

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

N. B. In the 3 per Cent. Confols, the highest and lowest Price of each Day is given; in the other Stock the higheft Price only.

[ocr errors]


and Historical Paffages, 1783.

See alfo the CONTENTS of each Month.

ABBOT, Geo. his book of



Abul Fatcan declared fovereign

of Perfia
Acts paffed
266, 267, 361,
445,536, 625
Adam, Mr. his fpeeches, 386,
562, 914
A Dio Adamo, chfervations

[blocks in formation]

P. 926

Aerial balloons.


See Montgol-
fier, Biaggini, Charles.
Algiers, bombarded by the
Allegorizing prophetic fcrip-
ture, effay on
Althorpe, lord, his fpeech 73
Ambler, Mr. his fpeech 408
AMERICA, naval preparations

there 84. loyalifts tranf-
ported to Jamaica ib. fune-.
ral of a Roman Catholic
knight at Bofton ib. Rhode
Ifland and Providence re-
monstrate against a duty
intended by Congress 169.
Dr. Franklin declines being
ambaffador to the British
court 170. two veffels from
Nantucket entered at the
customhoufe, London 173.
loyalists appoint delegates
to manage for them respect-
ing the provifional treaty
174. authentic paper from
Philadelphia, read in the
Houfe of Lords by lord
Sackville 175. American
envoy received at Libon
258. tumult at Philadel-
phia between the inhabi
tants and French failors

354. the thanks of Con-
grefs voted to gen. Greene
436. who, with the fouth-
ern army, receives likewife
thole of gen. Wathington
ib. American public and
domeftic debt ftated ib. fu-
perintendant of finance re-
figns his office il. eítima e
of the white inhabitants of
America 437. lift of the
members of Congrefs ib, ar-
GENT. MAG. 1783.

account of


ANECDOTES, of Cervetio
94. of Gilbert Weft 101.
of bp. Burnet 102. of br.
Atterbury ib. 395, 743. of
abp. Herring ib. of Dr. Dod-
dridge 103. See Sanders. Of
Mr.Hervey ib.of bp. Thomas
463. of abp. Tillotson ib.
of Dr. South 454. of Mr.
Powel 539 of father Petre
567 of father John Hud-
dleton ib. of Mr. Calon
584. of Catharine Tudor
ib. from bp. Newton's Life
682. of theregicides 846. of
the king of Pruffia 913. of
Dr. R. Newton 832, 922. of
Dr. Roger Long 923. of

Mr. Sam. Richardfon 924.
of bp. Thomas 1008. of
Dr Yarborough ib, of bp.
Hoadly 1029. of abp. Seck-

rangement for compenfat. Anderfon, Adam, Efq. fome
ing the fufferings of the
loyalists 448. difmember-
ment of America foretold'
405. half-yearly dividend
paid by the bank at Phila-
delphia 528. refolution of
the ftates of New England
against the refugees ib. A-
merican flags appointed by
Congress 529. cruelties ex-
ercifed by the favages on
the Back Settlements ib.
Americans threatened with
an Indian war 536. votes
concerning the loyalifts
615. See Van Bercke!. A-
mericans conclude a treaty
with the Six Nations 619.
the trade with the Weft In-
dies opened by proclamati
on 624. dftreffed condition
of the Back Settlements
704. fpirited inftructions to
the delegates of Fairfax in
Virginia ib. refolutions of
the Delaware regiment a
gainst the loyalifis in. a&t
by the general states of
Maryland for regulating
the trade with Great Bri-
tain 792. col. Benj Gibbs's
regiment declare for Con-
greis 796. four millions
fent to America from
France ib. various opinions
concerning the feat of go-
vernment ib. Congrefs call
in their addrefs, &c. to the
United States 797. feveral
loyalis outlawed at New
York 884. order of Con-
grefs concerning the notes
of the fuperintendant of fi-
nance 963 Congress deter-
mine not to return to Phila-
delphia ib. See Philad Ipbi1.
American veffels to be admit-
ted into British ports
Amfterdam, merchants there
depoft money in the Ame-

er 1030.
Arne de Lovel, wife of Rich.
III. picture of
Anthony, princefs of Saxony,
Ani improperly used for ante


