Aeroplane and Commercial Aviation News, 104. kötet1962 |
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1 - 3 találat összesen 83 találatból.
8. oldal
... Sept. 17 . Aug. 28 ROME . ICAO 14th Legal Cttee . Session ; until Sept. 14 . tion . Sept. 3 FARNBOROUGH . - S.B.A.C . Display and Exhibi- By invitation only ; until Sept. 6 . Sept. 7 FARNBOROUGH . - S.B.A.C . Display and Exhibi- tion ...
... Sept. 17 . Aug. 28 ROME . ICAO 14th Legal Cttee . Session ; until Sept. 14 . tion . Sept. 3 FARNBOROUGH . - S.B.A.C . Display and Exhibi- By invitation only ; until Sept. 6 . Sept. 7 FARNBOROUGH . - S.B.A.C . Display and Exhibi- tion ...
32. oldal
... Sept. 6 . tion . Sept. 7 FARNBOROUGH . - S.B.A.C . Display and Exhibi- Open to the public ; until Sept. 9 . tion . Sept. 10 DUBLIN . - IATA A.G.M .; until Sept. 14 . Sept. 11 LONDON . - I.E.E . lecture , Communication Tesis Using the ...
... Sept. 6 . tion . Sept. 7 FARNBOROUGH . - S.B.A.C . Display and Exhibi- Open to the public ; until Sept. 9 . tion . Sept. 10 DUBLIN . - IATA A.G.M .; until Sept. 14 . Sept. 11 LONDON . - I.E.E . lecture , Communication Tesis Using the ...
8. oldal
... Sept. 20 HARROGATE . - Inst . of Prod . Eng./Non-Destruc- tive Testing Soc . of G.B. symposium . ** Standardiza- tion in Non - Destructive Testing . " Old Swan Hotel ; until Sept. 22 . Sept. 24 CHANDLER , ARIZONA . - IATA Autumn Meeting ...
... Sept. 20 HARROGATE . - Inst . of Prod . Eng./Non-Destruc- tive Testing Soc . of G.B. symposium . ** Standardiza- tion in Non - Destructive Testing . " Old Swan Hotel ; until Sept. 22 . Sept. 24 CHANDLER , ARIZONA . - IATA Autumn Meeting ...
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