

Mr. Moffop quits the fervice of Mr. Garrick — Goes to Ireland, and articles with Barry and Woodward-Leaves them, and opens the theatre of Smock Alley - His ill fortune Comes back to England-Goes abroad with a friend Returns to London - Offers his fervice to the managers of Covent garden - Dies. P. 229

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Barry vifits London - He acts at the Operahoufe, and at Mr. Foote's theatre, with Mrs. Dancer- His and Mrs. Dancer's engagement at Drury lane They quit that theatre, and are bired by the managers of Covent-garden - Mr. Barry afflicted with the gout and other disorders Dies His character.


P. 232

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Foote and Mr. Garrick - Foote's envy and malevolence to Garrick-The latter praises the former, who conftantly rails at and abuses the


latter His defign of expofing him in a mock proceffion-Dropt - Refumes bis intention of bringing him on the stage - Reafons for it Farther particulars relating to Mr. Garrick and Mr. Foote Foote's verfes on Humour, &c.

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P. 250


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Mr. Cumberland- A prolific writer Banishment of Cicero-Brothers-Attacks the writers of the age in his prologue- Not fo original as be pretends to be-Inftances of his borrowing from others-West-Indian, bis beft play, commended

Major O Flarty - Fashionable LoversColin a bad Scotchman - Druid - A play from novels-Timon of Athens-No improvement of the original-Choleric Man-Supported by the acting - Mr. Cumberland's dread of the critics-Attacks writers in the news-papers, in hopes of filencing them-His opinion of himself -Goldsmith's verses on him. P. 269


Death of Mr. Lacy Mr Garrick fole manager


- Afflicted with chronical diforders -- Alonzo→ Braganza Bon Ton-The Runaway - Obfervations on them, and the representation of them, &c. P. 285


The players unprotected, and perfecuted — Their characters more refpectable than generally fuppofed-Their loyalty - Neglect of their own intereft Diftrefs of decayed actors - Mr. Hull's addrefs to the players -The foundation of a theatrical fund — Which was first established at Covent-garden-Mr. Garrick the great promoter of the fund at Drury-lane -- His earneftnefs to fupport it - Advises an act of parliament for its fecurity His donation to it by will, &c.

P. 306


Improvements in the entrance to Drury-lane theatre, and ornaments over it- Mr. Garrick refolves to part with his share of the patent - Various reasons affigned for it - Alts feveral of his principal

principal characters-Takes his final leave of the ftage His addrefs to the audience. P. 323


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Mr. Garrick retired from the theatre - Attentive to what paffes on Drury-lane ftage His advice followed- Attends the rehearsal of Mifs More's tragedy of Percy-Writes the prologue and epilogue to it-Offends Mademoiselle D'Eon Reafons for his not being intimate with that per-The Fatal Falfhood fon Mifs Young Unexpected honours paid to Mr. Garrick in the Houfe of Commons — Inftructs a young actor in a very difficult part

man's feat

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Is taken ill at a noble

Returns to town, feemingly recovered

Relapfes Attended by feveral phyficians ·

His calm refignation - Dies - Magnificently


P. 339


View of Mr. Garrick's general charaller - Cannot be compared with Burbage, Allen, Hart, Mobun, &c.- Superior to Wilks, Booth, and Cibber

- More

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More honoured than any English or foreign actors-Moliere and Baron-Anecdotes of them -Mr. Garrick compared with Rofcius-His pre-eminence-Honours paid to Mr. Garrick not confined to his native country Mr. Neckar, Mr. De St. Foix, and the duke of NivernoisMr. Garrick's learning-Improvements from his conftant vifitors-His converfation - Contrafted with that of Foote - The fervices which he did to others Mr. Beighton's character.

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Garrick confidered as an author His faults

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His bumanity, be-
P. 351


Teftimonies of Mr. Garrick's genius and merits

Lift of Mr. Garrick's dramatic works

Page 397


Lift of characters afted by Mr. Garrick
Order of Mr. Garrick's funeral



Mr. Garrick's will



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