the Dunces, 207. Publishes a poem on Taste, 1731, 209. Loses his mother at the age of 93, 210. Calls Curll before the house of lords for publishing some letters of noblemen to him, ib. Curll's account of his obtaining the letters, 211. Publishes a vo- lume of Letters, 1737, 212. Publishes the First Part of the Essay on Man, 1733, 214. History of the Essay on Man, 215. The Es- say attacked by Mr.Crousaz, as immoral, and defended by Warburton, 216. His letter to Warburton, 218. Supposed to have been made a tool of by Bolingbroke, to spread his opinions, 219. Endeavours to get his Essay on Man translated into Latin, ib. Lives among the great, ib. A report prevail ed of Queen Caroline paying him a visit, which did not take place, 220. Writes an epistle on the Use of Riches, 1733, ib. Publishes the Man of Ross, ib. Publishes his Characters of Men, 1734, 221. Pub- lishes his Characters of Women, 222. Duchess of Marlborough, celebrated in that poem, under the character of Atossa, 223. Published Imitations of several Poems of Horace, ib. Such imitations first practised by Oldham and Rochester, ib. Publishes some of Dr. Donne's Satires, ib. At open war with Lord Hervey, 224. Publishes his last Satires, 225. Never wrote on politicks, ib. First volume of the Memoirs of Scrible- rus published by him, in conjunction with Swift and Arbuthnot, 226. Published two volumes of Latin poems, written by Ita- lians, ib. Planned a poem, subsequent to his Essay on Man, but never completed it, 227. Publishes another book of the Dun ciad, 228. Is at variance with Cibber, ib. Celebrates both Cibber and Osborne in the Dunciad, 229. Account of his latter end, 232. Died May 30, 1744, and buried at Twickenham, 233. A monument erected to his memory, by the bishop of Gloucester, ib. Offended lord Bolingbroke by having printed 1500 of the Patriot King, more than Lord Bolingbroke knew of, and not discovered until the death of Pope, ib. Account of a difference between Pope and Mr. Allen, 235. Account of Pope's picture of Betterton, ib. His person described, 236. His dress, ib. His method of living and conversation, 237. The frugality of his do- mestick character, 239. Proud of his mo- ney, and the greatest fault of his friends, poverty, 240. Fond of enumerating the great men of his acquaintance, ib. His so- cial virtues, 241. His letters appear preme- ditated and artificial, 242. Many of the topicks of his letters contrary to truth, ib. Viz. contempt of his own poetry, ib. Insen- sibility to censure and criticism, ib. Dis- esteem of kings, 243. Contempt of the world, ib. Scorn of the great, ib. His own importance, ib. Learned his pretended dis- content from Swift, 244. Sometimes wanton in his attacks, and mean in his retreat, 245.
