

coaft. In the course of this attack, the Algerines let off 97 fhells, and 1318 bullets, which greatly damaged fome of our fhallops. The weather did not permit us to attempt any thing on the 5th. But the next day, as the general was preparing and advancing to attack the enemy, he oblerved the Algerines making towards us with red-hot bullets, the heat of which was exhaufted before they could reach us. At half pait fix, our fire grew brifker; we threw up 447 fhells and 699 cannon-balls, which occafioned new fires within the town. The enemy plied us with 1842 cannonballs and 68 fhells. In the afternoon we refumed our destructive work; and, by means of 506 bullets, and 446 fhells thrown into the town, the fire broke out in three different places. On the other hand, the Algerines returned our fire by 1366 balls and fhells, by which fix of our bombketches and three gun-boats were damaged; the long-boat belonging to the Maltefe frigate, St. Ifabella, was funk, one man killed, and one wounded. On the 7th, early, we returned to the attack; and, during the two hours and a half it lafted, fent into the town 430 fhells and 526non-balls, which greatly damaged their batteries, and occafioned the blowing up of a powdermagazine. We received, in return, 1348 cannon-balls, and 38 fhells, by which the frigate Carmel was confiderably damaged, and the mafter dangerously wounded. At four in the afternoon, the attack was renewed, and two new fires broke out in the town, occafioned by 426 balls and 444 fhells from us. The enemy firing 1493 balls, and 23 shells, over our gun-boat, No. 1. was funk, by which accident Sub-Lieutenant Don J. Villavicencio, and 19 men, were drowned; the commanding officer, Don Irifari, and 19 more of the crew, were fo fortunate as to efcape with their lives. On the 8th, our general detached a number of gun-boats and bomb-ketches, fupported by the frigates Santa Rofa, Carmel, and two Maltefe, with the xebecs Murcien and St. Anthony, by the good conduct of whofe offieers and crews, the boats and gallies which the enemy had fent out early in the morning, were driven back; after which our general gave the fignal for a fresh attack, during which we fired 83 cannon-balls, and 220 fhells: from thefe one of the Algerine gallies received confiderable damage. The fire returned by the enemy confifted of 18 fhells, and 453 balls. At twelve o'clock at noon, a large fhallop of the Algerines blew up, occafioned by our well-directed fire of 440 balls and 443 fhells.

Matters being thus fituated, the commander in chief came to a refolution, confirmed therein by the unanimous voice of the pilots and officers, to retire; and, on the 9th, at mid-day, was under fail with the whole fquadron, except the Santa Pafcale, the frigate Santa Rofa, and the xebec Santa Sebaftiano,, which were left to Cruize in the Bay.

Paris, Aug. 28. All Paris was yesterday evening drawn to the Champ de Mars, or Campus Martius, which lies in front of the military academy, founded by the late king for the edu cation of the young nobleffe in military tactics. Monfieur Montgolfier, a paper-manufacturer

at Nonais en Vivarez, of a philofophical turn' of mind, conceived it poffible to form a ballon, or air-globe, which fhould rife without the aid of wings, foar beyond the reach of fight, and lofe itfelf above the clouds: Monf. De St. Fond, a member of one of the learned academies, happened to hit upon the fame idea; but, whether in confequence of a previous communication with Monfieur Montgolfier, or not, is yet undetermined. However, a globe or machine of taffety, twelve feet in diameter, was made by the latter, and plaistered all over with an elaftic gum; the whole weighing 25 pounds. Public notice had previously been given by government of this bufinefs, to prevent the terrors which fuch an appearance might otherwife have excited among the people, and two cannons were fired as a fignar for the machine to be launched off, when the inventor cutting a cord that held it, it immediately mounted into the air, and turning occafionally round it's own axis, it was in about a minute carried compleatly out of fight. A label, containing the year, month, and day, when it was fent into the air, with a promise of 50 ecus, or 150 livres, to the perfon who fhould find it, was fixed to the globe, which fell three quarters of an hour after, at Goneffe, four leagues from Paris.

