
mine haste, I am (1) cut off from before thine Eyes: thou heardest the Voice of my Supplication, when I cried unto thee; therefore f will I rejoice in thee, O Lord, and sing Praises unto the Most High.

By thy (r) WORD were all the HEAVENS MADE, and all the Host of them by the BREATH of thy ΜουτH: Therefore let all the Earth fear thee, O Lord, let all the Inhabitants of the World stand in Awe of thee; for thine Eye is upon them that fear thee, and hope in thy Mercy, to deliver their Souls from Death.

My Soul, WAIT (S) thou on the Lord, for he is my Help and my Shield. My Heart shall rejoice (t) in him, and in his holy Name will I trust: O Lord, let thy Mercy be upon me, according as I hope (u) in thee: For thy Mercy, O Lord, is in the Heavens, (x) and thy Faithfulness reacheth unto the † Clouds. Thy Righteousness is like the great Mountains, thy Judgments are a great Deep: Thou (y) preservest Manh and Beast; (z) thou, O Lord, redeemest

(q) 2 Cor. IV. 8,9. We are troubled on every fide, yet not diftrefsed; we are perplexed, but not in Defpair; perfecuted, but not forfaken; cast down, but not destroyed.

(r) John 1. 1. In the Beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God; all Things were MADE by him, and without him was not any

Thing MADE that was MADE. Heb. 1. 10. For thou, Lord, in the Beginning haft laid the Foundations of the Earth, and the HEAVENS

are the WORK of thine Hand. Col. 1. 15, 16, 17. Who is the Image of the invisible God, the First-born of every Creature, for by him were all THINGS CREATED that are in HEAVEN and that are in EARTH, VISIBLE and INVISIBLE, whether they be THRONES OF DOMINIONS, or PRINCIPALITIES or POWERS: All Things were CREATED by him, and for him, and he is before all things, and by him all things confift. (5) Ifai. XL. 31. They that WAIT upon the Lord, shall renew their

Strength; they shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not faint. HEART hall REJOICE, and your Joy no Man taketh from you.

(t) John XVI. 22. And your

(u) Heb. VI. 19,20. Which HOPE we have as an Anchor of the Soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the Vail; whither the Forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an HighPriest for ever.

(x) Matt. XXIV. 35. Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my Word shall not pals away. (y) Col. 1. 17. And by him all Things confift.

(z) Col. 1. 13, 14. Who hath delivered us from the Power of Darkness, and translated us into the

Kingdom of his dear Son, in whom we have Redemption through his Blood, even the Forgiveness of Sins.

PS. IX. 2.

8 Pfalm xxxvI. h Psalm XXXIV.

This probably alludes to the Covenant made with Noah, the Birds, and the Beasts, that they should perish no more with the Waters of a Flood; of which Covenant the Bow in the Clouds is a Token, Gen. 1x. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, όι.


[blocks in formation]

Matt. 26. Behold the

to Barns, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them: Are ye not much better than they?

fhall suffer Hunger; but they Fowls of the Air, for they low not, that feek thee, O Lord, (a) neither do they reap, nor gather inshall want no good Thing; for thou hearest them that cry unto thee, and savest them out of all their Troubles: For thine (b) ANGELS, O Lord, * encamp round about them that fear thee, and thou deliverest them. ster to them who shall be the Therefore will I bless thee, Heirs of Salvation ?

O Lord, at all times; my
Soul shall make her Boast

(b) Heb. 1. 14. And of the An gels he faith, Are they not all mi. nistring Spirits, fent forth to mini

in thee, O Lord. I will magnify thy glorious Name; for thou haft heard me, and delivered me from all my Fears: My Heart i shall rejoice in thee, and I will (c) Heb. 111. 6. Hold faft the

trust in thy Holy Name. O Lord, let thy Mercy be upon me, according as I (c) bope in thee.

