[blocks in formation]

Advice, good, too often disregarded, i.
403. The causes of this assigned, 404.
Vanity often the apparent motive of giving
it, ib. When most offensive and ineffec-
tual, ii. 159.

Affability, the extensive influence of this
amiable quality, ii. 93.

Affectation, the vanity and folly of in-
dulging it, i. 96. 98. Wherein it properly
differs from hypocrisy, 99. The great ab-
surdity of it, exposed in the character of
Golasimus, ii. 262.

Afflictions, proper methods of obtaining
consolation under them, i. 83. 246.

Africa, progress of the discoveries made
on that coast by the Portuguese, v. 198.

Age, the present an age of authours, iii.


Agriculture, its extensive usefulness con-
sidered, ii. 112. Thoughts on, both ancient
and modern, v. 286. Productions of, alone
sufficient for the support of an industrious
people, 287. In high consideration in
Egypt, ib. The many ancient writers on
that subject, 289. The enrichment of Eng-
land, 290. A proper subject for honorary
rewards, 291. Superior to trade and manu-
factures, 292. Danger to be apprehended
from the neglect of, 294. An art which go-
vernment ought to protect, every proprietor
of lands to practise, and every inquirer into
nature to improve, 296. Account of, at
Raasay, one of the Hebrides, vi. 54. Bad
state of, at Ostig, in Sky, ib. The raising
of the rents of estates in Scotland consi-
dered, 90.

Ajut, his history, ii. 291. 293.
Akenside, Dr. Mark, his opinion of
Dyer's Fleece, iv. 327. His life, 385. Son
of a butcher at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, born
1721. Designed for a dissenting minister,
but turns his mind to physick, ib. Plea-
sures of Imagination published 1744, 386.
Studies at Leyden, and becomes M. D.
1744, ib. An enthusiastick friend to liberty;
and a lover of contradiction, ib. Practises
physick at Northampton and Hampstead,
387. Settles at London, ib. Allowed 300l.
a year by Mr. Dyson, 388. By his writings
obtains the name both of a wit and scholar,
ib. Died 1770, ib. Character of his works,

Alabaster's Roxana commended, iii. 209.
Alacrity, the cultivation of it the source
of personal and social pleasure, i. 343.

Albion in lat. 3o, account of the friendly
inhabitants found there by Drake, iv. 512.
Alexandrian Library, its loss lamented,
ii. 576.

Aliger, his character, ii. 355.

Allen, Mr. of Bath, praised by Pope in
his Satires, iv. 225.

All's Well that Ends Well, observations
on Shakspeare's, v. 150.

Almamoulin, the dying speech of Noura-
din, his father, to him, i. 564. His thought-

less extravagance, 565. The excellent ad.
vice which the sage gave him, 567.

Altilia, her coquetry described, ii. 275.
Amazons, observations on the history of
like Amazons, 369.
the, ii. 638. Old maids in England most

Amazons, of the pen, iii. 107.

pacity, iv. 422. A quality natural to youth,
Ambition, generally proportioned to ca-
1.72. The peculiar vanity of it in the lower
stations of life, 311. A destroyer of friend-
ship, ii. 453. Characterized, vi. 359.

America; Taxation no Tyranny, or, an
the American Congress [1775], v. 436.
Answer to the Resolutions and Address of
lands to forei
Considerations on the Indians granting their
foreign nations, 331. Difficulty of
of the French there, 1756, 338. Colonies
ascertaining boundaries, 333. The power
first settled there in the time of Elizabeth,
340. Colony first sent to Canada by the
French, 345. The first discovery of New-
foundland by Cabot, and the settlement
from thence to Georgia considered, 355.
The encroachment of the French on our
back settlements examined, 356.

case of prostitutes, i. 502.
Amicus, his reflections on the deplorable

by Waller under that name, iii. 319.
Amoret, Lady Sophia Murray celebrated
may be rendered useful, i. 414.
Amusements, by what regulations they
Anatomy, cruelty in anatomical re-
Anacreon, Ode ix. translated, vi. 412.
searches reprobated, ii. 437.

Andrew's, St. account of the city of, vi.
of the university, 4. Expence of education
3. The ruins of the cathedral, ib. Account
there, 5.

style of painting, ii. 615.
Angelo, Michael, observations on his

gulating it, i. 49. A tumultuous and dan-
Anger, the necessity of checking and re-
gerous passion, derived from pride, 50.
Exposed to contempt and derision, 51.
The pernicious effects of it, 52, 53.

of various sorts of, vi. 57.
Animal food, on the choice and rejection

Anningate and Ajut, the Greenland
lovers, their history, ii. 291. 293.

