Dept., Sir J. N. Dick, K.C.B., R.N., £1,300. Director of Engineering, Maj. E. Raban, R.E., £1,300. Adm. Supt. Navy Reserve, V.-Adm. E. H. Seymour, C.B. BOARD OF TRADE, 7, Whitehall Gardens, S.W. Hours 11 to 5. President, Rt. Hon. C. T. Ritchie, M.P., £2,000.-Private Sec., G. Roper. Parl. Sec., The Earl of Dudley, £1,200. Permanent Secretary, Sir Courtenay Boyle, K.C.B., £1,8co. Assistant Secs.-Fisheries, A. D. Berrington. -Marine, Ingram B. Walker.-Rail., F. J. S. Cosmo Hopwood, C.B., C.M.G.-Fin., W. Monkhouse. Harbour, Hon. T. H. W. Pelham, £1,000 to £1,200 each.-Insps. of Railways, Maj. F. A. Marindin, C.M.G., £1,200, Lt.-Col. H. E. Yorke, R.E., and Lt.-Col. G. W. Addison, R.E., £1,000 each.-Insps. of Fisheries, C. E. Fryer, N. F. Malan, £500 each. Principals, H. A. Dobson, W. D. W. Lyons, E. Roscoe, A. E. Bateman, C.M.G., W. J. Howell, Sir T. W. Blomefield, Bt., £630 to £800. First Class Clerks, £aco to £6ɔɔ. Second Class Clerks, £150 to £350. Professional Members (Marine Dept.)-Capt. A. J. G. Chalmers.-(Harbour Dept.), V.-Adm. Sir George Nares, K.C.B., F.R.S. Translator, Edmund Gosse, £400. Chief Law Clerk, F. H. de Hamel, £800. Labour Department, 44, Parliament Street, S W. Comp. Gen. Com., Lab., and Stat. Depts., Sir R. Giffen, K.C.B., £1,6co. Lab. Commis., Ll. Smith, £630 to £800. Bankruptcy Department, 4, Whitehall Yard, S.W. Hours 10 to 5. Inspec. General, John Smith, C.B., £1,800. Inspectors, F. Wreford, E. Hough, W. Evans, £2,800. Auditor, G. W. Gavin, £600. Chief Bankruptcy Clerk, F. L. Clark, £625. Official Receivers in Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Buildings, W.C. Official Receivers, E. L. Hough, sen., £1,200, A. H. Wildy, H. de V. Brougham, £800 to £1,000. Assistant Receivers, G. W. Chapman, E. S. Crey, C. A. Pope, H. LI. Howell, £500 to £7:0. Official Receiver under Companies Winding-up Act, 33, Carey Street, W.C. G. S. Barnes, sen., £1,400, S. Wheeler, £1,000. Assistant Receivers, W. J. Warley, A. S. Cully, H. M. Winearls, £50 to £600. Registry of Shipping and Seamen. Reg. Gen. of Seamen, J. Clark-Hall, £50. Standards Department, 7. Old Palace Yard, S. W. Hours 10 to 5. Superintendent, H. J. Chaney, £6ɔc. Marino Consultative Branch, 16, Bedford Street, W.C. Engineer, Surveyor-in-Chief, &c., P. Sampson, M.I.N.A., Sos. Proverb-Most felt, least said. BOARD OF TRADE-continued. Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, W.C. Hours 10 to 5. Library 10 to 10 p.m. Comptroller Gen., Sir R. Lack, £1,500. Registrar of Designs and Trade Marks, R. Griffin, £1,000. Chief Examiner, H. Hatfield, £750 to £9:0. Principals, J. F. Flack, W. J. F. Tomlinson, P. G. L. Webb, E. Towers, £500 to £600. Librarian, E. W. Hulme, £500 to £600. Examiners, A. J. Walke, A. Cliff, W. Martin, £420 to £600. Superintendent of Publications and Assistant Librarian, J. L. Whittle, £550. Superintendent Store Branch and Sale Office, A. H. Lobban, £450. Clerk of