Despair, considerations proposed for preventing it, ii. 40.
Dicaculus, his affectation of the character of a wit, ii. 240.
Diction, the attractive power of its charms in the conveyance of truth to the mind, ii. 214. See Language.
Dictionaries, writers of, characterized, v.
Dictionary, English. See English Dic- tionary.
Diffidence, the advantageous influence of this quality in managing a debate, ii.
![[blocks in formation]](,451,446,276)
Discontent, attendant on every state of life, i. 274. ii. 49.
Dispute and controversy, the fatal effects of, when ill conducted, i. 443. Frequently influenced by the dispositions of pride and vanity, 444.
Distinction, the folly of attaining it by ridicule or censure, ii. 437. Divorce. See Marriage.
Dobson, Mr. attempts to translate Pope's Essay on Man into Latin verse, iv. 219.
Dodsley, Mr. summoned, before the Lords for publishing Whitehead's poem called Manners, iv. 225.
Domestic conduct, the importance of re. gulating it by the dictates of wisdom and goodness, i. 319. The danger of betraying our weakness to our servants, one motive to a regular life, 320. See Servants.
Domestic discord inquired into, vi. 217. Donne, Dr. specimens of his metaphysi- cal poetry, iii. 164. Some of his Satires published by Pope, iv. 223.
Dorset, Charles Sackville Earl of, life, iii. 358. Born January 24, 1637, ib. Educated under a private tutor, and tra- velled through Italy, ib. Member for East Grinstead in the first parliament after the Restoration, ib. One of his frolicks, ib. A volunteer in the fleet under the Duke of York, 359. Receives favourable notice from King James, 360. Concurs to the Revolution, ib. A favourite of King Wil- liam, Chamberlain of the Household, and Knight of the Garter, ib. Died at Bath, Jan. 19, 1705-6, ib. His character, ib. Applauded as good-natured, though angry, i. 52.
Dorset, Charles Earl of, Pope's Epitaph on him, with criticisms on it, iv. 274. Double, Tom, his story, ii. 651. Douglas, Rev. Mr. (Bishop of Carlisle), letter to, written for William Lauder, v.
Dragon, story of the Isle of Rhodes being ravaged by one, ii. 411. The story applied, ib.
Drake, Sir Francis, his life, iv. 455. Son of a clergyman in Devonshire, ib. Ap- prenticed to the master of a small vessel trading to France and the Netherlands, 456. His master dying, leaves him his little vessel, ib. Sells his vessel and enters into the West India trade, ib. Loses his all in Captain Hawkins's expedition, 457. Account of his expedition against the Spa- niards in America, 1572, 458. Enters into treaty with the Symeronsorfugitive negroes, 466. Returns to Plymouth August 9, 1573, 483. Sails with five ships to the South Seas, 1577, 484. A design formed at Port Julian to murder him, 496. Arrives at Plymouth September 26, 1580, 518. Receives a visit from Queen Elizabeth on board his ship at Deptford, when he is knighted, ib. Com- mands a fleet of twenty-five ships against the Spaniards, 1585, ib. His success against the Spaniards, 519. In conjunction with Sir John Hawkins sent with a fleet to the East Indies 1595, 520. Died 1597, and buried in the sea, ib.
Drowsy, Tom, his history, iii. 48. Drugget, Ned, his history, ii. 432. His false conceptions of pleasure such as pur- sued by mankind in general, 438.
