DAY OF NOTES. MOON. SUN ENTERS CANCER M'n M. W. Year 20d. 4h. a.m. Rises Souths Sets light 1 Tu 152 213 S. Nicomede 2 W 153 212 3 Th 154 211 Dkof York b.,1865 3 123 4.45 3.52 0.45 5.50 4 F 155 210 SUN. r Rises Clock Declin. m. s. 9.38 s 8.5 2.22 22 8 10.20 r 3.49 2.13 22 16 2.28 10.52 s 8. 7 2.3 22 23 3.17 11.16 r 3.48 1.53 22 30 4. 5 11.34 s 8. 9 1.43 22 37 4.51 11.51r 3.47 1.32 22 43 5.37 morn. $ 8.11 1.21 22 49 6.23 0. 5r 3.46 1. 9 22 54 7.11 0.19 s 8.12 0.58 22 59 8. 2 0.34r 3.45 0.46 23 4 8.57 0.52 s 8.14 0.34 23 8 1.14r 3.45 0.22 23 12 1.47 s 8.15 0. 9 23 15 Clock 23 18 fast 0.16 23 20 4.57 r 3.44 0.28 23 23 6.23s 8.17 0.41 23 24 7.49r 3.44 0.54 23 26 9.10s 8.18 1. 7 23 27 4.41 10.27r 3.44 1.20 23 27 5.24 11.41 s 8.18 1.33 23 27 6. 6 aft. r 3.45 1.46 23 27 6.47 2. 2, s 8.19 1.59 23 26 3.12r 3.45 2.12 23 25 8.13 4.23 s 8.19 2.25 23 23 9. 0 5.32 r 3.46 2.37 23 21 9.49 6.37 s 8.19 2.50 23 19 7.34 r 3.47 3. 2 23 16 2.38 11.32 8.19s 8.19 3.14 23 13 30 W 181 184 N. Moon 2.55 a.m. 3.40 0.24 8.54r 3.48 3.26 23 9 *A waved rule on right indicates P.M.; MONTHLY VERSE OR OLD The unwelcome thistle thrusts abroad its seeds dotted rule, A.M. June if sunny brings harvest early. It foretells a wet harvest men sain. Proverb-Great haste makes great waste. WIND. RAIN. MONTHLY NOTES. 1. Overseers to give notice to voters who have not paid all poor rates due Jan. 5. 1. Being 1st Tu. Shrewsbury-horses and wool. 3. Carmarthen-horses and cattle. 4. Last day for accounts of friendly societies for past year to be sent in to registrar. 4. House-agents to take out or renew licences on or before this day. 5. Boniface was the son of a wheelwright, and in honour of his parentage he bore wheels in his arms, which have invariably been assumed by his successors. 8, 9. Being 2nd Tues. and foll. Wednesday. Denbigh-cattle, horses, sheep, &c.; the second day, wool. 10. Clerk of Peace, on or before this day, to issue precept and list of county voters to overseers, and town clerks in cities and boroughs. Evensong. 0.34 057 1.19 1.41 2. 1 2.20 6. Isaiah 11, or Ezek. 36 25. or Acts 18 24 to 19 21. Gal. 5 16, 13. Gen. 18, or 1 and 2 to 4. Eph. 4 to 17, or Matt. 3. 20 S. Josh. 5 13 to 6 21, or 24. 1 Peter 5. 27. Judges 5, or 6 11. 1 John 2 15. Aired PROBABLE WEATHER. 1 to 10-Hot and 11 to 15-S.W. winds. 16 to 26-Hot and 27 to 30-Hot, cloudy, St. Swithin's Daye, if then doth raine, for fortie dayes it will remaine. 28 W 209 156 28 7.25 r 4.20 6.15 18 53 [New M. 3.58p.m. 2.36 11. 8 29 Th 210 155 R.A. 15h 29m 6s 30 F 211 154 31 S 212 153 Game Certs.expire 2 3.51 11.58 *A waved rule on right indicates P.M.; dotted rule, A.M. MONTHLY VERSE OR OLD SAYING. The birds, grown silent, shelter 'mong the trees, 6.11 18 24 Till St. James's day is past and gone, Proverb-One lie makes many. 7.47 s 7.51 6.13 18 39 WIND. RAIN. MONTHLY NOTES. 1. Game Dealers' licences to be renewed. 3. Dog days begin. These occur at the period when Sun comes into conjunction with Sirius, the "Dog star," and at this time the Earth acquires the greatest intensity of heat. 5. Expiration of Annual Licences. 5. Divs. due. Hertford-horses, cattle, &c. 7. Being 1st Wed. Hereford-cattle. 9. Fire insurance due at Mids. must be paid on or bef. this day, or the policy becomes void. 13, 14. Being 2nd Tues. and foll. Wed.Denbigh-cattle, horses, sheep, &c. 14. Being 2nd Wed. Peterboro'-cattle and horses. 15. The common superstition that if it rains on this day there will be more or less rain for 40 successive days, is due to the fact that at this warm period in our climate evaporation is profuse so that it will often rain for days together. ASTRONOMICAL NOTES. Moon) in perigee July 11; in apogee July 23. Sun O, July 5. Time of passage, im. 8'5s.; Semidiameter, 15' 45". July 20. Time of passage, Im. 76s.; Semidiameter, 15' 46". Mercury is in Gemini II till 16th, Cancer 20 till 27th, then in Leo ; it is a Morning Star until superior conjunction with the Sun on 15th, 10 p.m., then an Evening Star. Venus is in Taurus 8 and is a Morning Star; it is in conjunction with Ceres on 23rd, 2 a.m., and Neptune on 28th, 9 p.m. Mars is in Leo . CHURCH LESSONS. Matins. 4 . 1 Sam. 2 to 27. Acts 11. 11 S. 18 S. 15 to 24. 16 16. 0.59 1.22 1.44 2. 4 2.22 2.40 2.57 3.14 25 S. (St. James) 2 Kgs. 1 to 16. Luke 951 to 57. Evensong. 4 . 1 Sam. 3 or 4 to 19. 3 John. د, II S. Matt. 5 13 to 33. 9 to 18. "" 13 to 24. 13, or Ruth 1. PROBABLE WEATHER. 2 to 10-Still hot. 12 to 14-Thunder 15 to 18-Very wet. 20 to 20-S. W. winds. Cloudy and wet. Under such W FACING SOUTH Antares Saturn SAGITTARIUS SCORPIO it by less than half-an-hour. Of the three planets, Saturn alone remains to us, and is low down in the south-west, Uranus, it may be remarked for those with telescopes, being now as throughout the year its near companion. Saturn is not particularly well placed during 1897 for telescopic observation; it is so far south tation as it now offers, a good telescope and keen sight may enable the observer to detect gaps and notches in the outer portion of the ring, which give visual evidence of the correctness of Clerk Maxwell's mathematical analysis. |