
Brun Le, saying of Prior to the King of
France on the paintings of, iii. 607.
Buccarelli, the propriety of his attack of
Fort Egmont considered, v. 406.

Buckingham, Edmund, Duke of, Pope's
epitaph on him, iv. 286.

Buckinghamshire, John Sheffield, Duke
of, characterizes Dryden under the cha-
racter of Bayes, in the Rehearsal, iii. 404.
His life, 598. Son of Edmund Earl of Mul-
grave, was born 1649, ib. Not satisfied
with his tutor, undertakes his own educa-
tion at twelve years of age, ib. Served un-
der Prince Rupert, in the war against the
Dutch, ib. Commanded an independent
troop of horse, ib. Had a quarrel with the
Earl of Rochester, 599. Served at sea in
the Dutch war 1672; ib. Obtains a Garter,
and made Gentleman of the bed-chamber,
ib. Entered into the French service, ib.
Lieutenant of Yorkshire, and Governor of
Hull, 600. Sent with 2000 men to the re-
lief of Tangier, ib. Accepts places under
King James, whom he attends to mass, ib.
Acquiesces in the Revolution, 601. Made
Marquis of Normandy, 1694, ib. Received
into the Cabinet Council, with a pension of
3000l. ib. Said to have courted Queen Anne,
when young, ib. Made Lord Privy Seal,
602. Lord Lieutenant of the North Riding
of Yorkshire, ib. Made Duke of Nor-
mandy, and after of Buckinghamshire, ib.
Joined the Tories, ib. Offered the Chan-
cellorship, ib. Lord Chamberlain of the
Household, ib. After the Queen's death
opposed the Court, ib. Died Feb. 24,
1720-21, ib. His character, ib. His cha-
racter as a writer, 603.

Bucolus, his account of Mrs. Busy's eco-
nomical character and conduct, ii. 79.

Budgel, Eustace, writes the Epilogue to
Philips's translation of Racine's Andro-
mache, iv. 310.

Buller of Buchan, account of the extra-
ordinary cavity there, vi. 16.

Burman, Peter, his life, iv. 541. Born at
Utrecht 1668, ib. Educated at Utrecht,
and admitted into the University in his
thirteenth year, ib. His quick acquirement
of learning, 542. Becomes a pupil under
Grævius, 543. Studied philosophy at Ley-
den, 544. Doctor of Laws 1688, ib. Tra-
velled into Switzerland and Germany, 545.
Collector of the Tenths 1691, ib. Visits
Paris 1714, where he is introduced to
Montfaucon, 546. Professor of History,
Eloquence, and the Greek language, at
Leyden, 1715, 547. Chief Librarian at
Leyden, 548. Died March 31, 1741, ib.
His character, 549. Catalogue of some of
his works, 550.

Burnet, Gilbert, Observations on Dry-
den's Answer to his Remarks on Varillas,
iii. 411.

Business, the neglect of it foolish and
pernicious, ii. 271. The folly of a man's
attempting to do too much business him-

self, by which all is neglected: exemplified
in the history of Jack Whirler, ii. 441. Very
seldom reckoned a pleasure, 675.

Bustle, Lady, her character expressive of
the active scenes of a country life, i. 240.
Busy, Mrs. the particularities of her cha-
racter, ii. 79.

Butler, Samuel, assisted Buckingham in
writing the Rehearsal, iii. 404. His life,
283. The son of a farmer at Strensham,
Worcestershire, ib. Not known whether he
was of either University, ib. Clerk to a
Justice of the Peace in Worcestershire, 284.
Amused himself in Musick and Painting,
ib. Taken into the family of the Countess
of Kent, ib. Afterwards into the family of
Sir S. Luke, ib. Secretary to the Earl of
Carbury, and Steward of Ludlow Castle,
285. Married Mrs. Herbert, ib. Part I. of
Hudibras published 1663, Part II. 1664, ib.
Supposed to have been secretary to the Duke
of Buckingham, when Chancellor of Cam-
bridge, ib. Story of his being to be intro-
duced to the Duke of Bucks, by Mr. Wy-
cherley, 286. Part III. of Hudibras pub-
lished 1678, ib. Died 1680, and interred
in the church-yard of Covent Garden, 287.
Reported to have received 100l. a year of
the Treasury, ib. Copy of his monument in
Westminster Abbey, ib. Three volumes of
his posthumous Works published, ib. Two
volumes more, lately, by Mr. Thyer of
Manchester, ib. He ridiculed the esta-
blishment of the Royal Society, 288. Cha-
racter of his Hudibras, ib.