It may appear furprizing that this machinə fhould continue to mount, in fpite of the attraction which draws bodies to the earth; but, extraordinary as it may appear, it is perfectly natural. The globe being hollow, was filled with inflammable air, or æther; and as it is the nature of flame to afcend, the machine, by means of the fiery particles it contained, continued to afcend, or at leaft float, and refift the attraction of the earth, till the internal æther evaporated, and then, in obedience to the laws of gravitation, it neceffarily fell. The whole affair is in general ludicrously treated.

Elfincur, Sept. 5. An English fhip has juft paffed the Sound, having on board 16 officers and 20 furgeons of that nation, engaged in the Ruffian fervice.

The officers of the customs at Riga having demanded of fix French fhips arrived there the duty for the timber they had on board, the French conful refufed to pay it, alledging they were hips of war, and in confequence exempted from all duties.

Paris, Sept. 7. An account of our: naval loffes is handing about; whereby it appears, that during the courfe of the war 27 fhips of the line and 43 frigates and floops were either taken by the enemy, deftroyed, or loft; an amount that nearly equals that of the preceding war, when England (except for the year that Spain engaged in the quarrel) had no other power to contend with.

Hamburgh, Sept. 12. We learn from Copenhagen, that in the parish of Skaperfeld, not far from Mount Hecla, the volcanoes are opened, which fend forth fmoke and flames, and whose lavas have overflowed an extent of fifteen miles in length, and feven in breadth, and destroyed three churches. Since this event the atmosphere has been covered with fo thick a vapour, that


the fun is not difcernible, and the lands have fuffered greatly. he new island near Raickenas is firmly fixed; but fimoke and fire continually iffue from it.

Paris, Sept. 18. Sixteen brokers, fufpected of havi. g circulated feveral falfe bills of exchange, were arrested on Monday laft, and committed to the Great Caftle.

Hague, Sept. 21. Baron Thulemeyer, envoyextraordinary from the King of Pruffia, has prefented a memorial to their High Mightineffes, expreffing, as it is faid, that his Majefty, feeing the war at an end, is no longer willing that his fubjects refiding in this country fhould pay the double (laft en veilged) duty of import and export for their fhips and cargoes.'


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The King's most excellent Majefty in Council. IT is this day ordered by his Majefty in council, that the embargo at prefent fubfifting upon hips and veffels laden, or to be laden in the ports of Great Britain and Ireland with provifions, be taken off; and that the feveral regulations contained in his Majesty's order of the 18th of Auguft 1780, fhall ceafe and determine: and the Right Honourable the Loids Commiflioners of his Majefty's Treafury, the Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty, and the Lord Lieutenant of his Majesty's kingdom of Ireland, are to give fuch directions for taking off the faid embargo, as to them may refpectively appertain.


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. St. James's, Sept. 9. On Saturday night laft Captain Warner arrived with the Preliminary Articles between his Majeftý and the States General, figned at Paris on the 2d of this month; as alfo the Definitive Treaties of Peace between his Majefty and the moft Chriftian and Catholic kings, figned at Verfailles on the 3d, by his Grace the Duke of Manchefter, his Majefty's ambaffador-extraordinary and plenipotentiary, and by the respective plenipotentiaries of their most Christian and Catholic Majefties, and the States General.

The Definitive Treaty with the United States of America was alfo figned at Paris on the 3d, by David Hartley, Efq. his Majefty's plenipotentiary, and by the plenipotentiaries of the United States; and Mr. Hartley is hourly expected to arrive with it.

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SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. St. James's, Sept. 12. Yesterday evening David Hartley, Efq. arrived with the Definitive Treaty between his Majefty and the United States of America, which was figned at Paris the 3d instant, by him, as his Majesty's plenipotentiary, and by the plenipotentiaries of the United States.

Peterburgh, Aug. 12. On Saturday laft, at nine o'clock in the evening, her Imperial Highnefs the Great Dutchefs was fafely delivered of a Princefs at Czarfko-Zelo. This joyful event was immediately announced to the public by a difcharge of two hundred, and one pieces of cannon. The new-born princefs is named Alexandrina Pawleona.

