
heavens, and if he had power would pull the Almighty from his throne.

79. Convince the world that you are devout and true,

Be just in all you say, and all you do.-Stepney.


80. Do not consider how things may be prettily said, rather than how they may be prudently spoken; neither hazard being thought wrong, or rash, or vain, for the chance of being reckoned pleasant.-Mrs. More.

81. State facts with clearness, urge arguments with calmness, and relate stories with truth and brevity.

82. There is no greater rudeness than to interrupt another in the current of his discourse; it always shews great disrespect, and cannot but be offensive.-Locke.

83. Let your manner of speaking be serious, but not sour; easy, but not careless; deliberate, but not drawling; affectionate, but not fawning.

84. Use not many words when any thing important is to be done. Long and curious speeches are as fit for dispatch, as a robe with a long train is for a race.-Lord Bacon.

85. He who clips away a little truth, and puts

in a patch of falsehood to make measure, is like- ́ ly to become a skilful manufacturer of lies.

85. He who circulates base coin, is as bad as the coiner; and he who retails, slander, as the slanderer.

86. Thro' mean complacence ne'er betray your trust,

Or be so civil as to prove unjust.-Pope.

Books and Reading.

87. Books are the treasuries of knowledge and experience: They contain whatever genius has invented, labour discovered, learning collected, and judgment arranged.

88. We never find a richly cultivated understanding in one who is averse to reading.

89. The proper choice and right use of books are the two main hinges on which your improve

ment turns.

90. Thousands of volumes which bear good titles are full of deadly errors, dangerous allurements to folly, and fine spun apologies for vice.


91. Novels, plays, and romances, are generally so written, as to captivate the imagination and corrupt the heart, and should therefore be avoided.

92. The want of a taste for reading, forces many young people into vain and vicious company to get rid of their tedious leisure hours.

93. Good books are instructive companions, that can be entertained without ceremony, and dismissed without offence, whenever you please.

94. Books were formerly so scarce and deat as to be beyond the reach of common people. A small library cost a great estate. The Countess

of Anjou paid for a copy of the homilies of Haimon, two hundred sheep, five quarters of wheat, and the same quantity of rye and millet.-Dr. Robertson.

95. Be not desirous of having it to say, that you have perused a vast number of volumes. One book read with laborious attention will tend more to enrich your understanding, than skimming over the surface of twenty authors.-Dr. Watts.

96. Let meditation accompany reading, and a proper course of action follow meditation.

97. If not to some peculiar end assign'd. Study's the specious trifling of the mind.


98. When you read moral or religious books, first lay the instructions you receive to the heart that they may affect you; then lay them up in the memory that they may enrich you; lastly, lay them out in your conduct that they may guide and govern you.

99. He who possesses good books without gaining any profit from them, is like an ass that carries a rich burden and feeds upon thistles.

100. He who with a treacherous memory reads carelessly, carries water in a sieve.

On Time.

101. He who seriously and frequently considers the shortness, the rapidity, the uncertainty, and the value of time, will gladly hear the lessons of wisdom.

102. Time is short. Seventy years in the eye of youthful fancy seem a vast and almost boundless space; but in the estimate of sage experience, and in the full view of eternity, they contract to a span and dwindle to a point.

103. Human life is compared to a stream ever-flowing, a shadow swiftly gliding, a vapour

that appeareth for a little while and then vanisheth away.

104. Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.-Italian proverb.

105. The ancients painted time in the form of an old man with a large tuft of air on his forehead, but bald behind, to teach us, that, if we catch him not as he comes, it will be impossible after he has passed by.

106. There is no office of life insurance, that can insure life.

107. Who knows if Heaven with ever bounte ous pow'r,

Will add to-morrow to the present hour.


108. You may gain a lease of an estate, but the Lord of time issues no grant for any certain term of future years. You have a charge to occupy till he come, but must remain tenants at will.

109. With constant motion as the moments glide,

Behold in running life the rolling tide,

For none can stem by art or stop by pow'r
The flowing ocean or the fleeting hour.


110. The sun once stood still, but time never

yet either stopped or slackened its course.

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