
estimated cost of which is about £1,400. their united efforts they saw around In aid of the fund several ladies of the them to-day. They had not been able congregation and their friends combined to display those contributions to the in making up a stock of goods, which best advantage, but at all events they were displayed on Tuesday on a number had been able to carry out the promise of prettily fitted-up stalls in one of the made in their circular in submitting a side rooms in Jarratt Street. Though large stock of useful and ornamental small in extent, the bazaar presented a goods, in proportion to their means and pleasing and tasteful appearance, and the position they occupied. They were the promoters, very considerately de- indebted to many outside their ranks parting from the ordinary custom of for assisting them in this matter, for such places, marked all the goods at many friends had helped them with reasonable prices, thus removing many willing hands and loving hearts. And of the objectionable features which with the help of those who might visit obtain at such sales, when almost fancy the bazaar they hoped to be able to prices are charged for articles presented complete their little church without so to their patrons. There was a tolerably large an amount of debt as some time large company at the opening ceremony, ago they had anticipated. They felt amongst whom were the Mayor and Mrs. very grateful to their worthy Mayor for Wells, the Sheriff (Mr. F. Summers), coming amongst them on this occasion Mrs. and Miss Summers, Mr. Bastow, to perform the ceremony of opening, and pastor of the Church, Mr. H. Best, thus giving fresh testimony of his readiCouncillor and Mrs. Ansell, Councillor ness to assist in furthering the religions and Mrs. Sanderson, etc. The proceed and charitable movements of the town. ings having been opened with singing The Mayor said it gave him much pleaand prayer, Mr. H. Best briefly thanked sure to do what he could to further the the ladies and gentlemen who had objects of this bazaar. When the honoured the bazaar with their patron- gentlemen waited upon him and asked age, and by their presence sympathized him to take the position he now ocwith the object they had in view. He cupied, he readily acceded to their realso thanked them for the support quest, feeling that in doing so he was which he had no doubt they would, not departing from his duty as chief before they left the room, give to the magistrate of the borough. movement. Before asking the Mayor that if he could in any way further the formally to open the bazaar, he might interests of either secular or religious be permitted in a few words to state the education, he was preparing his fellowobject for which it was being held. For townsmen to be better citizens, irremany years the Society whose cause spective of any particular sect. His they now advocated had been without a having taken this position had excited local habitation; and though it had a some little comment and some little name, it was almost unknown. A short complaint; however he did not regret time ago the friends connected with the having done so, for he felt that whilst cause thought that by diligent and he was Mayor of Hull he was not Mayor earnest efforts they might be en- of any sect or any portion of the town abled to raise a sufficient amount of merely. He therefore considered it part money to erect a small but suitable place of his duty to further the objects of of worship; and six or eight months this movement. When he saw motago a sum was obtained enough to toes such as 'God is Love,' 'Brethren, justify them in inviting tenders for their love one another,' and the like, he new building on the Spring-bank. He said if these were the tenets of the need hardly say that, as usual, the cost people who held this bazaar, they must of the building would exceed the origi- tend to make men better men, and nal estimate; but those who had seen improve the community generally.

He felt

the building would not think that the The Sheriff observed that whatever cost had been too great. sum not having been raised by subscrip- adopted by this congregation, he felt A sufficient might be the peculiar religious views tion for the completion of the church, sure that they, like all other religions the lady friends undertook some time communities, had but one object in ago to solicit contributions towards view-viz., to reach the happy land' establishing a bazaar; and the result of at the last. They might differ in their

religious opinions and beliefs, but so long as they had this in view, they were deserving of every support. He therefore wished the supporters every success in their undertaking. Brief addresses were also delivered by Councillors

Ansell and Sanderson."

The proceeds of the Bazaar, we learn from a correspondent, have amounted to £135, which, after deducting expenses, will yield £120 to the building fund. A quantity of goods are also unsold, which will be disposed of as opportunity offers. The new building is already covered in. It will cost more than was anticipated, but will be a very neat place of worship.

follow the example of Leeds, by securing the services of a resident minister.

