
Conceal'd from all but him! All, all conspire
To banish doubt, and brand him for a villain!
Our schemes for ever cross'd, our mines discover'd,
Betray'd some traitor lurking near my bosom.
Oft have I rag'd, when their wide-wasting cannon
Lay pointed at our batt'ries yet unform'd,
And broke the meditated lines of war.
Detested Cali too, with artful wonder,
Would shake his wily head, and closely whisper,
Beware of Mustapha, beware of treason.

Mus. The faith of Mustapha disdains suspicion;
But yet, great Emperor, beware of treason;
Th' insidious Bassa, fir'd by disappointment-

Mah. Shall feel the vengeance of an injured king.
Go, seize him, load him with reproachful chains;
Before th' assembled troops proclaim his crimes;
Then leave him stretch'd upon the ling'ring rack,
Amidst the camp to howl his life away.


Mus. Should we before the troops proclaim his crimes, I dread his arts of seeming innocence, His bland address, and sorcery of tongue; And, should he fall unheard by sudden justice, Th' adoring soldiers would revenge their idol. Mah. Cali, this day, with hypocritick zeal, Implor'd my leave to visit Mecca's temple; Struck with the wonder of a statesman's goodness, I rais'd his thoughts to more sublime devotion. Now let him go, pursu'd by silent wrath, Meet unexpected daggers in his way, And in some distant land obscurely die.

Mus. There will his boundless wealth, the spoil of Asia, Heap'd by your father's ill-plac'd bounties on him, Disperse rebellion through the Eastern world; Bribe to his cause, and list beneath his banners, Arabia's roving troops, the sons of swiftness, And arm the Persian heretick against thee; There shall he waste thy frontiers, check thy conquests, And, though at length subdu'd, elude thy vengeance.

Mah. Elude my vengeance! No-My troops shall range

Th' eternal snows that freeze beyond Mæotis,
And Africk's torrid sands, in search of Cali.
Should the fierce North upon his frozen wings
Bear him almost above the wond'ring clouds,
And seat him in the Pleiads' golden chariots,
Thence shall my fury drag him down to tortures ;
Wherever guilt can fly, revenge can follow.

Mus. Wilt thou dismiss the savage from the toils,
Only to hunt him round the ravag'd world?

Mah. Suspend his sentence-Empire and Irene
Claim my divided soul. This wretch, unworthy
To mix with nobler cares, I'll throw aside
For idle hours, and crush him at my leisure.

Mus. Let not th' unbounded greatness of his mind
Betray my king to negligence of danger.
Perhaps the clouds of dark conspiracy
Now roll full fraught with thunder o'er your head.
Twice since the morning rose I saw the Bassa,
Like a fell adder swelling in a brake,
Beneath the covert of this verdant arch
In private conference; beside him stood
Two men unknown, the partners of his bosom ;
I mark'd them well, and trac'd in either face
The gloomy resolution, horrid greatness,
And stern composure, of despairing heroes;
And, to confirm my thoughts, at sight of me,
As blasted by my presence, they withdrew
With all the speed of terrour and of guilt.

Mah. The strong emotions of my troubled soul
Allow no pause for art or for contrivance;
And dark perplexity distracts my counsels.
Do thou resolve: for see Irene comes!
At her approach each ruder gust of thought
Sinks like the sighing of a tempest spent,
And gales of softer passion fan my bosom.

[Cali enters with Irene, and exit with Mustapha.



Mah. Wilt thou descend, fair daughter of perfection,

To hear my vows, and give mankind a queen?
Ah! cease, Irene, cease those flowing sorrows,
That melt a heart impregnable till now,

And turn thy thoughts henceforth to love and empire.
How will the matchless beauties of Irene,

Thus bright in tears, thus amiable in ruin,
With all the graceful pride of greatness heighten'd
Amidst the blaze of jewels and of gold,
Adorn a throne, and dignify dominion !

Irene. Why all this glare of splendid eloquence,
To paint the pageantries of guilty state?
Must I for these renounce the hope of Heav'n,
Immortal crowns, and fulness of enjoyment?

