

crimson to a light blush, and even pure white, form a very elegant variety of colour; and of some the smell is peculiarly fragrant.

Some time after, the woodbine and honey-suckle begin to blow; and these, united with the rose, give our hedges their highest beauty and fragrance.

The several kinds of corn come into ear and flower this month; as do likewise numerous species of grass. In Europe, the principal kinds of corn are wheat, rye, barley, and oats. In Asia rice is most cultivated. In Africa and the West Indies, maize or Indian corn.

The grasses are valuable for their leaves and stalks, or herbage, which are the principal food of all domestic cattle: this cut down and dried is huy, the winter provision of cattle in all the temperate and northern climates.

The latter part of June is the beginning of hay-harvest, for the southern and middle parts of the kingdom. This is one of the most busy and agreeable of rural occupations. Both sexes and all ages are engaged in it. The fra grance of the new-mown hay, the gaiety of all surrounding objects, and the genial warmth of the weather, conspire to render it a season of pleasure and delight.


JULY is the hottest month in the year The direct influence of the sun, indeed, is

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diminishing; but the earth and air have been so thoroughly heated, that the warmth which they retain, more than compensates for the gradual diminution of the solar rays.

The effects of this weather upon the face of nature soon become manifest. All the flowers of the former month lose their beauty, and the whole plant lastens to decay. Many plants, however, do not begin to flower till July. The lily is one of the principal ornaments of gardens in this month; and with its delicate white flowers gives an agreeable sensation of coolness to the eye.

While the animal creation seem oppressed with languor during this hot season, and either seek the recesses of woods, or resort to pools and streams, to cool their bodies and quench their thirst, the insect tribe are peculiarly active and vigorous. These minute creatures are for the most part annual; being hatched in the spring, and dying at the approach of winter.

The excessive heats of this period of the year cause such vapour or steam to rise from the surface of the earth and waters, that, after some continuance of dry weather, large heavy clouds are formed, which at length let fall their collected liquor in extremely copious showers, which frequently beat down the full-grown corn, and sometimes deluge the country with sudden floods. Thunder and lightning generally accompany these summer storms, Light

ning is a collection of electric fire drawn from the heated air and earth, and gathered together in the clouds, which, at length overcharged, suddenly let go their contents in the form of broad flashes, or fiery darts, These

are attracted again by the earth, and often intercepted by buildings, trees, and other elevated objects, which are shattered by the shock. Thunder is the noise occasioned by the explosion, and therefore always follows the lightning; the sound travelling slower to our ears, than the light to our eyes.

The effects of the great heat on the human body are agreeably allayed, by the various wholesome fruits, which Providence offers at this season for the use of man. Those which are now ripe are of all the most cooling and refreshing; as currants, gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, and cherries. These are no less salútary and useful than the richest products of the warmer climates.

The farmer's chief employment in July is, getting home the various products of the earth. It is the principal hay-month in some part of the country, and the work-people suffer much fatigue from the excessive heat to which they are exposed.

Flax and hemp are pulled in this month. These plants are cultivated in various parts of Europe. The stalks of both are full of tough fibres or strings, which, separated and prepared in a particular manner, become fit for

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