of urban district council in execution of additional powers conferred by Act, how to be defrayed, 145.
of vetry meetings, or poll demanded thereat, how defrayed, 10 n. EXPENSES OF ELECTIONS,
scale for, how fixed, 210; Order of Local Government Board as to, 551; of parish councillors, 314; of rural district councillors, 360; of guardians (outside London), 391; of urban district councillors, 435; of metropolitan vestrymen and auditors, 471; of guardians (in London), 520.
under adoptive Acts, to be excluded in calculating maximum expen- diture, 85.
approval of county council to, when involving loan, 84. consent of parish meeting to, when involving rate exceeding 3d, or
damages and expenses in connection with use of schoolroom, &c., for meetings, &c., to be defrayed as, when, 23.
demand note for rate to defray, to show certain particulars, 87. estimate of, 84 п.
highway expenses in parish where transfer of highways postponed
maximum amount of, 85; annual charges in respect of loans to be included in expenses in calculating, 85; expenses of parish meeting to be included in calculating, 86 n.
to be paid out of poor rate, 85; powers of council to obtain pay- ment, 86.
restrictions on amount of, 83-87.
representation for abolition of, or for alteration of day of holding, may be made to Home Secretary by district council, 144; by county borough council, 153.
payable in respect of duties transferred to district council from justices and quarter session to be paid to district council, 145.
of district and parish councils, 84 n, 230.
provision of, by parish council, 34.
consent of parish and district council required to stopping up or diversion of, 91-94; consent of parish council required to declaration as to non-necessity of, for public purposes, 91-94; repair and maintenance of, parish council may undertake, 95; saving for liability of highway authority for, 95.
local government, 5 n, 182 n, 183 n; married women entitled to, 5 n, 178; parliamentary, 6 n, 179 п-182 п.
licensing of, by district councils, 142; by councils of county boroughs, 153.
GAME DEALERS, licensing of, by district councils, 143; by councils of county boroughs, 153.
allotments for, transfer to parish councils of powers, &c., of over- seers as to holding or management of, 35.
GENERAL EXPENSES OF RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL, special expenses chargeable to contributory place may be directed to be raised in like manner as, 149; provisions of Public Health Act, 1875, as to, 146 n-149 п.
of property, acceptance of, by parish council, 53; of land, power of body corporate of chairman of parish meeting and overseers of small rural parish to hold, 118 п.
provisions as to, 252.
of parochial charity, appointment by parish council of additional members of, 98.
hiring of land by parish council not to confer right to take away or sell, 81.
dissolution of, order of county council for, 175; application for order, by whom to be made, 175; provisions to be contained in order for election of parish councils and for adjustment of property, &c., 175; order for, does not require confirmation,
name of, grouping order to provide for, 173, 225.
parish council for, establishment of, 2; general scheme as to powers of parish council and parish meetings of, 115 n; election of separate representatives of each parish on, 173; area of, to be in one county and county district, 174.
to have separate parish meeting for each parish, 2; grouping order to make provisions for meetings, 173; grouping order may provide for consent of parish meeting to particular acts of council, 173.
separation of parish from, on increase in population, 176; adjust- ment to be made between parish and group, 176.
consent of parish meeting required to, 2.
order for, county council to make, 2; provisions as to parish meet- ings to be subject to, 115; provisions to be contained in, 173, 174; to provide as to charities and custody of documents, 174; application for, by whom made, 174; does not require con- firmation of Local Government Board, 177; to direct name of group, 173, 225.
summary of provisions as to, 3 n, 4 n,
acceptance of office by, 207.
additional, election of, 125; qualification of, 125; at first election to be chosen from ex officio or nominated guardians, 125; elec- tion of, may be held before appointed day, 260. appointed day for coming into office of first elected, 269. appointment by, of overseers, if appointment not notified within
board room and offices of, use of, by rural district councils in union,
chairman of, may be elected from outside, 125, 234; qualification
of, 125; disqualification for office of, 192.
circular of Local Government Board to county councils as to, 579; to county borough councils as to, 597; addressed to, 560; as to continuance in office of committees, 260 n, 261 n, 590. continuance in office of existing guardians till first guardians elected under Act come into office, 260. in county boroughs, provisions of section 20 to apply to, 150. disqualifications for office of, 192-201; person disqualified for office of, disqualified for office of rural district councillor, 199; office to be declared vacant, 2003; penalty for acting during disqualification, 200.
election of additional, or to fill vacancies, may be held before appointed day, 260; appointed day for first, 269; division of parish into wards, or union of parishes for purposes of, 237; for districts under local Acts, application to, of provisions of Act, 239; to be, by parochial electors, 123; to be conducted according to rules of Local Government Board, 124; expenses of, rules may provide for retention of present incidence of charge for, 208, 209 n; guardians as such not to be elected for rural parishes, 131; provisions as to, to apply to election of rural district councillors, 131; provisions as to first elections under Act, 258; number of votes elector entitled to at, 124; removal of difficulties as to first, 262, 263. See also "Elections Regulated by Rules."
