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tional Assembly is dissolved-Suppression of the Insurrection-Conduct of
General Courtais and M. Louis Blanc-Defence made by M. Caussidière of
his Conduct-Address by Executive Committee-Appointment of Com-
mittee to draw up Plan of Constitution-Disturbances at Lyons-Decree of
Perpetual Banishment pronounced against the ex-Royal Family-Impeach-
ment of M. Louis Blanc-Election of Prince Louis Napoleon Buonaparte
as Deputy-Discussion on this subject in the Assembly-The Prince de-
clines to take his Seat-Proof of Conservative Feeling in the Assembly--
Attack on the Ministry in the Assembly-Speech of General Cavaignac-
Defence of the Executive Committee by M. de Lamartine-Debate respect-
ing Prince Louis Napoleon-Plan of the Constitution-The National Ate-
liers-Body of Provincial Workmen ordered to quit Paris-Commencement
of Disturbances-The Générale beaten-Barricades and Insurrection-
Desperate Combat in the Streets of Paris-Resignation of the Executive
Committee-General Cavaignac invested with supreme Authority-Suc-
cesses of the Military-Destructive use of Artillery-Death of the Arch-
bishop of Paris-Termination of the Struggle-General Cavaignac ap-
pointed President of the Council-His Cabinet-Report of Committee on
the Insurrection-Leave given to the Attorney-General to prosecute MM.
Ledru Rollin and Caussidière-General Cavaignac and the National Work-
shops-Project of the Constitution-Speech of M. Thiers on the Second
Article relating to Property and Labour-Louis Napoleon takes his Seat
as Deputy for the Department of the Moselle-His first Speech-Import-
ant Debate on the Twentieth Article, confining the Legislative Power to
one Assembly-Speeches of MM. Lamartine, Odillon Barrot, and Dupin-
Majority in favour of a Single Chamber-Discussion on various Articles
of the Constitution-The Election of the President submitted to the Votes
of the People-Republicanism on the wane-Final Adoption and Pro-
clamation of the Constitution-Charges brought against General Cavaignac
by M. Barthelemy St. Hilare-His triumphant Defence-Election of Prince
Louis Napoleon as President of the Republic-His Address to the Assem-
bly-Formation of a Cabinet-Reflections on the Rise and Fall of popular
Favourites in France
SPAIN. Reconstruction of the Spanish Ministry-Announcement of the
Queen Mother's Marriage with Munoz in 1833-Impeachment of S. Sala-
manca in the Congress-His Defence-Espartero arrives at Madrid-
Quarrel between Lord Palmerston and the Spanish Ministry-Dismissal
of Sir H. L. Bulwer from Madrid-Military Disturbance in the Capital
-Carlist Insurrection, headed by Cabrera.
PORTUGAL-Formation of a New Ministry under the Duc de Saldanha-The
Queen's Speech on the Opening of the Cortes-Modification of the Cabinet
-Closing of the Session of the Cortes.
SARDINIA.-New Constitution promulgated to his Subjects by the King,
Charles Albert.
ITALY.-War in Lombardy-Disturbances at Milan in beginning of January
-Address of Marshal Radetzky to the Austrian Troops-Effects of the
French Revolution in Italy-Commencement of the Struggle at Milan—
Combat between the Populace and the Austrian Garrison-Milan aban-
doned by Marshal Radetzky-Proclamation by Provisional Government-
The King of Sardinia leads the Piedmontese Troops into Lombardy-
Revolution at Venice-Strength of the Piedmontese Force-Radetzky
retires upon Verona-Austrian Lines forced along the Mincio-Supine-
ness of the Papal Troops under General Durando-Junction effected by
General Nugent with Marshal Radetzky-Severe Engagement between
the Austrians and Italians before Verona-Charles Albert besieges
Peschiera-Its ultimate Capture-Partial Successes of the Piedmontese
Army-Vicenza surrenders to Radetzky-Padua and Palma Nuova taken
by the Austrians-Mantua invested by the King of Sardinia-The Pied-
montese Lines forced by General Aspre-Various Contests between the
two Armies-Victory of the Austrians at Somma Campagna-Charles
Albert retreats towards Milan-Pursuit by the Austrians-Milan aban-
doned by the Sardinian Army-Capitulation of Milan-Armistice agreed
upon [309
ITALY, continued.-PAPAL STATES.-New Organization of the Executive at
Rome The Pope promises a new Constitution to his Subjects-His un-
willingness to engage in the War against Austria-New Ministry at
Rome-Programme of its intended Policy-Assassination of Count Rossi,
at Rome State of the Capital at this Juncture-Formation of a Radical
Ministry-Flight of the Pope from Rome-He takes Refuge in the
Neapolitan Territory.
NAPLES AND SICILY.-Ŏutbreak of Insurrection at Palermo-Conflict between
the Populace and the Military-New Ministry appointed at Naples-The
King promises a Constitution-Enthusiasm of the People-Insurrection
at Messina-Disturbances at Naples-Sanguinary Conflict in the Streets
-The King victorious-Downfall of the Bourbon Dynasty-Decrees by
the Sicilian Chamber at Palermo-The Sicilian Throne offered to the
Duke of Genoa, and declined by him-Expedition sent from Naples
against the Sicilians-Bombardment and Capture of Messina-Energetic
Measures of the Revolutionary Government at Palermo.