Dryden, John, his life, iii. 378. Born at Aldwincle, Northamptonshire, August 9, 1631, ib. Said to have inherited an estate of 2001. a year, and to have been bred an Anabaptist, ib. Educated at Westminster-school under Dr. Busby, 379. Admitted Bachelor at Cambridge, 1655, ib. His first poem on the death of Lord Hastings, ib. Wrote a Stanza on the death of Cromwell, and on the Restoration Astrea Redux, ib. Commenced a writer for the stage about 1663, 381. His first play the Wild Gallant, ib. Published the Rival Ladies 1664, ib. Joins Sir Robert Howard, in writing the Indian Queen, ib. The In- dian Emperor published 1667, 382. Pub- lished his Annus Mirabilis 1667, ib. Has a controversy with Sir Robert Howard on dramatick rhyme, ib. Succeeds Sir W. Davenant as Poet Laureat, 383. Publishes his Essay on Dramatick Poetry, 384. Secret Love, or the Maiden Queen, ib. Sir Martin Mar-all, ib. In conjunction with Davenant, alters Shakspeare's Tempest, ib. His quiet disturbed by Settle's Empress of Morocco, 385. His character of Settle, with remarks on the Empress of Morocco, ib. His Mock Astrologer, dedicated to the Duke
Newcastle, 389. Tyrannick Love, or the irgin Martyr, 390. Conquest of Granada, 1. That play attacked by Martin Clif- rd, ib. Settle vindicates himself, 392. is Marriage à-la-mode, dedicated to the arl of Rochester, 396. The Assignation, Love in a Nunnery, dedicated to Sir harles Sedley, ib. Amboyna, 397. Troi- is and Cressida, altered from Shakspeare, The Spanish Fryar, ib. The Duke of Juise, written in conjunction with Lee, ib. Albion and Albanius, 398. State of Inno- cence and Fall of Man, ib. Many hundred copies in MS. before it was printed, 399. Aureng Zebe, ib. All for Love, or the World well Lost, founded on the Story of Antony and Cleopatra, 400. Limberham, or the Kind Keeper, ib. Edipus, formed by him and Lee from Sophocles, ib. Don Sebas- tian, ib. Amphitryon derived from Plautus and Moliere, 401. Cleomenes, ib. King Arthur, ib. Love Triumphant, 402. Did not raise his fortune by the number of his pieces, ib, Wrote a dedication to almost every piece, 403. Used to add a preface of criticism to his plays, ib. Wrote pro- logues to many plays, the price of which was two guineas, and afterwards raised to three guineas, ib. Contracted to furnish four plays a year, ib. In 1678, produced six full plays, ib. Attacked by criticks, and opposed by rivals, 404. Characterized by the name of Bayes in the Rehearsal, ib. Cri- ticks nor rivals did him no harm, 405. Re- pels censure by an adamantine confidence, ib. Wa Waylaid and beaten for being sup- posed to have been the authour of an Essay on Satire, 406. His name thought necessary for the success of every poetical and literary performance, ib. He wrote the lives of Po- lybius, Lucian, and Plutarch, and translated the first book of Tacitus, ib. Assisted in translating Ovid's Epistles, and adds a pre- face on translation, 407. Writes Absalom and Achitophel which is several times an- swered, ib. The Medal, which is answered by Settle and others, 408. After the acces- sion of James, declared himself a convert to Popery, 409. Engaged to defend the papers found in the strong box of Charles II. 410. Translates Maimburg's History of the League, and the Life of Francis Xavier, 411. Supposed to have undertaken to translate Varilla's History of Heresies, and to have answered Burnet, ib. Burnet's observation on the Answer, ib. Publishes the Hind and Panther, which is answered by the Earl of Halifax, Prior, Tom Brown, &c. 412. Writes on the birth of a prince, 414. At the Re- volution loses the place of Laureat, ib. Ce- lebrates Shadwell's inauguration in Mac Flecknoe, ib. Lord Dorset is said to have continued the salary of Laureat to him, ib. In 1690, writes Don Sebastian, and in 1691 four other dramas, 415. In 1693, publishes his translation of Juvenal and Persius, ib.
Dyer, John, his life, iv. 325. Born in English Dictionary, plan of that work,
1700, at Aberglasney, in Caermarthen- shire, ib. Educated at Westminster, and designed for the law, ib. Becomes itine- rant painter, 326. Travels to Italy, and on his return publishes the Ruins of Rome, ib. Enters into the Church, ib. His pre- ferments, ib. Publishes The Fleece, 1757, ib. Died 1758, ib. His works characterized, 327. Akenside's opinion of The Fleece, ib.
EARBURY, Mr. account of him, and his pretending to prophecy, ix. 210. His dis. putes with Mr. Cheynel, 211.
Earse Language, used in a kirk at Inver- ness, vi. 24. Account of, 111. Many dialects of, 113.
Earth, advantages from the position of it, ii. 511.
Editors, the impropriety of their altering works of authours left to their care, iv. 294. The duty of, v. 128.
Education, the difficulty attending it, iv. 521. Those who make the avenues to it easier are the friends of mankind, 522. The method used by Barretier for instructing his son in the languages, 525. The im- portance of conducting it aright, i. 388. Errours in the conduct thereof censured, 396. 512. ii. 50. 310. The pernicious effects of wrong management in this affair, i. 520. The folly of employing girls on useless needle-work, and neglecting every other part of their education, ii. 426. The importance of, v. 211. Want of variety and novelty in books designed for, 212. Considerations on the education of the chil- dren of the poor, 652.
Egmont Port. See Falkland Islands. Elgin, account of, vi. 19. Eloquence, that false sort which only confuses the reader, ridiculed, ii. 492.
Elphinstone, James, Letter to, on the death of his mother, vi. 463.
