The Law Magazine Or Quarterly Review of Jurisprudence, 1. kötet

Első borító
Saunders and Benning, 1830

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Kiválasztott oldalak

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Népszerű szakaszok

164. oldal - No action shall be brought whereby to charge any person upon, or by reason of. any representation or assurance made or given concerning or relating to the character, conduct, credit, ability, trade or dealings of any other person to the Intent or purpose that such other person may obtain credit, money or goods unless such representation or assurance be made In writing, signed by the party to be charged therewith.
165. oldal - I AB do solemnly and sincerely, in the presence of God, profess, testify, and declare, upon the true faith of a Christian, that 1 will never exercise any power, authority, or influence which I may possess by virtue of the office of to injure or weaken the Protestant church as it is by law established in England, or to disturb the said church, or the bishops and clergy of the said church, in the possession of any rights or privileges to which such church, or the said bishops and clergy, are or may...
164. oldal - ... be actually made, procured, or provided, or fit, or ready for delivery, or some act may be requisite for the making or completing thereof, or rendering the same fit for delivery...
131. oldal - Majesty, or to any person marrying a Second Time, whose Husband or Wife shall have been continually absent from such Person for the Space of Seven Years then last past, and shall not have been known by such Person to be living within that Time...
172. oldal - Presents will and ordain that this Our Commission shall continue in full force and virtue, and that you, Our said Commissioners, or any three or more of you, may from time to time proceed in the execution thereof, and of every matter and thing therein contained, although the same be not continued from time to time by adjournment : AND...
162. oldal - An Act to indemnify such persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for offices and employments, and for extending the time limited for those purposes respectively...
163. oldal - Enactments or either of them, or to deprive any Party of the Benefit thereof, unless such Acknowledgment or Promise shall be made or contained by or in some Writing to be signed by the Party chargeable thereby...
163. oldal - Administrators, shall nevertheless be entitled to recover against any other or others of the Defendants, by virtue of a new Acknowledgment or Promise, or otherwise, Judgment may be given and Costs allowed for the Plaintiff as to such Defendant or Defendants against whom he shall recover, and for the other Defendant or Defendants against the Plaintiff.
173. oldal - ... although the same be not continued from time to time by adjournment : AND WE HEREBY COMMAND all and singular Our Justices of the Peace, Sheriffs, Mayors, Bailiffs, Constables, Officers, Ministers, and all other Our loving Subjects whatsoever, as well within Liberties as without, that they be assistant to you and each of you in the execution of these presents...
165. oldal - I, AB, do solemnly and sincerely, in the presence of God, profess, testify, and declare, that I do believe, that, in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, there is not any transubstantiation of the elements of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, at or after the consecration thereof by any person whatsoever...

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