His virtues, liberality, and fidelity of friendship, ib. Paid Savage 201. a-year, ib. The report of a defamatory life of Swift being found in his papers, on inquiry. appears groundless, ib. Lived and died in the religion of Rome, 246. Never lost his belief of Revelation, ib. In his early life a literary curiosity, and afterwards studied the living world, ib. Entertained a desire for travelling, but did not gratify it, 247. His intellectual character, Good Sense, ib. His genius, ib. His great memory, ib. Made poetry the business of his life, 248. Never wrote on popular or temporary occasions, 249. Never published his works under two years, ib. Compared with Dryden, ib. His great care in polishing his works, 250. Frequently corrected his works after pub- lication, ib. His prose works characterized, 251. His Pastorals considered, 252. Wind- sor Forest, 253. Temple of Fame, ib. The Messiah, 254. The verses on an unfortunate lady, ib. Ode for St. Cecilia's Day, ib. Ignorant of the principles, and insensible to the effects of musick, 255. His Essay on Criticism, 256. The Rape of the Lock, 258. Eloise to Abelard, 260. The Iliad, 261. Observations on the notes to the Iliad, 264. The Odyssey, ib. The notes to the Odyssey written by Broome, ib. The Dun- ciad, ib. The design of that poem, ib. His, Essay on Man, 265. His characters of Men and Women, 267. His lesser poems considered, 268. The question, whether Pope was a poet? considered, 271. Copy of his letter to Mr. Bridges, 272. Criticisms on Pope's Epitaphs, 274. That on Charles Earl of Dorset, ib. On Sir William Trum- bull, 276. On the Hon. Sir Simon Harcourt, 277. On James Craggs, 278. Epitaph in- tended for Mr. Rowe, 279. Intended for Mrs. Corbet, 280. Epitaph on the Hon. Robert Digby and his sister, 281. On Sir Godfrey Kneller, 282. On Gen. Hen. Wi- thers, ib. On Elijah Fenton, 283. On Mr. Gay, 284. Epitaph intended for Sir Isaac Newton, 285. Epitaph on Edmund Duke of Buckingham, 286, Writes part of the Prologue to Sophonisba, 293. The malevo- lence between him and Philips, 313. Re- marks on his versification, i. 431, Fate of the MSS. he left to Lord Bolingbroke, ii.. 574. Account of his edition of Shakspeare, v. 127. View of the controversy between Crousaz and Warburton, on the Essay on Man, 184. Crousaz's Observations on his Opinion of the Ruling passion, 185. Of whatever is, is right, 187. Messiah in Latin, vi. 427. See Warton.
Popery, causes why many persons em- brace it, iii. 409. The Hind and Panther published by Dryden, in defence of Pope- ry, 412.
Population, decayed religious houses, or want of them, no evidence of a decreasing population, vi. 61. The flight of every man
Clifford, and Dr. Spratt, iii. 404. First act- ed in 1671, ib. The dialogue between Love and Honour designed for the Duke of Ormond, 405.
Reid, Andrew, employed by Lord Lyt- telton in the punctuation of his Life of Henry II. iv. 407.
Relaxation, the necessity and usefulness of it with regard to study, i. 411.
Religion, consolations to be found in, vi. 323. The danger of women when they lay it aside, iii. 2. The pleasure and advan- tages of, i. 209. The use of austerities and mortifications, 517. Observations on the change of, in Scotland, vi. 3. A toleration granted in Prussia, iv. 587.
Remission of Sins, the first and funda- mental truth of religion, i. 514.
Repentance, the absurdity of delaying it, i. 333. The doctrine of it embarrassed by superstitious and groundless imagina- tions, 516. Unjustly confounded with pe- nance, ib. Wherein true repentance con- sists, ib. The completion and sum of it a real change of temper and life, 517.
Reputation, industry and caution ne- cessary to support it, ii. 39. Tainted, the greatest calamity, 167.
Resentment, the effects of, more certain than gratitude, iv. 72.
Resolution and firmness of mind, neces- sary to the cultivation and increase of vir- tue, i. 267.
Resolutions, the fallacious estimate ge- nerally made, ii. 464. Custom commonly too strong for, 465.
Restless Tom, short history of, ii. 527. Retirement, the disadvantages of it when indulged to excess by men of genius and letters, i. 69. Rural, the motives of some persons to desire it, ii. 65.
Retrospection on our conduct, the im- portance and usefulness of it, i. 37.
Rhodes, isle of, story of the dragon which
Richard II. observations on Shakspeare's
play of, v. 151.
Richard III. observations
speare's play of, v. 150.
Richardson's, Jonathan, Treatise on Painting, gave the first fondness of that art to Sir Joshua Reynolds, iii. 148.
Richardson, Samuel, his character of Lovelace taken from the Lothario of the Fair Penitent, iii. 532. Characterized as a writer, ib. His paper in the Rambler, i. 457.