Denmark, and Succession of Frederick VII.-Plan of new Constitution
promulgated-Narrative of Events leading to a Quarrel between the
Crown of Denmark and the two Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein-
Deputation sent from the Meeting of the States at Rendsburg to Copen-
hagen-The King's Reply-Explosion of the Revolution at Kiel-Strong
Feeling in Denmark against the Separation of the Duchies-Proclama-
tions by the King-The Prussian Troops cross the Holstein Frontier-
Conduct of the German Assembly at Frankfort-Protest of the Danish
Ambassador-The Danish Forces attacked by the Prussians-Schleswig
and Flensbourg taken by the latter-General Von Wrangel invades Jut-
land-The Danish Army retires to Funen and Alsen-Interference of
Sweden in the Struggle-The Prussian Troops withdrawn from Jutland
-Blockade of the German Baltic Ports by the Danish Fleet-Note
addressed by the Danish Government to Foreign Ministers-Termination
of Hostilities by Armistice concluded at Malmö-Provisions of the Ar-
mistice-Speech of the King of Denmark at the opening of the Diet.
NETHERLANDS.-Appointment of Committee to revise Constitution.
BELGIUM.-Abortive Attempt of French Democrats to excite a Revolution
-Speech of the King on opening of Session of the Chambers..
GERMANY.-Reflections on the Political State of Germany-Popular Demands
in the South-Western States-Riots at Cologne and Wiesbaden. HESSE
CASSEL.-Commencement of Insurrection, and Concessions by the Elector.
BAVARIA.-Ignoble conduct of the King-Riots occasioned by the pre-
sence of Lola Montes-She is ordered to quit Munich-Abdication of
Louis in favour of his Son-The Chambers opened by Maximilian II.-
His Speech on the occasion. SAXONY.-Popular Tumults at Dresden-
Change of Ministry-Programme of Policy of new Cabinet. HANOVER.
-Reply of the King to Petition of the Magistrates-Royal Proclamation
-Meeting of General Assembly, and Speech of the King.
Renunciation of Seignorial Rights by Prince Von Leinengen-Meeting at
Heidelberg on the 5th of May-Vor-Parlament convoked-Second great
Meeting at Heidelberg on the 26th of March-Speech of Welcker-
Meeting of the Vor-Parlament at Frankfort-Election of President-
Committee of Fifty appointed-Bands of Insurgent Democrats defeated
by the Troops of the Diet-Meeting of the German National Assembly at
Frankfort Discussion on the question of a Central Executive Power-
Law passed on _the_subject-The Archduke John of Austria elected
Regent of the Empire-Recognition of this choice by the old Diet-
Address to the Archduke-His Reply to the Deputation-Report of Com-
mittee on Plan of a Constitution-Installation of the Regent at Frankfort
-Appointment of a Ministry-Abolition of Capital Punishments-
Question of the Armistice of Malmö-Violent conduct of the Radical Party
in the Assembly, and of the Populace-Tumultuous Scenes-The Mili-
tary act against the Mob-Combat in the Streets-Defeat of the Insur-
gents-Murders of Prince Lichnowsky and Major Auerswald-Proclama-
tion by the Regent-The question of Austria and the German Parliament.
RUSSIA.-Policy of Russia.-Manifesto of the Emperor-Circular of the
Russian Government addressed to its Diplomatic Agents in Germany. [355
PRUSSIA. Speech of the King in closing the Session of the United Diet-
Great Reform Meeting at Berlin-Remarkable Manifesto of the King-
Censorship of the Press abolished-Unfortunate Collision between the
Military and the Populace at Berlin-Decree authorizing a National
Guard-Address of the Minister, Count Schwerin, to the Students-
Liberation of the captive Poles-Frederick William's Address to the
Students-Royal Proclamations-Deputation of Poles from Breslau-
Rapid Changes of Ministry at Berlin-Opening of Second Session of the
Prussian Diet-Royal Speech-Programme of the Electoral Law-Ad-
dress of the Diet-Ministerial Explanation Resignation of Count Arnim—
Basis of new Prussian Constitution-Question of direct or indirect Elec-
tion for the National Assembly at Frankfort-General Election-Meeting
of the Prussian National Assembly-Speech from the Throne-Outline of
the Constitution-Tumult at Berlin, and Attack on the Arsenal-Resigna-
tion of the Ministry-The Auerswald Cabinet-The Army and Political
Questions-Change of Ministry-General Von Pfuel forms a new Cabinet
-Proclamation to the Army-General Von Wrangel's Address to the
Troops-Invasion of the Assembly by the Mob-Count Von Brandenburg
made President of the Council-Sitting of Assembly transferred to
Brandenburg-Tumult in the Assembly-Interference of the Military--
Burgher Guard disbanded-Berlin declared in a state of Siege-Disarming
of the Burgher Guard-Obstinate Conduct of the Assembly-It denies to
the Brandenburg Ministry authority to levy Taxes-The Government suc-
cessful in the struggle-Address by the Archduke John to the German
People-Meeting of the Assembly at Brandenburg-It is dissolved by a
Royal Edict.
