
vanished away without attainment, who is always ready to receive the penitent, to whom sincere contrition is never late, and who will accept the tears of a returning sinner.

Such are the reflections to which we are called by the voice of truth; and from these we shall find that comfort which philosophy cannot supply, and that peace which the world cannot give. The contemplation of the mercy of God may justly afford some consolation, even when the office of burial is performed to those who have been snatched away without visible amendment of their lives: for, who shall presume to determine the state of departed souls, to lay open what God hath concealed, and to search the counsels of the Most Highest? -But, with more confident hope of pardon and acceptance, may we commit those to the receptacles of mortality, who have lived without any open or enormous crimes; who have endeavoured to propitiate God by repentance, and have died, at last, with hope and resignation. Among these she surely may be remembered whom we have followed hither to the tomb, to pay her the last honours, and to resign her to the grave: she, whom many, who now hear me, have known, and whom none, who were capable of distinguishing either moral or intellectual excellence, could know, without esteem, or tenderness. To praise the extent of her knowledge, the acuteness of her wit, the accuracy of her judgment, the force of her sentiments, or the elegance of her expression, would ill suit with the occasion.


Such praise would little profit the living, and as little gratify the dead, who is now in a place where vanity and competition are forgotten for ever; where she finds a cup of water given for the relief of a poor brother, a prayer uttered for the mercy of God to those whom she wanted power to relieve, a word of instruction to ignorance, a smile of comfort to misery, of more avail than all those accomplishments which confer honour and distinction among the sons of folly. Yet, let it be remembered, that her wit was never employed to scoff at goodness, nor her reason to dispute against truth. In this age of wild opinions, she was

as free from scepticism as the cloistered virgin. She never wished to signalize herself by the singularity of paradox. She had a just diffidence of her own reason, and desired to practise rather than dispute. Her practice was such as her opinions naturally produced. She was exact and regular in her devotions, full of confidence in the divine mercy, submissive to the dispensations of Providence, extensively charitable in her judgments and opinions, grateful for every kindness that she received, and willing to impart assistance of every kind to all whom her little power enabled her to benefit. She passed through many months' languor, weakness, and decay, without a single murmur of impatience, and often expressed her adoration of that mercy which granted her so long time for recollection and penitence. That she had no failing, cannot be supposed: but she has now appeared before the Almighty Judge; and it would ill become beings like us, weak and sinful as herself, to remember those faults which, we trust, Eternal Purity has pardoned.

Let us therefore preserve her memory for no other end but to imitate her virtues; and let us add her example to the motives to piety which this solemnity was, secondly, instituted to enforce.

It would not indeed be reasonable to expect, did we not know the inattention and perverseness of mankind, that any one, who had followed a funeral, could fail to return home without new resolutions of a holy life: for, who can see the final period of all human schemes and undertakings, without conviction of the vanity of all that terminates in the present state? For, who can see the wise, the brave, the powerful, or the beauteous, carried to the grave, without reflection on the emptiness of all those distinctions, which set us here in opposition to each other? And who, when he sees the vanity of all terrestrial advantages, can forbear to wish for a more permanent and certain happiness? Such wishes, perhaps, often arise, and such resolutions are often formed; but, before the resolution can be exerted, before the wish can regulate the conduct, new


prospects open before us, new impressions are received; the temptations of the world solicit, the passions of the heart are put into commotion; we plunge again into the tumult, engage again in the contest, and forget that what we gain cannot be kept, and that the life, for which we are thus busy to provide, must be quickly at an end.

But, let us not be thus shamefully deluded! Let us not thus idly perish in our folly, by neglecting the loudest call of Providence; nor, when we have followed our friends and our enemies to the tomb, suffer ourselves to be surprised by the dreadful summons, and die, at last, amazed, and unprepared! Let every one whose eye glances on this bier, examine what would have been his condition, if the same hour had called him to judgment, and remember, that, though he is now spared, he may, perhaps, be to-morrow among separate spirits. The present moment is in our power: let us, therefore, from the present moment, begin our repentance! Let us not, any longer harden our hearts, but hear, this day, the voice of our Saviour and our God, and begin to do, with all our powers, whatever we shall wish to have done, when the grave shall open before us! Let those who came hither weeping and lamenting, reflect, that they have not time for useless sorrow; that their own salvation is to be secured, and that the day is far spent, and the night cometh, when no man can work; that tears are of no value to the dead, and that their own danger may justly claim their whole attention! Let those who entered this place unaffected and indifferent, and whose only purpose was to behold this funeral spectacle, consider, that she, whom they thus behold with negligence, and pass by, was lately partaker of the same nature with themselves; and that they likewise are hastening to their end, and must soon, by others equally negligent, be buried and forgotten! Let all remember, that the day of life is short, and that the day of grace may be much shorter; that this may be the last warning which God will grant us, and that, perhaps, he who looks on this grave unalarmed, may sink unreformed into his own!