Trade Marks Reg., T. W. H. Davies, £450. Clerk of Designs Register, J. Stringer, £400. Keeper of Cotton Marks, J. Fry, £600. LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD, Whitehall, S.W. Hours 10 to 4. President, Rt. Hon. Henry Chaplin, M.P., £2,000. Priv. Secs., H. C. Monro, P. H. Bagenal. Par. Sec., T. W. Russell, M.P., £1,200. Permt. Sec., Sir Hugh Owen, K.C.B., £1,800. Legal Adviser, John F. Rotton, Q.C., £1,200. Assist. Secs., S. B. Provis, C.B., C. N. Dalton, C.B., A. D. Adrian, C.B., £1,200 each. Chief Gen. Inspector & Assist. Sec., W. E. Knollys, £1,200. General Inspectors, W. A. Peel, F. T. Bircham, H. Jenner-Fust (jun.), H. G. Kennedy, H. Lockwood, £1,000 each; F. D. Longe, B. Fleming, Lord Courtenay, T. L. M. Browne, R. I. Dansey, J. S. Davy, H. Stevens, C. A. Dawson, H. Preston Thomas, J. W. Preston, £600 to £900. Med. Inspectors for Poor Law Purposes, A. H. Downes, M.D., £700, A. Fuller, £5co. Inspector of Audits and Auditor of Accounts of the London C. C., H. Lloyd Roberts, £1,100. Inspector of Local Loans, Local Acts, and ByeLaws, E. P. Burd, £800. Insp. under Canal Boats Acts, J. Brydone, £600. Assist. Gen. Inspectors, S. B. Tristram, W. M. Moorsom, N. Herbert, £500 each. Inspector of Boarded-out Children, Miss M. H. Mason, £400. Principal Clerks, N. C. Walsh, A. C. Bauke, F. Stevens, R. B. Allen, R. Cranston, H.Thomas, T. Pitts, H. C. H. H. Houndle, £650 to £805. 1st Class Clerks, £400 to £600; 2nd Class, £150 to £350. Clerk of Accounts, John Jorden, £520. Insps. of Poor Law Schools, J. R. Mozley, B. Chief Eng. Insp., Maj. H. Tulloch, C.B., R.E., £1,200. Dep., Maj.-Gen. C.P. Carey, R.E., £900. Medical Officer, R. T. Thorne, C.B., M.B., £1,200. Assistants, W. H. Power, £1,000; H. F. Parsons, M.D., £goo. Chief Insp. Alkali Works, &c., R. F. Carpenter, £800. Resident Insp., J. Affleck, £600. Metropolitan Water Act Department. Auditor, A. Stoneham, £6go. LOC. GOV. BRD. FOR IRELAND, Loc. Gov. BOARD FOR IRELAND-continued.. Medical Commisioner, Sir F. X. F. MacCabe, F.R.C.P., £1,200. Secretary, T. A. Mooney, LL.D., £900. Assist. Secretary, D. J. MacSheahan, £700. Inspectors, W. L. Micks, A. Botirke, E. Bourke, Maj. R. Fair, R. C. Lynch, R. Agnew, £700 each; Col. Kirkwood, C. R. Lynch-Staunton, £500 each; R. Kelly (temp.), £500. Medical Insps., R. Clements, T. J. Browne, T. J. Stafford, £700 each; C. J. Clibborn, £500. Chief Eng. Insp., C. P. Cotton, M.I.C.E., £800. Engineering Insps., R. O. Brien Smyth, £400; L. E. H. Deane, £350. Auditors, Col. O'Hara, Col. Studdert, Capt. Gibson, C. Croker, £700 each; J. W. Drury, £600; R. J. Newell, W. E. Ellis, £450 each; J. H. Calvert, D. B. Sheehan, C. D. Barry, £400 each. Legal Adviser, J. H. Monahan, Q.C. President, The Secretary for Scotland, ex-officio. The Solicitor General for Scotland, the Under Secretary, Malcolm McNeill. Gen. Superintendent of the Poor and Inspecting Supt. of Vaccine