Riches, the folly of pursuing them as the chief end of our being, i. 276. The true use of, 568. The general desire of them whence it proceeds, ii. 47. The peace of life too often destroyed by incessant and zealous strugglings for them, 48. The arts by which they are gained frequently irre- concileable with virtue, 49. Not the cause
of happiness, 565. The general desire for, 597. Not so dangerous as formerly, ib. Hope of, more than the enjoyment, 598. What it is to be rich, ib. Avarice always poor, ib. Story of Tom Tranquil, a rich man, ib. Best obtained by silent profit and industry, exemplified in the history of Ortogrul of Basra, 667. Ill effects of, vi.
Riches (hereditary,) advantages and disadvantages of, iii. 104.
Ridicule, the business of, comedy, v. 518.
Riding, honours due to the lady who un- dertook to ride 1000 miles in 1000 hours, and performed it in about two thirds of the time, ii. 404. An equestrian statue pro- posed to be erected to her memory, 405. Difficulties respecting a proper inscription, ib.
Righteousness, considered, ii. 643. Rio verde, translations of the two first stanzas of that song, vi. 415.
Riots, in London (1780), description of,
Roarer, his character, ii. 109.
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, life of, iii. 296. Son of Henry, Earl of Rochester, ib. Born April 10, 1647, ib. Educated at Burford school, ib. Entered at Wadham College, ib. Travelled into France and Italy, ib. Entered into the sea service, ib. Early given to intemperance, 297, Gen- tleman of the Bed-chamber, and Comptrol- ler of Woodstock Park, ib. Mentioned by Wood as the greatest scholar of all the no- bility, ib. His favourite authors, Boileau and Cowley, ib. Pursues a life of drunken gaiety, ib. Becomes acquainted with Dr. Burnet, which produced a total change of his manners and opinions, 298. Died at the age of thirty-four, July 26, 1680, ib. His character, ib. Many things imputed to him which he is supposed not to have written, ib. The first edition of his works printed in the year of his death, Antwerp in the title-page, 299. Character of his works, ib. His poem on Nothing criticised, ib. His Lampoon on Sir Car Scroop, 300. His Satire against Man criticised, ib. Takes E. Settle under his protection, 405.
Rolt's Dictionary of Commerce, Preface to, v. 226.
Romances, the general design of them, i. 15. Those of the former and present age compared, 16.
Romans, their donatives rather popular than virtuous, ii. 398. Made no standing provison for the needy, ib. Remarks on, v. 634.
Rome, supplied by Sicily with corn, v. 287. Afterwards supplied with corn from Africa and Egypt, ib.
Romeo and Juliet, observations on Shak speare's play of, v. 164.
Rona, account of the island of vi. 56..
Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, Earl of, his life, iii. 302. Son of James Dillon, Earl of Roscommon, born in Ireland, ib. Edu- cated in Yorkshire, at his uncle's, Lord Strafford's, ib. Sent to Caen, to study under Bochart, 303. Is said to have had preter- natural intelligence of his father's death, ib. The credit to be given to such intelligence, ib. Travels into Italy, 304. At the Resto- ration returns to England, is made Captain of the Band of Pensioners, and addicts himself to gaming, ib. Goes to Ireland, and made Captain of the Guards, ib. Attacked by three ruffians on his return from the gam- ing-table, is rescued by a half-pay officer, to whom he resigns his commission in the Guards, ib. Returns to England, and mar- ries a daughter of the Earl of Burlington, 305. Forms a plan of a Society for reform- ing our language, ib. Purposes to retire to Rome, but is attacked by the gout, and, with the assistance of a French empirick, dies in 1684, and is buried in Westminster- Abbey, 306. His poetical character, 307. Dryden's opinion of Roscommon's Essay on translated Verse, 308. His Art of Poetry praised, ib. Account of his other pieces, 309. Mrs. Philips's opinion of some of his works, 310.
Rota Club, account of, and the members, iii. 235.
