


[IN the early part of the nineteenth century a number of Hawaiian boys were brought to this country by traders, and when the Foreign Mission school was founded at Cornwall, Connecticut, in 1816, they were placed in this school. One of their teachers, Samuel Ruggles, became much interested in them and in their reports of their native islands, then a pagan land. When the American Board of Missions decided to establish a Mission in Hawaii, then called the Sandwich Islands, Samuel Ruggles was one of the first to offer himself as a missionary teacher. In October 1819, a group of seven young men and their wives, most of whom had been married but a few weeks, left Boston on the Brig Thaddeus, expecting to spend the rest of their lives in an unknown land. Three native youths went with them, also George Tamoree, son of the chief of an island. This journal was written by Samuel and Nancy Wells Ruggles and sent home to their mother and friends by the first vessel leaving Hawaii after their landing. Since the death of Mr. Ruggles it has been in the possession of a granddaughter, Mrs. Frances S. Loomis, of Madison, Wisconsin. LOUISE LOOMIS CHRISTISON]

On board the Brig Thaddeus. Oct. 23, 1819. The trying scene is now over, the parting hand given, the farewell past. We shall no more behold the face of that dear, ever dear mother whom we so ardently love, and who has shed so many tears on our account. We

shall not again in the flesh greet those beloved brethren & sisters and our dear friends with whom we have often had such sweet counsel and walked to the house of God in company. Their advice and instructions we shall no longer enjoy, but we shall have their prayers. Morning and evening their closets shall witness the fervency of their entreaties in behalf of a far distant brother and sister. Consoling thought, which will cheer us while we are crossing the tempestuous deep, cheer us when we are strangers in a pagan land, cheer us while we are endeavoring to lead the untutored heathen from nature up to nature's God. A thought that will soften the arrows of persecution, and comfort us when we are called to pass the furnace of affliction. Farewell honored mother, we hope ere long to meet you in the New Jerusalem; may you enjoy every temporal and spiritual blessing which shall be for your good, and when you close your earthly pilgrimage, may you go forth like a shock of corn fully ripe. A long farewell.

Dear heathen seminary at Cornwall, you are doubly dear to our hearts. We have prayed for you, we shall pray for you still. May the great head of the church ever preside over you. We hope to hear from time to time of your abundant prosperity, and we hope that in due time many of your children may come to the S. Islands and help us. Farewell, dear youths, we shall never forget you.

And now America; for the last time

we fix our eyes upon your dear shores. Your places which have known us will know us no more forever. We look upon you with hearts full of emotion as you recede from our view; we shed a tear or two, and cheerfully bid you a long, long farewell.


Sabbath Jan. 2nd, 1820. A delightful morning indeed; to me peculiarly so, my health is comfortable and I feel more like enjoying the Sabbath than I have before since I left dear America. The weather is not excessively hot, tho' the air is faint; the sea calm and unruffled, no swelling waves dash against the sides of our floating habitation, threatening our destruction; no distressing gales beat upon us as if determined to overthrow us into the depths of the sea; all is peace and tranquillity while we proceed silently along the coast of Patagonia at the rate of one mile an hour. Perhaps if our A. friends could see us this morning, they would wish themselves with us. Though they cannot be with us they will remember us to-day with deep interest. May God hear your prayers for us, and make you so unspeakably happy, as hereafter to know that your desires have entered the ears of the Almighty and that those now degraded Islanders are become the true worshippers of God.

I am full of faith, that the time has nearly arrived, when O. Idols will be no more; when instead of Marai, will be erected houses dedicated to the service of Obookiah's God, and that land which is now grown over with thorns and nettles, become a fruitful field. S. R.

Jan. 25th, 12 o'clock. After sailing ninety-five days without seeing land, we this morning at ten o'clock with joyful eyes and hearts discovered the

Island of Terra del Fuego, about ten leagues ahead. Though it had more the appearance of a cloud than land yet the bare thought that it was land gave us pleasing sensations. Joy ran through my bosom, and for a moment I almost forgot that I was seasick. I have not enjoyed health for a single moment since I came on board the Thaddeus, nor do I expect to until I reach Owhyhee (Hawaii), but I would be far from complaining. The Lord lays his hand gently upon me and I will rejoice that I may suffer for his sake. I feel as I did before I left America, an increasing desire to spend my life in a remote corner of the globe, and wear out in the cause of my dear Redeemer. I am interrupted by the appearance of a large whale alongside.-S. R.