CADENCY in poetic numbers considered,
i. 436.

Cairne, in Sky, a burying-place, de-
scribed, vi. 50.

Calder Castle, account of, vi. 22.
Calumnies, the difficulties in suppressing,
iv. 425.

Camilla, her affected disrelish of the dis-
positions and conduct of her own sex ex-
posed, i. 539.

Canaries, Islands of, account of the first
discovery and settlement of, v. 196. John
de Cerda crowned king of the Canaries, ib.
Candidus, his history, iii. 35.

Cannon, two observations on the danger
of, iii. 599.

Cantilenus, his low taste censured, ii.254.
Captator, a legacy hunter, his history,
ii. 335.

Carter, Mrs. a writer in the Rambler, i.
214. 466.

Castles in the Hebrides, account of, vi.
149. Evidences of the fictions of chivalry
having had the manners of feudal times for
their basis, 151.

Catalogue of the Harleian Library, plan
of the catalogue, v. 167. General use of Ca-
talogues, 168.

Cato, rather a poem in dialogue than a
play, iii. 577. Extracts from Mr. Dennis's
Observations, 578.

Cattle, importance of breeding, v. 289.
Account of those bred in the islands of
Sky, vi. 78.

Cave, Edward, bis life, iv. 572. Born in
Warwickshire 1691, ib. Educated at Rugby
school, 573. At first encouraged by his
master, but afterwards being charged with
stealing a cock, loses all his master's favour,
ib. Lives with a collector of Excise, 574.
Comes to London, and lives some time with
a timber-merchant, ib. Apprenticed to Col-
lins, a printer, ib. After two years sent to
conduct a printing-house, and manage a
weekly paper, at Norwich, 575. Writes in
Mist's Journal, ib. Gets a small place in
the Post-Office, ib. Engaged in several
small publications, ib. Loses his place in
the Post-Office, 576. Purchases a small
printing-office, and begins the Gentleman's
Magazine, ib. Spent much money in pro-
jects, ib. Died 1754, 577. Inscription at
Rugby, written by Dr. Hawkesworth, to
the memory of Cave's father, himself, and
brother, 578. His character, ib.

Caves, some remarkable ones in the isles
of Sky, described, vi. 68.

Caution, the connexion of it with hope,

i. 558.

Celibacy, no pleasures in a state of, vi.


Censure, our fondness for it derived from
an imagined superiority, i. 6. On what oc-
casions it becomes equitable and laudable,

Chairman, his complaint on charging the
fat people no more than thin ones, ii. 468.
Character, not to be drawn from a per-
-san's own letters, iv. 241.

Characters, the general inclination to
copy those of other persons considered, ii.
199. The variety of, in England, exempli-
fied by the company in a stage-coach, iii.
60 The folly of assuming, 63.

Chariessa, her reflections upon the fa-
shionable follies of modish life, i. 466.

Charity, the discharge of its duties should
be regulated and adjusted by the rules of
justice, i. 376. Introduced by Revelation,
ii. 398. No account of it in ancient times
transmitted to us,ib. Roman donatives rather
popular than virtuous, ib. Of Mahometans
transplanted from Christianity, 399. Of
the present age, commended, ib. Danger
of its abating, ib. Danger from the com-
petitions between different hospitals, 400.
If no want, no charity, 643.

Charity Schools, the false notion of the
mischief of them, ii. 460.

Charles I. tries the Sortes Virgilianæ, iii.
152. Charged with inserting a prayer in
the Icon Basilike, taken from Sidney's Ar-
cadia, which is, however, supposed to have
been interpolated by Milton, 224.

Charles II. employs Salmasius to write
in defence of Charles I. and Monarchy, iii.
225. Passes an act of oblivion to all except
the Regicides, 236.

Charles XII. of Sweden, the vanity of a
warrior exemplified in him, vi. 318.
Charters, their extent and authority, v.

Chartophylax, his character, ii. 254.
Charybdis, her disposition to profuse ex-
penses, i. 541.

Chaucer, Geoffry, January and May,
and the Prologue to the Wife of Bath, put
into modern English, by Pope. See POPE.
Cheerful Mau characterized, iii. 261.
Chesterfield, Earl of, Dr. Johnson's con-
temptuous letter to, li.i..

