4027 .4028 3784 3783 771 775 4029 3785 772 776 776 777 24 4030 3786 773 4031 3787 774 4032 3788 775 777 778 779 779 780 779 780 781 4033 3789 776 780 781 782 4034 3790 777 781 782 783 4035 3791 778 782 783 784 4036 3792 779 783 784 785 4037 3793 780 784 785 786 4038 3794 781 785 786 787 4039 3795 782 786 787 788 4040 3796 783 787 788 789 4041 3797 7848 788 4042 3798 785 789 4043 3799 786 790 791 792 4014 3800 787 791 792 793 4045 3801 788 792 793 794 4046 3802 789 793 794 795 4047 3803 790 794 7.95 796 4048 3804 791 795 796 797 4049 3805 792 796 797 798 4050 3806 793 797 798 799 4051 3807 794 798 799 $00 25 777 778 26 778 27 28 P. Lælius Balbus, and C. Antistius Vetus Imp. C. Julius Cæsar Octav. Augustus XII., and L. Corn. Sulla C. Calvisius Sabinus, and L. Passienus Rufus L. Cornelius Lentulus, and M. Valerius Messalinus Imp. C. Julius Caesar Octav. Augustus XIII., and C. Canin. Gallus Cossus Cornelius Lentulus, and L. Calpurnius Piso Caius Julius Cæsar, and M. Æmilius Paulus P. Vinicius, and P. Alfenius Varus L. Ælius Lamia, and M. Servilius Sex. Ælius Catus, and C. Sentius Saturninus L. Valerius Messala Volusus, and Cn. Cornelius Cinna Magnus M. Æmilius Lepidus, and L. Arruntius A. Licinius Nerva Silianus, and Q. Cæcilius Metellus Criticus Silanus Q. Sulpicius Camerinus, and C. Pompeius Sabinus Sex. Pompeius, and Sex. Apuleius Drusus Cæsar, and C. Norbanus Flaccus T. Statilius Sisenna Taurus, and L. Scribonius Libo C. Sulpitius Galba, and Q. Haterius Agrippa Serv. Cornelius Cethegus, and L. Viselius Varro Aulus Vitellius, and Q. Vipsanius Publicola Q. Volusius Saturninus, and P. Cornelius Scipio L. Vipstanus Apronianus, and L. Fonteius Capito C. Memmius Regulus, and L. Verginius Rufus A. Licinius Nerva Silanus, and M. Vestinius Atticus Vespasianus Aug. IX., and Titus Cæsar VII. Titus Aug. VIII., and Domitianus Cæsar VII. Lucius Flavius Silva Nonius Bassus, and Asinius Pollio Verrucosus Domitianus Aug. VIII., and T. Flavius Sabinus 4087 3843 830 834 835 836 83 Domitianus Aug. IX., and Q. Petilius Rufus II, Domitianus Aug. X., and Sabinus C. Antistius Vetus, and C. Manlius Valens 849 850 97 850 851 98 851 852 99 A. Cornelius Palma, and C. Sosius Senecio Domitianus Aug. XI., and T. Aurelius Fulvus or Fulvius T. Aurelius Fulvus II., and A. Sempronius Attratinus L. Nonius Torquat. Asprenas, and T. Sex. Magius Lateranus Nerva Aug. III., and L. Verginius Rufus III. Nerva Aug. IV., and M. Uipius Trajanus Cæsar II. Trajanus Aug. III., and M. Corn. Fronto III. APPENDIX TO TABLE II. List of the years in which the Consuls were either changed, before the end of their term, or died while in office; together with the names of the Consuls who succeeded. A. D. 7. P. Corn. Lent. Scipio and T. Qu. Crisp. Valerianus, July 1. 8. Lucius Apronius and Aul. Vibius Habitus, July 1. 9. M. Papius Mutilus and Q. Poppæus Secundus, July 1. 10. Serv. Corn. Lent. Maluginensis, July 1. 11. L. Cass. Longinus, July 1. 12. C. Visellius Varro, July 1. 16. P. Pomponius Græcinus, July 1. 18. L. Seius Tubero and C. Rubellius Blandus. 22. M. Cocc. Nerva and C. Vibius Rufinus. 23. Q. Jun. Blæsus succeeded to Pollio, July 1. 26. Q. Marcius Barea and T. Rustius Nummus Gallus, July 1. 29. Aulus Plautius and L. Nonius Asprenas, July 1. 30. C. Cassius Longinus and L. Nævius Surdinus, July 1. 31. Faust. Corn. Sylla and Sex. Tidius or Sextidius Catull. May 9; L. Fulcinius Trio, July I; Pub. Memmius Regulus, October 1. 32. A. Vitellius succeeded to M. Furius Camillus Scribonianus, July 1. 33. L. Salvius Otho succeeded to Galba, July 1. 37. C. Caligula Imp. and Tiber. Claudius, July 1. 