Society of Engineers-17, Victoria Street, S.W. -Pres., S. Herbert Cox. Sec., G. A. PryceCuxson, F.S.I. Society of Schoolmasters-7, Adelphi Terrace.Pres. (vacant). Chair., Rev. R. Lee. Treas., Rev. W. Baker, D.D. Sec., A. Ll. Roberts. Zoological Society, London-3, Hanover Square, W.-Pres., Sir W. H. Flower, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. Treas., Charles Drummond. Sec., Dr. Philip Lutley Sclater, F.R.S. EDINBURGH. Architectural Association-Pres., A. Rowand Anderson, LL.D. Hon. Sec., T. Fairbairn. Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society Pres., The Marquis of Lothian, K.T. Sec., Chas. Stewart, W.S. Royal College of Physicians-Pres., John Batty Tuke, M.D. Vice-Pres., A. R. Simpson, M.D. Treas., P. A. Young. Sec., R. W. Philip, M.D. Royal College of Surgeons-Pres., John Struthers, M.D., LL.D. Vice-Pres., Peter Hume Maclaren, M.D. Treas. & Sec., Francis Cadell, M.B. Clerk, James Robertson, Solicitor. Royal Society-Pres., The Lord Kelvin, LL.D., F.R.S. Libr., James Gordon. Sec., Prof. P. G. Tait. Royal Scottish Society of Arts-Sec., Wm. Allan Carter, M. Inst. C.E. Society of Antiquaries-Pres., The Marquis of Lothian, K.T. Secs., Dr. D. Christison, and Dr. R. Munro. GLASGOW. Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons-Pres., Bruce Goff, M.D. Treas., J. D. Maclaren, M.D. Sec., A. Duncan. DUBLIN. Royal College of Physicians of Ireland-Pres., Walter G. Smith, M.D. Vice-Pres., A. J. Hoone, F.R.C.P.I. Treas., L. Atthill, M.D. Regis., G. P. L. Nugent, M.D. Libr., T. C. Benson, T.C.D. Royal College of Surgeons-Pres., W. Thomson. Vice-Pres., Kendal Franks. Sec. to Conn., R. H. Woods. Curator, J. A. Scott. Registrar, G. F. Blake, J.P. Royal Dublin Society-Pres., Viscount Powerscourt, K.P. Regis., R. J. Moss, F.C.S. Royal Hibernian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture-Pres., Sir T. Farrell. Treas., W. M. Mitchell. Sec., S. Catterson Smith. Keeper, P. V. Duffy. Royal Irish Academy-Pres., The Earl of Rosse, K.P., F.R.S. Treas., Rev. M. H. Close. Sec. of Acad., E. P. Wright, M.D. Sec. of Coun., R. Atkinson, LL.D. Libr., J. T. Gilbert, F.S.A. Res. Sec., R. Macalister, LL.B. At some of the principal Places of Worship in London. ABBREVIATIONS:-H.C., Holy Communion; M., Usual morning service; A., Afternoon service E., Evening service. The Cathedral services marked ch. are choral. R.C., Roman Catholic. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL. Sundays: H.C. 8; M. 10.30 ch.; A. 3.15 ch.; E. 7. Weekdays H.C. 8; M. 10 ch.; A. 4 ch.; E. 8. WESTMINSTER ABBEY.-Sundays: H.C. 8; M. 10 ch.; A. 3 ch. Week-days: H.C. 8.30; M. 10 ch.; A. 3 ch.. ALL SAINTS', Margaret Street, W.-Sundays H.C. 7, 8, and 11.45; M. 10.30 ch.; Litany 3.30; A. 4 ch.; E. 7 ch.; Baptisms, A. 2.30. Holy-days: H.C. 7, 8, and 11; M. 10.30 ch.; E. 5. Week-days: E. 5; Wed. and Fri. H.C. 7 and 8; Thurs. H.C. 7 and 11; M. 7.30; Litany, Wed. and Fri. 12.30; Baptisms, Tues. and Sat. 5.30 p.m., Wed. and Fri. 11.45 a.m. ST. ANDREW'S, Wells Street, Marylebone. --Sundays: H.C. (1st Sun. in month and 8) 8; M. and H.C. 11.15 ch.; Litany 3.30; E. 7 ch. (2nd Sun. in month 4 and 7 ch.). Week-days: M. 10 ch.; E. 5 ch. ST. ANNE'S, Soho.- Sundays: H.C. 8 and 12.15 (1st Sun. in month H.C. 12.15 ch.); M. 11 ch.; A. 3.45 ch. (children); Baptisms and Churchings 4.30; E. 7 ch. Week-days: M. 8.30; E. 6, exc. Wednesdays, 8.30; H.C. Thursdays and Holy-days 8. TEMPLE.-Sunday Services: M. 11 ch.; A. 3 ch. Week-days: M. 10 (during part of year only). ST. ALBAN'S, Brooke Street, Holborn.Sunday Services: H.C. 7 and 8; M. 9.15, 10.30, 11 ch.; A. 2.15, 3.15 (children); E. 7 ch. CITY TEMPLE, Holborn Viaduct (Dr. Parker). Sunday Services: M. 11; E. 7. Thursdays, 12. METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE, Newington (Baptist).