Anoch, account of, vi. 31. Consists only
and his house, 32.
of three huts, ib. Account of the landlord

Anson, Lord, little advantage to have
to the extent of his wishes, v. $95.
been expected, had his voyage succeeded

Anthea, her disagreeable character, i. 163.
Antony and Cleopatra, observations on
Shakspeare's play of, v. 158.

improvements in knowledge and virtue, ii.
Application, desultory, injurious to our
by a view of the shortness and uncertainty
50. Active and diligent, strongly enforced
of human life, 59.

have assisted Gay in writing Three Hours
Arbuthnot, Dr. with Pope, supposed to

after Marriage, iv. 3. Sketch of his cha-
racter, 223. The first volume of the Me-
moirs of Scriblerus published by him, in
conjunction with Pope and Swift, 226.

Arcades, written by Milton, about 1637,
iii. 213.

Archery, the importance of, in former
times, iv. 653.

Arches, considerations on elliptical and
semicircular, which is to be preferred,

▼. 279.

Architecture, the degenerate state of, at
Rome, v. 283.

Argutio, his character, i. 132.

Aristophanes, licentiousness of his writ-
ings exorbitant, v. 517. The only authour
from whom a just idea of the comedy of
his age may be drawn, 518. History of,
527. Plutarch's sentiments upon, 532.
Justification of, 534.

Aristotle, his sentiments of what is re-
quisite to the perfection of a tragedy,
ii. 81. Account of a MS. translation of his
politics in the library at Aberdeen, vi. 13.
Armidel, in the Isle of Sky, account of,
vi. 45.

Army, causes of the superiority of the
officers of France to those of England,
v. 357. Made formidable by regularity and
discipline, 366.

Art, terms of, the necessity of, ii. 589.
Artists' Catalogue, preface to, v. 604.

Ascham, Roger, his life, iv. 648. Born
at Kirby Wiske, near North Allerton,
1515, ib. Educated with the sons of Mr.
Wingfield, and entered at Cambridge,
1530, 649. Applied to the study of Greek,
650. A favourer of the Protestant opinion,
ib. Chosen Fellow of St. John's, 1534, ib.
M. A. and tutor, 1537, 652. Not less emi-
nent as a writer of Latin than as a teacher
of Greek, ib. Fond of archery, 653. Pub-
lished his Toxophilus, 1544, ib. Receives
a pension of 10l. from Henry VIII. 655.
The equivalent value of his pension, at this
time, considered, 656. Orator of the uni-
versity, 657. Taught Prince Edward,
Princess Elizabeth, and many of the

Astronomer, the cause of uneasiness in
an, vi. 251. Supposes himself to have the
power of the winds, rain, and seasons, 252.
Leaves his directions to Imlac, 254. Pe-
kuah wishes to become his scholar, 255.
His opinion of the choice of life, 263. His
superstition removed, by entering into the
amusements of life, 270.

As you like it, observations on Shak
speare's, v. 149.

Athanatus, his just reflections on the
near prospect of death, i. 254.

Atterbury, Bp. Pope examined before
the Lords on the trial of the Bishop, iv.
202. Presents Pope with a Bible at their
last interview, ib.

Avarice, the vanity of, vi. 321. Fatal
effects of insatiable, i. 184.

Aubigney, Lady, carries a commission
from Charles I. to Sir Nicholas Crispe,
iii. 326.

Auchinleck, Lord, his seat at Auchinleck
described, vi. 157.

Augustus, Fort, account of, vi. 30.

Auknasheals, account of the village of,

vi. 37.

Aurantius, his unjust and abusive treat-
ment of Liberalis, ii. 196.

Aureng Zebe, a tragedy, remarks upon
some improprieties in it, ii. 21.

Austerities, and mortifications, their use
in religion, i. 517.