Confidence and the Rejoicing of
Hope firm unto the End. Ver. 14.
For we are made Partakers of
Chrift, if we hold the Beginning of

our Confidence stedfast unto the

i Pfalm XXXIII. 21, 22.

I present not these my humble Supplications to thy Divine Majesty for my Righteousness, but for thy great Mercies, and the infinite Merit of Chrift Jesus our Redeemer; who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost ever one God, World without end. Amen.

* Thus the Mountain was full of Horses and Chariots of Fire round about Elisha, 2 Kings VI. 17. to preserve him from the Army of the Syrians, that compassed the City about, ver. 14, 18.



APrayer for the Light of God's Countenance.

S the (a) HART


the Water-Brooks,

so panteth my Soul after thee, O God. My Soul thirsteth for God, for the living God. My Tears are my Meat Day and Night, while they say, where is thy God? God, b thou art my God, early will I feek thee: my (b) Soul thirsteth for thee, my Flesh longeth for thee in a dry and (c) thirsty Land where no Water is, that I may fee thy Power and thy Glory, (d) so as I have seen thee in the Sanctuary. (e) Because thy loving Kindness is better than Life, my Lips shall praise thee.

Why art thou then (f) cast down, O my Soul? why art

(a) John VII. 37, 38, 39. Fefus stood and cried, saying, If any Man thirst, let him come unto me and drink: He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath faid, out of his Belly shall flow Rivers of living Water. (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receiver) Cantic. 111.1. By night on my Bed I sOUGHT him whom my Soul loveth : SOUGHT him, but I found him not.


(b) Ifai. LV. I. Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the Waters, and he that hath no Money; come ye, buy and eat; yea, come buy Wine and Milk without Money, and without Price.

(c) Rev. xx1. 6. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End : I will give unto him that is athirst of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely, Rev. xx11.17. (d) 2 Cor. 111. 18. But we all with open Face, beholding as in a Glass the Glory of the Lord, are changed into the fame Image, from Glory to Glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Cor. IV. 6. For God, who commanded the Light

to shine out of Darkness, hath shined in our Hearts, to give the Light of the Knowledge of the Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Chrift. Matt. X1. 27. And no Man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any Man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him.

(e) Phil. 111. 8, 9. I count all Things but Loss, for the Excellency of the Knowledge of Jesus Chrift my Lord; and do count them but Dung, that I may win Chrift, and be found in him, not having mine own Righteoufness, which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Chrift, the Righteousness which is of God by Faith: That I may know him, and the Power of his Refurrection, and the Fellowship of his Sufferings, being made conformable unto his Death; if by any Means I might attain unto the Refurrection of the Dead: not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect, but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

(f) 2 Cor. IV. 9, 10. Perfecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; always bearing about in the Body the dying of the Lord Jefus, that the Life of Jesus might be made manifest in our Body.

Pfalm XLII. 1, 2.


6 Pfalm LXIII.


thou difquieted within me? Hope (g) thou in God, for I fhall yet praise him for the Help of his Countenance; for thou, O Lord, wilt command thy loving Kindness in the Day time, and in the (b) Night thy Songs shall be with me, and my Prayer shall be unto the God of my Life. I will say unto God, my Rock, why haft thou (i) forgotten me? Why gol mourning because of the Oppreffion of the Enemy, (k) which is as a Sword in my Bones, while they say daily to me, Where is thy God?

How (1) long, O Lord, wilt thou forget me, for ever? How long wilt thou hide thy Face from me? How (m) long shall I take Counfel in my Soul, having Sorrow in my Heart daily? How long shall mine Enemy be exalted over me? Confider and hear me, O Lord my God, (n) lighten my Eyes, left 1 fleep the Sleep of Death; (0) left mine Enemies say, I have prevailed against him, and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved; but I have trusted in thy Mercy, (p) my Heart shall rejoice in thy Salvation, For I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by thy right Hand. Thou shalt guide me with thy Counsel, and afterwards re• Pfalm x111.

[blocks in formation]

(h) Fob xxxv. 10. But none faith, Where is God my Maker, who giveth Songs in the Night?

