
UCE, UICE, UISE, and USE. Sluce Spruce_Truce Conduce Deduce Induce Introduce Produce Pruce Reduce Seduce Traduce Juice Cruife Chufe Mufe Ufe Abufe Accufe Amufe Difabufe Diffufe Circumfufe Effufe Difufe Excufe Infufe Mifufe Refuse Transfufe Perufe Abftrufe Obtuse Profufe Reclufe. Alfo the Termination OOSE, and the Plural Number of the Nouns, and third Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in EW, OO, OW and UE.

UCH and .UTCH. Much Such Infomuch Overmuch Touch Retouch Clutch Crutch Dutch Hutch Sinutch. And the Words in OUCH, and all the other Terminations that rhyme to them.

UCK. Buck Chuck Cluck Duck Luck Muck Pluck Tuck Suck Struck Stuck Truck. And the Words in OAK, OCK, OKE, OOK, and UKE.

UCT. Conduct Dedu& Inftru&t Obftru& Product Recondu& Aqueduct. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in UCK.

UD and UDE. Bud Cud Scud Spud Stud Sud Mud. And the Words in OOD. Crude Rude Altitude Conclude Delude Elude Exclnde Interlude Include Intrude Obtrude Seclude Aptitude Amplitude_Beatitude Celfitude Certitude Diffi militude Exactitude Fortitude Gratitude Habitude Infinitude Ingratitude Inquietude Ineptitude Lenitude Laffitude Latitude LongitudeMagnitudeMultitude PlenitudePromptitude Prelude Restitude Servitude Solitude Similitude Verifimilitude Viciffitude Solicitude Turpitude. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in EW, OO, OW, and UE.

UDGE. Budge Drudge Grudge Judge Snudge Trudge Adjudge Forejudge Prejudge. And the Termination ODGE and UGE.

UE. See EW..UEST. See EST.

UFF and OUGH. Buff Cuff Bluff Gruff Huff Muff Puff Sauff Stuff Ruff Rebuff Counterbuff Chough Rough Tough Trough Cough Enough. And the Termination OFF.

UFT. Tuft. And the Participle Paslive of the precedeing Termination.

UG. Bug Drug Dug Hug Jug Lug Mug Plug Pug Rug Shrug Snug Slug Smug Tug Undug. UGE. Huge Refuge Subterfuge.

UGN. Impugn Oppugn Repugn.


UILD. Build Guild Rebuild. And the Termination ILD.


UILT. Guilt Quilt. And the Words in ILT.


UIT. See IT and UTE.

UKE. Duke Puke Rebuke Mamaluke. And the Words in OOK and UCK.

UL and ULL. Bull Cull Dull Full Gull Hull Lull Mull Pull Scull Trull Annul Difanul Mogul Beautiful Bountiful Fanfiful Merciful Pitiful Plentiful Sorrowful Dutiful Unduful Unmerciful Wonderful Worfhipful. Alfo the Words in OOL and ULE.

ULCT. Mul&t. This Word rhymes to the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in ULK.

ULE. Crule Male Pule Rule Mifrule Over-rule Ridicule. And the Termination OOL.

ULF. Gulf Ingulf Wolf.

ULGE. Bulge Indulge Divulge.

ULK and OLK. Bulk Skulk Hulk Yolk Folk.

ULP. Gulp Pulp Infculp. And the Termination ELP.
ULSE. Pulfe Impulfe Repulfe Expulfe Convulfe.

And the Plural Number of the Nouns, and third Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in OOL, ULL, and ULE.

ULT and OULT. Adult Exult Occult Refult Infult Indult Confult Difficult Jurifconfult Moult Poult Boult. And the Words in OLT.

UM and UMB. Crum Drum Gum Hum Mum Num Plum Scnm Stum Sum Swum Thrum Grum Benum Viaticum Galbanum Guaiacum Delirium Encomium Laudanum Perpendiculum Dumb Thumb Plumb Accumb Succumb: And the Terminations OAM, OM, OME and OOM.

UME. Plume Fume Spume Sume Affume Confume Perfume Prefume Re-aflume Refume Deplume. And the Words in OM, OMB, OME, OOM and UM.

UMP. Bump Crump Dump Trump Jump Lump Hump Mump Plump Pump Rump Stump Pomp.

