

alteration of area in which in force, 222.

amount to be raised for purposes of, to be sanctioned by parish

meeting, 46.

incidence of rates under, not to be affected, 47.
parish council to be authority for executing, 48.
Icans of parish councils for purposes of, 88, 90.

property, debts, and liabilities of superseded authority under,


summary of provisions of, 42 n.

transfer to parish council of powers of existing commissioners
under, 47; of powers of existing authority under, when in
force in part of parish, 219; transfer to parish councils or
parish and urban district councils of powers of existing
authorities under, when area situate in different parishes,



of charities, appointment of, by parish council in lieu of vestry,
100; appointment of, in parts of parish divided by Act, 168;
appointment of, in grouped parishes, 174; of dole charities,
names of, to be published annually, 102.

questions as to, determination of, 249, 250.

trustees of parochial charities not to be, 104.


application to, for enclosure or regulation of commons, parish
council may make, 49; notice of applications to, in relation to
commons, to be served on parish council, 55;

council, 138.

on district

copies of every order altering area or name to be sent to, 251.


See "Guardians."


of guardians, use of, by rural district council, 235.


on waters in recreation grounds, village greens, &c., powers of
parish council as to, 49-51.


See also "Documents."

access to, of incumbent, churchwardens, and parish council, 111 ;
custody of, 111; when relating to affairs of church or
ecclesiastical charity in rural parish, 111; differences as to
custody of, or access to, to be determined by county council,


inspection of, 234.

preservation of, duties of county council as to, 112.

provision of, by parish council, 34.


alteration of boundary of, 169; creation, extension, or diminution
of, provision to be made as to effect on parishes and parish
councils on, 223, 224.


committees of council of, provisions of Act not to apply to, 228;
joint committee of council of, and of any other council not
being a borough council, accounts of to be audited by district
auditor, 230.
council of, included in term district council, 126; conferment upon,
or other representative body, of appointment of overseers and
assistant overseers, or any powers, &c., of overseers or parish
council, 153-155; on whose application order for conferment
may be made, 153, 155; conferment upon, of powers of vestry
under Poor Rate Assessment and Collection Act, 1869, 156.
councillor of, person qualified to be, qualified to be guardian of
parish in borough, 121.

report of Boundary Commissioners to be considered by council of,


saving for style or title of corporation or council of, 126.

trustees of parochial charity, election of, when council of borough
invested with powers of parish council as to appointment of
trustees, 154.


to be considered by county and borough councils, 172.


See "Loans" and "Loans of Parish Councils."


acquisition or provision of, by parish council for offices, &c., 48, 49;
acquisition of land for purposes of, 49; council may borrow
for provision of, 87.

erection of, on allotments, 79, 79 n.

sale, exchange, or letting of, by parish council, 54.

when to be deemed held as an ecclesiastical charity, 255.


adoption of, in rural parish, 40; in part of rural parish, 46;
by bare majority of votes, 45; what to be deemed adoption of,
48; in part of urban district, approval of council required to,

alteration of area in which, in force, 222.

expenses of providing burial grounds, &c., under, require approval
of parish meeting, 46.

incidence of rates under, not to be affected, 47.

loans of parish councils for purposes of, 88, 90.
parish council to be authority for executing, 48.


memorandum of Local Government Board as to, 618.
property, debts, and liabilities of superseded board, 221.

transfer to parish councils of powers of existing, 47, 220; transfer
to parish councils or parish and urban district councils of
powers of, when area situate in different parishes, 220; transfer
to urban district council of powers, &c., of existing, 240.


registers of, custody of, in rural parishes, 111.


parish council may make, for regulating recreation grounds, village
greens, &c., and as to boats on water in recreation grounds,


provisions of Public Health Act, 1875, as to, 51 n.
saving for existing, 273.


for district or parish council, use of schoolroom, &c., for meetings
of, 17; expenses or damage in connection with such use to
be reimbursed by, 23; for parish council, attendance of, at parish
meetings, 278; opportunity to be given for putting questions
to, 278.


received under adjustments, application of, 247.


of chairman of metropolitan vestry or board of works, or of Wool-
wich Local Board, doubt as to, 153 n; of chairman of parish
council, 280; of chairman of parish meeting, 278.

[blocks in formation]

of board of guardians-circular of Local Government Board as to
term of office of present, 260 n, 261, 590; disqualification
for office of, 192; election of, from outside, 125, 234: qualifi-
cation of, 125.

of district board of works, casting vote of, doubt as to, 153 n; to be
a county justice, 152; disqualification for office of, 192, 201;
election and term of office of, 152.

of district council to be a county justice, 127; disqualification for
office of, 192; election of, from outside council, 234.