LIVERPOOL.-A social and general meeting of the Bedford Street Society took place in the schoolroom attached to the church, on Monday evening the 12th April, on the occasion of enrolling no less than 37 additional members. It was a gathering of a pleasant and happy nature, the feeling of kindliness and After geniality being all-pervading. Mr. Goldsack, who, in the course of his tea the chair was taken by the minister, introductory speech, referred, with evident feeling and thankfulness, to the exceptionally important accession of new members, and also to the gradually increasing attendance at church and interest in After church matters. further alluding to the pleasure he felt in witnessing and taking part in the gathering, he asked Mr. Francis, the Secretary, to read his report, who stated that of the 37 members now being enrolled, 6 were rejoining, 9 were from other societies, and 22 had not been pre


Mr. Horn then

LEEDS.-The Society in this town, after having been for many years without a resident minister, have at length secured one in the person of Rev. W. O'Mant, who until lately was a Baptist minister at Kimbolton, Hunts, but has been known as a receiver of the New Church doctrines for some years. On Sunday, 28th March, the church having viously on the register of any New Church been closed for painting and decoration, was re-opened, when the newly-elected society; of these 22 at least 19 were repastor commenced his duties by deliver- cent receivers of the doctrines. ing two very interesting and instructive E. M. Sheldon was then called to addiscourses. The subject of that in the dress the meeting, and alluded to the morning was "Dust," the text being pleasure he, and he was sure all present, "Shake thyself from the dust" (Isa. lii. 2). experienced at meetings like the one The evening subject was "Foxes' holes now being held; and hoped that the and birds' nests," from Matt. viii. 20. friends putting their names in the Both subjects were treated in a very written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Mr. register book might find them also pleasing and instructive manner, giving Moore and Mr. Craigie made a few apevidence of thorough acquaintance with the doctrines, and power to set them propriate remarks. forth with great freshness and origina. Proposed a vote of thanks to the Secrelity. On Monday, 29th March, a social tary, which was seconded by Mr. Parkes, tea-party was held, at which about 80 who referred to two lectures which are persons sat down. The chair was after- to be delivered in Birkenhead by the wards taken by Mr. H. Cameron, and Rev. P. Ramage, who had kindly conthe meeting was addressed by Mr. sented to go down to assist in spreading O'Mant, Mr. Paget, Mr. Alfred Back- the glorious truths of the New Church. house, Mr. Snowball, and several other Mr. Francis thanked them for the exThe prevailing tone of the pression of good feeling and appreciaspeeches was congratulatory and hopeful; tion, and said that the best way in which and a desire was expressed on all sides to thank him would be to assist in that pastor and people might work to liquidating the debt on the church, of gether harmoniously for the good of the £180, which he hoped by special effort, Society; and that the church might and with the assistance of several friends, grow in numbers and power, and advance in spiritual life, by means of its completed organization. Several anthems were performed by the choir at intervals during the evening. It is greatly to be desired that many other societies should LONDON Buttesland Street. — The


to clear off. Mr. Whiteside, a new receiver, then addressed the meeting, and after the Evening hymn was sung and the Benediction said, the meeting was brought to a close.

quarterly meeting of this Society was which have arranged this party, and deheld on Wednesday, 14th April, Mr. S. sire this evening to do him honour. On B. Dicks in the chair. Three new his assiduous attention, and self-denymembers were elected, a mutual im- ing labours in connection therewith, it is provement society was formed, and the not necessary that I should enlarge; friends were informed that a junior suffice it to say, that the members of members' section had been started under that class are well satisfied with, and the presidency of Mr. Dicks. The prin- very grateful for, what he has done for cipal business, however, was the formal them, and in order to show their regard inauguration of a building fund to pro- and affection for him, have subscribed vide the means for the erection of a their small sums, and raised a memento church in a more suitable locality. A of his connection with them and of committee was formed, Mr. Jobson was theirs with him in the form of a photoelected Treasurer, and Mr. W. Spear, graph of the whole class, with their Secretary. The sum of £37, 4s. was teacher standing amongst them. It is promised in the room, including £25 this photograph which I have to present from our generous friend Mr. Iles. As to Mr. Collinge, and I can assure both soon as all our friends have added their him and all present that I have great names to the subscription list, it is pro- pleasure in doing so. After an affecposed to appeal to the Church at large tionate response by Mr. Collinge, the to aid us in the accomplishment of so Chairman made a few appropriate regood an end. marks. The picture was then closely inspected by the persons present, and considerable interest exeited by recog nising the objects thereon. Besides the presentation the meeting was entertained with a choice selection of songs, glees, recitations, and was a very pleasant and agreeable party.