Rowe, Nicholas, observations on his edition of Shakspeare's Works, v. 127. The first who had three nights of a new play, iii. 402. His life, 530. Born at Little Beckford, Bedfordshire, 1673, ib. Edu- cated at Westminster, under Busby, ib. A student of the Middle Temple, ib. At twenty-five produced the Ambitious Step- mother, 531. Tamerlane in 1702, ib. Fair Penitent in 1703, ib. Ulysses in 1706. Royal Convert, 1708, 532. The Biter, a comedy, 1706, 533. Jane Shore, 1714, ib. Lady Jane Grey, 1715, ib. Publishes an Edition of Shakspeare Shakspea in 1709, 534. Un- der-secretary to the Duke of Queensberry, ib. Advised by Lord Oxford to study Spanish, ib. Succeeded N. Tate as Poet- Laureat, 535. Land-surveyor of the Cus- toms, ib. Clerk of the Council to the Prince of Wales, ib. Secretary of the Presenta tions, ib. His life, as prefixed to his trans- lation of Lucan's Pharsalia, by Dr. Well- wood, ib. Died Dec. 6, 1718, and buried in Westminster Abbey, 537. The testi- mony of Pope in his favour, ib. Chiefly considered as a tragic author and translator, 538. Character of his works, ib. Pope's Epitaph intended for him, iv. 279.
Royal Society, inquiry into, What have they done? ii. 640. Supposed to have been established, to divert the attention of the people from public discontent, ii. 551. Review of the history of, v. 699.
school near St. Alban's, 35. Lord Rivers, great, 69. Again turned adrift on the world, on his death-bed, inquires particularly of 70. Too much elevated by good fortune. him, and is assured by his mother that he 71. His mother continues her ill treatment was dead, by which he loses 6000l. left of him, 72. The resentment between Lord him by his father, ib. His mother attempts Tyrconnel and him kept up for many to send him to America secretly, 36. His years, 74. Publishes the Bastard, a Poem, mother places him with a shoe-maker in ib. This poem obliges his mother to retire Holborn, 37. On the death of his nurse from Bath to London, 75. Ready to ac- discovers his parents, ib. Applies to his cept the praises of the people, and to find mother, who resolves to neglect him, ib. excuses for their censure, 76. Imputed Became an author through necessity, none of his miseries to himself, 77. Mis- 38. Publishes his first Poems against the took the love, for the practice of virtue, ib. Bishop of Bangor, ib. Writes his first play, His actions precipitate and blamable, his Woman's a Riddle, in his eighteenth year, writings tended to the propagation of mo- ib. At twenty-one, writes Love in a Veil, rality and piety, ib. Exerts all his interest ib. Is patronized by Sir Richard Steele, to be appointed Poet Laureat, but is dis- ib. Story of his going with Sir Richard appointed, 78. Becomes volunteer Laureat Steele, and writing a pamphlet, which he to the Queen, for which the Queen sends sells for two guineas, to raise money, 39. him 501. and leave to continue it annually, Steele proposes to marry one of his natural ib. Accused of influencing elections against daughters to Savage, 40. Steele discards the Court, 81. An information against him him, 41. Through the intercession of in the King's Bench, for publishing an Wilks obtains 501. from his mother, 42. obscene pamphlet, 82. Writes the Progress
Frequents the Stage, becomes acquainted with Mrs. Oldfield, who allows him 50l. a year during her life, ib. Mr. Wilks occa- sionally allows him a benefit, which is coun- teracted by his mother, 43. Writes the tragedy of Sir Thomas Overbury, 44. Cibber corrects the tragedy, 45. Experi- ences the friendship of Aaron Hill, who writes the Prologue and Epilogue to the tragedy of Overbury, ib. Acts the part of Overbury, 46. Seventy guineas left for Savage, by Mr. Hill's publishing his case in the Plain Dealer, 47. His flattery to Lady M. W. Montague in his Dedication to his volume of Poems, ib. Adds to his reputation by his Poem on the Death of George I. 48. Account of his killing Mr. James Sinclair, 49. His trial and defence, ib. Is found guilty of murder, 52. He ob- tains a pardon, although it had been greatly obstructed by his mother, 54. Further accounts of his mother's enmity, 55. Meets the principal evidence against him in distress, and divides his only guinea with her, 56. His own opinion of the kill- ing of Sinclair, ib. Lived a life of want and plenty, 57. Threatens to publish a