-Sunday Services: M. 11; E. 6.30. Thursdays, Sermon at 7 p.m. WESTBOURNE PARK CHAPEL Clifford).-Sunday Services: M. 11; E. 7. Wednesdays, 8 p.m. Thursdays, 7.30 p.m. (Dr. WESLEYAN CHAPEL, City Road.-Sunday Services: M. 10.45; E. 6.30. Tuesdays, 8 p.m. ST. MARY'S, Moorfields (R.C.).-Sundays: Mass, 7, 8, 9.30, 10; High Mass, 11; Catechism, 3; Benediction (3rd Sunday of month), 3.30; Vespers, Sermon and Benediction, 7 p.m. Week-days: Mass, 7.30, 8, 10; Sermon and Benediction, Thursdays, 8 p.m. ORATORY, Brompton (R.C.).--Sundays: Mass, 6.30, 7, 8, 9, 10; High Mass and Sermon, II; Vespers and Benediction, 3.30; Evening Service and Benediction, 7. Week-days: Mass, 6.30, 7, 7.30, 8, 8.30, 9, 10; Evening Service (exc. Saturday), 8; Thursdays and Saturdays, Benediction, 4.30. ST. GEORGE'S CATHEDRAL, St. George's Road, Borough (R.C.). - Sundays: Mass, 7, 7.30, 8.30, 9:30, 10.30, 11.30; Vespers, 2.30; Evening Service, 6.30. Week-days: Mass, 7, 7.30, 8, and 10 a.m.; Evening Service, 8 p.m. Proverb-He is richest that has fewest wants. OUR NATIONAL DEFENCES. THE ARMY-DAILY AND YEARLY PAY. (In addition to allowances, and in the case of R.E. and Garrison Artillery, Engineer and COLONEL (on Staff).-£1. As DEPUTY ADJUTANT GENERAL, £1 10S.; sistant, 15s.; Deputy Assistant, £1_18.; Aides de Camp, 15s.: Assistant Military Secs., and Brigade Majors, £1 1s. LIEUT.-COLONEL.-R. H. A., £1 4s. 9d.; R.A., R.E., and Line, 18s. ; Household Cavalry, £1 3s. 6d. ; Line Cavalry, £1 Is. 6d. MAJOR.-R.H.A., 18s. 6d.; R.A. and R.E., 16s.; Household Cavalry, 15s. 6d.; Cavalry, 15s.; Line, 13s. 7d. CAPTAIN.-R.H.A., 15s.; R.A., R.E., and Line, 11s. 7d.; Household Cavalry, 13s. 6d. ; Cavalry, 138. MEDICAL STAFF, viz. : LIEUTENANT.-R.H.A., 8s. 1od.; R.A. and R.E., 6s. 1od.; Line, 6s. 6d. ; Household Cavalry, 9s.; Cavalry, 7s. 8d. SECOND LIEUTENANT.-R.H.A., 7s. 8d.; R.A. and R.E., 5s. 7d.; Line, 5s. 3d.; Cavalry, 6s. 8d. SERGEANT.-R.H.A., 3s. 4d.; R.E., 3s. 3d.; R.A., 3s. 2d.; Cavalry 2s. 8d.; Guards, 2s. 6d. ; Line, 2s. 4d. CORPORAL.-R.H.A. and Household Cavalry, 2s. 8d.; R.E., 2s. 6d. ; R.A., 2s. 6d.; Cavalry, 2s.; Guards, Is. 9d.; Line, is. 8d. PRIVATE.-Household Cavalry, Is. gd. ; R.H.A. and R.E., 1s. 4d. to 1s. 1d.; R.A., IS. 2d.; Cavalry, 1s. 2d.; Guards, 1s. id.; Line, Is. 25 years' service Surgeon-Major, or Surgeon-Lieut.-Colonel After 15 years' service Surgeon-Captain or Surgeon-Lieutenant Surgeon-Captain, after 5 years' service After 10 years' service Surgeon on Probation 200 "9 250 Daily Lady Superintendent of Nurses, £150, increasing by £10 yearly to £200 a a year. 15 REGULATIONS FOR ADMISSION OF CADETS, &c. ADMISSION to the R. M. College, Sandhurst, as Cadets, is granted, under regulations at present in force, to successful candidates (British born or naturalised British subjects) at a competitive examination, and to Queen's Cadets, Hon. ditto, Indian Cadets, and Pages of Honour, subject to a qualifying examination. The fee for examination is £2 in London, £3 at any other centre, subject to a deduction of £1 in the case of candidates who have passed the preliminary examination. The number of trials allowed is limited to three, and successful candidates are inspected by a Medical Board. The present minimum standard for Officers in the Line is 5 ft. 4 in. in height, and 33 in. chest measurement. The limits of age for admission to the College are from 17 to 19. Candidates must be within the limits of age on the 1st of July for the Summer examination, and on the 1st of December for the Winter examination. The dates for admission are February 10 and September 1 in each year, or the Tuesday following if those days fall on a Sunday or Monday. Examinations are held in June and November, and candidates must send to the Military Secretary, War Office, S. W., on a date not later than May 15 or October 15, respectively, application in own handwriting for per mission to attend. Subjects for examination.Class I.