frequently the case, not only in MSS. but even in printed books. It seems as evident as it can well be, that this was the word which the Septuagint found in the copy from which they translated: their evidence, and that of the apostle, joined to the consideration that the interchange of the two letters mentioned above might have been easily made, is quite sufficient to legitimate the reading for which I contend. Houbigant and several others are of the same mind. The word αφανισθητε, which we translate perish, signifies more properly disappear, or hide yourselves; as people, astonished and alarmed at some coming evil, betake themselves to flight, and hide themselves in order to avoid it. Verse 42. When the Jews were gone out] That part of them in whom the words of the prophet were fulfilled, viz. those who, though they had the clearest relation of so interesting a history, would not believe it: they shut their eyes against the light, and hardened their hearts against the truth. There were other Jews in the assembly that did believe, and were saved. The Gentiles besought] There is some doubt whether the original παρεκαλουν τα εθνη should be translated the Gentiles besought; or they besought the Gentiles: for the words will bear either; but the latter sense more naturally. When the Jews retired, determining not to credit what was spoken; the apostle, seeing the Gentiles of a better mind, requested them to come and hear those words, or doctrines, the next sabbath. But, the next, το μεταξύ, as Hesychius defines it, μετ' ολιγον, ανα μεσον, shortly, or betwixt, may mean the after part of the same sabbath; or the course of the ensuing week, between the two sabbaths; for Mondays and Thursdays, or the second and fifth days of the week, were times in which those who feared God, usually met together in the synagogue; for it is a maxim with the Rabbins, that no three days should elapse without reading of the law. on the Jews and the Gentiles. A. D. cir. 45. An. Olymp. cir. CCVI L them, persuaded them to continue A. M. cir. 4049. in the grace of God. 44 I And the next sabbath-day came almost the whole city together to hear the word of God. 45 But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against Tit. 2. 11. Heb. 12. 15. 1 Pet. 5. 12. ch. 18. 6. 1 Pet. 4. 4. Jude 10. the words εκ της συναγωγης των Ιουδαίων, are left out in the first clause, αυτων being put in their place ; and τα εθνη the Gentiles, is wholly omitted in the second clause. The most eminent critics approve of this reading; indeed it stands on such authority as to render it almost indubitable. Of the αυτων them, which is substituted for the first clause, Professor White says, Lectio indubiè genuina; this reading is undoubtedly genuine: and of the τα εθνη εις, he says, certissime delenda: they should certainly be expunged. We are therefore to understand the words thus: that " as they were going out on the breaking up of the assembly, some of them desired that they might have these doctrines preached to them on the ensuing week or sabbath." And thus all the ambiguity of the verse vanishes. Verse 43. Many of the Jews] Direct descendants from some of the twelve tribes: and religious proselytes, heathens who had been converted to Judaism, and having submitted to circumcision, had become proselytes of the covenant: though some think that the expression means proselytes of the gate; persons who believed in one God, like the Jews, but who had not received circumcision. Persuaded them to continue in the grace of God.] That is, that they should continue to credit the gospel; to receive the spirit and influence of it; to bring forth the fruits of that Spirit: and thus continue under the favour and approbation of God. Verse 44. The next sabbath] The good news had spread far and wide, by means of the converted Jews and proselytes. Almost the whole city] Jews, Proselytes, and Gentiles, came together to hear τον λογον του Θεού, this doctrine of God, this divine teaching, by which so many of their kindred and acquaintance had become so wise and happy. It is not by public discourses merely, that people are converted to God; but by the private teaching and godly conduct of those who have received the truth; for as these are scattered throughout society, they are a leaven in every place. On this verse there is a great number of various readings: instead of when the Jews were going out of the synagogue, ABCDE. several others of great repute, with all the Syriac, the Coptic, Æthiopic, Armenian, Vulgate, and Itala, read, Verse 45. The Jews were filled with envy] See on chap. As they were going out, they entreated that these words should v. 17. These could not bear the