
temporal punishments due unto my sins, and my own works are not sufficient to make satisfaction for them, I fly to the inexhaustible treasury of the merits of thy only begotten Son and of thy saints, that, by their abundance, my defects and infirmities may be supplied. I cheerfully offer myself to do all those things which are appointed for obtaining this end. Receive them, O Father of mercies, in union with the passion and death of the same thy Son, and make me, although unworthy, partaker of this plenary indulgence. Our Father. Hail Mary.


To God the Father, for the Exaltation of our Holy
Mother the Church.

O eternal Father, be mindful of thy congregation which thou hast possessed from the beginning. Acknowledge the Church as the spouse of thine only begotten Son, for which he hesitated not to shed his blood. So exalt it, I beseech thee, with the beauty of holiness, the riches of grace, and the fulness of thine inheritance; that it may shine forth worthy of its divine Spouse, and of the great price of its redemption. Look mercifully upon all the sons of this holy Mother, and gather all nations into their number; that all may acknowledge, with living faith, thee the Father, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God; may call upon thee with steadfast hope, and embrace thee with perfect charity. Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary.

V. Behold, O Lord, and visit this vine.

R. And perfect that which thy right hand hath planted.

Look down, we beseech thee, O Lord, upon this thy family, for which our Lord Jesus Christ did not refuse to be delivered into the hands of sinners, and to undergo the torment of the cross; who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.


To God the Son, for the Extirpation of Heresies. O Jesus, the true light that lightenest every one that cometh into the world, grant, I beseech thee, by the inestimable virtue of thy passion and death, that, the darkness of heresies and errors being driven away, all may embrace the light of thy truth, and be brought into the bosom of thy Church. O thou good Shepherd, who didst lay down thy life for thy sheep, protect thy flock, and defend it from the violence and cunning of those who come in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves. Grant that all may acknowledge one shepherd, and be of one fold. Abide with us, O Lord, as thou hast said, Behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world. Make manifest that thy Church is founded on a rock, and that the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary.

V. Deliver not up to beasts of prey the souls that put their trust in thee.

R. And forget not, O Lord, for ever the souls of thy poor.

Hear the prayers of thy Church, O Lord, we beseech thee, and turn away thine anger from us; that all adversities and errors being done away, we may serve thee in freedom and security; through our Lord, &c.


To the Holy Ghost, for Concord among Christian Princes. O Holy Spirit, Spirit of love and peace, who hast gathered together so many and various nations in the unity of the faith, vouchsafe to grant to all Christian princes, and to their counsellors, the abundance of thy grace, and imbue their hearts with the new commandment of thy love; that all men may know by this that they are to be counted among the number of thine elect, and are worthy of the name of Christ. Grant that they

may not be led away through covetousness to do any thing contrary to thy divine glory, and the peace of thy Church; but rather may strive, with united efforts, to bring the people committed unto them, together with themselves, to the vision of eternal peace, and to the heavenly Jerusalem. Amen.

Our Father Hail Mary.

V. Let peace be in thy strength.
R. And plenteousness in thy towers.

O God, from whom all holy desires, all right counsels, and all just works do come, give to thy servants that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts being given up to obey thy commandments, and the fear of our enemies being taken away, the times, by thy protection, may be peaceful, through our Lord Jesus Christ, who liveth, &c.


To the most Holy Trinity; offering up the Works
prescribed for obtaining the Indulgence.

O most holy Trinity, I trust I have now performed whatever hath been prescribed for obtaining a plenary indulgence for the punishment due to my sins. I confess that anywise I ought to have done all this, and much more, for thy divine Majesty, being bound thereto under a thousand titles. It is of thine infinite goodness and bountiful liberality alone that thou art pleased so abundantly to remunerate the worthless works of our bounden duty. Receive, therefore, O most holy Trinity, these works that I have done, in whatever way I may have done them, and grant that all their defects may be supplied by the merits of the passion and death of Jesus Christ our Lord, and by his most precious blood which was shed for us; and thus make me (or the soul of partaker of this plenary indulgence: for which mercy, O Lord, may all heaven and earth unite with me in giving praise and thanksgiving unto thee now and for ever. Amen.

Our Father. Hail Mary.
The Te Deum.

A Prayer for the whole state of Christ's Church upon Earth.*

O eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Creator of all things, visible and invisible, Source of all our good; infinitely good in thyself, and infinitely gracious, bountiful, and good to us; beho'd we, thy poor servants, the work of thy hands, redeemed by the blood of thine only Son, come [in answer to his summons by his Vicegerent], to present ourselves, as humble petitioners, before the throne of thy mercy. We come in communion with all thy Church in heaven, hoping to be assisted by their prayers and merits; and with Jesus Christ at our head, our High Priest and Mediator, in whose precious blood we put all our trust,

We prostrate ourselves here before thee, and most humbly beseech thee to sanctify thy own most holy name, by sanctifying and exalting thy holy Catholic Church throughout the whole world. O eternal King, who I as sent down thine only Son from thy throne above into this earth of ours, to establish a kingdom here amongst us, from whence we might hereafter be translated to thy eternal kingdom; look down, we beseech thee, upon this kingdom of thy Son, and propagate it through all nations, and through all hearts. Sanctify it in all truth; maintain it in peace, unity, and holiness. Give to it saints for its rulers, its chief pastor, and all its other prelates; enlighten them with all heavenly wisdom; make them all men according to thy cwn heart.

Give thy grace and blessing to all the clergy; and send amongst them that heavenly fire which thy Son came to cast on the earth, and which he so earnestly desired should be enkindled. Assist and protect all

* This prayer was first published on occasion of the Jubilee in 1751; and may be proper for any other time of indulgence. It may be said on the day of communion, as it is directed for the usual intentions for which the faithful ought to offer up their prayers in order to gain the indulgence.

apostolic missionaries, that they may zealously and effectually promote thy glory, and the salvation of souls redeemed by the blood of thy Son. Sanctify all religious men and women of all orders; give them the grace to serve thee with all perfection, according to the spirit of their institute, and to shine like lights to the rest of the faithful.

Have mercy on all Christian princes; grant them those lights and graces that are necessary for the perfect discharge of their duty to thee and to their subjects; that they may be true servants to thee, the King of kings, true fathers to their people, and nursing fathers to thy Church. Have mercy on all magistrates and men in power; that they may all fear thee, love thee, and serve thee; and ever remember that they are thy deputies, and ministers of thy justice.

Have mercy on all thy people throughout the world; and give thy blessing to thine inheritance; remember thy congregation, which thou hast possessed from the beginning; and give such grace to all thy children here upon earth, that they may do thy holy will in all things, even as the blessed do in heaven.

Extend thy mercy also to all poor infidels, who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death; to all those nations that know not thee, and that have not yet received the faith and law of thy Son; to all Pagans, Mahometans, and Jews. Remember, O Lord, that all these poor souls are made after thine own image and likeness, and redeemed by the blood of thy Son. Oh, let not Satan any longer exercise his tyranny over these thy creatures,

to the great dishonour of thy name. Let not the pre


cious blood of thy Son be shed for them in vain. among them zealous preachers and apostolic labourers, endued with the like graces and gifts as thine Apostles were, and bless them with the like success, for the glory of thy name; that all these poor souls may be brought to know thee, love thee, and serve thee here in thy Church, and bless thee hereafter for all eternity.

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