of metropolitan vestries-abolition of ex officio, 151; casting vote of,
doubt as to, 153 n; to be a county justice, 152; disqualifi-
cation for office of, 192, 201; election and term of office of,

of parish council-casting vote of, 280; to be chairman of parish
meeting, when, 7 n, 191; continuance in office of, 15; deter-
mination by, of retiring councillors to continue in office in
certain events, 201; deposit with, of documents, 110; dis-
qualification for office of, 192; election of, 15, 279; meetings
of council may be convened by, 279; parish meetings may be
convened by, 192; qualification for office of, 11, 15; re-eligi-
bility of retiring, 202; resignation of, 202; service on, of
notices, 280; summary of provisions as to, 12 n; temporary,
appointment by county council of, when council unable to act,
204; vacancy (casual) in office of, filling of, 202.

of parish meeting, accounts of charities to be submitted to meeting
by, 103 n; casting vote of, 278; may be chosen by meeting,
when, 7; to be chairman only of meeting at which chosen, 8 n;
chairman or vice-chairman of parish council to be, when, 8 n,
191; decision of, final unless poll demanded, 276; duties of,
summary of, 9 n; at which first councillors nominated to con-
vene first meeting of parish council, 257; notices required to
be served on parish meeting may be served on, 279.


of parish meeting of parish having no separate parish council-
absence of, or refusal or inability of, to act, 278; accounts of
parochial charities to be submitted to meeting by, 103 n;
casting vote of, 278; draft of scheme relating to charity to be
communicated to, 100; duties of, summary of, 9 n; may con-
vene parish meeting, 192; election of, at annual assembly,
115; notices required to be served on parish meeting may be
served on, 279; with overseers to be body corporate, 118; acts
and instruments of body corporate, how to be executed, 118;
transfer to body corporate of legal interest in parish property,
118; powers of, to obtain payment of expenses of meetings
and polls, 86; no qualification required, 116 n; re-eligibility
of retiring, 202; resignation of, 202; summary of provisions
as to, 116 n; term of office of, 8 n, 116 n; of first chairman,
258; time and place of holding parish meetings to be fixed by,
191; vacancy (casual) in office of, filling of, 202.

of rural district council, provisions as to chairman of guardians to
apply to qualification of, 131.

of Woolwich Local Board, to be county justice, 152; casting vote of,
doubt as to, 153 n; disqualification for office of, 192, 201;
election and term of office of, 152.


what are, 55 n.

application of Act of 1855 to annual submission to parish meeting

of accounts of charity, 102; application of provisions of, to
appeals from decision of Charity Commissioners, 250.

consent or approval required under, when to be given to sales,
exchanges, or lettings by parish council, 54.

summary of provisions of, as to making and confirmation of
schemes, 101 n.

vesting order under, consent of churchwardens and overseers or
parish council not required to, 218.


See also "Parochial Charities" and sub "Ecclesiastical."

appointment of trustees and beneficiaries of, in parts of parishes
divided by Act, 168.

dole, names of beneficiaries of, to be published annually, 102.
property held by trustees for, permissive transfer of, to parish
council, 96.

questions as to, determination by Charity Commissioners subject to
appeal, 249, 250.

schemes relating to, draft of, to be communicated to parish council,
100; to chairman of parish meeting where no council, 100;
support or opposition of, by parish council, 100, 101.
transfer of powers of vestry as to, to parish council, 100; to parish
meeting, 100 n.


Acts relating to constitution and powers of, 97 n.

approval of, to order of county council dealing with charities of
parish divided by Act, 168; orders of county council requiring,
do not require confirmation by Local Government Board,



consent of, required to sales, exchanges, or lettings by parish
councils, when, 54, 55; to transfer by trustees to parish
council of property held for public purposes, 96.
determination by, of questions as to charities, 249, 250.

draft of scheme to be communicated to parish council or chairman
of parish meeting by, 100, 101.

endowment of charity partly ecclesiastical, provision to be made
by, for apportionment and management of, 255.

incorporation of, 97 n.

Local Government Board to consult, before dealing with charity
under section 33, 156.

number of additional trustees of parochial charity to be appointed
by parish council to be allowed by, 98.

powers of, as to requiring accounts, &c., of charities, 102 n; saving
for powers, &c., of, as to schemes, 98.

summary of provisions as to making of schemes by, 101, 102 n.

[blocks in formation]


affairs of, custody of books and documents relating to, 111; defini-
tion of, 255; saving for powers, &c., of churchwardens as to,
32; saving for powers, &c., of vestry as to, 30, 117; saving for
property vested in churchwardens and overseers connected
with, 29; saving for management of such property, 35.


access of, to parish documents and books, 111.

accounts of parochial charities to be given to chairman of parish
meeting instead of, 102, 103 n.

appointment of trustees of non-ecclesiastical parochial charity in
place of, by parish council, 97; by parish meeting in small
parishes, 117.

ecclesiastical office of, unaffected by Act, 28 n.

to cease to be overseers, 27; additional overseers to be appointed to
replace, 27.

legal interest of property vested in overseers, and to vest in parish
council, 28; consent of churchwardens and overseers not re-
quired to order vesting legal estate under Charitable Trusts
Acts, 218.

references to, to be construed as references to overseers, 28.
transfer to parish council of certain powers, &c., of, 32; of certain
powers of overseers and, 32-38.


transfer in certain cases to parish councils of obligation of church-
wardens as to repairing and maintaining closed, 31.

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