Gentiles, who believed in be preached unto them in the course of the week, or the next | Christ, to be equal with them; and yet, according to the sabbath. So that, according to this well accredited reading, || gospel, it was really the case. Contradicting] The arguments and statements brought forward by the disciples: and blaspheming; speaking impiously and injuriously of Jesus Christ. This is probably what is meant. Verse 46. Waxed bold] Παρρησιασαμενοι ; having great liberty of speech; a strong, persuasive, and overpowering eloquence. They had eternal Truth for the basis of this discourse; a multitude of incontestable facts to support it: and an all-persuading eloquence to illustrate and maintain what they had asserted. Should first have been spoken to you] When our Lord gave his apostles their commission to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature; he told them they must begin first at Jerusalem, Mark xvi. 16. Luke xxiv. 47. In obedience therefore to this command, the apostles (in every place where they preached) made their first offers of the gospel to the Jews. and turn to the Gentiles. 47 For so hath the Lord commanded A.M.cir. 4049. A. D. cir. 45. cir. CCVI. J. us, saying, I have set thee to be An. Olymp. earth. e 48 And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed. Ch. 18. 6. & 28.28d Isai. 42.6. & 49.6. Luke 2.32. e ch. 2. 47. is from Isai. xlix. 6. and was most fully in point. The Jews could not resist the testimony of their own prophet; and the Gentiles rejoiced to find that the offers of salvation were to be made so specifically to them. For salvation unto the ends of the earth.] The very name of the Messiah, viz. Jesus, announced the design and end of his mission. He is the Saviour, and is to be proclaimed as such to the ends of the earth; to all mankind; to every nation, and people, and tongue: and wherever the gospel is preached, there is a free, full, and sincere offer of salvation to every soul that hears it. And the offer is proof sufficient in itself, that there is a power to receive its blessings, given to those to whom the offer is made; as it would be of no use to offer them a salvation, which it was designed they either should not, or could not receive. A son of Satan might be capable of such dissimulation and bad faith; but the Holy God cannot. Ye put it from you] Απωθεισθε αυτον, ye disdain this doctrine, Verse 48. As many as were ordained to eternal life, beand consider it contemptible: so the word is frequently used.lieved.] This text has been most pitifully misunderstood. And judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life] Was this meant as a strong irony? " Ye have such humbling thoughts of yourselves, that ye think the blessings of the gospel too good to be bestowed on such worthless wretches as ye are?" Or did the apostle mean, that, by their words and conduct on this occasion, they had passed sentence on themselves, and, in effect, had decided that they were unworthy of the grace of the gospel; and God now ratifies that judgment by removing those blessings from them, and sending them to the Gentiles? Verse 47. For so the Lord commanded us] The apostles could quote a pertinent scripture for every thing they did; because the outlines of the whole gospel dispensation are founded in the law and the prophets; and they were now building the church of God according to the pattern shewn them in the Mount. In the things of God, no man nor minister should go farther than he can say, Thus it is written, and thus it behoves me to do; and let him see that his quotations are fairly made, and not a detached passage, or member of a sentence produced, because it seems to look tike the system he wishes to establish. Many suppose that it simply means, that those in that assembly who were fore ordained, or predestinated by God's decree to eternal life, believed, under the influence of that decree. Now, we should be careful to examine what a word means, before we attempt to fix its meaning. Whatever τεταγμενοι may mean, which is the word we translate ordained, it is neither προτεταγμενοι nor προορισμενοι, which the apostle uses, but simply τεταγμενοι, which includes no idea of pre-ordination, or predestination of any kind. And if it even did, it would be rather hazardous to say, that all those who believed at this time were such as actually persevered unto the end, and were saved unto eternal life. But, leaving all these precarious matters, what does the word τεταγμενος mean? The verb ταττω οι τασσω signifies to place, set, order, appoint, dispose; hence it has been considered here as implying the disposition or readiness of mind of several persons in the