-Mathematics, including vulgar and decimal fractions, proportion, and simple interest; Algebra, including binomial theorem, theory and use of logarithms; Euclid, Books i to 4 and 6; Plane Trigonometry; Latin; French or German; English Composition; Geometrical Drawing; and for Woolwich, Statics and Dynamics. Class II.-Any two only of the following: Higher Mathematics, German or French, Greek, English History, Chemistry, Physics, Physiography and Geology. Class III. -Geography and Freehand Drawing. Queen's Cadets are appointed by the Secretary of State for War, on the recommendation of the Commander-in-Chief or First Lord of the Admiralty, from sons of Officers of the Army, Navy, Marines, and permanent Colonial Military Forces or irregular troops when acting with, or in support of, the Regular Forces in the field, who have fallen in action, or have died of wounds received in action, or of disease contracted on service abroad, and who have left their families in reduced circumstances. They are granted an educational allowance of £40 a year, tenable between the ages of 13 and 17. Candidates who, on account of their age, are unable to receive the educational allowance, Proverb-A man of courage never wants a weapon. (a) The sons of Officers of the British Army, Indian Army, Navy, or Marines who were killed in action, or who have died of wounds received in action within six months of such wounds having been received, or from illness brought on by fatigue, &c., incident to active operations in the field before an enemy, within six months after their having been first certified to be ill. (b) The sons of Officers of the British Army and of the Indian Army, who have attained the brevet or substantive rank of Major, and have performed long or distinguished service, provided that their sons are, on account of such service, recommended by the Commander-inChief, with the approval of the Secretary of State, and that the special grounds for the recommendation be set forth in each case. The number so appointed of sons of Officers of the British Army will not exceed ten, and that of sons of Officers of the Indian Army will not exceed three in any one year. All Cadets before admission to the College are required to pass a qualifying entrance examination only. Admission to the R. M. Academy, Woolwich, as Cadets, is granted to successful candidates at a competitive examination in the same subjects, and held in the same months, as in the case of Sandhurst, and under similar regulations, but the limits of age are from 16 to 18. The dates for admission are on the Thursdays of the weeks in which March 17 or September 24 falls each year. The Educational Fees at Sandhurst and Woolwich are as follows: For the son of (a) An Officer on the Active List below the substantive rank (as regards Combatant Officers) or the rank (as regards Departmental Officers) of Lt.-Col. in the Army, and Capt. or Com. in the Navy, £40 yearly. A retired Officer who last served in a rank below the above rank, and retired with not less than 20 years' service; or on account of age or non-employment, or of ill-health caused by the Service; or on reduction of establishment, £40 yearly. An Instructor of the Staff Coll., R. M. Academy, or R. M. Coll., £40 yearly. (b) An officer on the Active List with the subs. rank (as regards Combatant Officers) or the rank (as regards Departmental Officers) of Lt.