Cheynel, Francis, his life, iv. 557. Born
at Oxford 1608, 558. Entered at that uni-
versity 1623, ib. Fellow of Merton Col-
lege, ib. Takes orders in the church of Eng-
land, b. Refused his degree of B. D. for
disputing concerning Predestination, ib.
Account of the disputes at Merton College,
560. Presented to a valuable living near
Banbury, ib. Has a dispute with Archbi-
shop Laud, ib. Declares himself a Presby.
terian, and a friend of the Parliament, ib.
His house plundered, and living forfeited,
561. Retires into Sussex, ib. His behaviour
to Chillingworth when a prisoner to the
Parliament's troops, 562. In the army of
Essex, shews himself equally brave as learn-
ed, 563. Is presented by Parliament to the
living of Petworth, 563, 564. Sent by the
Parliament, with six others, to reform the
University, 664. Fixes a Scruple-shop at
Oxford, ib. His disputes with Earbury and
the Independents, 565. His controversy
with Mr. Hammond, on his Practical Ca-
techism, 567. His further proceedings at
Oxford, 568. President of St. John's Col-
lege, and Lady Margaret Professor, 569.
Writes in defence of the Trinity against the
Socinians, 570. Retires from Oxford to his
living at Petworth, 571. Loses Petworth at
the Restoration, 572. Supposed to have
died distracted 1665, ib.

Chillingworth, Dr. for a short time em-
braced Popery, iii. 409. Account of his
sickness and death, in the hands of the Par-
liament's troops, iv. 562.

Chinese, account of a man of that coun-
try at the island of Ternate, iv. 515.
Christianus perfectus, vi. 433.
Chrysalus, the fatal effects of his peevish-
ness, i. 525.

Cibber, Mr. the lives of the poets not
written by him but by one Robert Shiels,
iv. 27. Appointed Poet Laureat, 78. Takes
umbrage at the Volunteer Laureat, 80. Ce-
lebrated by Pope in his last book of the
Dunciad, 228. He resents the affront in a
pamphlet, ib.

Cicero, his reflections upon the vanity of
transitory applause, i. 554. His remarks
upon the importance of being acquainted
with past transactions, ii. 155.

Clarendon, Lord, the story of Smith be-
ing employed to alter his history, false, iii.
504. His character of Waller, with obser-

vations on it, iv. 16. His character of Ad-
miral Blake, 454. The peculiar excel-
lency of his History of the Rebellion, ii. 9.
Thoughts on the publication of the sequel
of his History, 574. Doubts of the unfaith-
ful publication of his History, 575.
Cleobulus, his maxim on the excellency
of mediocrity, i. 181.

Cleora, her Letter on Gaming, i. 71.
Clergy, Milton's objections to entering
into the ministry, iii. 211.

Clifford, Martin, attacks Dryden's Con-
quest of Grenada, with a specimen, iii. 391.
Assisted Buckingham in writing the Re-
hearsal, 404.

Climate, has no influence on freedom
and slavery, or virtue and vice, ii. 419.
Coach, provided by marriage-articles
without horses, ii. 544.

Coal-pit, compared to the sun, iii. 169.
Coins, observations on the collectors of,
ii. 550.

Col, Island of, account of, vi. 116.
Collier, Jeremy, account of his dispute
on the entertainments of the stage, iii. 630.
Collins, William, his life, iv. 321. Born
at Chichester 1720, ib. Admitted at Win-
chester College 1733, ib. Came to London,
about 1744, a literary adventurer, ib. His
uncle leaves him about 2000l., 322. Trou-
bled with disease and insanity, ib. His
character, ib. Died 1756, 323. His works
characterized, 324.

Colonies, observations on the settlement
of, iv. 88. Considerations how they are
constituted, v. 443. Constitution of Eng-
lish colonies, 446. Ought to be bound by
statutes of the mother-country, 447. The
plea of want of representation examined,


Columbus, little advantage to Europe
from his discoveries, v. 445.

Comedy, history of, v. 520. Tragedy
more uniform than, 547. Critical remarks
upon the manner of composing it, ii. 19.

Commendation, false claims to it cen-
sured, ii. 301.

Commentators, the difficulties they meet
with, v. 90.

Commerce, Preface to Rolt's Dictionary
of, v. 227. The present predilection of
mankind to, ib. Difficulties in acquiring
the knowledge of, 228. One of the daugh-
ters of fortune, 292. Must owe its success
to agriculture, 293.

Companions, different classes of them
described, ii. 300.

Compassion, supposed by some to be a
selfish passion, ii. 598.