Institution, Dr. Husband. President, Rt. Hon. Walter Long, M.P.,£2,000. Assistant Secretary, R. Dawson, £800. Legal Adviser, J. W. Clark, £800 to £1,coo. Assistant Legal Adviser, F. A. Jones, £605. Assist. Com. or Insps., G. P. Leach, A. Russell. Director Intell. Div., Maj. P. G. Craigie, £800. Director Land Division & Agricultural Adviser, Sir Jacob Wilson, £1,500. Prin., Animals' Div., Maj. J. T. Tennant,£900. Chief Agricultural Analyst, Prof. T. E. Thorpe, B.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S. · Tech. Adviser, Chas. Whitehead, F.L.S., £250. Chief Veterinary Officer, A. C. Cope, £930. Assist. Vet. Officer, W. Duguid, £600 to £800. Super. Inspectors, Maj. H. Landon and Capt.' G. S. MacIlvaine, R.N., £500 to £600. Inspectors, A. W. Anstruther, E. G. H. Brown, F. A. Fulford, W. H. Chamberlain, R.N., F. H. Davenport, W. Dawson, E. T. Kenyon, Capt. G. R. Spencer, £300 to £400. Temporary District Insps., F. W. Carter, Maj. E. H. St. L. Clarke, R. P. P. Fulford, A. Goddard, H. S. Hooper, P. H. Morris, A. N. Whitley, M. Wylie, £300 each. Chief Clerks, C. H. Tennant, £700; J. R. Moore, £600 to £700. Accountant, W. T. Taylor, £400 to £500. Inspector Corn Returns, P. B. Skelton, £300. E 2 DUCHY OF LANCASTER, Lancaster Place, Strand, W.C. Hours 10 to 5; Sat. 10 to 2. Chanc., The Lord James of Hereford, £2,000. Vice-Chancellor, Samuel Hall, Q.C. Attorney-General, W. Ambrose, Q.C., M.P. Receiver-General, Lieut.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir F. Edwards, K.C.B., R.E. Auditor, F. A. Hawker. Clerk of Council and Regis., Sir Gardner Engleheart, C.B. Clerk in Court and Solicitor, F. Whitaker. Surveyor and Dep. Receiver-General, J. Leonard Bolden. Coroner, S. F. Langham. Chief Clerk, Edward L. C. P. Hardy. EXCHEQUER AND AUDIT, Somerset House, W.C. Hours 10 to 5; Sat. 9.30 to 2. Compt. and Audit Gen., R. Mills, C.B., £2,00`. Assist. Compt. and Audit, Douglas C. Richmond, £1,500. Chief Clerk, Francis Phillips, £1,000. Directing Branch. Principal Clerks, W. Owen, R. L. Woods, J. Bromley, L. G. Robinson, H. A. Stacke, £775 to £gco. First Class Clerks, S. Hart-Davies, J. D. Bowman, W. A. Impey, R. A. Hoblyn, J. C. King, A. C. M. M. Crichton, £620 to £750. Second Class Clerks (1st Section), Clarence H. Archibald, H. C. Purkis, T. J. Purchas, M. W. Whitmore, R. E. Yerburgh, Robert M. B. OtterBarry, Hayward John Bidwell, William M. Martin, R. W. Reay, G. Y. Vanderzee, C. C. Glyn, Arthur R. Barrett, Alfred Hoskins Britton, J. Brand, C. W. A. Trollope, J. S. Francis, H. J. W. Cox, Samuel Butts, John Henry Fryday Brabner, H. T. Bellamy, Kenneth M. Macdonald, £420 to £600. Second Class Clerks (2nd Section), Wm. H. Gallier, S. Waine, V. G. Crawley, F. W. A. Clarke, W. Fortescue Barratt, E. W. Davies, G. Davison, B. Horner, £200 to £400. Examining Branch. Examiners (1st