Authours, have a desire of appearing to
have done every thing by chance, ili. 627.
The complaint of surreptitious editions in-
quired into, iv. 622. The difficulty of his
first address, i. 1, By what methods. he
may be introduced with advantage to the
publick, 2, 3. Often deluded by the vi-
sionary and vain anticipations of happiness,
8. The neglect of his the most dreadful
mortification, 9. The folly of endeavouring
to acquire fame merely by writing, 10.
Some peculiar discouragements to which he
is exposed, ib. His proper task is to instruct
and entertain, ib. The difficulty of exe-
cuting it with advantage, 11. Increased
by the caprice and ill-nature of his readers,

nobility, writing, ib. Receives a pension ib. His acquisition of fame difficult, and
from Edward VI. ib. Tutor to the Princess his possession of it precarious, 103. The
Elizabeth, which he quits without consent, great difference between the productions
ib. Secretary to Sir Richard Morisine, of the same authour accounted for, 104.
lished Anti-Artemonius, 1735, 526. Pa-
tronised for his learning by the king of
Prussia, 1735, ib. Died 1740, 529. Ad-
ditions to Life, ib.

ambassador to Germany, 658. On the
death of Edward VI. loses his pension and
places, 659. Latin Secretary to Philip and
Mary, ib. Inquiry how he could as a Pro-
testant hold the place under Philip and
Mary, ib. Favoured by Cardinal Pole,
661. Continued in the same employment
under Elizabeth, ib. Prebendary of West-
wang, in the church of York, ib. Died
1574, 663. His character, ib.

Assurance, not always connected with
abilities, ii. 176.
Astrology, the credit given to it in the
seventeenth century, iii. 294.

Naturally fond of their own productions,
268. Many deluded by the vain hope of
acquiring immortal reputation, 495. Their
literary fame destined to various measures
of duration, 496. ii. 117. Their being es-
teemed, principally owing to the influence
of curiosity or pride, i. 497. Their proper
rank and usefulness in society, ii. 68.
Characters of the manufacturers of litera-
ture, 114. As they grow more elegant
become less intelligible, 491. Difficulties
they find in publishing their works, 547.
The precarious fame fame of, 557. Who write
on subjects which have been pre-occupied

Barretti, translations of some lines at
the end of his Easy Phraseology, vi. 416.
Bashfulness, sometimes the effect of
studious retirement, ii. 171. 176. Fre-
quently produced by too high an opinion
of our own importance, 178.

Baxter, Mr. Richard, incitement he often
urged to the present exercise of charity,
i. 332.

by great men generally sink, 578. Journal father taught him the languages, 525. Pub-
of an, 579. Seldom write their own lives,
676. Their lives full of incident, ib. Signs
of knowing how a publication is received,
677. Writing their own lives recommended,
ib. Their misfortune in not having their
works understood by the readers, iii. 29.
Not to be charged with plagarism merely
for similarity of sentiment, 77. No want of
topick whilst mankind are mutable, 81.
The present age an age of authours, 106.
Want of patronage complained of, 107.
Their importance to the welfare of the
publick, 137. The good they do to man-
kind compared to a single drop in a shower
of rain, ib. Who provide innocent amuse-
ment, may be considered as benefactors to
life, 139. Their condition with regard to
themselves, 140. Their expectation before
publication considered, 141. The pleasure
and difficulties of composition, ib. After all,
the publick judgment frequently perverted
from the merit of his work, 143. The merit
of his works ascertained by the test of time
which they have retained fame, v. 97. A
century the term fixed for the test of lite-
rary merit, 98. The genius of the age to be
considered in order to fix the abilities of,
55. The expectation they form of the re-
ception of their labours, 226. Project for
the employment of, 505.

Authority, the accidental prescriptions of
it often confounded with the laws of nature,
ii. 163.

Authority, parental, frequently exerted
with rigour, ii. 125.

Autumn, an ode, vi. 395.

BACON, Francis, lord, the life prefixed
to the edition of his works, 1740, written
by Mallet, iv. 382. His severe reflection
on beautiful women, i. 182. Was of opinion
that his moral essays would be of longer
duration than his other works, 499. Ob-
servations on his character, iii. 131.

Bail, the danger of becoming, exem-
plified in the character of Selenus, iii. 34.
Baillet, his collection of critical de-
cisions remarked, i. 432.

Bamff, account of that town, vi. 18.

Bards, uncertainty in the account of
them, vi. 108.

Bargains, the folly of buying bargains
exposed, ii. 487.

Barra, island of, account of, vi. 123.
Horses there not more than thirty-six
inches high, ib.