Conftantinople, Aug. 8. The unfeasonable weather ftill continues here with little variation, but the mortality occafioned by the contagion feems to increafe, more people having been carried off during the laft three days, than in fo fhort an interval at the time of the memorable plague in 1778.

[This Gazette likewife contains the addrefs of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of the city of London, on the fafe delivery of the Queen, and birth of another Princefs, with his Majefty's answer.]

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. Whitehall, Sept. 16. Advices have been received over land from Fort William, Bengal, dated the 10th of March laft, which confirm the accounts of the treaty with the Mahratta State being concluded on the 17th of May 1782, and ratified at Fort William on the 6th of June following; that it was compleatly ratified by the Pefhwa and minifters at Poona, on the 20th of December; and that the original counterparts of the treaty were finally interchanged, with every public formality, between Mr. Anderfon and Madajee Sindia, on the 24th of February



St. James's, Sept. 18. This evening the ceremony of the chriftening of the young princefs was performed in the Great Council Chamber by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Her Royal Highness was named Amelia.

The fponfors were, his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and their Royal Highneffes the Princess Royal and Princefs Augufta.

St. Ildefonfo, Sept. 5. The Princess Afturias was this morning happily delivered of two princes, the eldest of whom was chriftened by the


name of Charles, and the youngest by the name of Philip. Her Royal Highness is in a fair way of



St. James's, Sept. 23. Laft night one of the king's meffengers, difpatched by his Grace the Duke of Manchester, arrived with the Moft Chriftian and Catholic Kings ratifications of the Definitive Treaties of Peace, figned the third of this month, which were exchanged with his Grace, against those of his Majesty, on the 19th inftant, at Versailles, by the ambaffador and plenipotentiary of their Moft Chriftian and Catholic Majefties.

On this occafion the Tower and Park guns were fired this day at one o'clock.

The ratifications of the Preliminary Articles by

the States General were not arrived at Paris when the meffenger fet out, but were daily expected.

St. James's, Sept. 23. Yesterday being the anniverfary of their Majesties coronation, the Park and Tower guns were fired at one o'clock; and in the evening there were illuminations and other public demonftrations of joy.




WHEREAS a Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between us, the Moft Chriftian King, and the King of Spain, hath been concluded at Verfailles on the third day of this inftant September, and the ratifications thereof have been exchanged upon the nineteenth inftant: in conformity thereunto, we have thought fit hereby to command, that the fame be published throughout all our dominions. And we do declare to all our loving fubjects, our will and pleasure, that the


faid treaty of peace and friendship be obferved inviolably, as well by fea as land, and in all places whatsoever; ftrictly charging and commanding all our loving fubjects to take notice hereof, and conform themselves thereunto accordingly. Given at our court at St. James's, the twenty fixth day of September one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, in the twenty-third year of our reign. GOD fave the KING.

Copenhagen, Sept. 9. Accounts are received from Iceland, of a violent eruption having taken place in that ifland, upon the 8th of June. Several villages have been deftroyed, and a confide. rable tract of country is buried under immenfe emit great quantities of fire, and was still increasing depths of lava: the new ifland alfo continues to when the last ships came from thence.

Letters from Iceland, of the 24th of July, contain the most difmal detail of the devaftations occafioned by the course of the lava, and affirm that the eruptions continued even at that date.

[This Gazette likewise contains a proclama tion by the king for the farther prorogation of the parliament, from Thursday the 16th day of October, to Tuesday the 11th day of November next.] TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30.

Dublin Castle, Sept. 23, 1783. Yesterday being the anniversary of their Majefties coronation, in the morning the flag was hoifted on Bedford Tower: at noon the great guns in his Majesty'spark the Phoenix were fired three rounds, and answered by vollies from the regiments in garrison, which were drawn out in the Royal Square at the barracks: in the evening a play was given by his Excellency the Lord Lieutenant for the entertainment of the ladies, and the night concluded with bonfires, illuminations, and other demonstrations of joy.