-Col. or Col. in the Army, or a Capt. or Com. in the Navy, £60 yearly. A retired Officer who served in the above rank, and retired as stated in paragraph (a), £60 yearly. A Professor at the Staff. Coll., R. M. Academy, or R. M. Coll., £60 yearly. (c) A Maj.-Gen. or Lt.-Gen., £70 yearly. A Vice-Adm. or R.-Adm., £70 yearly. (d) A Gen., £80 yearly. An Adm., £80 yearly. (e) A private gentleman, £150 yearly. An Officer retired from our Army or Navy, and not coming under any of the previous categories, £150 yearly. (f) For a Queen's Cadet, nil. (g) For an Indian Cadet. By special arrangement with the India Office. This applies only to the R. M. Coll. (h) For the son of an Officer who has died If the father of a Cadet be promoted, or retire, the rate of contribution shall be altered accordingly. A limited number of Commissions are allotted half-yearly to University Candidates, after competition in the subjects required for Sandhurst and Woolwich, who have passed :-(1) The examination for B.A. or M.A. at the leading Universities, or (2) The first public examination or preliminary examination in Law and Natural Science at Oxford; one of the Parts of the general examination, or Part 1 of any tripos examination at Cambridge; the final examination of the Senior Freshman year, or of the School of Engineering at Dublin; the first year's examinations at Durham; the first examination for B.A., LL.B., B.Sc., or M.B. at London; the examination of candidates for the Army at the Scotch Universities; the second University examination in Arts, or second professional examination in Engineering, at the Royal University, Ireland ; the intermediate examination at Victoria University, Manchester. The limit of age for Class I is from 17 to 23; Class 2, 17 to 22. Two trials are allowed to candidates within the limit of age, and the same number for the examination in military subjects (Fortification, Military Topography, Elements of Tactics, and Military Law), to be held in March and September, in which candidates are required to qualify. Commissions are granted to Subalterns of Militia who are successful in a competitive examination in the above military subjects, held in March and September, and who- (a.) Have served two annual trainings with the Militia unit to which they belong, each training to be in a distinct year, and have passed the examination and obtained the certificate, Army Form E 527, required of a subaltern before the end of the second training after his appointment. (b.) Have completed a service of 15 months by January 15 and July 15 for the March and September examinations respectively. (c.) In the case of a candidate who is more than 22 years old, and under 23, three annual trainings and the above certificate are required before the end of the third training. A candidate for a commission in the Royal Artillery must be a subaltern of Militia Artillery who, in addition to the foregoing conditions, has passed the School of Instruction at Woolwich, and obtained the p.s. certiticate, Army Form E 502. Before applying to present himself for the military examination, the candidate must have passed the "literary examination" in the subjects required for Sandhurst and Woolwich, unless he has previously passed in the same subjects, or can produce a certificate from the proper University authority that he has passed any of the requisite University examinations mentioned in the case of University candidates. Application for admission to examination must be submitted through the Candidate's Commanding Officer. LIST OF REGIMENTS, With Depots, description of Uniform (U), Facings (F), Plumes (P), and List of Campaigns in which the Regiment has been engaged. The name of place