Elwood the Quaker, some account of, iii. 229.
Eminent Men, least eminent at home, ii. 533.
Embalming, on the practice of, vi. 268. Emigration, state of, from the Hebrides, considered, vi. 91.
Eminence, a proof of it in having many enemies as well as friends, i. 43.
Employment, the necessity of, ii. 596. Enemies, the duty and charity of reliev- ing them, v. 365.
England, supposed by Milton to be too cold a climate for flights of imagination,
English, remarkably barren of historical genius, ii. 8. The little proficiency made by them in civil wisdom. v. 369. On the bravery of their common soldiers, 366. Arises very much from the dissolution of dependance which obliges every man to regard his own character, 368.
addressed to the Earl of Chesterfield, v. 3. Difficulties in fixing the plan, 5. Preface to the English Dictionary, 24. Writer of Dictionaries characterized, ib. Advertise- ment to the Fourth Edition, 52. Preface to the Octavo Edition, 53.
English Language, the progress of, ii. 570. Richer than commonly supposed. 648. Contains sufficient information in every branch of science, ib.
Ennius, his epitaph written by himself, v. 242.
Envy, its malignant influence described, ii. 280. Will often sacrifice truth and friendship to weak temptations, ib.
Epaminondas, his death a proper subject for a picture, ii. 518.
Epick Poetry, what it is, iii. 265. Re- quisites in a writer of, 266. Boileau's opi- nion of, 416.
Epictetus, his salutary instructions for preserving the mind from the elevation of vanity, and the dejection of grief, i. 9. His excellent sentiments on the advantage of being influenced by the fears of poverty and death, 81. His epitaph, v. 243. Epi- gramma, vi. 457.
Epigram-de Sacerdote furem consolante epigramma, vi. 623.
Episcopacy, Mr. Waller's speech against it, iii. 321.
Epistolary Writing, its difficulty and ex- cellence, ii. 143. It ought to bear a strict conformity to nature, and the various pur- poses designed by it, 145, 146.
Epitaphs, vi. 423. Essay on, v. 287. Enquiry into what the perfection of con- sists, 238. Intended to perpetuate exam- ples of virtue, ib. The name alone suffi- cient for eminent men, ib. All allusions to Heathen mythology absurd, 240. Im- propriety of addressing the passenger in, 241. First rule in writing, not to omit the name, 242. Regard for truth to be ob- served, ib. Private virtue the best subject for, 243.
Erasmus, his diligent and unwearied im- provement of time applauded, i. 507. Eriphile, her excessive peevishness cen- sured, i, 526.
Errol, Earl of, invites Dr. Johnson to his seat at Slanes Castle, vi. 15.
Errour, the aversion of most persons to be convinced of it, i. 148. 150. Their at tempts to justify it generally the effect of obstinacy or pride, ib.
Etymology, difficulties in settling it, v. 11. Essays, the extensiveness and variety of this kind of writing, ii. 281. The advan- tages and inconveniences of it, ib.
Essence of Things, less regarded than their external and accidental appendages, ii. 188.
Eubulus, his character, i. 124. 132. Evening, an Ode to Stella, vi. 400.
Events, some of the most considerable of it considered, ii. 29. That of authours
often produced by casual and slender causes, ii. 92.
Evil, thoughts on the origin of, ii. 642. The cause of all good, 643. Review of a Free Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of, ▼.670. The folly of lamenting evils which may never happen, vi. 221.
Eumathes, his free censure of the errours of modern education, ii. 50. 54. His judi- cious conduct in the tuition of a young nobleman, 322. His narrative of the low insidious arts by which his good designs were obstructed and defeated, 325. The mean adventures of his pupil related, 327. Eumenes, his character, i. 300.
casual, precarious, and short-lived, 119, 120. Of a short duration when it is not properly founded, 157. The ascent to it obstructed by envy and competition, 203. That of authours very precarious, 557.
Famine, how different countries are af- fected by it, vi. 134.
Farmer, English, the honour due to, v. 290.
Fate, the practice of seeking it in books,
Fear, the distresses of it obviated and alleviated by the contemplation of death, i. 83. Superstitious, censured and exploded, 278. In what cases it characterizes a cow- ard, ii. 25. Not intended to overbear reason, but to assist it, ib. The pernicious effects of an irrational indulgence of it, 61.
Flying Fish, account of, iv. 488.
Frugality, the excellence of it, i. 269. Cautions and rules for directing the practice of it, 271.
Fruition, the limits of it fixed by immov- able boundaries, ii. 256.
Fugitive Pieces, their origin and im- portance, v. 177.