Competitions, often supported by in-
terest and envy, ii. 277. Their different in-
fluence on this occasion stated, 278, 279.
Complainers, incessant, represented as
the screech-owls of mankind, i. 278.
Complaint, little got by it, ii. 657.
Complaints of the conduct of others,

what principles will support our claim to
it, i. 236, 237.

Composition, different methods of, iv. 248.
Compton, Sir Spenser, presents Thomson
with twenty guineas, having dedicated
Winter to him, iv. 291.

Comus, the Masque of, first acted in
1634, iii. 212. Derived from Homer's Circe,
ib. The fact on which it was founded, ib.
Supposed by the editor to be derived from
the Comus of Erycius Puteanus, ib. Acted
April 5, 1750, for the benefit of a grand-
daughter of Milton, 258. Characterized,
262. Prologue to, when acted for the
benefit of a granddaughter of Milton, vi.

Conduct, the absurdity of it, whence it
ariseth, ii. 65.

Congo, Island of, first discovered by the
Portuguese, v. 209.

Congreve, William, his life, iii. 626.
Descended from a family in Staffordshire,
ib. Born about 1672, the place uncertain,
ib. First educated at Kilkenny, after-
wards at Dublin, 627. Entered at the
Middle-Temple, but paid little attention to
statutes or reports, ib. The Old Bachelor,
his first dramatick labour, 1693, ib. This
play procured him the patronage of Halifax,
who made him a commissioner for licensing
coaches, and places in the pipe-office and
customs, 628. Account of this comedy, ib.
The Double Dealer, 1694, 629. Love for
Love, 1695, ib. Mourning Bride, 1697, ib.
Defends the stage against Collier, 631.
Writes the Way of the World, 632. Re-
tires from the world as a writer, ib. Made
Secretary for the island of Jamaica, 633.
Wished to be considered rather as a gentle-
man than an authour, ib. His conversation
with Voltaire, ib. Loses his sight, ib. Died
Jan. 29, 1728-9, buried in Westminster
Abbey, and a monument erected by the
duchess of Marlborough, to whom he left
10,000l., ib. His character as an authour,

Consolation under afflictions, by what
methods may be obtained, i. 246. On
what occasion it may be drawn from a view
of the afflictions of others, ib. Its useful in-
fluence against the depressions of melan-
choly, 247. The tendency of it to strengthen
patience and fortitude, 249.

Constantia and Philetus, written by
Cowley at twelve years of age, iii. 149.
Constantius, his history and character,
ii. 314.

Contentment with the situation in life
assigned us, recommended, i. 296.

Controversies of the learned, a moder-
ator recommended in them, v. 184.

Controversy, the writers of it, their short-
lived fame soon succeeded by disrelish and
neglect, i. 498.

Convenience, progress from rudeness to,
ii. 568.

Conversation, the pleasures and dis-
tastes of it, i. 203. 220. The importance of
acquiring it, ii. 253. The art of it difficult
to be attained, 298. What methods are
most proper for this end, 299. The errors
in sentiment and practice relating to this,
into which many are led, 300. Requires the
same ingredients as punch, ii. 485. The
ingredients of both compared, 486.

Conway, Lord, taken up for being con-
cerned in Waller's plot, iii. 329. admitted
to bail, 331.

Coot, account of a bird in Scotland so
called, vi. 16.

Corbet, Mrs. Pope's Epitaph on her, iv.


Coriatachan, in Sky, account of, vi. 49.
Coriolanus, observations on Shakspeare's
tragedy of, v. 158.

Corn Laws, considerations on, v. 296.
Cornelia, her account of Lady Bustle's
employment, i. 241.

Cornice, Bob, his history, iii. 27.
Cornish men, a supposed address from
them, in order to shew the false arguments
in the American resolutions and address,
v. 466.

Coronation of George III. thoughts on,
v. 597.

Country life, the pleasures expected to
be met with in it seldom prove so, exem-
plified in the history of Dick Shifter, ii. 591.
Court, the danger of dangling after
places there, exemplified in the character
of Lentulus, iii. 37.

Courtier, his manner described, ii. 121.


