Aeroplane and Commercial Aviation News, 104. kötet1962 |
Részletek a könyvből
1 - 3 találat összesen 100 találatból.
15. oldal
... increase in capacity offered was 48 % over 1960 , and 39 % more revenue passengers were carried , making a total of 1,528,175 . The total tonne - km . offered , 413 million , showed an increase of 54.5 % , and the tonne - km carried ...
... increase in capacity offered was 48 % over 1960 , and 39 % more revenue passengers were carried , making a total of 1,528,175 . The total tonne - km . offered , 413 million , showed an increase of 54.5 % , and the tonne - km carried ...
39. oldal
... increase in capacity . The introduction of seven additional Comet 4Bs was obviously necessary if turbojet competition from other carriers was to be met . But this extra capacity reduced the economic prospects of the Vanguard operations ...
... increase in capacity . The introduction of seven additional Comet 4Bs was obviously necessary if turbojet competition from other carriers was to be met . But this extra capacity reduced the economic prospects of the Vanguard operations ...
4. oldal
... increase the level of competition in the European market . This decision by Alitalia to increase current generation implies that the ques the number of its jet transports of the tion of acquiring any of the " second generation " medium ...
... increase the level of competition in the European market . This decision by Alitalia to increase current generation implies that the ques the number of its jet transports of the tion of acquiring any of the " second generation " medium ...
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accident advertisements AeCAN AEI Radar AEI Aer Lingus Aero AEROPLANE AND COMMERCIAL Air Transport aircraft industry airline Airport Airways Alitalia BAC One-Eleven Beagle Biggin Hill Boeing Bowling Green Bowling Green Lane Bristol Siddeley BRITISH AIRCRAFT cabin COMMERCIAL AVIATION Convair 990 cost cruising de-icing electrical engine equipment executive fares Farnborough flaps flying freight fuel fuselage Green Lane Havilland helicopter hydraulic ICAO increase installation instruments July KIDLINGTON km/hr landing licence load factor London Lufthansa ment miles Ministry of Aviation navigation operation overhaul OXFORD AIRPORT P.O. Box passengers payload Phone pilot powerplant pressure Radar AEI Radar radio range requirements Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce Spey route runway scheduled seats Sept speed supersonic Telephone Temple Press Limited tion Trident turbine turbojet turboprop unit Vickers Vickers VC10 Viscount VTOL wing