OLDHAM.-On Saturday evening, 27th March, an interesting social meeting was held in the New Church School at the above place. Our esteemed day-school teacher, Mr. James Collinge, who is also a superintendent of the Sunday School, and has for some time conducted a singing class composed of senior scholars and LONDON.-Argyle Square.-The usual teachers, was presented with a beauti- annual social gathering in connection fully framed photograph of the members with this Society was held on Good of that class. After tea, Mr. George Friday, March 26th, and was very Wilson was called upon to preside. The numerously attended, several members Secretary of the Society, Mr. Hodgson, of the Camden Road and Devonshire who made the presentation, said there Street Societies being present. The mem are several works of use in which Mr. bers and friends assembled for tea al Collinge has taken an active part since half-past five, and at seven o'clock the he came amongst us, that deserve the chair was taken by the minister, the acknowledgment of the Society, but Rev. John Presland. After the admis which are excluded on the present occa- sion of seven friends as members, the sion, not because they are not known or Chairman announced that the subject for appreciated, but because the present pro- the evening would be taken from the ceedings originate with a section of the 23rd chapter of St. Luke, which he read. Society, and consequently do not repre- The meeting was addressed by the Chairsent the whole body. The particular man, Professor Tafel, Messrs. A. Faradepartment, in connection with which day, Hugh Evans, Applebee and Keene. Mr. Collinge's services are deservedly Mr. Arthur Day also gave a reading, noticed at the present time, has relation to that sublime art, whose charms are said to soothe the savage breast, namely, the art of music. To all observers it will have been very plain that since he came amongst us, his devotion to this branch of useful service to the Church has occupied a great deal of his time and attention. He has commenced and carried on to a comparatively successful issue a singing class, the members of

"Christ's Entry into Jerusalem," by N. P. Willis. The meeting terminated with the Evening Hymn and the Benediction.

PAISLEY NEW CHURCH YOUNG MEN'S MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION.The first united effort for mutual improvement by the young men of this Society is now in operation. The members met for the first time on Thursday

15th April-seventeen members pre- for forming new societies in London, or sent.

Essayist, Mr. Wm. Walker; subject, "Fermentation." It is proposed to deliver an essay every Thursday evening while the session lasts, in the hall underneath the church.

SWEDENBORG READING SOCIETY.At the meeting in March the Rev. J. Presland read a most interesting paper on the Divine Word and its various clauses. The subject was treated in an elaborate manner, and though kept within the compass, limited by the rules of the Society to twenty minutes, lost not hing by its brevity, but rather gained in terseness and power. It gave rise to an interesting discussion afterwards. The meeting for April had a valuable contribution in the shape of a paper by Mr. Percy C. Barnes, on the Assyrian records of the Flood and their relation to New Church Truth. The subject has just now a special interest from the discoveries of Mr. Smith, and promises to be of greater value as further develop

ments are worked out. Dr. Mill has

undertaken to continue the subject at the meeting on the 3rd Thursday in May, when a very instructive paper may be anticipated.


helping those requiring aid. Messrs. Duncan, Madeley, and Spear, were reappointed the Committee to consider the proposed plan for inserting in the daily newspapers a combined weekly advertisement of the whole London churches. Messrs. Heath and Dicks were appointed Auditors. The Treasurer's report was read and adopted. The Treasurer, with a view to provide sufficient funds to meet the demands of the Association, proposed that the contributions of each society, which now consists of a sum equal to one penny per annum for each of its members, be raised to threepence per member. The proposition was deferred for consideration at the next quarterly meeting. Mr. Austin reported respecting the Almanac for 1875, and consulted the meeting on the desirableness of inserting the Conference Lectionary for each Sunday in the Almanac for the ensuing year, he believing that the Lectionary was not in a majority of cases adopted in New Church societies. very interesting conversation ensued, illustrating the usefulness of the Lectionary being prominently and regularly brought under the notice of members of the Church, thereby ensuring a more LONDON ASSOCIATION OF THE NEW entire reading of the Scriptures both CHURCH.-The quarterly meeting of this at home and at church, and showing Association was held on Thursday, April that its insertion in the Almanac tended 1, at Flodden Road, Camberwell. The to secure its adoption more regularly managing committee consists of repre- in New Church societies. sentatives from each of the London societies and their ministers and secretaries, LONDON.-Argyle Square.-The Sunwho are members ex officio, and this being day evening lectures at this Church are the first meeting in the official year, the continued by the minister, the Rev. J. new representatives were announced and Presland, and are announced in the the officers for the year appointed. Mr. Manual until May 23rd. This announceAustin was unanimously elected presi- ment is preceded by the following intident, and having taken the chair, in a mation to the regular congregation, few appropriate remarks, expressed his which may usefully be extended to desire, in conjunction with his brethren, others :-"On the conclusion of the to advance the usefulness of the Associa- present course of lectures it is intended tion. A vote of thanks was passed to to commence another, the subjects of the retiring president, the Rev. J. Pres- which are given below, which we trust land. Mr. E. Madeley was re-elected will prove useful both to our own memSecretary, and T. H. Elliott, Treasurer. bers and to our visitors. The attention The re-appointment of the Newspaper of the regular congregation is respectCommittee was deferred to the next fully directed to the great use they will quarterly meeting. The President, perform in endeavouring to make Secretary, and the Rev. J. Presland, strangers feel at home and welcome at were appointed the Committee to manage these services, especially by supplying the exchange of ministers. Messrs. them with books, that all may intelliAustin, R. Gunton, S. B. Dicks, Made- gently join in our worship. It is someley, and E. H. Bayley, were appointed times charged against New Churchmen the committee to consider propositions -we hope hypercritically,-that they

