Specimens of the early English poets [ed. by G. Ellis.]. To which is prefixed an historical sketch of the rise and progress of the English poetry and language. By G. Ellis, 3. kötet1801 |
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26. oldal
... FIERCE tyrant , Death , that in thy wrath didst take One half of me , and left an half behind , Take this to thee , or give me th ' other back , Be altogether cruel , or all kind : For whilst I live , thou canst not wholly die- [ 26 ]
... FIERCE tyrant , Death , that in thy wrath didst take One half of me , and left an half behind , Take this to thee , or give me th ' other back , Be altogether cruel , or all kind : For whilst I live , thou canst not wholly die- [ 26 ]
27. oldal
English poets George Ellis. For whilst I live , thou canst not wholly die- O ! even in spite of death , yet still my choice ! Oft , with Imagination's love - quick eye I think I see thee , and I hear thy voice . And to content my ...
English poets George Ellis. For whilst I live , thou canst not wholly die- O ! even in spite of death , yet still my choice ! Oft , with Imagination's love - quick eye I think I see thee , and I hear thy voice . And to content my ...
28. oldal
... whilst it beauties rare array , Doth then enjoy the least repose ; When , virgin - like , it blush we see , Then is't of every hand the prey , And by each wind is blown away ; Yea , though from violence ' scaped free , * Yet doth it ...
... whilst it beauties rare array , Doth then enjoy the least repose ; When , virgin - like , it blush we see , Then is't of every hand the prey , And by each wind is blown away ; Yea , though from violence ' scaped free , * Yet doth it ...
73. oldal
... Whilst I thus gentle find her ; " Twere worse than death , if I Should find she proves unkinder ! One frown , though but in jest , Or one unkindness , feigned , Would rob me of more rest Than e'er could be regained . But in her eyes I ...
... Whilst I thus gentle find her ; " Twere worse than death , if I Should find she proves unkinder ! One frown , though but in jest , Or one unkindness , feigned , Would rob me of more rest Than e'er could be regained . But in her eyes I ...
76. oldal
... Whilst there's noble hills to climb ? No , no ; though clowns Are scar'd with frowns , I know the best can but disdain : And those I'll prove , So will thy love Be all bestow'd on me in vain.- I do scorn to vow a duty , Where each ...
... Whilst there's noble hills to climb ? No , no ; though clowns Are scar'd with frowns , I know the best can but disdain : And those I'll prove , So will thy love Be all bestow'd on me in vain.- I do scorn to vow a duty , Where each ...
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Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
Admet Anon Beaumont and Fletcher beauty beauty's birds blushing born breast breath Carew CASTARA Celia chaste cheek Chloris Corpus Christi College court Cupid dear death delight died disdain dost doth earth Edgar Atheling English eyes face fair fancy fate fear flame flowers folly Francis Beaumont grace Greensleeves grief happy hath hear heart heaven hope Isaac Walton JOHN COLLOP Julius Cæsar king kiss Laius language lips live lord lov'd love's lover maid MATTHEW STEVENSON melancholy miscellany mistress morn muse ne'er never night nymph o'er Oxford passion Phillis PHINEAS FLETCHER Picts pleasure poems poet poetry reign rose Saxon scorn Sedley Shakspeare shew sighs sing smile SONG SONNET sorrow soul specimen spring stanzas stay sweet taste tears tell thee thine thing thou art thought wanton Whilst wind wings wouldest not love youth
Népszerű szakaszok
225. oldal - To ALTHEA FROM PRISON WHEN Love with unconfined wings Hovers within my gates, And my divine Althea brings To whisper at the grates ; When I lie tangled in her hair And fetter'd to her eye, The birds that wanton in the air Know no such liberty.
23. oldal - Sweet air blow soft, mount larks aloft To give my Love good-morrow ! Wings from the wind to please her mind Notes from the lark I'll borrow ; Bird prune thy wing, nightingale sing, To give my Love good-morrow ; To give my Love good-morrow Notes from them both I'll borrow.
96. oldal - THE glories of our blood and state Are shadows, not substantial things ; There is no armour against fate ; Death lays his icy hand on kings. Sceptre and crown Must tumble down, And in the dust be equal made With the poor crooked scythe and spade.
43. oldal - Take, oh take those lips away, That so sweetly were forsworn; And those eyes, the break of day, Lights that do mislead the morn; But my kisses bring again, bring again, Seals of love, but seal'd in vain.
198. oldal - Why so pale and wan, fond lover? Prithee, why so pale? Will, when looking well can't move her, Looking ill prevail? Prithee, why so pale?
180. oldal - Now the bright morning star, day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the east, and leads with her The flowery May, who from her green lap throws The yellow cowslip, and the pale primrose. Hail, bounteous May, that dost inspire Mirth, and youth, and warm desire ; Woods and groves are of thy dressing, Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing. Thus we salute thee with our early song, And welcome thee, and wish thee long.
129. oldal - Ask me no more whither doth haste The nightingale when May is past, For in your sweet dividing throat She winters and keeps warm her note. Ask me no more where Jove bestows, When June is past, the fading rose, For in your beauty's orient deep These flowers as in their causes, sleep.
56. oldal - Cause I see a woman kind; Or a well disposed nature Joined with a lovely feature? Be she meeker, kinder, than Turtle-dove or pelican, If she be not so to me, What care I how kind she be?
225. oldal - When (like committed Linnets) I With shriller throat shall sing The sweetness, Mercy, Majesty, And glories of my King ; When I shall voice aloud, how Good He is, how Great should be ; Enlarged Winds that curl the Flood, Know no such Liberty.
350. oldal - scape, Rivals and Falsehood soon appear In a more dreadful shape. By such degrees to joy they come, And are so long withstood, So slowly they receive the sum, It hardly does them good. 'Tis cruel to prolong a pain; And to defer a joy, Believe me, gentle Celemene, Offends the winged boy.