39. M. Sanquinius succeeded to Caius, Feb. 1; Cn. Domitius Corbulo, July 1; Domitius Africanus, or Afer, August 31. 41. Q. Pomponius Secundus succeeded Caius, January 7. 44. Manius Æmilius Lepidus succeeded Crispinus II. 46. Velleius Rufus and Ostorius Scapula. 48. L. Vitellius, July 1. 49. L. Memmius Pollio and Q. Allius Maximus, May I. 51. C. Minutius Fundanus and C. Vettennius Severus, July 1; Titus Flavius Vespasianus, Nov. I. 62. L. Annæus Seneca and Trebellius Maximus, July 1. 65. Anicius Cerealis succeeded Vestinius, July 1. 69. Salvius Otho Aug. and L. Salv. Otho Titianus, Jan. 15; L. Verginius Rufus and Vopiscus Pompeius Silvanus, March 1; Titus Arrius Antoninus and P. Marius Celsus II. May 1; C. Fabius Valens and Aulus Alienus Cæcina, Sept. 1; Roscius Regulus succeeded Cæcina, Oct. 31; Cn. Cæcilius Simplex and C. Quintius Atticus, Nov. 1. 70. M. Licinius Mutianus and Publius Valerius Asiaticus, July 1; L. Annius Bassus and C. Cæcina Pætus, Nov. I. 71. Flav. Domitianus Cæsar I. and Cn. Pædius Castus, March 1. 74. Domitianus Cæsar III. succeeded Titus, July 1. 75. Domitianus Cæsar IV. and M. Licinius Mutianus III. July 1. 76. Domitianus Cæsar V. and T. Plautius Silvanus II. July 1. 77. Domitianus Cæsar VI. and Cn. Jul. Agricola, July 1. 79. M. Titius Frugi and Vitius Vinius or Vinidianus Julianus, July 1. 83. C. Valer. Messalinus succeeded Rufus. 94. L. Serg. Paullus succeeded Lateranus. 97. Cornelius Tacitus succeeded Rufus. TABLE III. CHRONOLOGY OF REMARKABLE EVENTS, EXTENDING FROM A. M. 3999 TO A. D. 100. Tiberius (afterwards emperor) is invested by Augustus with the tribunitian power for five years; and soon after he retired to Rhodes. Miraculous conception of John Baptist. 5 Caius Cæsar, son of the emperor, the first who had the title of Princeps Juventutis, Prince of the Youth. He was at this time fifteen years of age. Miraculous conception of JESUS CHRIST. Birth of John Baptist. 4 Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born of the Virgin Mary, at Bethlehem in Judea. 3 4007 756 3 Wise men from the East, being guided by a star, come and worship the new-born King of the Jews. Death of Herod the Great, in the 37th year of his reign. He is succeeded by his son Archelaus. Death of Lucius, one of the sons of Augustus. Death of Caius Cæsar, son of Augustus, in consequence of a wound he had received in Armenia. Augustus Cæsar is called Dominus, Lord, by the people; with which title he is displeased, and publicly forbad it by an edict. About this time the celebrated Pollio died at his country-house in Tusculum, aged eighty. Augustus Cæsar, who had, ten years before, been appointed to the government of the Roman em- 4 Tiberius returns from Rhodes to Rome, and is adopted by Augustus. Cinna, grandson to Pompey, is charged with being the chief of a conspiracy against the emperor, The temple of Janus, after it had been closed ever since B. C. 8, is opened again on account of fresh disturbances in Germany. Tiberius subdues the Caninetali, the Attuarii, the Bructeri, and the Cherusci, Germans, who had revolted from the Romans. Augustus, that he might raise a tax in Italy, accepts of the proconsular power. 5 Tiberius extends his conquests to the Elbe, upon which the Germans sue for peace, which is granted them. 6 Revolt of the Pannonians and Dalmatians, against whom Tiberius and Germanicus are sent. 7 Archelaus, king of Judea, deposed; and his dominions reduced into the form of a Roman pro- About this time Judas of Galilee arose, and drew away much people after him; but he, and as many as obeyed him, were dispersed. Acts v. 37. |