(i) John VI. 37. And him that cometh to me, I will in no wife caft out.

(k) Rev. XII. 10. For the Accufer

of our Brethren is caft down, which accused them before our God Day and Night.

(1) Rev. Χιν. 12. Here is the Pa

tience of the Saints, here are they that keep the Commandments of God, and the Faith of Jesus. Fam. 1. 3. Knowing that the trying of your Faith worketh Patience.

(m) John xv. 5. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the fame bringeth forth much Fruit; for without me ye can do nothing. 2 Cor. 111. 5. Not that we are fufficient of our felves to think any thing as of our selves, but all our Sufficiency is of God, who hath given unto us his Holy Spirit. Phil. 11. 12, 13. Work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God that worketh in us, both to will and to do of his

good Pleasure.

(n) John V111. 12. I am the Light of the World, he that followeth me shall not walk in Darkness, but shall have the Light of Life.

(0) 1 Pet. v. 7,8,9. Be fober, be vigilant, for your Adversary the Devil goeth about like a roaring Lion, seeking whom he may devour; whom refift stedfaft in the Faith. Chap. 1. 6. Wherein we greatly rejoice, though now for a Seafon (if need be) ye are in Heaviness, through manifold Temptations, for the Trial of your Faith.

(p) Phil. 111. 3. For we who worship God in Spirit, rejoice in Christ Fefus, and have no Confidence in the Flesh.

ceive me to Glory. Whom have I in Heaven but thee ?

and there is none upon the Earth I defire befides thee. My Flesh and my Heart faileth: but God is the Strength of my Heart, and my Portion for ever.

I will & fing unto the Lord, because he hath dealt bountifully with me: My Soul follows hard after thee, thy right Hand upholdeth me.

Hear, O God, my Cry, attend unto my Prayer; from the Ends of the Earth will I cry unto thee, when mine Heart is overwhelmed. 0 lead me to the (7) Rock that is higher than I. (r) My Soul f wait thou only upon God, for my Expectation is from him; he only is my Rock, my Salvation, and Defence. In thee, O God, is my Salvation and Glory: The (s) Rock of my (t) Strength and Refuge is in God; therefore will I trust in thee at all times,


(9) Matt. x1.28. Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you Reft.

(r) Heb. x. 35, 35, 37, 38. Caft not away therefore your Confidence, which hath great recompense of Reward. For ye have need of Patience, that after ye have done the Will of God, ye might receive the and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the Just shall live by Faith; but if any Man draw back, my Soul shall have no Pleasure in him.

Promise: For yet a little while,


(5) Matt. XVI. 18. Upon this
Rock will I build my Church.
Cor. x. 4. And that Rock was

(t) Ifai. XLI. 10. Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not ditmayed, for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with the right Hand of my Righteoufness.

(u) Rev. xx1. 6. I will give unto him that is athirst of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely. Let him that is Chap. XX11. 17. athirst, come: and whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely. Ifai. xxv. 6. And in this Mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all People a Feast of fat and pour out my Soul before Things, a Feast of Wines on the thee. I will remember Lees, of tat Things full of Marrow, thee upon my Bed, and me- of Wines on the Lees well reditate upon thee in the fined,

everlasting. Amen. Rev. v. 13. Blessing, and Honour, and Glory, and Power, be unto him that fitteth upon the Throne, and unto the

(x) 1 Tim. VI. 15, 16. Who is Night-Watches: For a in the blessed and only Potentate, the thy Prefence is fulness of King of Kings, and Lord of Lords; Joy, and at thy right Hand to whom be Honour and Power Pleasures forevermore. Therefore shall my Soul be (u) fatisfied as with Marrow and Fatness, and my Mouth shall & Pfalm XIII. PS.XVI. 11.

• Psalm LXI.

Lamb for ever and ever.

* Pf. LXI. PS. LVII. 17.

8 Pf. LXIII. 6.


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