electors of, who to be, 123. ex officio, abolition of, 121.
under local Acts, elected for districts, application to, of provisions of Act, 239; saving for powers and duties of, 239.
in London, provisions of section 20 to apply to, 150. meetings of, application to of certain provisions of Public Health Act, 1875, 234, 235; not to be held on licensed premises, 239; vacation of office for continuous absence from, 200; power of county council to remove difficulty as to first, 262, 263.
nominated, abolition of, 121.
notice to be given to, of appointments of overseers, 25, 117. number of, fixing or alteration of, 237; when union in more than one county, 238; for new parishes formed by Act, 258,
may petition against order as to areas and boundaries under Part 3, 171.
of Oxford incorporation, saving for, 239. powers of, as to property of rural parish, transfer of, to parish council, 37.
proceedings of, application to, of provisions of Public Health Act,
1875, 234, 235; saving for powers of Local Government Board to regulate, 236.
qualification for office of, 121-123; repeal of statutory provisions as to, 121.
re-eligibility of, on retirement, 207. resignation of, 207.
retirement of, by thirds annually, 124; simultaneous retirement of, by direction of county council, 124; continuance of simul- taneous retirement now in force till otherwise directed by county council, 125: regulation of retirement of, by thirds, by county council, 237; elected at first election under Act,
rural district councillors to be, for rural parishes, 131. term of office of, 124.
vacation of office of, by continuous absence from meetings, 200;
office to be declared vacant, 200.
vacancies, casual, in office of, filling of, 207; before appointed day,
election may be held for filling, 260.
vice-chairman of, appointment, term of office and powers of, 235; circular of Local Government Board as to term of office of present, 260 n, 261 n, 590; qualification of, 125.
improvement commission having powers as to, to remain body separate from district council, 243.
property and liabilities to be apportioned between commission and council, 243.
summary determination by, of questions as to transfer of powers and vesting of property, 249.
appeal to, from determination, by Charity Commissioners of ques- tions as to charities, 250.
appeal from decisions of, on above questions, 250.
contribution to, of county council, may be made subject to con- ditions as to repair of highway, 136. rural district council to be successors of, 134. saving for liability of, for repair and maintenance of public foot- paths, 95.
transfer to rural district council of powers of, 134; postponement of transfer by county council, 134; on postponement, highway expenses of parish not to be deemed expenses of parish council or meeting, 268; order of postponement to provide for election of highway boards, 271; transfer to rural district council of existing officers of, 263.
abolition of, 134; postponement of, by county council, 134; order of postponement to provide for elections during postponement, 271; circular of Local Government Board as to, in England and Wales, 561; in South Wales, 563; continuance in office of existing members of, till first rural district councillors come into office, 260.
See also "Rights of Way."
circular of Local Government Board to county councils as to, 581. contribution of county council towards cost of, may be made, subject
to conditions as to repair, 136.
declaration that highway unnecessary for public use-consent of parish council required to, 91; notice to be given of resolution giving consent to, 91; resolution not to operate till confirmed, 91; powers of parish meeting in small parishes as to, 119; summary of provisions of Highway Acts, as to, 92 n; effect of Act on former practice as to, 94 n.
definition of, in Highway Acts, 91 n.
diversion or stopping up of, consent of parish and district council required to, 91; powers of parish meeting in small parishes as to, 119; summary of provisions of Highway Acts, as to, 91 n, 92 n; effect of Act upon former practice as to, 93 n, 94 n.
expenses defrayed out of property of parish, parish to remain entitled to benefit, 150; expenses of rural district council as to, to be defrayed as general expenses, 146; may be charged to contributory place when, 149; expenses of parish where county council postpone transfer not to be deemed expenses of parish council or meeting, 268.
land used for materials for, consent of justices not required to sale, &c., of, 217.
part of parish included in urban district for purposes of, to cease to be so included, when rural district council become highway authority, 136.
repair and maintenance of, complaint of parish council of default of district council as to, 106, 107; repairable ratione tenure, powers of district council as to repair of, 135; repairable at charge of parish or particular area, powers of district council as to repair of, before becoming charge upon district, 268. rural district council to have powers of urban sanitary authority as to, 134.
by parish council, 73; by district council, 73 n; compulsorily by parish council (see "Compulsory Hiring"); application to land hired, of certain sections of Allotments Act, 1887, 78, 79; acreage of allotments, when land hired, 79, 79n; buildings which may be erected on land hired, 79, 79 n; permanent pasture not to be broken up, without consent of landlord, 79,
of assembly of parish meeting, 7.
complaints or representations of parish council under, 38.
having harbour powers, to remain body separate from district council, 243; property and liabilities to be apportioned between commission and council, 243.
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