
cessary. The words, as they stand, will express the same sense, if pointed thus:

Free from all faults, as, faults from,

seeming free,di ol Nor is this construction more harsh than that of many other sentences in the play, which of all those which Shakspeare has left us, is the most defective in that respect. M. MASON, Julsie

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P. 137, 1. 7. His neck will come to your waist, acord,] That is, his neck will be tied, like your waist, with a rope. The friars of the Franciscan order, perhaps of all others, wear a hempen cord for a girdle. JOHNSON.

P. 137, 1. 13. Pygmalion's images, newly made woman,] By Pygmalion's images, newly made woman, I believe Shakspeare meant no more than

Have you no women now to recommend to your customers, as fresh and untouched as Pygmalion's statue was, at the moment when it became flesh and blood? The passage, may, however, contain some allusion to a pamphlet printed in 1598, called', The Metamorphosis of Pygmalion's Image, and certain Satires. I have never seen it, but it is mentioned by Ames, p. 568; and whatever its subject might be, we learn from an order signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London, that this book, was commanded to be burnt. The order is inserted at the end of the second volume of the entries belonging to the Stationers' Company. STEEVENS,

A pick-lock had just been found upon the Clown, and therefore without great offence to his morals, it may be presumed he was likewise a pickpocket; in which case Pygmalion's images, etc. may mean new coined money with the Queen's image upon it. DOUCE.

P. 137, 1; 17. Is't not drown'd the last rain?] Lucio, a prating fops meets his old friend going to prison, and pours out upon him his impertinent interrogatories; to which, when the poor fel low makes no answer, he adds,' What reply? ha? what say'st thou to this tune, matter, and method, is't not? drown'd i' th' last rain? tha? what say'st thou, trot? etc.. It is a com mon phrase used in low raillery of a man crest. fallen and dejected, that he looks like a drown'd puppy. Lucio, therefore, asks him, whether he was drown'd in the last rain, and therefore can not speak, JOHNSON.

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He rather asks him whether his answer, was not drown'd in the last rain, for Pompey returns 3.no answer to any of his questions: or, perhaps, he means to compare Pompey's miserable appearance to a drown'd mouse. STEEVENS

P. 137, 1. 18. What say'st thou, trot ? 11 should be read, I think, what say'st thou to't? the word trot being seldom, if ever, used to a mau,,; Old trot, or trat, signifies decrepid old woman, or an old drab, GREY.


Trots or as it is now often pronounced, honest trout, is a familiar address to a man among the provincial vulgar. JOHNSON.

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P. 137, 1. 19. Which is the way?]What_is the mode now? JonNSON, AM9 10

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P: 137, 1. 34. 25. —she hath eaten up all Her beef, and she is herself in the tub] The method of cure for venereal complaints is grossly called the powdering tub. JoussONĀS

Tot P. 157,. 32. Got say I sent thee thithers For ¿ debt, Pompey? Or how?]vsIt should be pointed zikus” yGo,o says I sent: thee: thither ifoniddht, Pampay or how i. e. to hide the ignominy of

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Chyroase, say, 'I sent thee to prison for debtz or >whatever other pretence thou fanciest better. The other humourously replies For being a bawd, for being a bawd, ie, the true case is the most honourable. This is in character. WARBURTON!


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I do not perceive any necessity for the alteration. Lucio first offers him the use of his name, to hide the seeming ignominy of his case; hild then véry naturally désires to be informed of the true reason why he was ordered into confinement. ed 196 STEEVENS. Warburton has taken some pains to amend this passage, which does not require it; and Lucio's subsequent reply to Elbow, shows that his amendment cannot be right. When Lucio advises Pompey to say he sent him to the prison, and in his next "speech desires him to commend him to the prison, he speaks as one who had some interest there, and was well known to the keepers. 9 M. MASON. P. 138, 1. 5. 6. You will turn good Husband hou, Pvmpey: you will keep the house. Alluding to the etymology of the word husband. MALONE.

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P. 38, 1. 11. it is not the wear. i. e. it

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is not the fashion. STEEVENS. ↑1_1PAW38, d. 22. Og, — tọ kennel, Pompey, go:] It should be remembered, that Pompey is the common name of a dog, to which allusion is made in the mention of a kennel. JOHNSON,id

bal B. 159, 1. 4. and fol. Yes, replies Lucia, the

vice is of great kindredgī it is well ally'd :gic. TOAs much as to say Yes, truly it is general for 5the greatest men have it as well as we little folks. Mittle lower he taxes the Duke personally withlit. · lo quimong our shut or 9 L wed to Bowards.

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P. 139, 1. 17. A motion generative certainly means a puppet of the masculine gender; a thing that appears to have those powers of which it is not in reality possessed. STEEVENS.

A motion ungenerative is a moving or animated body without the power of generation..

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P. 139, 1. 23. 1 never heard the absent Duke much detected for women;] In the Statute 3d Edward First, c. 15. the words gentz' rettez de felonie are rendered persons detected of felony, that is, as conceive, suspected. REED.

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Detected; however, may mean, notoriously charged, or guilty. So, in North's translation of Plutarch: he only of all other Kings in his time was most detected with this vice of leacherie." MALONE.

P. 139, L. 34. to put a ducat in her clackdish] The beggars, two or three centuries ago, used to proclaim their want by a wooden - dish with a moveable cover, which they clacked, to show that their vessel was empty. This appears from a passage quoted on another occasion by .Dr. Grey. STEEVENS.

P. 140, 1. 2. Inward is intimate. STEEVENS. P. 140, l. 3. A shy fellow was the Duke: The meaning of this term may be best explained by the following lines in the fifth Act: 26.6

,,The wicked'st caitiff on the ground, I
,,May seem as shy, as grave, as just as
absolute," etc.


P. 140, 1. 8. The greater file] The larger list, the greater number. JOHNSON.

P. 140, 1. 11. unweighing i. e. inconsiderate, etc.


P. 140, 1. 15. and the business he hath helmed,] The difficulties he hath steer'd through, A metaphor from navigation. STEEVENS.


P. 141, 1. 3. versary. STEEVENS.

i. e. opponent, ad

P. 141, 1. 12. — ungenitur'd] This word seems to be formed from genitoirs, a word which occurs in Holland's Pliny, tom. ii. p. 321, 560, 589, and comes from the French genitoires, the genitats.


P. 141, 1. 20. The Duke, I say to thee again, would eat mutton on Fridays.] A wench was called a laced mutton. THEOBALD.

P. 141, 1. 21. He's now past it; yet,] Sir Tho mas Hanmer reads He is not past it yet. This emendation was received in the former edition, but seems not necessary. It were to be wished, that we all explained more, and amended less.


If Johnson understood the passage as it stands, I wish he had explained it. To me, Hanmer's amendment appears absolutely necessary. M. MASON.

I have inserted Mr. M. Mason's remark: and yet the old reading is, in my opinion, too intelligible to need explanation. STEEVENS.

P. 141, 1. 22. though she smelt brown bread and garlick:] This was the phraseology of our author's time. In The Merry Wives of Windsor, Master Fenton is said to,,smell April and May," ...not,,to smell of,“ etc. MALONE.

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P. 142, 1. 2. -- forfeit i. e. transgress, offend; from the French forfaire. STEEVENS. P. 142, 1. 3. mercy swear,] We should read swerve, i. e. deviate from her nature. The common reading gives us the idea of a ranting whore. WARBURTON.


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