Antiquaries, their officers
Antique painting, defeription
Antiquities at Monk's Wood,
Wouldham, and Binfied

found, at Leicetter,
&c. 431, 549, 752, 811,

in Effex


near Leyton

Apparitions, accounts of 412,

Applebee, rev. Geo. his death,
629, and will
Aabe numbers, concerning
445 their introduction here 4c6
Archbishop's option, explained
ancient form of en-
Archery, laws for the encou-
ragement of
Arden, Mr. his fpeeches 07,
399, 477 554, 560, 641,
732, 737, 006, 807

rican bank
Ancient Brisons, their anni-
vertary fermon
Ancient cuftoms, enquired af-
ter, and elucidated 577. See
Ardalusia, banditti there dif-





enquired after
Bottles, made of the lava of


Bottling electors, what 830
Bourne, lieut. Charles, his fen-

Argus, the noble contour, ex- Barrow, Mr. his fpeech 830 Borough English, origin of,
639 Baffet, Sir F. his fpeeches 70,
383, 390, 1051
Bath, account of the abbey
Battle of Haftings, explanati-
on of a paffage in, defired
Bauchier, capt. tried for the
lofs of the Hector 175. See
laft vol. 547


Algili, Mrs. See Letters.
Afhburton, lord, his fpeech
254. his death and charac-
717, 1006
Affizes 261, 262, 358, 359,
708, 709, 710, 799
49ley, Sir Edw. his fpeeches
20, 392, 737, 741, 908,
910, 915, 1055

[blocks in formation]

Afly, the horseman., See Bearings in teffe, obfervations
Aimoiphere, M. la Lande's Beattie, Dr. See Blair.
remarks on the extraordina- Beauchamp, lord, his fpeeches
ry fiate of
111, 117, 197, 285, 29r,
Aterbury, bp. particulars of
his early life 395.
Beaufoy, Mr. his fpeeches 824,
Bednore, taken by the Eng-
lith 1046. and given up a-

See p.
102, 938.
Aubrey, Mr. his fpeech 824
Auguftus, late earl of Bristol,




character of
Aurora Borealis, extraordinary Bees, experiment on 1017
one feen at London 802 Berton, Jof. condemned at
Auftria, Lower, monafteries Lynn, for robbing the north
fuppreffed there
Aylesbury, countess of, her Fellamont, lord. See Ireland.
182 Bell's Chaucer, Mr. Tyrwhitt's
Aylesford family, fome parti- opinion of
culars of
576 Bellerive, M. de, the French
mathematician, dies
Bembridge. See Powel.
trial 614. See p. 975, 976.
Bench, rev. John, his death
and character
Benecolen, magazine at, blown

Ayftough, William, who in-
troduced printing at Not-
tingham, his family 1014


B4ton, Dr. Phanuel, fome

account of

93, 406
Babama Illands, retaken by


col. Deveaux
Baker, Mr. his fpeeches 479,
553, 1062


John, efq. his death and
Balve, cardinal, confined in
an iron cage 920. See p.
Bank, meffages from the di-

rectors of, to the Stock-
Exchange 446, 890. forge-
ry on
Bank of Ireland, by whom e-
Bankruptcies, confufion occa-
froned by, at Paris
Banks, Mr his fpeeches 9, 382
Barber's Hall, with the curio-
fities there, defcribed

[blocks in formation]

Betbam, rev. Edw. his bene-
faction to the botanical gar-
den at Cambridge, &c. 88.
See p. 448. his death and
Bever's Hiftory of Legal Poli-
ty, extracts from 699
Bewley, W. the philofopher of
Mailingham, his character


Biaggini launches an air bal
loon in the artillery-ground

[ocr errors][merged small]

Bible-making, fhort history of
Bickerton, Sir Rich, arrives at
Madras 352. at Bombay 334
Births, &c. abftract of the act
for registering 876
26 Black beetles. See Quellions.

Barclay, Mr. David, some ac- Blackfriars-bridge, account of

count of

717 the toll of

Barnard, Dr. Edw, character Blackstene, Sir W.

[blocks in formation]



1005 Blair and Beattie, Drs. cri-
tique on
Bolingbroke, lord. See Letters.
Bomb-thell, aew-invented, de-


Baronets, his majefty's decla-
ration concerning 1060.
new ones created 1067
Barré, col, his speeches 68,
73, 906


[blocks in formation]

16, 17, 18, 21, 71, 72, 74,
90, 114, 115, 116, 117,
118, 199, 202, 206, 379,
386, 476, 477, 553, 558,
563, 566, 647, 652,729,
730, 73, 733, 739, 741,
905, 906, 907, 911, 912,
913, 995, 997, 1054, 1055,

Burrell, Sir P. his fpeech 389
Butler, farmer near Gran-
tham, his houfe robbed and
fet on fire
Butter, receipt for making
from the milk of cows fed
on turnips
Byg, Mr. his fpeeches 21,
66, 70, 114, 387, 557,821,
996. to the freeholders of
Middlefex 296.