following the Title denotes the Regimental Depot. F blue, P white; Dettingen, Peninsula, Waterloo, Egypt, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir. 2ND LIFE GUARDS-Regent's Park-U scar., F blue, P white; Dettingen, Peninsula, Waterloo, Egypt, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir. ROYAL HORSE GUARDS-Hyde Park-U blue, F scar., P red; Dettingen, Peninsula, Waterloo, Egypt, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir. 1ST DRAGOON GUARDS (King's)-Colchester-U scar., F blue, P red; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Dettingen, Waterloo, Sevastopol, Taku Forts, Pekin, South Africa, 1879. 2ND DRAGOON GUARDS (Queen's Bays)Shorncliffe-U scar., F buff, P black; Lucknow. 3RD DRAGOON GUARDS (Prince of Wales's)-Woolwich-U scar., F yellow, P black and red; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Talavera, Albuhera, Vittoria, Peninsula, Abyssinia. 4TH DRAGOON GUARDS (Royal Irish)Canterbury-U scar., F blue, P white; Peninsula, Balaklava, Sevastopol, Egypt, 1882, Tel-elKebir. 5TH DRAGOON GUARDS (Princess Charlotte of Wales's)-Canterbury-U scar., F dark green, P red and white; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Salamanca, Vittoria, Toulouse, Peninsula, Balaklava, Sevastopol. CTH DRAGOON GUARDS (Carabineers)-Aldershot-U blue, F white, P white; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Sevastopol, Delhi, Afghanistan, 1879-80. 7TH DRAGOON GUARDS (Princess Royal's) -Norwich- U scar., F black, P black and white; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Dettingen, S. Africa, 1846-7, Egypt, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir. 1ST DRAGOONS (Royal)-Dundalk-U scar., F blue, P black; Dettingen, Peninsula, Waterloo, Balaklava, Sevastopol. 2ND DRAGOONS (Royal Scots Greys)Hounslow-U scar., F blue, P white; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Dettingen, Waterloo, Balaklava, Sevastopol. 3RD HUSSARS (King's Own)-Aldershot -U blue, scar. collars, busby bag, garter blue, P white; Dettingen, Salamanca, Vittoria, Toulouse, Peninsula, Kabul, 1842, Moodkee, Ferozeshah, Sobraon, Punjaub, Chillianwallah, Goojerat. 4TH HUSSARS (Queen's Own)-Hounslow -U blue, busby bag yellow, P scar.; Dettingen, Talavera, Albuhera, Salamanca, Vittoria, Toulouse, Peninsula, Afghanistan, Ghuznee, Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, Sevastopol. 5TH LANCERS (Royal Irish)-CanterburyU blue, F scar., P green; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Suakim, 1885. 6TH DRAGOONS (Inniskilling)-Edinburgh -U scar., F yellow, P white; Dettingen, Waterloo, Balaklava, Sevastopol. 7TH HUSSARS (Queen's Own)-Canterbury -U blue, scar. busby bag, P white; Dettingen, Orthes, Peninsula, Waterloo, Lucknow.. 8TH HUSSARS (King's Royal Irish)-Leeds -U blue, scar. busby bag, P red and white; Leswarree, Hindoostan, Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Central India, Afghanistan, 1879-80. 9TH LANCERS (Queen's Royal)-Aldershot -U blue, F scar., P black and white; Peninsula, Punniar, Sobraon, Punjaub, Chillianwallah, Goojerat, Delhi, Lucknow, Charasiah, Kabul, 1879, Kandahar, 1880, Afghanistan, 1878-80. 10TH HUSSARS (Prince of Wales's Own Royal)-Newbridge U blue, scar. busby bag, P black and white; Peninsula, Waterloo, Sevastopol, Ali Masjid, Afghanistan, 1878-79, Egypt 1884. 11TH HUSSARS (Prince Albert's Own)Canterbury-U blue, crim. overalls, P crim. and white; Salamanca, Peninsula, Waterloo, Bhurtpore, Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, Sevastopol. 12TH LANCERS (Prince of Wales's Royal)Ballincollig-U blue, F and P scar.; Peninsula, Waterloo, South Africa, 1851-2-3, Sevastopol, Central India. 