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Whom virtue loves, whom seraphim befriend;

Tho' wan consumption waste her languid frame,

Or burning fevers all her bones inflame;
Her pains still find her patient and resign'd,
Nor move her sweet serenity of mind;
Fixt on a rock of hope, she dares engage,
And brave the torrent of their useless rage.
In Jesus is her strength, to him her praise,
While vig'rous flow'd, nor ends with
health's short days;

Willing to live, yet not afraid to die,
His will her law, pain scarce constrains a

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Welcome e'en death, that hastes her soul to bring

To him her Friend and Father, Spouse and King.

As the sad exile, whom his king's com


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INCE our last publication, the

dominions, but is not called so. By

rescript to propaganda-or, in other that he would be pleased to take a very words, sent a request to his holiness, celebrated man, doctor Sebastiani, under his protection, Now, this Sebastiani is a man of very considerable talents, of great zeal, it is said, and an ardent advocate for the spread and diffusion of bible societies. He had been the means of propagating the system in the east; but it is now acknowledged, that this system of proselytism has not answered its professed object; and many of the most sober and sensible of the

formation was communicated to the public by The Dublin Evening Post, as extracted from a letter written by the Rev. Mr. Hayes, at Florence: "What all the intrigues and influence of the English government and their agents, who are well informed, active and opulent-what the exertions of the vetoists here and at home--what cardinal Gonsalvi and his faction could not accomplish, has been effected by what pa sed in the board on the occasion-alluded to, viz. my arrest and expulsion-the loss of domestic nomina- church of England divines acknowledge tion, at the moment of its unanimous at length, and experience has demonapprobation by the general congrega-strated the justice of the confession, tion of propaganda, and the formal rethat as much mischief, at least, as beference of it, irregularly made by cardi-nefit may be done by this inconsidenal Litta, on the part of the propaganda, to cardinal Gonsalvi and the congregation under his control. And what was worse than all, as soon as the order for my banishment, and its supposed immediate execution was made known in London, lord Castlereagh postulates for the erection of three new dioceses in Upper Canada, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, or New Brunswick, and the prince regent appoints the three bishops, pix, the Rev.Messrs.Macdonnell, Burke, and Macrane. Cardinal Gonsalvi sent his lordship's letter to cardinal Litta, who, without ever submitting it to the cardinals of propaganda, desired the minister to answer that the Rev. Mr. Burke had been appointed to Nova Scotia, which was true; that it had also been intended to nominate the Rev. Mr. Macdonnell to Upper Canada (which was not so true); and that propaganda would examine into the character of the Rev. Mr. Macrane, in order to his appointment. Thus, by quibbles of words, Rome endeavours to avoid admitting the right of direct nomination in the crown of England; which right, however, in point of fact, she carries into immediate execution, with as much facility as it appoints to Durham or protestant Dublin. The difference is only this, that the king is made head of the catholic church in his

rate and thoughtless diffusion of the
bible. If mischief may be wrought at
home among
christians-how much
more mischief, even to the cause they
espouse, may be effected by this means
among infidels and barbarians? So
every man who has given the subject
serious attention must conclude, and so
concluded the sacred congregation.They
knew he was an instrument in the hands
of the fanatics, and they recalled him to
Rome. He came through England, as
far as Milan; and to the kindest and
most pressing invitations of the holy
congregation, he continued to answer
niost impertinently, that he would not
proceed unless one of the first prelacies
in the Roman court were secured to
him. Failing in this, he, in defiance of
orders, returns to England, and, through
the influence of his bible brethren, is
now recommended by lord Castlereagh
to the dignity he demanded, and obtains
it. I do not know the identical prelacy
allotted to him, but it is one of those call-
ed cardinalatian, from which the incum
bent is regularly promoted to the red
hat! This is pretty well. England is
beginning again to make cardinals-
but you must not be surprised. With
a certain faction, the English govern
ment is now paramount. It erects new
dioceses-appoints bishops-dispenses ec-
clesiastical" dignities in her own domi-

nions and in Rome.-" Salvator Mundi, salvi ecclesiam tuam !"

"This is the first attempt lord Castlereagh has made to try the pulse of Rome, (as he hinted in his last speech,) and it has succeeded, perhaps, beyond his hopes. The next will be, as I can state upon an authority which never failed me, to nominate coadjutors to doctor Poynter and co. in England and Scotland, and then Ireland comes into his lordship's train as a matter of course. My firm persuasion is (grounded on facts which have come to my knowledge upon my knowledge of the temper and subserviency of the authorities here, as well as the activity of the English agents) that, perhaps, before next session, the crown will obtain, not the veto, (loid Castlereagh looks upon it now as a trifle,) but the direct nomination; and the fools who expect emancipation, as a return for the bargain, will be completely disappointed. You see what is lost by a dereliction of principle, and by bending to what is called expediency.

"I have written hastily-and I am aware the magnitude of the subjects on

which I have touched will demand a much fuller and more explicit deve lopement; but confined as I am to such narrow limits, I can only cursorily glance at matters, which, if fully described, and followed in their consequences, must make upon Ireland a very strong impression. With respect to myself, I shall only give you a very brief account.