Section), F. C. J. W. Dillon, A. H. H. Jesse, R. Bell. Wm. G. Irwin, S. G. Fenton, F. Wood, S. D. Cray, E. G. Baker, T. H. Eagar, F. N. Warman, W. E. McKown, J. A. Barnes, H. N. Horton, J. R. Sowden, J. Tenney, W. G. Hunt, H. Collot, E. Merrick, A. W. Constantine, F. C. Goldby, S. Stronge, J. C. Hunt, A. Hawkes, P. J. D. Corbet, T. Orr, W. M. Taylor, F. W. Adams, W. S. Knight, £215 to £430. Examiners (2nd Section), A. Paterson, C. M. Neale, W. W. Hunter, W. B. Luke, S. Wade, C. G. Poole, J. S. Lee, T. J. Bradley, C. H. Stoodley, C. W. Richardson, Wm. Greenwood, £100 to £320. [114 Second Division Clerks.] CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, Cannon Row, Westminster, S.W. Hours 10 to 5. First Com., W. J. Courthope, C.B., £1,500. Second Com., Lord Francis Hervey, £1,200. Sec. and Registrar, J. S. Lockhart, £900. ORDNANCE SURVEY DEPT., Southampton. Director-Gen., Col. J. Farquharson, C.B., R.E. Exec. Officer, Lt.-Col. D. A. Johnston, R.E. Assistant ditto, Capt. R. P. Lee, R.E. Publication Brch., Lt. Col. E. R. Hussey, R.E., Capt. H. M. St. A. Wade, R.E. Engraving Branch, Capt. A. M. Mantell, R.E. Stores, Buildings, and Trigonometrical Branch, Capt. C. Hill, R.E., Qurtmr. J. H. Kenny, RE. IRISH OFFICE, 36 & 38, Old Queen Street, S. W.; and The Castle, Dublin. Hours 10 to 5. Lord Lieut., The Earl Cadogan, K.G., £20,0:0. Priv. Sec., Sir Wm. S. B. Kaye, C.B., £829. Chief Sec. to the Lord Lieut., Rt. Hon. Gerald Balfour, M.P., £4,425.-Private Sec., L. C. E. Dowdall, £420. Under Sec., Sir David Harrel, K.C.B., £2,0:0. Assist. Under Sec., James B. Dougherty, £1,000. Principal Clerks, A R. Wallace, C.B., F. J. Cullinan, C.B., £900 each. First Class Clerks (1st Section), Thomas Alex. O'Dell, William Brent Neville, John Henry Davies, L. C. Dowdall, £420 to £6:0. First Class Clerks (2nd Section), T. P. Le Fanu, Registrar, Geo. Gilchrist, LL.D., £350 to £300. SEC. FOR SCOTLAND'S OFFICE, Dover House, Whitehall, S.W.; Secretary, Lord Balfour of Burleigh, £2,000; Under Secretary, Sir Colin Scott-Moncrieff, Asst. Under Sec., W. C. Dunbar, C.B., £1,000. SCOTTISH EDUCATION DEPT., Dover House. Whitehall, S.W. Secretary, Henry Craik, C.B., LL.D., £1,500 -Private Sec., P. H. Atkin. Assistant Secretary and Senior Examiner, T. Shute Robertson, £900. Junior Examiners, G. Todd, J. Blaikie, each £foo. Counsel, J. B. Nicolson-Advocate, £250. Auditors under Endowments Act, 1882, J. Milne, P. H. Atkin, H. G. Batley, E. P. Burd, G. L. Apperson. Heads of Sections, J. Milne, H. G. Batley (Accounts), A. Thomson, T. Hodgson, £360 to €3500. Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. Chief Inspectors, R. Ogilvie, LL.D. (Training College and Southern Division), T. A. Stewart, LL.D. (Western Division), A.Walker, (Northern Division), each £900. Inspectors, £400 to £800. Sub-Inspectors, £150 to £:00. IRISH NATIONAL EDUCATION. Senior Secretary, J. C. Taylor, £1,000. Bookkeeper, M. Donovan, £530. Inspection Department, R. Storekeeper, W. O'Byrne, £480. Proverb-Money is the ruin of many. |