IVE of the convicts who escaped from the Swift tranfport, on the coast of Suffex, being affembled at a house in Onflow Street, Saffron Hill, three conftables were fent to apprehend them; when a fcuffle enfuing, two of the villains ran up stairs, and escaped from a back window: the other three armed themfelves, one with a poker, another with a fhovel, and the third with a clafp-knife; crying aloud, as with one voice, Cut away! we fhall be hanged if taken, and we will die on the spot rather than fubmit.' The conteft becoming bloody, one of the conftables had his forehead laid open, and received three deep wounds from his right-eye downwards; another of them was terribly wounded by a large poker a little above one of his temples, but clofed with his antagonist, and threw him down; the third conftable, by ftriking the villain he encountered, on his right-hand with a cutlafs, difarmed him: upon which they all fubmitted. They were carried before W. Blackborow, Efq. who committed them to Newgate.

3. The Lord Mayor went in ftate to Smithfield, and proclaimed Bartholomew Fair; calling VOL. III,

in his way at Newgate, agreeably to ancient cuftom, and partaking of a cool tankard with the keeper.

4. The Honourable Colonel Gordon, of the Third, and Lieutenant Colonel Thomas, of the First Regiment of Guards, met, at fix this morning, at the Ring in Hyde Park. It was agreed upon by their feconds, that after receiving their piftols, they fhould advance and fire when they pleafed. On arriving within about eight yards of each other, they prefented, and drew their triggers nearly at the fame time, when only Colonel Gor don's piftol went off. Lieutenant Colonel Tho mas having adjufted his piftol, fired at Colonel Gordon, who received a fevere contufion on his thigh. Their fecond piftols were fired without effect, and their friends called to re-load them; after which they again advanced to nearly the fame diftance and fired, when Lieutenant Colonel Tho mas fell, having received a ball in his body. Colonel Thomas received immediate affiftance from a furgeon who attended Colonel Gordon, and who extracted the ball on the field, but the wound proved mortal.

6. The Coroner of Westminster, and a most 2 H refpectable

refpectable jury, fat on the body of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas; when, after hearing witneffes, and examining into the cafe from ten in the morning till five in the afternoon, they brought in their verdict-Wilful murder committed by • Colonel Gordon. The principal evidence was the fervant of Lieutenant Colonel Thomas, favourite and confidant of his late mafter, who gave a regular and connected account of the quarrel from the action at Springfield to the fatal period. He faid, that Colonel Gordon had fent a challenge to his master foon after the court-martial was held upon him, and before the confirmation of it was received from the king-That his ma fter refufed the faid challenge, as Colonel Gordon did not stand in a proper fituation to be answered --That the colonel followed his mafter to England, and had not ceafed from that moment to demand fatisfaction for the words which the deceafed had uttered in fpeaking of his conduct at Springfield That his mafter always declared him not entitled to fatisfaction, and went out of

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town for nine months to avoid him-That he gave the witnefs peremptory orders not to receive any letter from Colonel Gordon, and that he, in confequence, had refufed feveral letters which he fufpected to come from the colonel-That at length a letter was contrived to be delivered, which was a direct and moft peremptory challenge; in confequence of which they met, and fought, A warrant was granted to apprehend the colonel, but he had withdrawn on the death of his antagonift. Sir Edmund Thomas, brother to the deceafed, entered into a recognizance to profecute. The following is a copy of the will made by Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas, on the evening previous to his fatal interview with Colonel Gordon.

London, Sept. 3, 1783. I AM now called upon, and, by the rules of what is called honour, forced into a perfonal interview with Colonel Cofmo Gordon-God only can know the event, and into his hands I commit my foul, confcious only of having done my duty.

I therefore declare this to be my last will and teftament, and do hereby revoke all former wills, c. I have made at any time.

In the first place, I commit my foul to Almighty God, in hopes of his mercy and pardon for the irreligious step I now (in compliance with the unwarrantable cuftoms of this wicked world) put myself under the neceffity of taking.

