
versity is supported, sustained, buoyed up, by hope." If it were not for hope, the heart would break.

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Ανηρ δικαιος εστιν, ουχ ὁ μη αδικών,

Αλλ' όστις αδικειν δυνάμενος, ου βουλεται. Gr.

Just, upright, righteous, is the man, not merely he who abstains from acting iniquitously, unjustly, but he who, having it in his power, having full scope, to indulge in every kind of wickedness, has no wish whatever to do so.

Anglice. Lat.-"In English, according to the English fashion." Anguillam cauda tenes. Lat. prov.-"You hold an eel by the tail." You are engaged with an active and slippery opponent.


Anguis in herba. Lat. VIRGIL.- A snake in the grass." A lurking danger, or one not actually foreseen.”


Angulus terrae. Lat. HORACE.-"A corner of the earth, some snug spot in the land." When I leave the Temple, hopeless to find another spot consecrated by so much valour and so much wisdom, it should be for some angulus terrae, some wood-girt corner, which the foot of soldier or of lawyer has never yet been known to press.'

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Aniles fabulae. Lat. QUINTILIAN.-"Old wives' stories, humdrum prosings.'

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Aniliana. Lat. The same meaning as the preceding example.

Animal implume, bipes. Lat." An animal without feathers, and walking on two legs." This is PLATO's imperfect definition of a man, which was so successfully ridiculed by DIOGENES, who brought a plucked cock into the school, and scornfully asked "if that was PLATO's man?

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Animal propter convivia natum. Lat. JUVENAL.-" An animal created, called into existence, to feast a whole company." Applied to the porcine, piggish or hoggish family. "Of all the delicacies in the whole mundus edibilis [eatable world, world of things good to eat], says CHARLES LAMB, I will maintain roast pig to be the most delicate, princeps obsoniorum [the very prince of dishes, articles of food]. I speak not of your grown porkers, things between pig and pork, these hobbydehoys, but a young and tender suckling, under a moon old, guiltless as yet of the sty, with no original speck of the amor immunditiae [love of nastiness, uncleanness, filthiness], the hereditary failing of the first parent yet manifest; his voice as yet not broken, but something between a childish treble and a grumble, the mild forerunner or praeludium [essay, proof, trial beforehand, preamble] of a grunt."

Animal risibile. Lat. "An animal which can laugh." One of the definitions of man, given or suggested by the philosophers of the schools.

Animalcula. Lat.-" Very small, minute animals, living creatures." Usually, though incorrectly, written "Animalculae," as there is, no such word. "Animalculum," the singular of "Animalcula," is a word not sanctioned by the ancient Latin writers.

Animi cultus quasi quidam humanitatis cibus. Lat. CICERO. "Cultivation is as necessary to the mind, as food is to the body."

Animo et facto. Lat." Verily and indeed, really and truly." Animo vidit; ingenio complexus est; eloquentia illuminavit. Lat. VELLEIUS PATERCULUS Concerning CICERO. “These subjects he

saw by the power of his mind; he comprehended them by his understanding; and by his eloquence he enlightened them, cast a brightness upon them." This quotation has been applied to BURKE.

-Animoque supersunt

Jam prope post animam.

Lat. SIDONIUS APOLLINARIS."Their spirit seems even to survive their breath." Compare the exquisitely beautiful lines of GRAY:

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"On some fond breast the parting soul relies,
Some pious drops the closing eye requires ;
E'en from the tomb the voice of nature cries,
E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires."

Animula, vagula, blandula,
Hospes, comesque corporis !
Quae nunc abibis in loca,
Pallidula, frigida, nudula,
Nec, ut soles, dabis joca ?

The celebrated verses of the Roman Emperor, HADRIAN, addressed to his soul. "Alas! my soul! thou pleasing companion of this body, thou fleeting thing, that art now deserting it! whither art thou flying? To what unknown region? Thou art all trembling, fearful, and pensive. Now, what is become of thy former wit and humour? Thou shalt jest and be gay no


Animum nunc huc celerem, nunc dividit illuc. Lat. VIRGIL.— "This way and that he turns his anxious mind." A picture of an active mind, always bent on exertion.

Animum pictura pascit inani. Lat. VIRGIL.-"He fills his mind with a vain or idle picture; or, He feeds his mind with empty representations." He dwells with eagerness upon the painted semblance. This is sometimes applied in ridicule to dilettanti, or picture-fanciers.

