THE BRITISH ALMANAC And Family Cyclopædia, FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1897, 60661 BEING THE SIXTY-FIRST OF THE REIGN OF HER PRESENT MAJESTY: CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF THE ASTRONOMICAL AND OTHER * For Coupon entitling the purchaser to a free cabinet portrait of self, PRICE ONE SHILLING, OR WITH "THE COMPANION," FULL BOUND ROAN, 2s. 6d. DOMINI. MANET IN ET 70th YEAR OF ISSUE. LONDON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE STATIONERS' COMPANY, Copyright.] BY CHARLES LETTS & CO., Dominical Letter Golden Number... Epact.. Solar Cycle Roman Indiction The Solar Cycle is a period of 28 years, within which the Dominical or Sunday Letters and those that express the other festivals, &c., return in the same order as before. The Roman Indiction is a period of 15 years, used by the Romans or the time of taxing their provinces. The Julian period contains 7980 years (being the above 3 periods multiplied together), and is used in astronomical and chronological calculations throughout the world. EPOCHS CORRESPONDING WITH A.D. 66ro of the Julian Period. 5897 of the Creation of the World. THE YEAR 1897 IS 5658 of the Jewish Era commences Sept. 27. 4241 since the deluge. 1864 since the death of Jesus Christ. 1897. 1827 since the destruction of Jerusalem. 105-6 of the French Republic (Sept. 23). THE SEASONS. Vernal Equinox, Spring begins Summer Solstice, Summer begins Autumnal Equinox, Autumn begins Winter Solstice, Winter begins September 21 4 22 A.M. Greenwich Mean Time. FESTIVALS, HOLIDAYS, &c., OBSERVED BY THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND: Those marked (f) are "fixed" to the dates given, the others are "moveable" according to the incidence 7 First Sunday in Lent 1 SS. Philip & James (f) 21 St. Matthew (f). 23 Annun.of the V.M. (f) 27 Ascension of our Lord 29 S.Mich & All Angls (f) 23 Holy Innocents (f) Ember Days are March 15, 12, and 13, June 9, 11, and 12, September 15, 17, and 18, and December 15, 17, and 18. Rogation Days are May 24, 25, and 25. There are no "Bank Holidays" in the countries named below, but the dates given are usually observed as Public Holidays and business is more or less suspended. Rev. H. E. Ryle, D.D., Pres. of Queen's College, Cambridge. T. H. Fischer, Q.C., a Master in Lunacy, vice Sir Francis Maclean. Viscount Cranborne, M.P., Chairman of Hertfordshire Quarter Sessions. Lord Justice Lopes, Chairman of Wiltshire Quarter Sessions. T. Bryant, F.R.C.S., Surgeon-Extraordinary to the Queen, vice Sir J. Erichsen, Bart., deceased. B. B. Cubitt, Private Secretary, vice A. J. Gibson, to Hon. St. John Brodrick, M.P., Under-Secretary for War. Richard Davies, Lord Lieutenant of Anglesey. Colonel Gilbert, Chief Constable of Cornwall. W. H. White, Secretary to Royal Inst. of British Architects. 4 ,, 19 :. Feb. 2 ,, 15 ISH CALENDAR. 5657 Tebet 27 30 Adar I I New Moon, F.. New Moon, 30 Vendas Fast of Esther, 13 14, 15 Nisan I 9, F. Purim, New Moon, .., 12, T. 17, S. 18, M., 19, T. 26, T., 27, W. Nov. 25, Th., 26, F. Dec. 20, M. 25, S., 26, S. 18 Ab I 10 30 Elul 5658 Tisri 1, 2 I Fast of Guedaliah, Hosana Raba, 3 10 15, 16 21 22, 23 I 30 Kislev I 25 30 Tebet i New Moon, 30 Hesvan Sabbath 1897 H.M. Jan. 15... 4 0 99 29... 4 30 Feb. 19... 5 o " 1897 Oct. H.M. I... 5 O 30... 7 O Aug. 20... 6 30 Sept. 3... 6 Nov. 19... 3 30 19... 