of a Divine, 83. Satirized in the Weekly Miscellany, and defended in the Gentle- man's Magazine, 84. The information dis- missed by Sir Philip Yorke, 85. Purposes writing the Progress of a Freethinker, 86. His practice to conceal himself from his friends, whilst he spent the Queen's pen- sion, ib. Sir R. Walpole promises him the first place vacant, not exceeding 2001. a year, 87. Extracts from his poem on the Poet's dependence on a Statesman, 85. Extracts from an Epistle upon Authours, never published, ib. Dedicates a Poem on Publick Spirit to the Prince of Wales, for which he received no reward, 91. For a great part of the year lived by invitations, and lodged by accident, sometimes in Summer on a bulk, and in Winter in a glass- house, 92. Wherever he went, could not conform to the economy of a family, ib. As his affairs grew desperate, his reputa- tion declined, 96. Proposes to publish his works by subscription, but not so much en- couraged as he either expected or merited, spent the money he received, and never published his poems, 97. His universal acquaintance, 98. By the death of the
narrative of his mother's conduct, in hopes Queen, loses both his prospect of prefer- of extorting a pension from her, 58. Re-ment and his annuity, annuity, 99. Purposes writ- ceived into the family of Lord Tyrconnel, ing a new tragedy, on the story of Sir John who promises him a pension of 2001. a Overbury, ib. Writes a Poem on the Death year, ib. Writes the Author to be Let, 59. of the Queen, on her subsequent birth-day,
The part he had in the Dunciad, 61. His epigram on Dennis, 62. Receives twenty guineas for a panegyrick on Sir R. Walpole, ib. Laments the misery of living at other men's tables, 63. Publishes the Wanderer, with the character of that poem, ib. His peculiar attention to correctness in printing, 65. Sells the copy of the Wanderer for ten guineas, ib. His quarrel with Lord Tyrconnel, 66. Writes the Triumph of Health and Mirth, 68, Closely studies the
with extracts from it, 100. His friends send him into Wales, on a promise of al- lowing him 50l. a year, 102. Forms en- chanting prospects of a country life, 103. Takes a lodging in the liberties of the Fleet, and receives one guinea a week of his friends' subscription, ib. Sets off for Wales in July 1739, spends all his money before he reaches Bristol, gets a fresh remittance, arrives at Bristol, where he is well received, and stays for some time, and at last goes to
Swansea, the place of his destination, 106. His annuity greatly diminished, 107. Com pletes his tragedy, ib. Returns to Bristol, where 30l. is subscribed for him, 109. Be- comes neglected at Bristol, ib. Arrested at Bristol, and his Letter to a Friend on that occasion, 111. Is very kindly treated by the keeper of the prison, 112. His poem, London and Bristol delineated, 116. His letter to a friend, who advised him not to publish London and Bristol delineated, ib. Postpones the publication, 117. Dies in prison, Aug. 1, 1743, and buried in the church-yard of St. Peter's, Bristol, 119. His person described, ib. His character, 120. Allowed 20l. a year by Pope, viii.
Savecharges, Sukey, her complaint, ii. 542. By marriage articles to have a coach kept, 543. Her husband provides a coach without horses, 544.
Scaliger, his partiality in preferring Virgil to Homer, i. 434.
Scamper, Edward, his history, iii. 25. Scandal, the ladies' disposition to it too frequent, i. 221.
Scatter, Jack, his history, iii. 26.