Courtly, Mrs. her character, i. 57.
Cowley, Abraham, his life, iii. 147. The
son of a grocer, and born in 1618, ib. Be-
came a poet from reading Spenser's Fairy
Queen, ib. Educated at Westminster
school, 148. Could not retain the rules of
Grammar, ib. A volume of poems printed
in his thirteenth year, ib. Wrote Pyramus
and Thisbe at ten years of age, and Con-
stantia and Philetus at twelve, 149. Re-
moved to Cambridge in 1636, ib. Ejected
from Cambridge, and takes shelter at St.
John's College, Oxford, in 1643, 150.
Employed in cyphering and decyphering
the letters between the king and queen, ib.
Writes his Mistress without being in love,
ib. Secretary to lord Jermyn at Paris, 151.
Some of his letters preserved in Brown's
Miscellanea Aulica, ib. His opinion of the
Scotch treaty, 152. Sent back from Paris,
under pretence of privacy and retirement,
153. Seized by the usurping powers, and
obliged to give a security of 1000l. ib.
Supposed to relax from his loyalty, ib.
Purposes to retire to America, ib. Takes
up the character of physician, 154. Writes
a copy of verses on the death of Oliver, ib.
Made doctor of physick at Oxford, 1657,
155. Writes in the Philosophical transac-

tions, ib. Studies botany, and writes seve-
ral books on plants in Latin, ib. Superior
to Milton in Latin Poetry, ib. Retires into
Surrey, 158. Obtains a lease of the queen's
lands, ib. His letter to Dr. Sprat, 159.
Died at Chertsey, 1667, and buried with
great pomp, near Chaucer and Spenser, ib.
Charles II. said, Cowley had not left be-
hind him a better man in England, ib.
Was at one time too much praised, at ano-
ther too much neglected, 160. Critical re-
marks on his poems, 163. The best meta-
physical poet, 175. A passage in his
writings illustrated, i. 27. His epitaph,
with observations on it, v. 240.

Cradock, Zachary, elected provost of
Eton, iii. 335.

Craggs, James, Pope's Epitaph on him,
iv. 278.

Credulity, the common failing of unex-
perienced virtue, ii. 246. Described, 416.
Of political zealots the most obstinate, ib.
Of the bigots of philosophy, examined, ib.

Crispe, Sir Nicholas, assisted the king
with 100,000l. iii. 326. Forms a plot in fa-
vour of the king, ib.

Criticism, not criminal, iv. 265. Genu-
ine, the offspring of labour, truth, and
equity, i. 12. The art of it regulated by
precarious and fluctuating principles, 111.
ii. 171. The proper end to which it should
be applied, 250. Minute, censured and ex-
ploded, 251. The importance of that study,
v. 558. Story of Dick Minim, a critick,
559. Plan for an academy, 563.

Criticks, their true character, i. 11. The
different dispositions and measures of the
candid and the severe, 111, 112. Remarks
on their censures of other writers, 433.
They are often misled by interest, ib. The
different classes of criticks assigned, and
their arts and insults exposed, ii. 249, 250.
The methods by which their malevolent de-
signs may be defeated, 251. Their charac-
ter, 397. Their duty to young actors, 458.
Observations on, 606. Their use to the
world, v. 141.

Cromwell, O. commenced protector with
kingly power, iii. 227. Instance of Mil-
ton's flattery of, 228. Versed in ancient
history, 331. Character of Waller's pane
gyrick on, ib. Desirous of the title of king,
332. His dissolution of parliament recom-
mended as a proper subject for an historical
painting, ii. 518.

Cromwell, Mr. an early correspondent of
Pope, iv. 170.

Crousaz, a view of the controversy be-
tween him and Warburton on Pope's Essay
on Man, v. 184.

Cruelty, in experimental philosophy and
anatomy reprobated, ii. 437.

Cuddy fish, account of, vi. 71.
Cunning, characterized, ii. 650.
Cupidus, his observations on the folly of
visionary opulence, i. 340.

Curiosity, the danger of indulging an in-
judicious, i. 382. A principle of powerful
ai and extensive operation, 476. 557. The
folly of being solely influenced by it in the
pursuit of knowledge, 482. To be indulged
with caution and judgment, 483. The great
folly of it when extravagant, 484. The first
and last passion in great and generous
minds, ii. 135. An instance of its command-
ing influence, 136. A strong principle of
action, 183.

Curiosities, the extravagant love of, ex-
posed, ii. 549. Arts practised by collectors,
ib. The advantage of collections made with
prudence, 551.

Curll, Mr. called before the Lords for
publishing letters between Pope and seve-
ral noblemen, and discharged, iv. 210.

Custom, to conquer it requires the utmost
efforts of fortitude and virtue, i. 68. The
folly of continuing bad ones, and the diffi-
culty of breaking them, ii. 466.