6 o "" 17.5 30 1898-Jan. 14 4h. om. The Dominical or Sunday Letter is the letter of the alphabet to indicate the incidence of the Sundays in the Ecclesiastical Calendar thus in 1897 the Dominical letter is C, the third letter January 3 is therefore a Sunday. The Golden Number is the number of years elapsed in the Lunar Cycle or period of 19 years, at the end of which period the same aspects of the moon recur within an hour and a half of the same times, The Epact is a number representing the age of the moon on the first day of the new year. EPOCHS CORRESPONDING WITH A.D. 1897. ECCLESIASTICAL CALENDAR. A FESTIVALS, HOLIDAYS, &c., OBSERVED BY THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Those marked (f) are "fixel" to the dates given, the others are "moveable" according to the incidence 25 St. James (f) 24 St. Bartholomew (f) " 28 Advent Sunday December. 21 St. Thomas (f) 7 First Sunday in Lent 1 SS. Philip & James (f) 21 St. Matthew (f). 25 Annun.of the V.M. (f) 27 Ascension of our Lord 29 S.Mich & All Angls (f) 23 Holy Innocents (f) Ember Days are March 15, 12, and 13, June 9, 11, and 12, September 15, 17, and 18, and December 15, 17, and 18. Rogation Days are May 24, 25, and 25. CONTINENTAL PUBLIC HOLIDAYS. Berman ta đ There are no "Bank Holidays" in the countries named below, but the dates given are usually observed as Public Holidays and business is more or less suspended. FRANCE. New Year's Day, Jan. 1. BELGIUM. New Year's Day, Jan. 1. SWITZERLAND. Proverb-Example is better than precept. GERMANY. June 24 Dec. 19 1897 Jan. 1 1897 ,, 19 » 15 " 30 The Commencement, June 22. HOLIDAYS at PUBLIC OFFICES. Bank Holidays.-(English) Good Friday, April 16; Easter Monday, April 19; Whit Monday, June 7; Monday, August 2; Christmas Day, and Monday, December 27. Bank Holidays.-(Scotch)-Jan. 1; April 16; May 3; Aug. 2; Dec. 27. Bank Transfer Offices.-Jan. 1; April 16 and 19; May 1; June 7; Aug. 2; Nov. 1; Dec. 27. Law Offices. April 16, 19, & 20; June 7; Dec. 27. Inland Revenue Offices.-April 16 and 19; Queen's Birthday; June 7 and 8; Aug 2; Dec. 27. Custom House, Docks, and Excise Offices.April 16 and 19; Queen's Birthday; June 7; Aug. 2; Dec. 27. Stock Exchange.-Jan. 1; April 16 and 19; May 1; June 7; Aug. 2; Nov. 1; Dec. 27. QUARTER DAYS. English. Lady Day ...Mar. 25 Midsummer...June 24 Michaelmas ...Sept. 29 Christmas ...Dec. 25 Martinmas ...Nov. II Half-Quarter Days. Feb. 8, May 9, Aug. 11, and Nov. 11. SAMVAT CALENDAR. 1953 " 1954 Byzack, Sudee1 May 2 Byzack, Bud. 1. 18 Ghyt, Budee 1.. ,, 17 Ghyt, Sudee 1.. June i Assar, Budee 1. " 15 1953 Assar, Sudee 1. July 1 Shawun, Bud. I Shawun, Sud. I Badoon, Bud. 1 Ag, 13 Badoon, Sud. 1 29 Kuar, Budee 1. . Sep. 12 Kuar, Sudee I. ,, 27 Kartick, Bud. 1 Oct.11 Kartick, Sud. 1. 26 Aghan, Budee I Nv. 10 Aghan, Sudee I ,, 25 Poos, Budee I... Poos, Sudee 1... ", 24 Scotch. Candlemas ... Feb. 2 Whitsunti de... May 15 Lammas ..Aug. I June 1, T. M. Sebuot, 30, W., July July 18, S. Fast of Tamuz, 18 30, F. Aug. 8, S. New Moon, Ab 1 Fast of Ab, 10 28, S., 29, MOVEABLE FEASTS. Easter Day is the Sunday following the first ecclesiastical full moon which happens upon or next after Mar. 21, or if this moon happens on a Sunday, Easter Day is the Sunday following. Rogn. Sunday is the fifth Sun. aft. Easter Day. Ascen. Day is the sixth Thurs. aft. Easter Day. Whitsun Day is seven weeks after Easter Day. Trin. Sunday is eight weeks after Easter Day. Advent Sunday is the Sunday nearest to St. Andrew's Day whether before or after. MOHAMMEDAN CALENDAR. Sept. 27, M., 28, T. 29, W. Oct. 6, W. 11, M., 12, T. 17, S. 18, M., 19, T. 26, T., 27, W. Nov. 25, Th., 26, F. Dec. 20, M. 25, S., 26, S. Sabbath Nov.26 Dec. 26 Fast of Guedaliah, Kipur, Hosana Raba, Feast of 8th day, 3 10 15, 16 21 22, 23 I 30 Kislev I New Moon, 30 Hesvan Commences at 25 30 Tebet I 1898-Jan. 14 4h. om. Proverb-Courtesy costs nothing. A 2 |