Feb. 24th. Crossed the tropic of Cancer this morning. We have again entered the torrid zone expecting to spend the remainder of our days in this unfavorable clime. Who would not be willing to endure the scorching heat of a sultry region a few fleeting days if thereby they may be instrumental of plucking immortal souls from the scorching of eternal burnings?


March 30th. Last night about one o'clock brother Hopoo came to my room almost in an ecstasy of joy and told me to get up and see Owhyhee (Hawaii); I went on deck and by the bright moonlight could just discover it sixty miles from us. At daylight we could see plainly the high mountain Mahoonah Kaah (Mauna Kea) clothed in a thick mantle of snow. I will leave it to my friends to imagine what our feelings are at the sight of land, that land which we have long wished to see, and in which we hope to plant the standard of the cross and labour for Christ. This afternoon we sent a boat

for the shore, but it was met by some canoes of natives, who gave us information that Tamahamaha (Kamehameha) the King1 was dead; Oreoreo (Liholiho) his eldest son succeeded him to the throne. They also informed. us that their Taboos were all broken, their Marais burnt to ashes and their idols destroyed. They had been at They had been at war, but now all was peace and prosperity; and the men and women ate together and enjoyed equal privileges. We could hardly credit all this, but were constrained to exclaim in the language of our hearts, 'What hath God wrought.'-SAML. RUGGLES.

April 1st. Had a visit from the chief, his two wives, and two widows of Tamahamaha, with a numerous train of attendants. The name of heathen has long been familiar to my ears, but half of their real wretchedness was never told me. O my dear Christian friends, you who enjoy the exalted privileges of the Gospel & civilization, I entreat you to think of the heathen and remember that you must shortly meet them at the bar of Jehovah; and answer for the feelings and conduct which you now exercise toward them. The Chief was dressed in English and appeared well. His wives and the Queens were clothed in China dresses on account of our being on board. They generally go almost naked. The queens are monstrous women, judged to weigh about four hundred pounds each. Their heads were both crowned with a wreath of yellow feathers. The sight of white females was a novelty to them. They expressed a desire to become acquainted with our customs, were much pleased with the idea of writing, tried themselves, and succeeded very well. The Chief dined with the mission family, but the Queens chose to eat by themselves. Their provision was raw 1 The King died May 8, 1819.

fish and poi. They ate with all the simplicity of untaught barbarians, without any politeness or even decency. NANCY R.

2nd. This has been a new Sabbath to us all. The Chief and his family came on board for the purpose of accompanying us to Kiarooah (Kialua), the place of the King's residence. One of the Queens brought a piece of cloth and requested us to make a gown like ours. Thomas told her it was the Lord's day and we would make it to-morrow. She answered, miti (that is good). How unlike to those peaceful Sabbaths I have enjoyed in America have been the scenes of this day. Instead of a little retired spot in my chamber, I am thronged with these degraded natives, whose continual chattering has become wearisome to me, yet I think this has been the most interesting Sabbath of my life. In the afternoon brother B. preached from Isa. 42. 4.-' and the isles shall wait for his law.' The heathens paid a listening attention to the sound of the voice and the appearance of the audience. Oh may the time be hastened in its season, when these Chiefs & Queens who have now heard the words of life shall become nursing fathers and mothers to this little church.-N. R.

5th. The natives appear very kind, express their generosity by sending us hogs, potatoes, melons, and various kinds of fruits. Fresh provisions relish well after living almost half a year on salt food. We understand that the Kings and Chiefs are all pleased with our object in settling among them but some wicked white men are endeavoring to prejudice them against us, by telling them that our intention is to get possession of the Islands. We know not yet what God designs to do with us, but we trust that the enemy

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7th. My dear Mother, were it in my power I would gladly paint to you in lively colors the interesting scenes of this morning, and the emotions of my heart in placing my feet on land for the first time after a confinement of about five months and a half on board the Thaddeus. It is impossible for one who never experienced the inconveniences and trials attending so long and tedious a voyage at sea, to realize the peculiar sensations of being set at liberty on their native element. As soon as we approached the beach we were discovered by the natives, who flocked about the boat in such swarms that it was with much difficulty we could land and force our way to the King's house, which was about twenty rods from the water. When we arrived at the door we found the King at breakfast on his mat; we took our seats and were soon treated with a glass of wine, and invited to stay and dine. Soon after the Queens made their appearance, each one attended by a servant holding a feather fly brush in their hands.