Animum rege, qui, nisi paret, imperat. Lat. HORACE.-"Subdue your passion, or it will subdue you." Study to acquire that self-control which will prevent your being hurried away by the force of your passions.

Animus. Lat. "The feeling, disposition." "The animus of his charges," that is, the feeling that prompted him to make his charges.


Animus furandi. Law Lat.- "The intention of stealing." He took the goods animo furandi, with a felonious design.

Animus in pedes decidit. Lat.-"His heart fell down to his hose, his heels."

Animus lucis contemtor. Lat. VIRGIL.-"A mind regardless of life" Lif sacrificed in a good cause].

Animus, quod perdidit, optat,

Atque in praeterita se totus imagine versat. Lat. PETRONIUS ARBITER."Oft does the mind wish for, desiderate, what it has missed, and loses itself in the retrospective contemplation." Most men have occasion to look back with regret on their lost opportunities. Compare SHAKSPERE:


There is a tide in the affairs of men,

Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;

Omitted, all the voyage of their life

Is bound in shallows and in miseries."

Anno aetatis. Lat.-"In the year of his, or her, age."

Anno di neve, anno di bene. Ital. prov.-"A snow year, a rich


Anno Domini. Lat.—“In the year of our Lord."

Annonce. Fr.-"Notice; intimation; advertisement."

Annosa vulpes non capitur laqueo. Lat. prov.—“ An old fox is not caught in a snare, trap." You can't catch old birds with chaff.

Annus mirabilis. Lat.-"A wonderful year, year of wonders." N.B. A poem of DRYDEN'S was so called in commemoration of the great fire of London.

Ante barbam doces senes. Lat. prov.-"You teach old persons before you yourself have a beard, while you are but a boy." Jack Sprat would teach his grandame, his granny.

Ante litem motam. Lat.-"Before the case is mooted; before the mooting of the case; before the commencement of the action, or trial." Ante lucem. Lat.-"Before daybreak."

Ante omnia. Lat.-" Before everything else; first and foremost; in the first place."

Ante tubam trepidat. Lat." He trembles, quakes for fear, before the trumpet or charge is sounded." His fears anticipate the danger.

Ante victoriam ne canas triumphum. Lat. prov.-"Do not triumph, exult, before you have gained the victory." Count not your chickens before they be hatched.

Ανθρωπος εστι πνευμα και σκια μονον. Gr. EURIPIDES.-“ Man is but a breath and a shadow." Compare HORACE ::

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Pulvis et umbra sumus.

Quis scit an adjiciant hodiernae crastina summae
Tempora Di superi ?

We are naught but shade and dust. Who knows whether the Gods above will add, intend to add, to-morrow to the days already passed?" Compare also this passage from the General Epistle of JAMES :Ατμις προς ολιγον palvoμevn, kai etteiтa apaviloμevn. —[Your life is even] "a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away."

Antipodes. Gr." People on the opposite sides of the globe: literally, "those who have their feet opposite to the feet of others."


Antiquarian.-"Relative to antiquities." "We must venerate Leland's undigested researches, as the first-fruits of antiquarian science among us." GOUGH.

N.B. GOUGH is one of the few authors who uniformly use this word as an adjective, which it is; and never as a substantive, which it is not. Antiquarian for antiquary is a downright confusion of speech, though SHENSTONE, BLACKSTONE, WALPOLE, BURKE, Professor REID, and even [that avower of his own studied correctness] LORD CHESTERFIELD, are guilty of it. No such blemish defaces the purer styles of LYTTELTON, ROBERTSON, or BRYANT.

Antiseptic. From the Greek.-" Good against putrefaction."

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Antithesis. Gr.-" Opposition, contrast." The wicked flee when

no man pursueth; but the righteous are bold as a lion." "We are not more ingenious in searching out bad motives for good actions, when performed by others, than good motives for bad actions, when performed by ourselves."

Ανυπεύθυνοι. Gr. "Men who render no account, exempt from rendering an account of their conduct in the exercise of public functions, irresponsible, absolute, uncircumscribed individuals, men not to be called to account." "There is no autocrat [uncontrolled ruler, emperor, one who possesses independent sovereignty] so complete, not even the Czar of all the Russias, as the captain of a king's ship, and the head master of a grammar school. Both of them are avureUvvo in the utmost degree."

Aπ' oupas τηy eyxeλuv exes. Gr. prov.-" You hold the eel by the tail." There is as much hold of his word as of a wet eel by the tail. He is a slippery fellow.