Mah. Vain raptures all-For your inferiour natures,
Form'd to delight, and happy by delighting,
Heav'n has reserv'd no future paradise,
But bids you rove the paths of bliss, secure
Of total death, and careless of hereafter;
While Heaven's high minister, whose awful volume
Records each act, each thought of sov'reign man,
Surveys your plays with inattentive glance,
And leaves the lovely trifler unregarded.

Irene. Why then has Nature's vain munificence Profusely pour'd her bounties upon woman? Whence then those charms thy tongue has deign'd to


That air resistless, and enchanting blush,

Unless the beauteous fabrick was design'd

A habitation for a fairer soul?

Mah. Too high, bright maid, thou rat'st exteriour grace:

Not always do the fairest flow'rs diffuse

The richest odours, nor the speckled shells

Conceal the gem; let female arrogance

Observe the feather'd wand'rers of the sky;
With purple varied and be-dropp'd with gold,
They prune the wing, and spread the glossy plumes,
Ordain'd, like you, to flutter and to shine,
And cheer the weary passenger with musick.

Irene. Mean as we are, this tyrant of the world
Implores our smiles, and trembles at our feet.
Whence flow the hopes and fears, despair and rapture,
Whence all the bliss and agonies of love?

Mah. Why, when the balm of sleep descends on man,
Do gay delusions, wand'ring o'er the brain,
Soothe the delighted soul with empty bliss?
To want give affluence? and to slav'ry freedom?
Such are love's joys, the lenitives of life,
A fancy'd treasure and a waking dream.
Irene. Then let me once, in honour of our sex,
Assume the boastful arrogance of man.
Th' attractive softness, and th' endearing smile,
And pow'rful glance, 'tis granted are our own;
Nor has impartial Nature's frugal hand
Exhausted all her nobler gifts on you.
Do not we share the comprehensive thought,
Th' enlivening wit, the penetrating reason?
Beats not the female breast with gen'rous passions,
The thirst of empire, and the love of glory?

Mah. Illustrious maid, new wonders fix me thine,
Thy soul completes the triumphs of thy face.
I thought (forgive, my Fair,) the noblest aim,
The strongest effort of a female soul,
Was but to choose the graces of the day,
To tune the tongue, to teach the eye to roll,
Dispose the colours of the flowing robe,
And add new roses to the faded cheek.
Will it not charm a mind like thine exalted,
To shine the goddess of applauding nations,
To scatter happiness and plenty round thee,
To bid the prostrate captive rise and live,

To see new cities tow'r at thy command,

And blasted kingdoms flourish at thy smile?

Irene. Charm'd with the thought of blessing human kind,

Too calm I listen to the flatt'ring sounds.

Mah. O seize the power to bless-Irene's nod
Shall break the fetters of the groaning Christian;
Greece, in her lovely patroness secure,
Shall mourn no more her plunder'd palaces.

Irene. Forbear-O do not urge me to my ruin!
Mah. To state and pow'r I court thee, not to ruin :
Smile on my wishes, and command the globe.
Security shall spread her shield before thee,
And Love infold thee with his downy wings.
If greatness please thee, mount th' imperial seat;
If pleasure charm thee, view this soft retreat;
Here ev'ry warbler of the sky shall sing ;
Here ev'ry fragrance breathe of ev'ry spring:
To deck these bow'rs each region shall combine,
And ev'n our Prophet's gardens envy thine:
Empire and love shall share the blissful day,
And varied life steal unperceiv'd away.-[Exeunt.



[CALI enters with a discontented air; to him enters ABDALLA.]

Cali. Is this the fierce conspirator, Abdalla?

Is this the restless diligence of treason?

Where hast thou linger'd while th' encumber'd hours
Fly lab'ring with the fate of future nations,
And hungry slaughter scents imperial blood?

Abd. Important cares detain'd me from your counsels.
Cali. Some petty passion! some domestic trifle !

Some vain amusement of a vacant soul!

A weeping wife, perhaps, or dying friend,

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