GRAND DUCHY OF POSEN.-Outbreak of Polish Insurrection in Posen-
Horrible Atrocities committed by the Insurgents-Defeat and surrender
of Mieroslawski-Termination of the Rebellion-Resolution of the Frank-
fort Assembly as to the Partition Line drawn in Posen-German view of
the Polish Question. [375
AUSTRIA. Population of Austrian Empire-Review of Events in Hungary
-Prince Metternich proposes Dissolution of Hungarian Chamber-Open-
ing of Session of Diet for Lower Austria-The Chamber invaded by the
Mob-Conflict with the Military-Proclamation by the Emperor-Flight
of Metternich from Vienna-Conduct of the Bathyany-Kossuth Ministry
in Hungary-Baron Von Jellachich appointed by the Emperor Ban of
Croatia-New Ministry at Vienna-Declaration of Amnesty-Outline of
New Constitution-Promulgation of the Constitution-Changes in the
Ministry at Vienna-New Electoral Law-The Emperor abandons the
Capital for Innspruck-Proclamation to the Austrian People-Quarrel of
Races in Bohemia-The Czechs and the Germans-Great Pansclavonic
Congress convoked at Prague-Provisional Government established there
-Sclavonic Diet convened by Jellachich-Outbreak of Insurrection at
Prague The Princess Windischgrätz killed by a Rifle Shot-Bombard-
ment of Prague The Rebellion crushed-Jellachich stripped of his
Office by the Emperor-Reconciliation effected at Innspruck-Failure of
attempted Adjustment of the Quarrel between the Hungarians and
Croats-Manifesto of the Ban-Opening of Session of the Hungarian
Diet-Speech of Kossuth in the Diet, on the Question of Magyar Nation-
ality-Address of the Hungarian Chamber-Constituent Assembly of
Austria opened at Vienna-Speech of the Archduke John-Return of the
Emperor to Vienna-His enthusiastic Reception-Contest in Hungary
between the Magyars and the Croats-Deputation from Pesth to the
Emperor Threatening Advance of Jellachich-His Proclamation-The
National Assembly at Vienna refuses to receive Second Hungarian Depu-
tation-Murder of Count Lamberg, at Pesth-The Ban of Croatia ap-
pointed by the Emperor Commander-in-Chief and Commissary Plenipoten-
tiary in Hungary-Revolt at Vienna-Flight of the Emperor-Jellachich
marches upon the Capital-His Reply to the Messages of the Diet
-Approach of the Hungarian Troops-Situation of Vienna at this Crisis
-Prince Windischgrätz takes the Command of the besieging Army-
Prague declares for the Emperor-Storming of the Suburbs of Vienna-
Surrender of the City-Execution of Blum and Messenhauser-Protest
of the National Assembly at Frankfort-The Austrian Army marches
against the Hungarians-Change in the Viennese Cabinet-Meeting of
the Diet at Kremsir-Abdication of the Imperial Throne by the Emperor
-Proclamation by the New Emperor, Francis Charles-Reflections on the
Position of Austria.
INDIA. The Sikhs in the Punjaub-Moolraj Dewan of Mooltan-Murders
of Mr. Vans Agnew and Lieutenant Anderson-Brave and spirited
Conduct of Lieutenant Edwardes and Colonel Cortlandt-Engagement
with the Rebels, and Defeat of the latter-Obstinate Conflict at Noonanee
-Flight of the Enemy-Defeat of Moolraj and the Sikhs at Sadoosam-
Investment of Mooltan-General Whish takes the command of the Army
before Mooltan-Disturbances in the Hazareh Country-Major and Mrs.
Lawrence taken Prisoners-Assault on Mooltan on the 12th of September
Sortie from the Garrison-Treacherous Defection of Shere Singh-
Troops ordered to assemble at Ferozepoor under command of Lord Gough
-Shere Singh leaves Mooltan and marches to the North-West-He is
joined by his Father, Chuttur Singh-Position of the British Forces at
Ramnuggur-Disastrous Attack on a Body of Sikh Cavalry in a "Nullah"
-Death of General Cureton-General Thackwell ordered to turn the
Flank of the Sikhs-Cannonade between them and the Detachment under
General Thackwell-Shere Singh retires upon the Jhelum-General
Assault upon Mooltan, on 27th of December-Explosion of Magazine in
the Fort-Sortie of the Sikhs repulsed.
CANADA. Opening of Session of New Parliament-Speech of Governor-
General-Defeat and Resignation of the Ministry.
UNITED STATES.-Treaty of Peace with Mexico-Message of the President
to Congress on the subject-Discovery of Gold in California-Scene at
the "Diggings"-Contest for the Presidency-Election of General Taylor
-Opening of Session of Congress-Message of the President-Its Topics
-1. General Review. 2. Treaty with Mexico. 3. Army and Navy. 4.
Territorial Acquisitions. 5. Gold Mines in California. 6. Question of
Slavery. 7. Territorial Survey. 8. Mexican Debt. 9. "American System."
10. Presidential Veto.