congregation, such as the religious proselytes mentioned ver. 43. who possessed the reverse of the disposition of those Jews, who spake against those things, contradicting and blaspheming, ver. 45. Though the word in this place has been variously translated; yet of all the meanings ever put on it, none I have set thee to be a light of the Gentiles] This quotation agrees worse with its nature and knowu signification, than The word of the Lord prevails; and the CHAP. XIII. disciples are filled with the Holy Ghost. that which represents it as intending those who were predestinated to eternal life: this is no meaning of the term, and should never be applied to it. Let us without prejudice, consider the scope of the place: the Jews contradicted and blasphemed; the religious proselytes heard attentively, and received the word of life: the one party were utterly indisposed, through their own stubbornness, to receive the gospel; the others, destitute of prejudice and prepossession, were glad to hear, that in the order of God, the Gentiles were included in the covenant of salvation through Christ Jesus; they, therefore, in this good state and order of mind, believed. Those who seek for the plain meaning of the word, will find it here: those who wish to make out a sense, not from the Greek word, its use among the best Greek writers, and the obvious sense of the evangelist, but from their own creed, may continue to puzzle themselves and others; kindle their own fire, compass themselves with sparks, and walk in the light of their own fire, and of the sparks which they have kindled; and, in consequence, lie down in sorrow, having bidden adieu to the true meaning of a passage so very simple, taken in its connexion, that one must wonder how it ever came to be misunderstood and misapplied. Those who wish to see more on this verse, may consult Hammond, Whitby, Schoettgen, Rosenmuller, Pearce, Sir Norton Knatchbutt, and Dodd. Verse 49. The word of the Lord was published, &c.] Those who had come from different parts, and were converted, carried the glad tidings to their respective neighbourhoods; and thus the doctrine of the gospel was published throughout all the region of Pisidia, where they then were. See on ver. 44. Verse 50. Devout and honourable women] It is likely that these were heathen matrons, who had become proselytes to the Jewish religion; and as they were persons of affluence and respectability, they had considerable influence with the civil magistracy of the place; and probably their husbands were of this order; and it is likely that they used that influence at the instigation of the Jews, to get the apostles expelled from the place. Verse 51. They shook off the dust of their feet against them] This was a very significant rite: by it, they in effect said, Ye are worse than the heathen: even your very land is accursed for your opposition to God; and we dare not permit eren its dust to cleave to the soles of our feet; and we shake it off, in departing from your country, according to our Lord's command, (Matt. x. 14.) for a testimony against you; that we offered you salvation, but ye rejected it, and persecuted us. The Jews, when travelling in heathen countries, took care, when they came to the borders of their own, to shake off the dust of their feet, lest any of the unhallowed ground should defile the sacred land of Israel. Came unto Iconium.] According to Strabo, Iconium was a small fortified town, the capital of Lycaonia, at present called Cœni. "Lycaonia was a province at the back of Pamphylia, higher up in Asia Minor, and to the north-east of Pamphylia." Pearce. Verse 52. The disciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghost.] Though in the world they had tribulation, yet in Christ they had peace; and while engaged in their Master's work, they always had their Master's wages. The happiness of a genuine Christian lies far beyond the reach of earthly disturbances: and is not affected by the changes and chances to which mortal things are exposed. The martyrs were more happy in the flames than their persecutors could be on their beds of down. St. Paul's sermon at Antioch has been thus analysed. 1. His prologue, ver. 16. addressed to those who fear God. 2. His narrative of God's goodness to Israel: 1. in their deliverance from Egypt. 2. In their support in the wilderness. 3. In his giving them the land of Canaan. 4. In the judges and kings which he had given for their governors, ver. 7-22. 3. His proposition, that Jesus was the Christ, the Saviour of the world, ver. 23. 4. The illustration of this proposition, proving its truth, 1. from Christ's stock and family; ver. 23. 2. From the testimony of his forerunner; ver. 24. 