are not sufficiently alert in extending such help and greeting. Let all who, for any reason, enter Argyle Square Church feel at once that they are expected, and that we rejoice to see them, and they will be more favourably disposed to receive the truths we wish to communicate, and the more readily induced to continue the acquaintance. The titles of the lectures are:"True and false Conversion;' The Revival of Religion; The Gospel of the Second Advent;' 'What was meant by the Jewish Sacrifices?' 'How was our Lord Jesus Christ a Sacrifice?' How has our Lord Jesus Christ washed us from our Sins in His own Blood?' 'Ye must be born again.''

WEEKLY OFFERTORY. The April number of the Argyle Square Manual gives the following account of the success of this mode of increasing the funds of the church. "Since its commencement on the evening of Sunday, Nov. 8, 1874, the Weekly Offertory has produced the sum of £60, 19s. 3d. During the three years last preceding the adoption of the Offertory, the average annual total of the four quarterly collections was only £40, 18s. 3d.; five months under the new system having thus produced half as much again as twelve months under the former method. This result the Committee, and the Society at large, must regard as most gratifying, especially as it is obtained at the cost of no inconvenience to the congregation, but rather, it is hoped and believed, in a manner generally regarded as an accept able accommodation; the frequent contribution of small sums being, in most cases, easier than the occasional gift of larger amounts. We earnestly trust that the expectation of increased finances which this experience encourages, may be abundantly justified. With more money at command we could materially improve our building, render our musical arrangements more efficient, extend the missionary usefulness of our services by a wider employment of advertisements, provide better accommodation for visitors, and greatly strengthen the teaching powers of our Sunday School, by the purchase of books, maps, etc. Let us, therefore, support the Weekly Offertory according to our means, assured that in so doing we effectually promote the welfare of the Church we love."



On March 24, at 28 Canonbury Square, London, the wife of Mr. J. A. Bayley, of a son.


On the 8th of April 1875, at the New Jerusalem Church, Nottingham, by the Rev. Charles H. Wilkins, Mr. Oliver James Lowe to Mary, second daughter of Mr. William Pegg, for many years the much respected leader of the Nottingham Society.


Died at Accrington, on the 5th of January 1875, Mr. Richard Riley, in the eightieth year of his age. Deceased was of a quiet retiring disposition, but always strongly interested in everything that concerned the welfare of the Church. He lived a worthy, consistent life, and met his end with the calmness and peace which they realize who strive to follow their Lord. Our friend had been a member of the New Church Society at Accrington upwards of sixty years, and in early life engaged actively

in its uses.

For many years he was a teacher in the Sunday-school, then Secretary of the Society, fulfilling all these several duties with exemplary care became more and more retiring in his and zeal. As age overtook him, he habits; but his love for the Church never diminished, and one of the greatest pleasures of his life was to hear of her progress and welfare. He has gone now, we are assured, to join the Church triumphant above, where he will realize, in fulness, the rest which remaineth for the people of God.

Died at Black Lane, near Radcliffe, on the 19th of February, Mr. George Holmes, aged 77 years. The deceased was for many years a member of the Society of the New Church at Heywood, and a constant attendant on its public worship. With advancing life he removed to Black Lane, to spend the evening of his days with his daughters. His infirmi ties precluded his attendance at any New Church place of worship, and he was thus confined to the narrow circle of his family. A few days before his departure he received with devotion and thank fulness the Sacrament of the Holy Supper, and afterwards waited patiently

the time of his release.

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