Cymbeline, observations on Shakspeare's
play of, v. 161.

DEMONOLOGIE, System of, adopted by
such as courted the favour of king James,
v. 57.

Davenant, Sir William, his life saved by
the intercession of Milton, who is after-
wards saved by the intercession of Dave-
nant, iii. 237. In conjunction with Dryden,
alters Shakspeare's Tempest, 384. The
quickness of his fancy, ib.

Davideis, written by Cowley when at
Cambridge, iii. 149. Designed to be ex-
tended to twelve books, only four of which
were completed, 184. Various specimens
of, 186. Said by Rymer to be superiour to
the Jerusalem of Tasso, 189.

Dead, prayer for, propriety of, vi. 550.
Apparitions of the dead discussed, 553.
Deaf and Dumb, account of Braidwood's
academy at Edinburgh for, vi. 158.

Death, a voyage, iii. 169. The due con-
templation of, a proper method for suppress
ing fear, i. 83. The instructions arising
from the near views of it, 255. The dispo-
sitions of mind suitable to that instructive
and awful season, 257, 258. The different
sentiments we then form of men and things;
and particularly as to friends, rivals, and
enemies, 259. The immediate effects of
death awful and important, 362. The im-
pressions made by it too generally transient,
364. The remembrance of it when it pre-
dominates in our minds a great and ani-
mating incentive to virtue, ib. Considera-
tions on it, ii. 505. The desire of the most
decrepit to live one year longer, and the
credit they give to it, iii. 45. As described
by the authour of the Origin of Evil, v. 684.
Debtors, considerations on the imprison-
ment of, ii. 449. Creditors' reasons for im-
prisonment of, 450. Should be obliged to
surrender their property, ib. Frequently

occasioned by compulsive traffick, 451.
He who trusts a man he designs to sue is
criminal, ib. Loss to the community by
their imprisonment computed, 495. More
confined in England than in the monasteries
in other countries, 497. Other mischiefs of
imprisonment, 498. The infamy ought to
be transferred from the unfortunate debtor
to the remorseless creditor, ib. The miser-
able life they lead, iii. 1. The danger of
being bail for, exemplified in the character
of Serenus, 34.

Dedications, v. 578. Dr. James's Dic-
tionary, ib. The Female Quixote, ib.
Shakspeare illustrated, 579. Payne's Game
of Draughts, 582. Evangelical History of
Christ, 523. Angell's Stenography, 587,
Baretti's Dictionary, 588. Kennedy's
Chronology, 589. Hoole's Tasso, 590.
Gwynn's London and Westminster im-
proved, 591. Ascham's Works, ib._Adams
on the Globes, 592. Bishop Pearce's
Works, 593.

Definition, in what respect not the pro-
vince of man, ii. 19. The neglect of it
prejudicial to the writers of plays, ib.

Dejection of spirit frequently increased
by vain terrors, i. 278.

Demochares, his character, i. 472.

Denham, Sir John, born at Dublin, in
1615, iii. 198. Son of Sir John Denham
of Essex, Chief Justice of the Exchequer
in Ireland, and afterwards one of the Ba-
rons of the Exchequer in England, ib.
Educated in London, and went to Oxford
1631, ib. More given to dice and cards
than study, ib. Removed to Lincoln's Inn,
ib. Divides his study between law and
poetry, ib. Employed in carrying on the
king's correspondence, 199. Conveys
James Duke of York from London into
France, ib. Resides in France, 201. The
remains of his estate sold by parliament, ib.
Rewarded for his loyalty by being made
surveyor of the King's buildings, and Knight
of the Bath, ib. Died March 19, 1688,
and buried in Westminster Abbey near
Cowley, 201. His character as a poet, ib.

Dennis, John, enraged by Pope's Essay
on Criticism, iv. 171. Attacks the Rape
of the Lock, and the Temple of Fame, 178.
Pope writes a narrative of his frenzy, 179.
Attacks Addison's Cato, iii. 5. 78. Sa-
vage's epigram on him, iv. 62.

Dentatus, his address to Tranquilla de-
scribed, i. 562.

Dependence, perpetual, contrary to the
dignity of wisdom, ii. 188.

Depravation of the mind by external ad-
vantages not so universal as is apprehended,
ii. 232.

Desires of mankind more numerous than
their attainments, i. 486. A perpetual
conflict with natural desires the lot of our
present state, 520.

Desires, excessive, restrained by the at-

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