Let it, therefore, be our care, when we retire from this
solemnity, that we immediately turn from our wickedness,
and do that which is lawful and right; that, whenever
disease or violence shall dissolve our bodies, our souls may
be saved alive, and received into everlasting habitations;
where with angels and archangels, and all the glorious host
of heaven, they shall sing glory to God on high, and the
Lamb, for ever and ever!



ABERBROTHICK, account of the town of,
vi. 7. Of the ruins of the monastery there, 8.
Aberdeen, account of, vi. 10.480. Ac-
count of the King's college, 12. Account
of the Marischal college, 13. The course of
education there, ib. Account of the Eng-
lish chapel, 14.

Abilities, the reward of, to be accepted
when offered, and not sought for in another
place, exemplified in the story of Gelaled-
din of Bassora, ii. 602.

Abouzaid, the dying advice of Morad
his father to him, ii. 306.

Abridgments of books, remarks on, v.


Absence, a destroyer of friendship, ii.

Abyssinia, preface to the translation of
Father Lobo's Voyage to, v. 233.

Academical education, one of Milton's

objections to it, iii. 210.

Acastus, an instance of the commanding
influence of curiosity, ii. 136.

Achilles, his address to a Trojan prince
supplicating life, improper for a picture, ii.

Action (dramatick), the laws of it stated
and remarked, ii. 164.

Action (exercise), necessary to the health
of the body, and the vigour of the mind, i.
393. The source of cheerfulness and viva-
city, 395.

Action (in oratory), the want of, consi-
dered, ii. 645. Tends to no good in any
part of oratory, ib.

Actions, every man the best relater of
his own, ii. 574. The injustice of judging
of them by the event, iii. 81.

Adam unparadised, a MS. supposed to be
the embryo of Paradise Lost, v. 246.

Adams, Parson, of Fielding, not Edward,
but William Young, iv. 375.

Addison, Joseph, supposed to have
taken the plan of his Dialogues on Medals
from Dryden's Essay on Dramatick Poetry,
iii. 384. His life, 540. The various schools
at which he received instruction, 541.
Cultivates an early friendship with Steele,
542. Lends 100l. to Steele, and reclaims it
by an execution, ib. Entered at Oxford,
1687, ib. Account of his Latin poems, 543.
Account of his English poems, ib. On
being introduced by Congreve to Mr.
Montague, becomes a courtier, 544. Ob-
tains a pension of 300l. a-year, that he might
be enabled to travel, 545. Publishes his
travels, 546. Succeeds Mr. Locke as com-
missioner of appeals, as a reward for his
poem The Battle of Blenheim, 547. Went
to Hanover with Lord Halifax, ib. Made


under-secretary of state, ib. Writes the
opera of Rosamond, ib. Assists Steele in
writing the Tender Husband, ib. Goes to
Ireland with Lord Wharton as secretary,
548. Made keeper of the records in Bir-
mingham's Tower, ib. The opposite cha-
racters of him and Wharton, ib. His reason
for resolving not to remit any fees to his
friends, 548. Wrote in the Tatler, ib.
Wrote in the Spectators, 549. His tragedy
of Cato brought on the stage, and support-
ed both by the Whigs and Tories, 554. 556.
Cato warmly attacked by Dennis, 556.
Observations on his tragedy of Cato, 557.
Other honours and enmities shewed to
Cato, ib. Cato translated both into Italian
and Latin, ib. Writes in the Guardian, 558.
His signature in the Spectator and Guar-
dian, ib. Declared by Steele to have been
the authour of the Drummer, 559. Wrote
several political pamphlets, ib. Appointed
secretary to the Regency, 561. In 1715
publishes the Freeholder, ib. Marries the
Countess of Warwick, 562. Secretary of
State, 1717, but unfit for the place, and
therefore resigns it, ib. Purposes writing a
tragedy on the death of Socrates, 563.
Engages in his defence of the Christian re-
ligion, ib. Had a design of writing an Eng-
lish dictionary, ib. His controversy with
Steele on the peerage bill, ib.564. During his
last illness sends for Gay, informs him that
he had injured him, and promises, if he
recovered, to recompense him, 566. Sends
for the young earl of Warwick, that he
might see how a Christian ought to die, ib.
Died June 17, 1719, 567. His character,
ib. The course of his familiar day, 570. His
literary character, 571. Account of his
works, ib. Extracts from Dennis's Obser-
vations on Cato, 578. Considered as a cri-
tick, 590. Commended as a teacher of
wisdom, 593. Character of his prose works,
ib. A conversation with Pope on Tickell's
translation of Homer, iv. 24. Becomes a
rival of Pope, 194. Supposed to have been
the translator of the Iliad, published under
the name of Tickell, 198. His critical ca-
pacity remarked, i. 398. 434. 436.

Admiration and ignorance, their mutual
and reciprocal operation, i. 348.
Adventurers, iii. 1. to 144.
Adversaries, the advantage of contend-
ing with illustrious ones, iv. 558.

Adversity, a season fitted to convey the
most salutary and useful instruction to the
mind, ii. 135. The appointed instrument of
promoting our virtue and happiness, 136.
Advertisements, on pompous and re-
markable, ii. 503.

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