3. From the resurrection of Christ, ver. 30. which was corroborated with the testimony of many Galileans, ver. 31. and of the prophets, David, ver. 33, 35. and Isaiah, ver. 34. 5. He anticipates objections, relative to the unjust condemnation, death and burial of Christ, ver. 27-29. 6. His epilogue, in which he excites his audience to embrace the gospel on two considerations: 1. The benefits which they receive who embrace the gospel, ver. 38, 39. 2. The danger to which they were exposed who should despise and reject it, ver. 40, 41. Paul and Barnabas preach in a THE ACTS. synagogue of the Jews at Iconium. CHAPTER XIV. Paul and Barnabás having preached at Iconium with great success, are persecuted, and obliged to flee to Lystra and Derbe, 1-6. Here they preach, and heal a cripple; on which, the people supposing them to be gods, are about to offer them sacrifices, and are with difficulty prevented by these apostles, 7-18. Certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium coming thither, induce the people to stone Paul; who being dragged out of the city as dead, while the disciples stand around him, he rises up suddenly, and returns to the city, and the next day departs to Derbe, 1920. Having preached here, he and Barnabas return to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, confirming the disciples, and ordaining elders in every church, 21-23. They pass through Pisidia and Pamphylia, 24. Through Perga and Attalia, 25, and sail to Antioch in Syria, 26. When having called the disciples together, they inform them of the door of faith opened to the Gentiles, and there abode a long time with the church, 27, 28. A. M.cir. 4049. A. D. cir. 45. An. Olymp. cir. CCVI. 1. A ND it came to pass in Iconium, || boldly in the Lord, which gave testithat they went both together into the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake, that a great multitude, both of the Jews and also of the Greeks, believed. 2 But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren. mony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by their hands. 4 But the multitude of the city was divided: and part held with the Jews, and part with the apostles. A.M.cir. 4049. A. D. cir. 45. An. Olymp. cir. CCVI. 1. A. M. cir. 4050. A. D. cir. 46. An. Olymp. cir. CCVI. 2. 5 And when there was an assault made both 3 Long time therefore abode they speaking of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews with their NOTES ON CHAP. XIV. Verse 1. In Iconium] See the conclusion of the preceding chapter. So spake] Και λαλησαι ουτως, with such power and demonstration of the Spirit, that a great multitude both of the Jews, genuine descendants of one or other of the twelve tribes, and also of the Greeks Ἑλληνων, probably such as were proselytes of the gate, believed, received the Christian religion as a revelation from God, and confided in its Author for salvation, according to the apostle's preaching. Verse 2. Stirred up the Gentiles] Των εθνων, such as were mere heathens, and thus distinguished from the Jews, and the Greeks, who were proselytes. Evil affected] Εκακωσαν, irritated or exasperated their minds against the brethren, the disciples of Christ: one of their appellations before they were called Christians at Antioch. See on chap. xi. 26. Verse 3. Long time therefore abode they] Because they had great success, therefore they continued a long time, gaining many converts, and building up those who had believed, in their most holy faith; notwithstanding the opposition they met with, both from the unbelieving Jews and heathens. Speaking boldly] Παρρησιαζομενοι, having great liberty of speech, a copious and commanding eloquence, springing from a consciousness of the truth which they preached. The word of his grace] The gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the doctrine of God's grace, mercy or favour to mankind. And granted signs and wonders to be done] For no apostle could work a miracle by himself; nor was any sign or wonder wrought even by the greatest apostle, but by an especial grant or dispensation of God. This power was not resident in them at all times; it was only now and then communicated, when a miracle was necessary for the confirmation of the truth preached. Verse 4. The multitude of the city was divided] The Jews treated the apostles as false teachers, and their miracles as impositions, and many of the people held with them: while the others who had not hardened their hearts against the truth, felt the force of it; and being without prejudice, could easily discern the miracles to be the work of God, and therefore held with the apostles. Verse 5. An assault made] Ορμη, a desperate attempt was made by their rulers, i. e. by the heathen rulers of the people; and the rulers of the synagogue. Verse 6. They were ware of it] They were informed of the scheme, and of the attempt that was about to be made, who had never walked. A.M.cir. 4050. A. D. cir. 46. same heard Paul speak: who stedfastly beholding him, and perceiving that he had faith to be cir. CCV1.2. healed, : 10 Said with a loud voice, Stand upright on thy feet. And he leaped and walked. 