
possible donors with Jewish antecedents. It is well known, however, that Jewish boys and girls have much difficulty in gaining admission to these institutions, and conditions similar to those in Rumania, Poland, and various Balkan states have developed.

Least of all is it realized that discrimination of this kind is gaining marked headway in business life. It is natural that the men whose social life is spent together should also desire to be associated together in business. They know each other from all angles; they are congenial, for otherwise they would not be together outside of business; and when favorable business opportunities arise their thoughts quite naturally turn to each other. This sort of consideration cannot affect a business owned by an individual or a very small group. It will arise in concerns where the social side is well developed, as in banks, where officers are apt to belong to clubs of one kind or another, though this development is by no means confined to banks. Of course, no bank or other business would admit that it discriminates against Jews and Catholics, leastwise not if its customers are large in number and belong to all classes of society. Nevertheless, it is well known to the initiated that several of the larger New York banks will employ no Jews and at least one of the very largest also has the bars raised to keep out Catholics. In some of the other cities, some of the larger banks have one or two Jewish officers and perhaps here and there a Jewish member of the board of directors. In some instances this is with deliberate intent to attract Jewish customers. But even so, it is becoming rarer and rarer to employ Jews in banks other than those where the controlling interest is Jewish.

I have mentioned the situation of Jewish students, but not only are Jewish students excluded from our

universities primarily because they are Jews, but Jews are finding it more and more impossible to obtain teaching positions in universities, and Jewish students of medicine are experiencing difficulty in obtaining desirable interneships in our hospitals, though as yet we have not reached the condition of Rumania, where Jewish students can dissect only if Jewish cadavers are available.


Anyone concerned about the future of the country may well pause a moment. There are at least eleven million people of Negro descent in the country, who form an indissoluble mass in the population. There are approximately four million Jews, who, as indicated, are being driven to form another separate entity. Moreover, the tendency is to segregate also the Catholic elements from the rest of the population. The effect produced by the attitude of the majority upon the minorities mentioned is to harden and make more permanent the cleavages and divisions in the population, the very reverse of the aim of the Americanization movement. Curiously enough, the very people who are desirous of making good Americans out of the foreign-born are in many instances. those who, by their attitude, are frustrating the success of this move


Personally, my associations have been largely non-Jewish. Nevertheless, I feel, in my own case, much more than I used to, a desire to emphasize my Jewish nationality, and I feel that I am becoming more sensitive to slights, real or imagined. My children will probably, under the circumstances, feel all this more keenly than I do and are likely to associate much more exclusively than I do with people of Jewish origin. The result will be to

accentuate any Jewish traits which they may have inherited and by that very fact to set them off more sharply from others. A similar result will follow in the case of those other elements in the population to which I have referred. We have already in our large cities definite sections of the town reserved for the Negro population. Very likely, in time, we shall have other parts of our large cities definitely reserved for the Jews. Not that the lot of the Jews is at all comparable to that of the Negro. So far, at least, their intelligence and economic standing have preserved them from actual persecution. In some respects, their lot is worse than that of the Negroes because, being fewer in number, they are unable to find a sufficient number of congenial spirits among their own people with whom to associate. At least, this is true outside of New York. The Negrocs belong mostly to the laboring class, with little of the social aspirations of the educated and cultured, while a large number of Jews, as regards breeding and education, belong to the highest social strata. What the lot of a really educated Negro in this country is, I hardly dare contemplate. If I had a son, I have often thought that I should advise him to leave this country and go elsewhere, say to some southern country where, while he might suffer political disability, he would probably not suffer any social disability, and as I have sought to indicate, the latter is really at times more galling than the former.

I stated at the outset that I do not

think the raising of the religious question at the recent Democratic Convention has been an unmixed evil. It may wreck the fortunes of the Democratic Party, but on the other hand, it may be the best service that could be rendered to the country as a whole. It is very important that we begin to realize whither we are drifting.