Fungoso, his addresses to Tranquilla de-
described, i. 561.
Follies, fashionable, particularly scribed, i. 467. The modern round of fa- vourite weekly diversions regarded as the most important end of human life, 468.
Fontenelle, his Dialogues of the Dead, translated by Mr. Hughes, iii. 595.
Fores (the town to which Macbeth was travelling), account of, vi. 21.
Forgetfulness, the necessity of, ii. 595. Fortitude of women described, vi. 357. Foster, Mrs. Elizabeth, grand-daughter of Milton, subscriptions solicited for, v. 247. Fosterage, account of the custom of, in the isle of Col, vi. 130.
Foundling-Hospital, care of the morals and religion of the children there, recom- mended, v. 653.
Fountains, a fairy tale, vi. 286.
Fox, Mr., lampooned by Pope in his Satires, iv. 225
France, the power of in America, 1756, v. 338. Sends a colony to Canada, 339.
Fraud, those persons who are most ad- dicted to it, generally the most suspicious,
Freeholder, account of that periodical publication, iii. 561.
Free Masonry allowed in Prussia, iv. 587. French, just to the memory of learned men by writing their lives, iii. 369.
French Prisoners of War. Introduction to the Proceedings of the Committee ap- pointed to manage the Contributions begun at London, Dec. 18, 1758, for clothing them, v. 364.
Friend, the difficulty of finding a faith- ful and able one, i. 156. The essential in- gredients of that amiable character, 300. Thoughts on the loss of a, ii. 506. Poem to a, vi. 401.
Friendship, the progress of the abate- ment of, iv. 194. The firmest too often dissolved by openness and sincerity, i. 193. The qualities requisite to form and esta- blish it, 300. ii. 181. Envy and flattery most injurious to its interests, i. 301. Es- teem and love essential to its composition, 302. Virtue its most lasting support, ib. The most common obstructions to it, 303, 304. The measures necessary to maintain and continue it, 464. The partialities with which it is often attended, 465. Charac- terized, ii. 452. Accidents to which it is liable, ib. Absence, interest, ambition, disputes begun in jest, &c. 453. An Ode,
Frolick, Mr. his character, as exhibiting a striking specimen of vanity, i. 288.
Furia, her character, i. 88. Future State, Sir T. Browne's account of the belief of the ancients. iv. 629.
Futurity, the prospects of it fitted to influ- ence and regulate our present conduct, i.7. Anxiety about it censured, 140. 278. 281. The folly of building our hopes upon it, ii. 364.
GABRIEL, his dress described, iii. 188. Gaming, Cleora's letter concerning it, i. 71.74. Its pernicious effects, 74. De- structive of the peace, harmony, and plea- sures of domestick life, 75.
Garret the advantages of it for contem- plation and improvement, i. 549. Subser- vient to gaiety and sprightliness, 552. The history and antiquities of several inhabi- tants of a, ii. 184, 185.
Garrick, David, characterized under the name of Prospero, ii. 350.
Garth, Sir Samuel, his life, iii. 525. De- scended from a family in Yorkshire, ib. Student at Cambridge, ib. Admitted Fel- low of the College of Physicians, London, June 26, 1693, ib. Writes the Dispensary, a Poem, 527. Spoke the Harveian Oration 1697, 528. Censor of the College, ib. Member of the Kit Kat Club, ib. Knighted, and made Physician in Ordinary to the King, and Physician General to the Army, ib. Died Jan. 18, 1717-18, and buried at Harrow on the Hill, ib. His character, and that of his works, ib. 529.
Gay, John, his life, iv. 1. Born in Devon- shire in 1688, ib. Educated under Mr. Luck, ib. Apprentice to a Silk Mercer in London, ib. Secretary to the Duchess of Monmouth, ib. Inscribes his first publica- tion to Pope, ib. Secretary to the Earl of Clarendon, 3. Dedicates his Shepherd's Week to Bolingbroke, ib. Pope and Ar- buthnot supposed to have assisted him in writing Three Hours after Marriage, ib. Gained 1000l. by publishing his Poems, 4. Became possessed of the value of 20,000l. in South Sea Stock, which he lost, ib. Ap- pointed Gentleman Usher to the Princess Louisa, which he refuses, and is afterwards neglected by the Court, 5. Pope's account of the origin and success of the Beggar's Opera, 6. His Polly prohibited by the Lord Chamberlain, 7. Patronized by the Duke and Duchess of Queensberry, 8. Died Dec. 4, 1732, and buried in West- minster-abbey, ib. His character, ib. Ac- count of his Works, 9.
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