11 And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying, in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come 4 Matt. 8. 10. & 9. 28, 29. Isai. 35. 6. ch. 8. 10. & 28.6. Verse 10. Said with a loud voice] After this clause the following is found in CD. and several others, either in the text or margin ; σοι λεγω εν τω ονοματι του Κυρίου Ιησου Χρισου, I say unto thee, In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, "stand upright on thy feet." This reading is also in several Versions; and though it may not stand on such evi and fied unto Lystra and Derbe; they did not leave the pro-dence as to entitle it to a place in the text, yet it is not likely vince of Lycaonia; but went to other towns and cities. Lystra lay to the south and Derbe to the north of Iconium, according to the general opinion. Strabo, Geogr. lib. xii. tells us expressly, that Iconium was within Lycaonia, Thence are the Lycaonian hills, plain, cold, naked, and pastures for wild asses. About these places stands Iconium, a town built in a better soil. Ptolemy also, Tab. Asiæ, i. cap. 6. places Iconium in Lycaonia: how comes it then, that St. Luke does not call Iconium a city of Lycaonia, as well as Derbe and Lystra? Pliny, Hist. Nat. lib. v. cap. 27. solves this difficulty, by stating that, There was granted a tetrarchy out of Lycaonia, on that side which borders upon Galatia, consisting of fourteen cities; the most famous of which is Iconium. See Lightfoot. Verse 7. And there they preached the gospel.] Whereever they went they were always employed in their Master's work. Some MSS. of considerable note, add here, and all that St. Paul would not have used the sacred name on such an occasion; especially as this appears to have been the usual form. See chap. iii. 6. He leaped and walked.] Giving the fullest proof of his restoration: his leaping, however, might have been through joy of having received his cure. Verse 11. Saying, in the speech of Lycaonia] What this language was, has puzzled the learned not a little. Calmet thinks it was a corrupt Greek dialect; as Greek was the general language of Asia Minor. Mr. Paul Ernest Jablonski, who has written a dissertation expressly on the subject, thinks it was the same language with that of the Cappadocians, which was mingled with Syriac. That it was no dialect of the Greek, must be evident from the circumstance of its being here distinguished from it. We have sufficient proof from ancient authors that most of these provinces used different languages; and it is correctly remarked by Dr. the people were moved at their preaching, but Paul and Bar- | Lightfoot, that the Carians who dwelt much nearer Greece nabas tarried at Lystra. Verse 8. Impotent in his feet] Αδυνατος τοις ποσιν, he had no muscular power, and probably his ancle-bones were dislocated; or he had what is commonly termed club feet; this is the more likely; as he is said to have been lame from his mother's womb, and to have never walked. than the Lycaonians, are called by Homer βαρβαροφωνοι, people of a barbarous or strange language: and Pausanias also called them Barbari. That the language of Pisidia was distinct from the Greek, we have already seen; note on chap. xiii. ver. 15. We have no light to determine this point: and every search after the language of Lycaonia must be, at this distance of time, fruitless. Verse 9. That he had faith to be healed How did this faith come to this poor heathen? Why, by hearing the word of God preached; for it is said, the same heard Paul speak. And it appears that he credited the doctrine he heard, and believed that Jesus could, if he would, make him whole. Be-soever they rated it, to be like the human nature. 2. That The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.] From this, and from all heathen antiquity it is evident, 1. that the heathen did not consider the divine nature, how low sides, he must have heard of the miracles which the apostles had wrought, see ver. 3. and this would raise his expectation of receiving a cure. they imagined that these cœlestial beings often assumed human forms to visit men, in order to punish the evil, and reward the good. The Metamorphoses of Ovid are full of |