I leave 15ol. in Bank notes, inclofed, to my dear brother, John Thomas, Efq. I alfo bequeath unto him whatever fums may be due to me from the agent of the 1ft Regiment of Guards, referving a fufficient fum to pay my debts, which are inconfiderable; and I alfo give and bequeath unto him all my books and houshold furniture, and every thing of which I am now poffeffed. I give and bequeath to Thomas Hobber, my fervant, gol. which I requeft my brother will pay him. What debts may be now owing, I request my brother will immediately discharge.

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FRED. THOMAS, Wednesday night, Sept. 3, 1783.'

P.S. I commit this into the hands of my friend, Captain Hill, of the Firft Regiment of



in his gardens of Ayott, St. Lawrence. 8. Sir Lyonel Lyde gave a public harvest-home company affembled at eight o'clock, which confifted of the French ambaffador, Earl and Countefs of Salisbury, Countess of Clarendon, Lord Hyde, Lady Ann Cecil, Lady Charlotte Villars, Lord and Lady Melbourne, Lord and Lady Grimton, Honourable Mr. Stuart, Honourable Mr. Lamb, Honourable Mr. York, Honourable Mr. Nugent, Sir Ralph Milbank, Sir Charles, Lady, and Mifs Cocks, SirThomas and Lady Rumbold, Captain and Mifs Rumbold, and all the neighbouring gentry. The company were faluted by the militia-band of mufic as they landed at the door. In the entrance of a very venerable grove fronting the house, a fpacious covered building was erected for dancing. The whole grove was

beautifully illuminated, and the building was or

namented with feftoons of natural flowers, at proper diftances from the four angles of the building. Tents were erected, two of which were ferved with tea and other refreshments; one was appointed for the militia-band of mufic, and the other for a fet of country people to fing catches, glees, and rural fongs, in the intervals between the dances. The voices were uncommonly melodious, and the fongs were felected with great propriety. In the inner part of the grove, another large rural building was erected for the village-feaft; a lamb roasted whole, making the centre difh; the old tower, the feveral buildings in the garden, and the portico of the new church, were very beautifully lighted up with lamps of different colours. The fete opened with a musical act, which was performed by a groupe of country people finging harveft-home, and other rural fongs fuitable to the occafion. The company then began to dance, and at twelve o'clock retired to an elegant fupper. The house was illuminated with party-coloured lamps hanging in feftoons. The deffert reprefented a beautiful landscape of farms, houfes, &c. of plowing, fowing, and all the country employments. The ladies dreffes were extremely elegant, and adapted to the occafion with great tafte; their heads being decorated with wheatears and other ornaments, in honour of Ceres. After fupper, the company danced in the draw ing-room, and broke up at four o'clock, perfectly pleafed with their entertainments.

10. There was this evening a remarkable to tal eclipfe of the moon, vifible, not only to Eu rope and Africa, but alfo to great part of Afia and America. The following is it's calculation."

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round the moon, at firft only with glaffes, but afterwards with the naked eye; a phænomenon equally curious and uncommon.

15. A Court of Directors was fummoned to examine the contents of the dispatches which arrived on Monday morning at the East India Houfe, in Leadenhall Street, from Bombay; the leading circumftance of which appears to be-that a compleat victory had been obtained by the British troops over the confederated army of the French and India forces, which had been followed by the capture of feveral forts, and terminated at laft in the capitulation of Mungolore, the capital of Tippo Saib, on the Malogartoos, on the 6th of March, in which he himself was prefent during the greatest part of the fiege, but contrived,with feveral French officers of rank, to make his escape a few days previous to the furrender of the garrifon. A great quantity of artillery has fallen into the hands of the British general, and the defeat is deemed of fo decifive a nature, as to remove all apprehenfions of any material difturbance in future from the faction under Tippo Saib. The fuccefs on this occafion is afcribed principally to the prudence of the British general, in advancing to the enemy and giving them battle at the very period when the death of Hyder Ally was publicly known, and the fpirit of defection in confequence of it univerfally diffused. .