UN. Bun Dun Gun Nun Pun Run Shun Stun Sun Tun Spun Begun Outrun Forerun Over-run. Alfo the Words in ON, and all the Rhymes included under that Termina


UNCE. Dunce. And the Words in ONSE.

UNCH. Bunch Hunch Munch Lunch Punch.

UNCT. Adjunct Defunct. And the Participle Passive of the regular Verbs in UNK.

UND. Fund Refund. And the Terminations OND and OUND): together with the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in ON, OON, UN and UNE.

UNE. June Prune Tune Importune Opportune Jejune Untune Demilune. And the Terminations EWN, CON and UN.

UNG. Bung Clung Dung Flung Hung Rung Strung Stung Sung Slung Sprung Swung Wrung Unftrung. And alf the Words under the Termination ONG.

UNGE. Plunge Spunge Expunge.

UNGS. Lungs. To which rhyme the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon of the Verbs in ONG and UNG.

UNK. Drunk Funk Punk Slunk Stunk Shrunk Trunk Sunk Monk Conch.

UNKS. Hunks. And the Plural of the Nouns and third Perfons of the Verbs of the precedent Termination.

UNT. Blunt Brunt Bunt Hunt Grunt Runt Stunt. And the Words in ONT and OUNT.

UP and UPE. Cup Sup Up Stupe Dupe. And the Termination OOP.

UPT. Abrupt Corrupt Uncorrupt Interrupt. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in OOP and UP.

UR and IR. Blur Bur Cur Fur Knur Slur Spur Whur Concur Incur Demur Occur Fir Stir Beftir Myrrh. And the Terminations OOR, OR, ORE, OUR and URE.

URB. Curb Disturb. And the Termination ORB.
URCH. Church Lurch Birch..

URD and IRD. Curd Abfurd Word Bird Third Gird Ungird. And the Termination EARD.

URE and EWER. Cure Dure Lure Pure Sure Abjure Allure Affure Demure Conjure Endure Enure Immaature Immure Impure Obdure Manure Mature Obfcure Procure Secure Unfure Adjure Calenture Coverture Difcomfiture Diftemperature Epicure Inveftiture Intemperature Forfeiture Miniature Furniture Nouriture Overture Pourtraiture Primogeniture Quadrature Sepulture Signature Temperature Aperture Cynofure. Garniture Literature Ligature Sewer Ewer Newer Skewer Brewer. And the Ter minations OUR and UR..

URF. Scurf Turf.

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URGE. Purge Surge Urge Scourge Forge. And the Ter minations ERGE and IRGE.

URK. Lurk Turk Work Sturk. And the Words in ERK and IRK.

URL and IRL. Burl Churl Curl Knurl Furl Hurl Purl Snurl Uncurl Unfurl Girl Twirl Whirl. And the Termination EARL.

URN. Burn Churn Spurn Turn Urn Overturn Return Atturn Counterturn. And the Words in EARN, ORN and OURN..:

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URSE. Burfe Curfe Nurse Purfe Accurfe Disburse Im burfe Reimburfe Worfe. And the Terminations ORCE, ORSE, OURCE, and OURS. Likewife the Plural Number of the Nouns, and third Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in OUR, OWR and UR, and of the Terminations that rhyme to them.

URST and IRST. Curft Burst Durst Accurft Worst First Thirit Athirst. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in ORCE, ORSE, OURCE, and URSE.

URT. See IRT..

US. Thus Us Incubus Succubus Bufs Trufs Difcufs Ranunculus Blunderbufs Mittimus, Overplus. And the Words in OUS.


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USH. Bush Bloth Brush Cruh Flush Gosh Hush Plush. USK. Dusk Husk Musk Tusk Busk.

UST. Cruft Duft Bult Guft Juft Luft Muft Ruft Thrust Trust Adult Jouft Adjust Auguft Difguft Diftruft Intrust Miftruft Robuft Unjuft. Allo the Words in OOST and OUST. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in USE.

UT. But Cut Glut Gut Hut Jut Nut Put Rut Scut Shut Slut Smut Strut Stut Abur Befmur Inglut Uncut Unfhut. And the Words in OOT, OUT and UTE.