Apathy. From the Greek.-"Without feeling, inertness, sluggish insensibility, avoidance of passion, folding of the hands to sleep.'

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Aperte mala cum est mulier, tum demum est bona. Lat. prov. "When a woman is openly bad, she is then at the best." Her avowal is preferable to her hypocrisy.

Aperto vivere voto. Lat. PERSIUS. "To live with undisguised prayers, to offer no prayer that you would fear to divulge." Compare PYTHAGORAS: METα owns εUXEO, "Pray with your voice," that is, "aloud," so that men may judge whether you "ask_amiss," or not. Compare also SENECA: Sic vive cum hominibus tanquam Deus videat: sic loquere cum Deo tanquam homines audiant, that is, "So live with men as though GOD saw you and so commune with the Deity as though men heard you, heard all you uttered."

Apocryphal. From the Greek. - Properly "concealed, surreptitious," but often used in reference to something of uncertain credit. "This is apocryphal; I may choose whether I believe it or not."

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"Accurst be he, who first of yore
Discovered the pernicious ore [gold]!
This sets a brother's heart on fire,

And arms the son against the sire."

Aropia Vaλrov ẞnk. Gr. prov.-"A cough sometimes indicates the embarrassment of a harper, musician, sometimes shows that he is at a loss how to go on, that he is in a fix."

"When a musician hath forgot his note,

He makes as though a crumb stuck in his throat." Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto. Lat. VIRGIL. They appear thinly scattered and swimming in the vast deep." This phrase, originally used to describe the mariners surviving a shipwreck, is now critically applied to a literary work in which the few thoughts of value are nearly overwhelmed in a mass of baser matter.

Appartement. Fr.-"Two or more rooms." The French word for a "single room is chambre.


Appetito non vuol salse. Ital. prov.-"Hunger is the best sauce." Appetitus rationi pareat. Lat.-"Let the appetite or desire be obedient to reason."

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Apple of the eye. According to our method," says LEMON, "of writing this word [apple], any person would suppose that, by the apple of the eye, we meant the ball of the eye: but, notwithstanding the apparent connexion between these two ideas, the apple of the eye means quite another thing; at least, the derivation points out a different meaning; for the Gr. and Lat. words, from which we have taken our expression, do really signify quite a different thing from the ball of the eye; the Gr. words are rapevoc [parthenos], coon [kore], and rais [pais], and the Lat. word is pupilla; all which signify what is commonly called the bird of the eye: that little opening, or round hole, that admits the rays of light, and through which is reflected from the bottom of the eye that little image, that little boy or girl, that puppet [pupilla], which is discerned by every person who looks attentively into the eye.

Après la mort le medecin. Fr. prov.- "After death the doctor." Après la pluie vient le beau temps. Fr. prov.-" After rain comes fine weather." After a storm comes a calm.

Après moi le déluge. Fr. prov.— "After me will come the deluge." This proverb is used when we wish to intimate that we give ourselves no trouble or concern about what will happen after our decease.

Après perdre perd on bien. Fr. prov.-" After losing we often continue to lose." Misfortunes seldom come alone.

Απροσεκτων ερωτων οξύτεραι μανιαι. Gr. PINDAR. “The rage after desires hard to be attained, inaccessible, unattainable, is increased by the difficulty."

Apud crepidam. Lat.-"At or near the [shoemaker's] last." "An apud crepidam discussion on Painting," that is, A discussion on Painting by one who is incompetent to speak on the subject. See "Ne sutor ultra crepidam."

Aqua fortis. Lat.-"Strong water." .” “Aqua regia," "Royal water." Two chymical preparations well known for their solution of metals. The latter is so called, because it will dissolve gold, which has been termed a royal metal.

Aquam plorat, cum lavat, fundere. Lat. prov. PLAUTUS.-" He bewails the loss of the water, when he washes himself." He'll not lose the paring of his nails.

Aquellos son ricos, que tienen amigos. Span. prov.-"Rich are those who have [true] friends."

Aquila non capit muscas. Lat. prov.-" An eagle does not trouble himself to catch flies." A goss-hawk beateth not a bunting,

Aquila non mangia mosche. Ital. prov.-" An eagle does not feed upon flies." A great mind does not stoop to low or trifling pursuits.

Aquilam volare, delphinum natare doce. Lat. prov.-"Teach an eagle to fly, or a dolphin to swim." Teach your grandame, your granny, to suck eggs, to sup sour milk.

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