Schemes, the Idler's privilege of forming them, ii. 390.
Scholar, his hopes on entering at the university, vi. 316. View of the general life of, 317. The life of a, 179. Journal of three days, ii. 579.
Schools, the study proper for, iii. 217. Account of the practice of barring out the master, iii. 541. On chastisement, v. 606. Schoolmaster, an honest and useful em- ployment, iii. 216.
Science, the paths of it narrow and diffi- cult of access, ii. 2. The progress of it obstructed by servile imitation, 37.
Sciences, the encouragement of them by the patronage of the great, casual and fluc- tuating, i. 423.
Scotland, Johnson's Journey. See He- brides. Scotland, New, considerations on the establishment of a colony there, v. 336. Scruple, Sim, his story, ii. 627.
Seasons, the change of them productive of a remarkable variation of the scenes of pleasure, ii. 15.
Scruple Shop, account of that fixed at Oxford by the Parliament party, 1646, iv.
Sebald's Islands. See Falkland's Is- lands.
Sebastian, King of Portugal, a tragedy, critical observations upon it, ii. 21.
Second Sight, inquiry into, vi. 103. Secrecy, rules concerning the doctrine and practice of it, i. 64.
Secrets, the importance of keeping them, i. 60. The general causes of the violation of fidelity, in reference to secrets, 61. The aggravated treachery of such conduct
62, 63. The imprudence of committing this trust to persons of whose wisdom and faithfulness we have no just assurance, 63.
Seduction of innocence, a detail of the infamous arts and gradations by which it is often effected, ii. 225.
Seged, his history, ii. 365.
Self-conceit, the strong dispositions of many to indulge it, i. 352. How easily promoted, 353. By what artifices men of this quality delude themselves, 355. Self-denial, thoughts on, ii. 536.
Self-knowledge, its great importance, i. 115. ii. 157. A happy preservative against indiscretion and vice, i. 134. Frequently obstructed by partiality and self-love, ii. 158. The deplorable folly of opposing our own convictions, 159.
Serenus, his history, iii. 34.
Serge, Dick, his history, iii. 27.
Sermon, an annual one at Huntingdon, in commemoration of the conviction of the witches of Warbois, v. 57.
Sermons, by Dr. Johnson, vi. 642.
Serotinus, his quick rise to conspicuous eminence, ii. 202.
Servants, the importance of a wise regu- lation of our conduct towards them, i. 319. Their praise of their superiors the highest panegyric of private virtue, 320. The danger of betraying our weakness to them one motive to a regular life, 321. The folly of giving them orders by hints only, ii. 519. Their custom of receiving money from strangers condemned by Savage, in his poem "On Public Spirit," iv. 90.
Settle, Elkanah, supported himself by standing elegies and epithalamiums, ii. 424. His character by Dryden, iii. 385. Remarks on his play of the Empress of Morocco, ib. Writes a vindication, with a specimen, 392. Protected by the Earl of Rochester, 405. Attacks Dryden on his Medal, 408. Made City Poet, 409. Spent his latter days in contriving shows for fairs, &c. and died in an hospital, ib.
Shadwell succeeds Dryden as Poet Lau- reat, iii. 414.
Shaftesbury, Lord, account of him by Mr. Gray, iv. 397.
Shakspeare, William, proposals for print- ing his dramatic works, 1766, v. 90. Dif- ficulties in explaining the original meaning of the author, ib. Preface to the edition of his works, 1768, 97. His eminent suc- cess in tragi-comedy, ii. 165. Only two editions of his works from 1623 to 1664, iii. 247. His Tempest altered by Dryden and Davenant, 384. His plots in the hun- dred novels of Cinthio, 390. Dryden's Trolius and Cressida altered from Shak- speare, 397. An edition of his works, in six quarto volumes, published by Pope, in 1721, iv. 200. The deficiencies of this edition detected by Theobald, 201. Ме- rits of Pope's edition, ib.
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