Barratier, John Philip, his life, iv. 521
Son of a Calvinist minister, and born at
Schwabach, 1720-21, ib. His early ac-
quirements of learning, 522. In his ninth
year could speak Latin, German, and
French, equally well, ib. In his eleventh
year translated the Travels of Rabbi Ben-
jamin from the Hebrew into French, with
notes, 523. The method by which his

Bayes, that character designed for
Dryden, iii. 404. That character also sup-
posed to be designed for Davenant and Sir
Robert Howard, 405.

Beaumont and Fletcher, their plots in
Spanish stories, iii. 390.

Beauty, disgustingly described, iii. 171.
A mental quality, merely relative and com-
parative, i. 425. The disadvantages inci-
dent to such as are celebrated for it, ii. 42.
The folly of anxiety and solicitude upon
account of it, 43. The natural principle of,
623. The most general form of nature the
most beautiful, ib. Depends much on the
general received ideas, 625. Novelty said
to be one of the causes of beauty, ib.

Beggars, the best method of reducing
the number, v. 651. As numerous in Scot-
land as in England, vi. 9. Account of, in
the Hebrides, 125.

Bell, Mrs. epitaph on, vi. 424.
Bellaria, her character, ii. 309.
Bellarmine, Cardinal, writes in defence
of Paul V. against the Venetians, iv. 413.
Bemoin (a Prince of Africa,) account of
him, v. 204. Is driven from his kingdom,
visits Portugal, and becomes a Christian,
ib. On his return to regain his kingdom,
through the assistance of the Portuguese,
is stabbed by the Portuguese commander,


[blocks in formation]

Ben Hannase Rabbi Abraham, his ac-
count of the power of the magnet in the
detection of incontinence, ii. 345.

Benserade, Mons. translation of his lines
à son lit, vi. 417.

Bentley, Dr. his saying on Pope's trans-
lation of Homer, iv. 262.

Bernardi, John, account of him, iv. 277.
Died in Newgate in 1736, ib.

Betterton, a picture of him painted by
Pope, iv. 180.

Bible, the veneration always paid to
sacred history, iii. 185.

Biography, impediments in the way of,
iii. 566. By what means it is rendered dis-
gustful and useless, i. 284. A species of
writing entertaining and instructive, 385.

Most eagerly read of any kind of writing, Holland 1652, 443. His opinion that it is
ii. 629. More useful than history, ib. Every not the business of a seaman to mind state

man the best writer of his own story, 630.
Difficulties in writing the life of another,
631. Few authours write their own lives,
whilst statesmen, generals, &c. frequently
do, 676.

Biographia Britannica, many untruths
in that publication in the life of Dr. E.
Young, iv. 372.

Birch, Thomas, Εις Βιρχιον, νί. 441. Re-
view of his History of the Royal Society, v.


Black Friars Bridge, consideration on the
plans offered for the construction of, v. 279.
Blackmore, Sir Richard, charged by
Dryden with stealing the plan of Prince
Arthur from him, iii. 416. Libels Dryden
in his Satire upon Wit, 427. His life, 638.
Born at Corsham, in Wiltshire, ib. Edu-
cated at Westminster, and entered at Ox-
ford 1668, ib. Made Doctor of Physick at
Padua, ib. For a short time a schoolmaster,
ib. Fellow of the College of Physicians,
April 12, 1687, 639. Resided at Sadlers'
Hall, Cheapside, ib. Wrote for fame, or to
engage poetry in the cause of virtue, ib.
Published his Prince Arthur 1695, ib.
Made Physician in ordinary to K. William,
and knighted, 641. His Paraphrase of Job
1700, ib. His Satire on Wit, the same year,
642. Creation, a philosophical poem, 1712,
643. His account of wit, 646. Observations
on the Tale of a Tub, 647. Extract from
his Essay on the Spleen, 648. Censor of
the College of Physicians 1716, 649. His
New Version of Psalms 1721, ib. His
Alfred 1723, ib. Becomes despised as a
poet, and neglected as a physician, 650.
Wrote many books on physick, ib. His
censure of Hippocrates's Aphorisms, ib.
His opinion of learning, ib. Died Oct. 8,
1729, 652. His character, and asan authour,
ib. Extract from his Prince Arthur, 654.

Blackwell, Thomas, review of his Me-
moirs of the Court of Augustus, v. 633.