16. Mr. Silvefter attended at the Old Bailey, on behalf of the crown, for the Attorney General, and moved the court, that William Marston Rothwell, convicted of counterfeiting halfpence, might be brought to the bar, in order to receive judgment of DEATH, pursuant to the ftatute of 4 Henry VII. which excludes all laymen from receiving the benefit of clergy, having been twice convicted of felony. He remarked, that courts of juftice always were, and ever would be, inclined to liften to the recommendations of juries, fo coinciding in their fentiments, and paying all due deference to fuch recommendations, the crown wished to extend it's humanity to the woman, and therefore he should not produce either the record or the evidence againft her, but proceed to put in his counter-plea against the man, and pray that he might receive judgment of death; upon which the deputy-recorder paffed the usual sentence of death.

17. The report was made to his Majefty of the prifoners who efcaped from the tranfport-veffel, and were found at large in this kingdom, when the following were ordered for execution on Monday the 22d, viz. Charles Thomas, William Matthews, Thomas Millington, David Hart, Abraham Hyams, and Chriftopher Trufty. The remainder of those who have been taken, were pardoned on condition of being transported for life to America.

18. About seven o'clock, the ceremony of chriftening the young princefs was performed at St. James's palace. The peers and peereffes, foreign minifters,and their ladies,affembled in the Queen's drawing-room fome time before the ceremony began, and from thence were introduced into the grand council-chamber, where the Queen was lying on an elegant bed of white fattin under a canopy of crimfon velvet, embroidered with gold. On the right-fide of the bed stood his Majesty, at

the feet his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the Princefs Royal, and Princefs Augufta; and on each fide the whole of the royal children, arranged according to their age. The great minifters of ftate, the King's and Queen's attendants, foreign ministers, peers and peereffes, formed the outer circle. The fervice on this occafion was read by Dr. Moore, the archbishop of Canter bury. The Prince of Wales, Princess Royal, and Princefs Augufta, were the sponsors to the young princefs, who was named AMELIA, in compliment to the Princess Amelia, the king's aunt; who, we understand, was one of the fponfors, reprefented by the Princefs Royal. After the ceremony her Majefty received the congratu lations of the nobility, &c. and his Majesty, after converfing fome little time, withdrew. A's foon as the king had retired, the greater part of the company paid a vifit to the royal nursery, where they were entertained with cake and caudle, as is ufual on thefe occafions.

The King was dreffed in a light blue; the Queen in white, with an elegant head-drefs; the Princefs Royal and Princess Sophia in white filk, adorned with fancy-trimmings.

20. The feffions, which began on the 10th inftant, ended this day.

The convicts who received fentence of death this feffions, under the denomination of prisoners in the ordinary courfe of the feffion, were as follow.

William Sharman, Margaret Ann Smith, alias Gibbs, William Glanvill, John Barber, Robert Steward, Thomas Sutton, John Fuller, John Booker, alias Brooker, Ann Farmer, Elizabeth Jones, Peter Williams, Thomas Tanner, for highway robberies.

John Burton, Thomas Duxton, John Anderfon, William Blunt, John Barryman, Joseph Abrahams, John Pilkington, for burglaries in different dwelling-houses.

Matthew Daniel, John Scott, John Francis, Andrew Reman, for forging feamens wills.

William M'Namara, James Neal, alias John Nowlan, Morgan Williams, Thomas Smith, John Starkey, Mary Parry, for privately stealing in dwelling-houses.

Robert Mott, for wounding a horfe, John Wright, for ftealing a mare,, William Moore, for coining shillings, and Thomas Limpus, for returning from transportation before the expiration of his term.

Several of the felons who had been fentenced at former feffions to transportation for feven years to Africa and the Eaft Indies, and had been pardoned, on condition of transportation to America for the fame term, refufed to accept of the king's pardon, and chofe to abide by their former fen


After the feffions were over, twelve men who received fentence to be publicly whipped, were tied up in the court-yard, and received two dozen lashes each, from the hands of the common hangman, except one, who being an old man, Sheriff Taylor ordered to receive one lafh only. The feffions were adjourned till the 29th of October.

21. This being St. Matthew's day, the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, 2 H 2 and

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