Many of my friends read with interest the work of Ludwig Lewisohn, Up Stream. The only criticism and it was a constant one was to the effect that it was to be regretted that his work had such an undercurrent of bitterness. I can only smile at such a remark. What other feeling is a man to have than that of bitterness when he feels conscious that in descent, education, manners, and ideals he is the equal of those about him and that, nevertheless, he and the members of his family are excluded not only from clubs, but even from hotels, and from from hotels, and from many of the ordinary pursuits open to those among whom he lives.

As I sit here writing this article, I am not even certain that any magazine will publish it, or at least a magazine which reaches the people for whom such an article might prove of value. For we are so afraid of criticism, we are so fearful of bringing to light the ugly sores which infest the body politic, but which unless recognized can never be healed, that we refuse to listen to criticism, however well meant, and decline to read anything which will enlighten us. Persecution begets persecution and tolerance begets tolerance. What will the future bring? I wonder.



It is the traveling kind. I take it with me on my journeys, snugly packed in its red leather case. At other times, bereft of that armor against the uncertainties of Persian travel, it stands on the mantelpiece in my study. A sturdy clock of gilded metal it is then, and a part of the permanent furniture of the room.

I like the cool liquid note with which it strikes the hours not so loud as to disturb me at my work, yet loud enough to remind me, gently, of the inevitable lapse of time.

On the day that Agha Seyyid Fazel sent his servant to inquire whether it would be convenient to me if he were to arrive at my service at an hour before noon, I answered, 'Let him command," and prepared to receive my visitor.

Then it was that Habib reminded me that the wives and mothers of my hospital assistants had asked the Khanum to appoint a time, and that she had appointed the same hour of eleven. The drawing-room, therefore, would scintillate with unveiled ladies. Would My Honor, said Habib, receive Agha Seyyid Fazel in the study?

My Honor would. Quickly, out of that wilderness of books and papers order was evolved. A table was prepared on which five plates were set, containing five kinds of sweetmeats; and charcoal was put into the samovar, so that the tea of custom might be ready.

At the appointed hour, the servant of Agha Seyyid Fazel knocked at the outer gate and announced, with hand

upraised and in a hushed voice: "They are coming.'

A few minutes later, through the drawn curtain of my study, I viewed the entry of that great man. He bestrode, as became the dignity of an ecclesiastic, a white ass, which appeared to carry his bulk with pride along the garden path. He was enveloped in an ample brown abba, or gown. He sat the animal huddled up, with back bent and head sunk on his chest, so that he looked for all the world like a huge brown sack set perilously on the small white donkey.

The demeanor of the Persians in the matter of calls is far above ours. Perhaps they consider unnecessary any conversation which is not edifying — as indeed it is; or perhaps they think that silence is a thing too precious to be frittered away in small talk; or it may be that, having really nothing to say, they think it wisdom to say nothing.

However this may be, we sat there, when the ordained inquiries as to our healths were over, in cordial silence. Habib brought tea, which we consumed with noises, but almost without words. From time to time my guest would hazard a short question, but of the kind which affords no opening for anything beyond an answer: as, 'How much did you pay for that clock on the mantel behind you?'

Suddenly, the even tenor of our entertainment was cruelly convulsed. Sparks rushed into the room, barking. There hung from his collar a broken end of string.

To a Persian, all dogs are unclean; but for little dogs that bark and snap he has a peculiar detestation. And it would seem that little dogs are aware of it, for they look upon all Persians as their enemies and rightful victims. It is for this that Habib has strict instructions to keep Sparks tied up when I have Persian callers. But the string had not been equal to the strain.

Agha Seyyid Fazel, terror-struck, gathered his abba around him, and drew his fat legs as far toward his chin as his ponderosity allowed. I lunged forward, and caught Sparks just in time to prevent the defilement of that holy man. I then dragged the dog by the collar from the room.

After giving him his deserts, I returned to the study, to find my guest sitting very straight in his chair, with his mantle arranged primly around him. I apologized for the intrusion of my dog. Agha Seyyid Fazel nodded his head sagely several times, and murmured something in his beard.

After that I attempted bravely a conversation, but without success. Agha Seyyid Fazel answered in monosyllables, or by a wagging of his vast turbaned head. I began to wonder how long it would be before Habib brought coffee, the signal for departure. In despair, I glanced furtively over my shoulder toward the clock, on the mantelpiece.