Blake, Robert, Admiral, his life, iv. 439.
Son of a merchant, and born at Bridge-
water 1598, ib. Entered at Oxford 1615,
where he continued to 1623, ib. On being
refused a fellowship of Wadham College,

affairs, 449. Sent with a fleet into the Me-
diterranean 1654, 450. Forces Algiers to
submission 1656, ib. Obliges Tunis and
Tripoli to submit to him, 451. Obliges the
Governor of Malaga to give up a priest
who had beat some sailors for paying no
respect to a procession of the host, ib.
Destroys the plate fleet of Spain 1656, 452.
Died at sea, and buried in Henry VII.'s
Chapel, 453, 454. After the Restoration,
his body taken up and thrown into a pit
in St. Margaret's Church-yard, 454. His
military character, by Lord Clarendon, ib.
His moral character, by the authour of
Lives English and Foreign, ib. Got his
brother discharged from the command of a
ship for not having done his duty, 455.
Blank verse, characterized, iv. 390.
Blount, Martha, some accaunt of her ac-

quaintance with Pope, iv. 232.

Bluster, Squire, some account of his in-
famous character, ii. 99.

Body Natural and Body Politick, the
parallel between, ii. 485.

Boerhaave, Herman, M. D. his life, iv.
417. Born at Voorhout, near Leyden
1668, ib. His character of his father,
418. Designed for the ministry, ib. A
stubborn ulcer on his thigh the cause of
turning his thoughts to medicine, ib. His
progress in learning at Leyden, 419. Loses
his father in 1682, ib. His diligence at the
University, 420. Continues in the study of
Divinity, ib. His fortune being exhausted
by his education, he reads Lectures in Ma-
thematicks, 421. Begins to study Physick,
ib. Engages in the practice of Chemistry,
422. Makes researches in botanical know-
ledge, 423. Takes the M. D. degree at
Hardewich 1693, ib. Designs to obtain a
licence to preach, but finds difficulties,
from being suspected of atheism, ib. Cause
of that suspicion, ib. Begins the practice
of Physick, 424. Invited to settle at the
Hague, but refuses it, 425. Elected Profes-
sor of Physick 1701, 426. Recommends the
study of Hippocrates, and reads Lectures
as well in Chemistry as Physick, ib. In-
vited to the Professorship of Physick at

retires to the country, 440. Chosen Mem- Groningen, which he refuses, 427. Recom-
ber for Bridgewater, by the Puritan party, mends Mathematicks in the science of

1640, ib. Declares for the Parliament, and
raises a troop of dragoons, ib. Governor of
Taunton, 1645, which he defends against
Lord Goring, 441. Commissioner of the
Navy, 1648-9, ib. Sent in pursuit of
Prince Rupert, whom he drives into the
Tagus, ib. Takes seventeen and burns three
Portuguese ships, ib. Takes a French man
of war, valued at one million, 442. Drives
Prince Rupert into Carthagena, ib. Attacks
the Prince in the harbour of Malaga, ib.
Takes a French man of war in the Mediter-
ranean, ib. His conduct in the war with

Physick, ib. Advanced to the highest
degrees of the University 1714, ib. Makes
an Oration, recommending the attaining to
certainty in Natural Philosophy, 428.
This Oration opposed by the Professor
of Franeker, who at length submits to him,
ib. Elected member of the Academy of
Sciences at Paris, 1728, 429. Professor of
Chemistry at Leyden 1718, ib. Violently
afflicted with the gout 1722, 430. Seized
with a violent fever 1727, 431. Resigns
his Professorships of Botany and Che-
mistry 1726, ib. Visited by patients from

all parts of Europe, 432. His readiness at
discovering disorders, ib. His own account
of his last illness, ib. His opinion of the
soul, 433. Died 1738, 434. His person
described, ib. His character, ib. Catalogue
of his works, 438. His serious reflection on
the execution of criminals, i. 533.

Boerhaave, James, character of him, by
his son Herman Boerhaave, iv. 417.

Boetius, Hector, (First President of the
King's College, Aberdeen,) account of him,
vi. 12. His revenue, as President, forty
Scottish marks, about 21. 4s. 6d., ib.

Boileau, his opinion of Epick Poetry, iii.
416. His sentiments on the power of dic-
tion, ii. 214.

Broom, Betty, history of her life, ii. 460.
Educated in a charity school, ib. Ob-
jected to as a servant because she could
read and write, 461. Goes to London, and
an account of the various places she en-
gaged in there, 462. 469. Five hundred
pounds left her by her mistress, with which
she resolves to retire into the country, and
teach poor girls to read and write, 471.