"I was carried out of the Roman states on the 16th inst. by an under officer of the gendarmerie, whom they call a brigadier, armed with charged firelock and pistol, sabre and bayonet. His orders were on his strictest responsibility, to watch me closely, sleep in the same room, or in the same bed, with the key in his pocket, and not to let me speak to a human being, particularly in public After four days he landed me in Tuscany, put into my hands a passport of banishment, and I arrived at Florence on the 21st of July.

"The incidents of this affair from the commencement-my protests before my arrest to the British consul general Parke against Ompteda, and to cardinal Gonsalvi, against both the loss of Gonsalvi to find a plausible motive,

for neither of the British agents would take the responsibility on themselves, through fear of parliamentary inquiry, with which I threatened them-the calumnies, threats, offers of money, and every convenience held out to me by the Roman government-the close con finement, restriction, threats of criminal prosecution-the delusive hopes given me in case I made an apology for my conduct, that so they might justify their own; the siege I stood against a host of policemen, when I locked myself up in the convent on the 24th May, which, on my falling sick, was taken by escalade at midnight, on the 28th. In a word, the fair and foul means con stantly resorted to during my eight weeks imprisonment, in order to tire me out, and make me go off without force, would fill a volume. But I forced them to that pass which cardinal Gonsalvi so much sought to avoid, viz. the public eclat of a military deportation, for he could not recede after he had once committed himself by arresting me."

The following letter, addresed by the right reverend doctor Coppinger to his venerated colleagues, has appeared in the Irish papers :



MY DEAR AND HONOURED LORDS,-In is more formidably threatened than at any a crisis like the present, when our religion period heretofore in the records of our na tional sufferings, an old member of your body may, without the imputation of cutpable obtrusion, humbly suggest to your lordships what he conceives to be imperatively required of us, as an additional, if not perhaps a last effort against the coming land is confessedly a national church; our evil. The Roman catholic church of Irehierarchy has continued unbroken, through day. This is a profound eminence ; whereevery political convulsion, to the present as, then, by the special providence of God, we can take our stand upon it; let us, while we firmly occupy that high ground, participating, as we naturally must, in the sentiments of indignation which now pervade the Roman catholic people of Ireland, at seeing their dearest interest, their trary for temporal affairs, associated with spiritual concerns, handed over to a secrèsuch incompetent assessors, let us enter our most solemn protest against that unprecedented measure: let our clergy and our

people speak out in unison with as: we have all a right to complain. To this procedure of the court of Rome we cannot, in my humble opinion, conscientiously accede; it would be a betraying of our trust, a criminal disregard of those souls for whose salvation upon our own, we are respousible. When, therefore, our repeated delegations, our reiterated and most forcible remonstrances hitherto have proved ineffectual, what else remains for us now than the measure I have here presumed to suggest? Let us then assemble, forthwith, in some central spot of our respective provinces, accompanied by a certain number of our clergy; and let us send forward to Rome these our firm and accordant protests from the four quarters of the kingdom. Our common father cannot be inattentive to such language from such a long-tried portion of his faithful children. If success crowns our efforts, the triumph will be glorious indeed; if discomfiture awaits us, we shall at least enjoy the consolation of having done our duty. Whatever be the issue, we shall rise and fall with the catholic people of Ireland. I have the honour to be, my dear lords, most cordially and inviolably, your faithful humble servant, WM. COPPINGER.

Cove, July 25, 1817.

Since our last, letters have been received by Mr. Hay, secretary to catholics of Ireland, from the undermentioned prelates.



"Cork, July 26, 1817. "DEAR SIR,-The circular of the catholic board, addressed to the catholic bishops of Ireland, úrging upon their consideration the critical circumstances which at present are involved the dearest interests of religion, reached my house on the 18th instant, I was then in the country, and received it on the 20th.

"Conscious of the reiterated declarations of my brother prelates, ignorant what further steps were within their reach, and wishing to ascertain whether it was their intention to hold a general meeting, I deferred delivering my individual sentiments, conceiving it most becoming that those of the episcopal body should be communicated by a general declaration.

"However, as some bishops have made individual answers, although the idea of a general meeting is entertained, I shall declare that I sincerely lament the circumstances which have led to the defeat of domestic nomination, proposed by the bishops, at Kilkenny, in 1816. Permit me

to add, without intending to give the least offence that I am strongly impressed with the idea of the evil likely to arise from the premature publication of the address to the bishops, which, however guardedly expressed, cannot fail to furnish the friends of vetoism with the pretext for asserting, what has been urged with great success in a certain quarter, that the bishops are not free, and that their resolves are the effect of intimidation. Far from my native home I have rebutted the false assertion, maintained the freedom and independence of the Irish prelacy, and justified the upright intentions of the gentlemen composing the catholic board. I have the honour to remain, dear sir, your humble servant,