The clock was not there.

In Persia, one learns to control one's emotions. I could have sworn the clock was there when I went out, but even if it was, what then? I looked askance at Agha Seyyid Fazel, fearing that he might have detected my momentary excitement. But my guest was sitting with eyes half closed and head sunk forward on his chest, solemn and immovable.

Suddenly, from beneath the ample folds of Agha Seyyid Fazel's mantle, I

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The clock struck twelve.

How can I describe the agony of those twelve muffled strokes? If it had struck three times or four-but twelve. Shade of Imam Reza!

There was a momentary quiver of Agha Fazel's enormous bulk. His impassive face became ashen, but he did not move a muscle. He continued to sit, immobile, with head bent forward and eyes half closed, as if he were pondering eternal problems.

The situation was saved by Habib. He brought coffee. We took our little cups with friendly ease. After he had drained his cup, Agha Seyyid Fazel waited for the required time, and then begged me to command his departure.

A week later Agha Seyyid Fazel sent his servant to inform me that his daughter was unwell, and would My Honor come to see her and ordain a medicine. It is my custom with Persians to collect my fees in advance, this being the only way to get anything out of them. But I reasoned that in the case of Agha Seyyid Fazel, whose honesty is renowned, I could safely make an exception.

I went. The girl was suffering from a minor indisposition, caused, no doubt, by overindulgence in cucumbers.

I prescribed something and left.

A few days later, the servant again appeared, bearing on a tray something concealed beneath an embroidered cloth. He explained that it was a small present from his master, in recognition of My Honor's skill and kindness in restoring his beloved daughter to health. A Persian of position will rarely pay a doctor's fee in cash he will send a present of becoming value. I removed the cloth. It was my clock.




1780. Saturday 12 August. Sent a letter to my mother by Mr. Wescott. Am to pay him 10 dollars.

19th. This morning exercise Baron Steuben Commanded, somewhat fatiguing, but through Divine goodness was enabled to go through it acceptably. Capt. Sewall on guard.

ORANGETOWN. 26. Saturday-Upwards of three hundred waggons which went off two days ago covered by a detachment of the Army arrived this morning loaded with sheaves of wheat and upwards of three hundred head of cattle which were taken on the Jersey shore [??] below York. Successful enterprise very beneficial to the Army. The Lord's name is to be praised from the rising to the setting sun.

Thursday 31. Pretty warm this evening. Heavy shower of rain, very sharp lightning & thunder. One clap broke on the light Infantry, one man struck speechless. Come and see the works of God. He is terrible in his doing toward the children of men.

Monday 4th Sept. Decamped from Tenick & march'd about 8 miles & encamped near [?] Steenrapie in comfortable circumstances. Has been a very pleasant march. blessed be God for it.

STEENRAPIE. Lords Day, Sept. 10. This morning, Capt. Sewall left camp to go on business to Newburg. Previous to his departure he called me to him & informed me of his going & that he

expected to be gone two days at least, during which time or in his absence I must take the care of the company with respect to its internal police, that I must grant passes only to four men a day, two in forenoon and two in afternoon & not to give pass to the latter till the former are returned. I requested the Capt. to inquire of Mr. Brooks, Commr. Gen'l. of Clothing, respecting a paper cont'g a list of the articles of clothing which I lost by fire at West Point & which he took of me at Said point for to estimate their value as sold at Continental store in '74, which he said he would endeavor to get. Mr. Francis B. Q. M. accompanied him.

Attended divine service, Mr. Smith officiated. He spake with great clearness and energy from John IV. 8 v. of how little likeness or rather how great and almost universal is the unlikeness to the ever Blessed & true God in this fallen world.

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Oh! that God of his infinite, free, rich, mercy & grace would be pleased to pour out of his spirit and turn the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just.

ORANGETOWN. Fryday 22. 22. Fine weather. Early this morning, heavy cannonade above Dobbs Ferry [*** ***] by our troops & the enemies ships when the latter was beat off with damage.

Monday 25. Pleasant weather. The left wing of the Army were reviewed by

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