Broome, William, born in Cheshire, iv.
160. Educated upon the foundation at Eton,
and sent to St. John's College, ib. In con-
junction with Ozell and Oldisworth, trans-
lates the Iliad, 161. Assists Pope in the
notes to the Iliad, ib. Some pieces of his
poetry in Pope's Miscellanies, ib. Assists
Pope in the translation of the Odyssey, ib.
Wrote all the notes to the Odyssey, ib.

Bolingbroke, Lord, supposed to have de-
clared his opinions to Mr. Hooke, though
he concealed them from Pope, iv. 219.
Pope leaves his MS. papers to him, 233.
Burns 1500 copies of the Patriot King,
printed by Pope without his knowledge, Browne, Edward, M. D. his life, iv. 637.

234. Employs Mallet to traduce the memo-
ry of Pope, and Warburton defends it, ib.
Leaves his works to Mallet, 384.

Bombasine, Mrs. her character, i. 54.
Books, the study of them not sufficient
to constitute literary eminence, ii. 156.
Observations on the multiplication of, 632.
Compilations in general useless, ib. Multi-
plication of books distracts choice, and dis-
appoints inquiry, 656. Of travels, most
generally read of any, and in general dis-
appoint their readers, 663. How they tend
to the civilization of mankind, iii. 137.
The various motives to reading, 138.

Booksellers, their treatment of authours

complained of, ii. 548.

Boscovich, his interview with Dr. John-
son,ļi. li.

Bower, Archibald, patronized by Lord
Lyttleton, iv. 406.

Boyle, Robert, philosophy much im-
proved by his discoveries, i. 498. His
opinion of the best expedients for pro-
moting manufactures, ii. 353.

Bracelet, observations on the reappear-
ance of it, ii. 499. Proposal to make them
a mark of distinction of the character or
temper of the wearer, 500. Proper emblems
for soldiers to wear on bracelets, 501.

Braidwood, Mr. account of his academy
at Edinburgh for the deaf and dumb, vi.

Brevity, on what occasions it is necessary
and useful in an authour, i. 4.

Bridges, considerations on the strength
of arches for bridges, v. 280.

Bristol and London, delineated by Sa-
vage, iv. 116.

Britæin, Great. See Great Britain.

Brodæus, Græcorum epigrammatum ver-
siones metricæ, vi. 445.

Brogues, those made use of in the isles of

Sky, described, vi. 46.

Brooke, Mr. See Stage.

Brown, Thomas, answers Dryden's Hind
and Panther, iii. 412. Some account of him,

Son of Sir T. Browne, born at Norwich
1642, ib. Educated at Norwich, first en-
tered at Cambridge, and removed to Ox-
ford, ib. Travelled through Germany, Aus-
tria, Hungary, and Thessaly, 1668 and
1669, ib. Published his Travels, ib. Phy.
sician to Charles II. and Bartholomew
Hospital, 638. Assists in the translation of
Plutarch's Lives, ib. President of the Col-
lege of Physicians and died 1708, ib.

Browne, Sir Thomas, his life, iv. 619.
Descended from a family in Cheshire, and
born at London 1604, ib. Educated at
Winchester, 620. Deprived of part of his
fortune by a guardian, ib. Entered Gen-
tleman Commoner at Oxford 1623, ib.
Practised Physick in Oxfordshire, ib. Goes
to Ireland with his father-in-law, ib. Travels
through France and Italy, 621. Created
M. D. at Leyden, ib. Returns to London
about 1634, ib. Wrote Religio Medici
1635, ib. History of that publication, ib.
Settled at Norwich 1636, 625. Incorpo-
rated M. D. at Oxford 1637, 626. Married
Mrs. Mileham 1641, ib. Printed his Inquiry
into Vulgar Errors 1646, ib. Writes his
Hydriotaphia 1658, 628. His account of
the belief of the Ancients of a Future State,
629. His Treatise on the Garden of Cyrus,
630. Two collections of his posthumous
works, one published by Dr. Tenison, the
other 1722, 631. Chosen Honorary Fellow
of the College of Physicians 1665, 636.
Knighted by Charles II. 1671, ib. Died
at Norwich 1682, ib. His character by
Mr. Whitefoot, 638. Remarks on his style
of writing, 645. Some expressions in his
works tending to deism and atheism ac-
counted for, ib.

Browny (the fairy), account of, vi. 105.
Bruce, the traveller, remarks on Father
Lobo's Voyage, i. ri. aii.

Brumoy's Greek Theatre, general con-
clusion to, v. 516.

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