Boncompagni, card. his attach-
ment to the Englith 500 Byrne, Charles, the Irish gi-
Bootle, Mr. his fpeech


ant, dies


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

lord J. his fpeeches
22, 65, 68, 69, 71, 74, 113,
294, 360, 361, 386, 387,
391, 647, 649, 734, 735,
737, 738, 740, 741, 907,
909, 910, 911, 9935 996,
997, 993, 1000, 1001, 1002,
1003, 1054. refolutions
moved by him concerning
the peace 176. brings in a
bill to prevent compound-
ing the duty on malt 535
Caulfield, W. M. fome account
Ceffation of hoftilities, times
appointed for

Ceftius, his tomb at Rome 192.

See 679.
Chandos, duke of, his speech

22, 73, 566, 642, 998
College of phyficians, their
officers chofen.
Coloffus at Rhodes, account
of 221, 307, 407, 550
552 Commiffioners of great feal,

Charles Guftavus, prince of
Sweden, dies
Charles and Robert, their aërial
Charles, margrave of Baden-
Hochberg, dies
Charlotte Amelia, princefs of
Denmark, her will 794
Chatterton, Arictures on his
144, 190, 191





Chauncy, Philip, fome account
Cherbourg, large caifon making
Chicbeley, abp. fome account
Children, killed by their fa
ther, after hearing a fermon
353 woman pilloried for
flealing 446
Chriftian, Mr. retrenches his
expences, to relieve the poor
Cbriftina, princefs of Saxony,

[blocks in formation]

lift of


tions of

new ones 440

of accounts,

're-appointed 68. 19,cool.
voted them 1. make their
ninth repert 359,
Committee of fupply, refolu-
Commons vote an addrefs to
his majesty to fettle the
Convocation meets 976
Conway, gen. his speeches, 17,
20, 21, 22, 71, 114, 115,
116, 203, 204, 207, 291,
562, 565, 742, 997, 1062
Coper, Sir Grey, his fpeeches
564, 735, 915, 1003, 1054,
Coote, Sir Eyre, defeats Hyder
Ally 351. refigns his com-
mand 334. dies at Madras
968, 1050
Corn, average prices of 2,98,
186, 367, 450, 537, 634,
723, 810, 888, 986. allow-
to be exported from
France 448



Cork. See Ireland.
Cornu Ammonis, a remarka
ble one defcribed
Cornwall, Mr. C. W. (Speak-
er) his fpeeches 17, 117,

193, 913

Cornwallis, Dr.abp. of Canter-
bury, account of 273. eu-
logium on 280
Country news 86, 172, 260,
358, 441, 530, 622, 799,
Courland, duchefs of, delivered
of a princess
Courtenay, Mr. his fpeeches
18, 66, 558, 561, 1000
mifs Ifabella, burnt,

Coventry, lord, his fpeech 1061
Cooley, line of his turned in-
to Latin 47. See p. 128,

Coruling, Mrs. her will 978
Cows killed by eating yew 358
Crabb, Roger, biographical
notices of
Cramp, John, condemned for
murdering his wife 261
Cremnit, in Hungary, de-
ftroyed by lightning 617
Crow, Nath. bp. of Oxford,
fome account of

Crimea, khan of, depofed and

[blocks in formation]

D'Alembert, Monf. his cha-

Dantzickers difpure with the
King of Pruffia 881. See
P. 967.

Darampore taken by col. Ful-



Dartmouth E. Indiaman lott 89
Davenport, Tho. efq. made a
ferjeant at law
Denl, a pilot there committed
for treafon
DEBATES in the H. of Lords:
on the king's (peech 5, 1051.
on lord Fitzwilliam's quef-
tion to lord Shelburne rot.
on Williams's divorce-oill
253. counsel heard in the
cause between Fanshaw and
Cockfede, with lord Thur-
Jew's fpeech 446. on the
duke of Richnend's motions
concerning the judges 532.
on the East India regulating
bill 1060, 1061
DEBATES in the H. of Cor-

mons: on the king's (peech
8. on the adres 15. on
the prov fional art cles 17.
on the number of feamen
19. on the practice of pref-
ling 20. on Eaft India af-
fairs ib. on gen. Conway's
motion for the thanks of the
houfe to gen. Eliott 21. on
the face of the civil 10 63.
on 'Mr. Pitt's motion for a
paritamentary reformió.817.
on Sir T. Rubold's restrain-
ing bill by, on the eark of
Shelburne's letter for arm-
ing the people th. on the ad-
ditional dutz on fal 68. on
the motion for a Scotch mie
1 sit on the affans of Lit-