UTE and UIT. Brute Flute Lute Mute Nute Sute Abfolute Acute Attribute Commute Compute Confure Consti tute Depute Dilute Deftiture Difpute Diffolute Execute Impure Institute Irrefolute Minute Perfecute Pollute Profe. cute Prostitute Refute Repute Refolute Refalute Salute Subftitute Fruit Suit Recruit Purfuit. And the Words in OOT.

UTH. Truth Ruth Untruth Youth, and the Words in OOTH and OUTH.

UX. Flux Afflux Efflux Conflux Reflux Influx. And the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon fingular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in OOK, UCK, and UKE.

UZ. Buz. And the Words in OOZE and US., Alfo the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon of the Verbs in 00, and OW.


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Yor IE, and IGH. Die Fly Lie Ply Hie Cry Dry Fry By Try Pry Tie Vie Fie Eye Spy I Buy Shy Sky Pie Sly Sty Thy Why Wry High Nigh Sigh Thigh Awry Ally Comply Apply Bely Imply Decry Mifapply Overfly Outfly Reply


Rely Supply Deery Defcry Ourvie Revie Defie Deny Efpy Forefpy Untie Outery Beautify Beatify Certify Charity Crit cify Dignity Deify Edify Diffatisfy Dulcify Exemplify Falfify Fo tify Fructify Gratify Indemnify Juftify Magnity Modify Mollifie Mortify Notify Nullify Pacify Purify Petrify Putrify Qualify Rarefy Ratify Rectify Sanctify Satisfy Scarify Signity Specify Stupify Terrify Teftify Verify Vertify Vilify Vitrify Vivity Amplify Glorify Apoftacy Confederacy Confpiracy Contumacy Curacy Democracy Extafy Effemimacy Efficacy Embaffy Epifcopacy Fallacy Fantasy Intimacy Intricacy Legacy Lunacy Magiftracy Obftinacy Optimacy Pertinacy Prelacy Primacy Privacy Supremacy Papacy Piracy Theocracy Malady Remedy Tragedy Comedy Biography Cofmography Geography Orthography Topography Certainty Uncertainty Soveraignty Admiralty Specialty Loyalty Penalty Commonalty Fealty Ribaldry Chivalry Bigamy Poligamy Infamy Arrogancy Conftancy Exorbitancy Flagrancy Fragrancy Elegancy Inconftancy Infancy Pliancy Petulancy Pregnancy Recufancy Redundancy Reluctancy Repugnancy Significancy Vacancy Vagrancy Necromancy Warranty Company Dittany Litany Mifcellany Momentany Tympany Tyranny Villany Accompany Epiphany Heptarchy Anarchy Hierarchy Monarchy Lethargy, Acceffary Teftamentary Turbary Tutelary Vifionary Vocabulary VoJuntary Votary Valetudinary Novelty Antipathy Apathy Sympathy Idolatry Fatherly Outlawry Galaxy Husbandry Houfwifry Minstrelly Cruelty Contumely Enemy Academy Blafphemy Prophecy Adolefcency Clemency Competency Complacency Continency Contingency Corpulency Dedency Deficiency Emergency Excellency Fervency Fluency Frequency Inadvertency Inconfiftency Inconveniency Infufficiency Independency Opulency Regeney Sufficiency Tranfparency Turbulency Urgency Progeny Energy Liturgy Puberty Poverty Liberty Property Adultery Archery Artery Artillery Battery Beggary Bribery Bravery Butchery Chancery Chirurgery Coolery Adverfary Anniversary Antiquary' Apothecary Arbitrary Aviary Auxiliary Boundary Breviary Burglary Cautionary Commentary Commiffary Contemporary Contrary Contributary Corollary Customary Confeffionary Datary Diary Depofitory Dictionary Dignitary Dromedary Difpenfary Emiflary Exemplary Extraordinary Epiftolary Formulary Gloffary Granary Herbary Hereditary Honorary Imaginary Incendiary Infirmary Inventory Involuntary Judiciary Jugularly Lapidary Library Luminary Momentary Military Miffionary Mortuary Neceffary Notary Ordinary Penfionary Plagiary Plenary Plenipotentiary Prebendary Preliminary Primary Proprietary Planetary Re



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