After the customary ceremonies were passed they sat down on the mat and amused themselves by looking at us & making their remarks. At dinner we were happily disappointed to see the order and decency of the table. It was set in the American style, furnished

with a baked pig, roasted fish, potatoes, tarrow &c. &c. After dinner we took a walk but were thronged with such a multitude, that our walk was uncomfortable.

We are the first American females that ever visited these Islands; if an old man or woman could run before us and take a peek under our bonnets they appeared highly gratified. The King has not yet given us a decisive answer but says he will soon. It will be a severe trial to us if we should be sent away without being permitted to tell them the way of salvation. I think that notwithstanding our prospects look rather dark at present, the cloud will soon disappear and we shall see our way before us. Our God is all powerful, his arm will protect.-N. R.

10th. At length we have received a decisive answer from the King. He wishes two couple to stay with him, and also two of the natives; and the remainder to establish themselves at Woahoo (Oahu), an Island one hundred miles distant. This is just what we desired as Woahoo is much more fertile than Owhyhee (Hawaii) and much better calculated to be the place of our principal station. He requests that our physician be left with him, accordingly we have concluded to leave here brothers Thurston & Holman with their wives, and Thomas & William. He has provided a house for them, and promises to furnish them with a cooking stove, provisions, and


Kiarooah (Kialua) village is built on a bed of lava where nothing will grow but cocoanuts, tobacco, and a few shrubs. There is no fresh water but what is brought in Calabashes between four and five miles. The houses are covered with hay; the floor is of mats made of bulrushes, which answer also for their beds.-N. W. R.

22nd. We still experience the continual kindness of both white and tawny friends. The King has ordered the chiefs of this island to build three houses for our use, and enclose them in a yard of about five acres. He has also given us a tarro patch, and says when we have eaten out all the tarro he will give us another. Hanoore lives in our family, is a dear brother to us; he has had a piece of good land given him, with three houses upon it. We cannot help enjoying ourselves when the Lord is doing so much for us. - NANCY.

May 3rd. Made Attooi at daylight this morning. Like all the other Islands its first appearance was rude and mountainous, but on approaching nearer, beautiful plains and fruitful vallies presented themselves to view, looking almost like the cultivated fields of America, while large groves of cocoanuts and bananas waved their tops as if to welcome us to their shores. Thought I while passing these pleasant fields, can this be one of the dark places of the earth which is filled with the habitation of cruelty? Has the sun of righteousness never yet shone upon it? Is it a fact that the immortal beings are shrouded in midnight darkness, without one minister of Christ to direct them to the city of refuge, the place of rest and glory? Alas! they are heathens. Their mean and scanty dwellings and the appearance of men, women, and children coming off to us naked, plainly bespeak that they are yet savages, ignorant of God and unacquainted with the precepts of the gospel.

They have indeed thrown away their idols as worthless things unable to save them, but they have not heard of Jesus, no Christian has yet said to them, there is a God in Heaven who made them and the world, nor pointed them to the Saviour, the Lamb

of God, who taketh away the sin of the world. O thou God of nations, here make thyself known; here plant thy cross, and possess this land. — At 11 o'clock came to anchor at Wimai (Waimea), opposite the fort. A canoe came off to us with several of the King's men, one of whom could speak English. George had kept himself concealed in the cabin until we told him that one of his father's favorite men was on board, and we thought best that his arrival should be made known to him. We then introduced him to the young prince. He embraced him and kissed him without saying a word and turned around, immediately went on deck, and into his canoe telling his companions they must go on shore, for their young master had come. A salute of twentyone guns was soon fired from the brig and returned from the fort. · Brother W., George, and myself, made preparations and came on shore. On account of the surf we were obliged to land half a mile west of the King's house. We were there met by a crowd of natives who would have obstructed our way entirely, had there not been men appointed to clear a passage for us, which they did by beating them off with clubs. When we arrived at the house, Tamoree and his Queen were reclining on a sofa; as soon as George entered the door, his father arose, clasped him in his arms and pressed his nose to his son's after the manner of the country; both were unable to speak for some time. The scene was truly affecting. I know not when I have wept more freely. When they had become a little composed, Tamoree spoke and said his heart was so joyful that he could not talk much till to-morrow, but discovering brother W. and myself, who had till then remained unnoticed, he enquired who we were. George then introduced us to him as his friends who had come from America to accompany

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