[ocr errors]

land 68. on the Lords' a-
mendments of the contrac
tors' bill 69. on the motion
for thanking Sir G B. Rod-
ney, &c. ib. on the new taxes
i. on E. India affairs 70.
on loid Mahon's bill for pre-
venting expences at electi-
ons 71. on Mr. Burke's re-
trenching bill ib. on the re-
ports from the commith. n-
ers of accounts . on he
fupplies ib. 157, 111, 206,
562, 828, 990, 999, 1061.
on ordnance debentures 72.
on the balances in the hands
of the pavmafters general ib.
on taxing civil appointments
in America and the Wet
indies 73. on col. Barre's
pention b. on Sir Elijah
Impey's accepting a place un--
der the goverour, &c, of
Bengal 74 to the mutiny
at Portfmouth 89. on. gen.
Cunway's motion of thanks
to the officers, &c. at Gib-
raltar 105. on the Bengal
judicature 108. on the im-
portation of corn ib. on Mr.
Pennington's motion of
thanks to Sr Eyre Conte
110. on the corn-bill it.
on the provisional Greaty
with America 11. on the
motion for conanung he
bill of rains and penalties d-
Rath Sir T. Rumbola and
P. Perring, eiq. 115.
731, 744, 912. ou deciding
an Irish appeal in the King's
Bench w England 16, on the
renewal of the Ame. can
war 116. on reviving the
fek et commitee on E. In-
dia affairs 117, 193, en luth
affairs ib. on the Cricklade
election it. on the Laun-
celion petition for rettering
the freedom of election 199.
en the call of the Houfe c,
387. on In tia aff its ib. 729,
739. on he preliminaries of
On Mi.

pore 200, 202.

Lewen's petition 203. on
the mutiny at Porriaouth
ib. on Mr. Minch n's mov-
ing for the papers relative to
the African and American
trade 205. on the rat fy.ng
the preliminaries 200.
Mr. Burke's mo:i n for re-
gulating the paymastership
of the forces 207. on lord
Newhaven' motion ch
cerning the Amokan loyal-
id. 256. on Mi. Idea's mo-

[ocr errors]

tion for copies of the powers
of the negotiators of the
peace 287. on Mr. Sheridan's
moton for papers relative to
the Dutch negociation 289-
on lord Maitland's motion
for an additional reward to
gen. Eliott 290. on the gre-
Imanery articles 291, 377,
387. un lord Surrey's mo-
tion concerning the fettling
a miniftry 359. See p. 442,
650. on the loan 360, 736,
737 on fecuring to Ireland
the exclufive right of judica-
ture and legiflation 385. on
regulations relative to the
trade with America 387,
563, 641, 731, 737. olurd
J. Cave d h's motions con-
cerning the peace 388, 465:
on the lord advocate's moti-
on for a journment 476. ok
abolishing finecures in the
cuftums 477. on the army
eftimates ib. on the 1rifh le-
gfiature and judicature 480.
on the prince of Wales's e-
Atablishment 536, 996, 998.
on the mutiny-bill 553,996.
on the act for regulating
penfions 553,555, on a pro-
vifional intercourfe with A-
merica 454, 558. on the
doke of Richmond's report
560. on the establishment of
The American corps 564, on
Mr. Pet's motion for an ad-
drefs relative to the fub-ac-
countants 625. on the quack
medicine bili 620, 998. on
Williams's divorce-bill 647-
on revealing the American
prohibitory acts 732, 734-
on opening the budget 734
yog. on taking up per-
fons found with picklocks,
&c. in the night 740 on re-
inftaring Meffrs. Powel and
Bembridge 741. on the com-
plaint against Sir J. Low-
ther 742. on the amended
bill from the L rds for an
intercourfe with America
817. un the conduct of the
nvy 829 on lord Mahon's
bli for preventing bribery,
&c. 830, 916. See p. 996.
on the report of the feiect
committee on India affairs
ib. on the motion for origi
ral minutes of the felt t
committee on India pftirs
geg. on wi hopwing the
moton for a fits of the
Treatury board 15. en tie
taxes yice on abolishing pa-

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