13TH HUSSARS Dublin - U blue, buff collars and busby bag, P white; Albuhera, Tittoria, Orthes, Toulouse, Peninsula, Waterloo, Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, Sevastopol. 14TH HUSSARS (King's)-Cahir-U blue, yellow busby bag, P white; Douro, Talavera, Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, Orthes, Peninsula, Punjaub, Chillianwallah, Goojerat, Persia, Central India. 15TH HUSSARS (King's) Aldershot-U blue, scar. busby bag and plume; Emsdorff, Villiers en Couche, Egmont-op-Zee, Sahagun, Vittoria, Peninsula, Waterloo, Afghanistan, 1878-80. 16THLANCERS (Queen's) -Canterbury-U scar., F blue, P black; Talavera, Fuentes d'Onor, Salamanca, Vittoria, Nive, Peninsula, Waterloo, Bhurtpore, Afghanistan, Ghuznee, Maharajpore, Aliwal, Sobraon. FIELD ARTILLERY. Foot Guards. 17TH LANCERS (Duke of Cambridge's Own) -York-U blue, white facings and plume; Alma, Balaklava, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Central India, South Africa, 1879. 18TH HUSSARS-Canterbury--U blue, busby bag blue, P scar. and white; Peninsula, Waterloo. 19TH HUSSARS (Princess of Wales's Own) -Canterbury-U blue, white busby bag and plume; Mysore, Assaye, Niagara, Egypt, 1882, 1884, Tel-e-Kebir, Nile, 1884-85, Abu Klea. 20TH HUSSARS-Colchester-U blue, crim. busby bag, P yellow; Vimiera, Peninsula, Suakin, 1885. 21ST HUSSARS-Canterbury-U blue, French grey busby bag, P white. ARTILLERY. ROYAL ARTILLERY-Woolwich-U blue, F scarlet, scar. busby bag, P white. INFANTRY. GRENADIER GUARDSCaterham-U scarlet, F blue; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Dettingen, Lincelles, Corunna, Barrosa, Peninsula, Waterloo, Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Egypt, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1885. COLDSTREAM GUARDSCaterham-U scarlet, F blue; Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Dettingen, Lincelles, Talavera, Barrosa, Peninsula, Waterloo, Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Egypt, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1885. SCOTS GUARDS-Caterham -U scar., F blue; Dettingen, Lincelles, Talavera, Barrosa, Peninsula, Waterloo, Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Egypt, 1882, Tel-el-Kebir, Suakin, 1885. Territorial Regiments. ROYAL SCOTS-Glencorse-U scarlet, F blue; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oudenarde, Malplaquet, Louisburg, St. Lucia, Egmont-op-Zee, Corunna, Busaco, Salamanca, Vittoria, St. Sebastian, Nive, Peninsula, Niagara, Waterloo, Nagpore, Maheidpore, Ava, Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Taku Forts, Pekin. QUEEN'S Guildford-U scar., F blue; Vimiera, Corunna, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Toulouse, Peninsula, Afghanistan, Ghuznée, Khelat, S. Africa, 1851-2-3, Taku Forts, Pekin, Burma, 1885-7. ENGINEER. HORSE ARTILLERYWoolwich-U blue, F scarlet, scar. busby bag, P white. FIELD ARTILLERY Woolwich-U blue, F scarlet, scar. busby bag. MOUNTAIN ARTIL LERY-Woolwich-U blue, F scarlet. There are also a number of regiments of Garrison Artillery located in the principal towns of Great Britain. ENGINEERS. ROYAL ENGINEERS -U scarlet, F blue. BUFFS Canterbury-U scar., F buff; Blen- BUFFS. ROYAL WARWICKSHIRE REGIMENTWarwick-U scar., F blue; Roleia, Vimiera, Corunna, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Orthes, Peninsula, Niagara, South Africa, 1846-7, 1851-2-3. ROYAL FUSILIERS (City of London Regiment)-Hounslow-U scar. F blue; Martinique, Talavera, Albuhera, Badajoz, Salamanca, Vittoria, Pyrenees, Orthes, Toulouse, Peninsula, Alma, Inkerman, Sevastopol, Kandahar, 1880, Afghanistan, 1879-80. KING'S (Liverpool Regiment)-WarringtonU scar., F blue; Blenheim, Ramillies, Oude Proverb-Birds of a feather flock together. L2 |