
erect his own, or a spiritual kingdom; and four successive empires are again mentioned, under whose last the same divine kingdom is again introduced: and it cannot be denied that the empires of Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome have alone succeeded each other, and attained to their highest grandeur by the destruction of their predecessors; under the last of which Christ was born, and afterwards constituted head of a spiritual empire, which, impaired perhaps at times, is descended down to the present day." Now with the fourth beast in Daniel is connected the time, times, and dividing of a time, that in St. John are the same as 1260 days: in Daniel the 70 weeks are seen by their fulfilment to denote 70 weeks of years and not of days; we infer, therefore, that the time, times, and dividing of a time (or the 1260

Dan. vii. 17-23. c Rev. xii. 6. 14.

b Dan. vii. 25.

days), in the same Daniel, will be measured by the same scale; and as the Revelation of St. John was indited by the same Spirit, it will most probably be conformed to the same mode of reckoning. This is very nearly a demonstration. We have accordingly given

the day a year's length in these remarks.

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