"Tuam, July 26, 1817. "SIR,-Being absent from this town for the last three weeks, I had not the honour af receiving your letter of the 15th instant. until my return hither on this day; I lament, extremely, that the present posture of catholic affairs in this country should appear so critical to the catholic board, as to fill them with astonishment, alarm, and regret. Hopes had been entertained that the reiterated resolutions, remonstrances, and addresses, which, since the year 1803, had been from time to time unanimously agreed upon by the Roman catholic prelates of Ireland, that the two successive delegations which had been sent to Rome, to hold personal and frequent interviews with the supreme pontiff, on the momentous concerns of our church; and finally, that the tender of domestic nomination which has been latterly made by the Irish prelacy in conjunction with their clergy, would not only satisfy the govern ment of the country as to the loyalty of the catholic priesthood, but would likewise convince the catholic people of Ireland that their pastors were determined to make no sacrifice which might compromise or endanger the safety and integrity of the religion which they profess,and which they are bound to preserve inviolate, at the expense of their lives.

"How far the concession of domestic nomination would satisfy the government of the country, is a question I profess myself totally ignorant of; but, from the tenor of your communication, I should suppose, that the course which has been hitherto pursued by the Irish catholic prelates, is not sufficiently comprehensive to meet the wishes of the catholic board. What further measures may be resorted to by the prelates, at their next deliberation, to con ciliate all parties, without violating that

doctrine and discipline of which they are the guardians, cannot, at this moment, be anticipated by me. I must, however, avail myself of the present opportunity, to assure you, that my feeble efforts shall always be directed to prevent the interference of persons of a different religious persuasion in the appointment of the ministers of our church, and I may fearlessly add, as my firm and unaltered conviction, that the united efforts of the Irish prelates will be zealously employed in averting that great calamity, by opposing its adoption in a canonical and constitu tional manner, and by temperate and firm means, so as not to frustrate the exertions of our friends, or exasperate the prejudices of our opponents. I have the honour to be, with great respect, sir, your faithful humble servant, OLIVER KELLY.

"R. C. Archbishop of Tuam."


"Killarney, August 1, 1817. "SIR,-Being from home on a visitation of the most remote district of the diocese of Aghadoe, I have had no opportunity before now of acknowledging the receipt of your circular of the 15th ultimo. Finding that individual answers furnish newspapers with an ample field for vituperation, and invidious comparisons, I shall reserve my opinion on the subject of your letter for the meeting of my confreres. The result of that meeting will furnish a general and, I hope, unanimous answer, to the topics laid before us. I have the honour to be, your obedient humble servant,


FROM THE CATHOLIC BISHOP OF DERRY. "Londonderry, August 5, 1817. "DEAR SIR,-Unavoidable circumstances hitherto prevented me from replying to the letter I had the honour of receiving through your official situation, from the catholic board, relative to the present critical state of the church of Ireland. I deem it unnecessary to enter into the merits of the subject matter of it now, as I apprehend, from the posture of affairs, I may have an opportunity of declaring my sentiments, viva voce, at a meeting of the prelates in Ireland-a meeting not only expedient, but, in my opinion very necessary, to preserve the purity and independence of a hierarchy, venerable by its antiquity, and surviving the storms of the severest persecutions.

I gave it a firm, unequivocal, and decided negative. My determination, at that time, was not the result of the warm impulse of agitated feelings. Since that period I have had time for calm investigation, and deliberate judgment. I am of the same opinion still-no inducement, under heaven, will cause me to change it. I abhor the idea of the ministers of the crown having any share or influence in the appointment of our bishops.

"As to domestic nomination, it has not only my hearty concurrence, but will receive every support in my power to give it.

"I have it in my power to inform you, that I have the sentiments of all the clergy of the diocese of Derry,on those two impor tant points. Their sentiments are in unison with mine-there is not a single dissentient voice. I can add, not only from their information, but from my own knowledge, that the catholic laity always were and are inimical to a veto, and friendly to domestic nomination.

"In fine, I must confess, I was not prepared for the ungenerous reception that the respected but firm remonstrance of the Irish prelates against the baleful veto met with at the court of Rome, and the consequent unmerited persecution exercised by venal influence against the delegate of such a respectable portion of the church, as that of the catholics of Ireland. The provi dence of God may permit us for a while to be purified in the furnace of adversity; but, under his protection, the prelates of Ireland will maintain with firm, constitutional, and canonical means, the purity of faith they received from their illustrious predecessor Saint Patrick. I have the honour to be, with very great respect, dear sir, your most obedient humble servant, CHARLES O'DONNELL, "Roman Catholic Bishop of Derry."


"Limerick, August 13, 1817. "My dear Sir,-My absence from Limerick for some weeks past,has prevent, ed me from replying sooner to your friendly letter of the 15th of July, the contents of which give me serious concern; after the repeated petitions and resolutions of the Roman catholic prelates, clergy and laity, from every quarter of Ireland, it was generally supposed the veto had been given up and forgotten. Having "In the mean time, however, it is a no wish to enter into a discussion on duty I owe my catholic countrymen to de. this important and vital subject, whereclare, that when the momentous question in the dearest interests of our holy reliof the ruinous veto was hitherto agitated,gion are deeply concerned, I shall only

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