
Flattery, Modefty, and Self Love; offers hints towards the education of a Prince; and proceeds to the fecond divifion of her Work, upon the fubject of domestic and national education; and we can only lament that the limits of our Review prevent us from particularifing the beauties it contains. We cannot however in juf. tice to our author pafs over in filence her equally fenfible and judicious observations

on the fubject of publie charity, and which we particularly recommend to the perufal of the fashionable world, as well as of our travelling gentry in Germany, Italy, and France.

The third part treats of the origin of evil, the unlimited power of God, the doctrine of free-will and neceffity; and in general tends to expofe the fallacies of Lord Bolingbroke's philofophy.

ACCOUNT of the FLIGHT and CAPTURE of the KING and QUEEN of FRANCE and their FAMILY.

SATURDAY, June 25. EARLY this morning a meflenger ar

rived from Earl Gower, our Ambaf fador at Paris, to Lord Grenville, with the following fhort notice, which appeared in the Gazette the fame evening

"Paris, June 22. Early in the morning of Tuelday the 21t inftant, their Moft Chriftian Majefties with their fa mily, and Monfieur and Madame, quitted Paris, and, as it is fuppofed, took the route of Flanders."

The efcape of the Royal Family was made at one o'clock on Tuefday morning, but was not discovered till between feven and eight, when the Commandant of the Caftle of the Thuilleries went towards the King's apartment, to learn whether his Majefty was ftirring. He was met by one of the houshold, who told him, that none of the Royal Family were to be found. He was ftruck with altonishment. Guarded as they were, their efcape was miraculous. It was at firft fufpected that M. de la Fayette was privy to the defign, for no fooner was the King's escape known, than he and M. Cazales were feized, but a Deputation from the National Affembly foon releafed them. The Duke d'Aumont was likewife feized, and owed his life to the National Guard, when the cry of the mob was, A la lanterne. The Marquis de Nefle, one of the King's body guard, was likewife arrefted; as was M. de Montmorin, one of the most popular Minifters employed by the King. Perhaps there never has been an event of the like kind effected without force and without bloodfhed; there are many inftances of fingle perfons, but none, we believe, of a whole family, guarded with fentinels at their chamber-door, fentinels on the stairs that lead to and from it, fentinels at the gates of the palace and the city;-and to pafs all thefe, and mount their carriages,

fo much as fix hours before their flight was fufpected, almoft furpaffes belief.

Their carriages confifted of a berlin drawn by fix horfes, and two diligences. The berlin had been made for an officer of the Royal Guards, and held fix perfons commodiously. The poftillions fay, that two women and two children were in it, and in the chaifes two men of a swarthy colour. About fifty perfons immediately in the confidence of the King were mithing. Relays of horfes were ftationed on every road all the way to French Flanders; and M. de Bouillé, who commanded there, was fufpected of favouring their escape.

About ten in the morning the efcape began to be known in Paris; and a general murmur and confternation enfued. The mob made a general parade of the King's arms in the Market-place, and dafhing them and the figure of a crown


the ground, they trampled upon them, crying out, "Since the King is us trample upon his trap

gone, let pings."

The King, on the preceding day, had written a letter with his own hand, addrefled to M. de la Porte, one of the Minifters of State, containing the reafons that induced him to make his efcape.

At nine on Tuesday morning the Affembly met. M. Regnault was the firft that fpoke. He defired couriers to bẹ fent to every part of the kingdom, and an embargo to every port; and the King's Minifters to be called to the bar.

M. Camus wished that an additional guard might be fent to the Thuilleries, to prevent the pillage of the Royal apartments, and that a proclamation might be iffued requiring all citizens to conduct themfelves quietly.

One of M. de la Fayette's Aid-deCamps appeared at the bar, and acquainted the Affembly, that having been ordered by the Commandant of the Na


tional Guard to purfue the King, he had been stopped and ill-treated by the populace.

M. Barnave moved, that orders should be given for all citizens to hoid themselves a readiness, and armed, to prevent the anarchy and confufion which otherwife was likely to fpread through the kingdom. This motion was unanimously approved.

M. Fretau advifed, to prevent falfe news from being authenticated, to fequefter all the feals of office, and place them in the hands of Committees.

The Minifters of State appeared at the bar.

M. Montmorin expreffed his concern at the affront offered by the confinement of his perfon. He and the reft of the Minifters were remanded to their refpective offices, to pursue the National bufinefs.

M. Duport du Tertre acquainted the Affembly, that he was forbidden, by the King's exprefs order, to make use of the. feals of office without his Majefty's approbation.

The National Affembly decreed, That, being the Reprefentatives of the Nation, fuch of the decrees that have paffed, or are to be paffed, and cannot receive the fanction of the Royal Name on account of the King's abfence, fhall, notwithftanding, have the force of laws; and that the Chief Minister of Justice shall be authorized to affix the Seals of State

to them.

Ordered, That a double guard be ftationed at the Secretary of State's office for Foreign Affairs.

Ordered, That on account of the abfence of the Royal Family, the doors of their apartments fhall be fealed up.

M. Govion informed the Affembly, that, being the principal officer on guard at the Thuilleries on Wednesday the 8th inftant, he had been informed in confidence, that a project of an escape was concerted: that he acquainted the Mayor with what he had heard; that, in confequence of this information, all the doors of the Thuilleries had been vigilantly guarded, day and night; and that he could not divine by what poffible means the escape of the Royal Family could be effected.

M. de la Porte appeared at the bar. On being afked how he came by the letter already mentioned, he replied, he received it from the hands of the fervant who acted as principal valet de chambre to the King, VOL. XX

The next confideration was, the meafures neceffary to be taken, in order that the correfpondence of the Nation with foreign powers might not be interrupted.

M. de Rochambeau appeared at the bar, and wifhed to decline the charge of guarding the frontiers, becaufe of his great age. He aflured the Affembly, however, of his zeal and fidelity.

A new oath was propofed to be taken by the army; which was univerfally approved.

A Deputation from the Department of Paris was admitted to the bar. The Prefident of it faid, that though the ceparture of the King was very afflicting, he hoped the Affembly would not add to it by abandoning their potts. He was fure there was not a Department in the kingdom that would not confider the Legifla tive Body as fupreme.

A letter was read, stating, that every means had been taken to fecure the city in the night.

The following are the decrces paffed during the fitting of this day:

1. That the Miniflers thall inftantly difpatch couriers to all the Departments of the kingdom, to prevent perfons, and every fpecies of goods, from going out of the kingdom.

2. The Affembly declares to the citi zens of Paris, and to all the inhabitants of the empire, that the fame firmness and energy that has enabled them to contend with fo many difficulties, shall be continued.

Orders, that all citizens fhall hold themfelves in readiness to meet the worst that can happen.

3. That the Minifter of the War Department fhall iffue orders for the defence of the frontiers.

4. That all the feals of office fhall be got together, and placed under the direction of Commiffioners appointed to expedite the National decrees.

5. That the public Ministers retire to an adjoining room, to give the neceffary orders for carrying the decrees of the Affembly into execution.

On Wednesday the 22d, the Affem. bly met again.

Commiffioners were appointed to infpect the King's wardrobe; and many of the jewels were miffing,

The Minifters for foreign affairs were ordered to correfpond with the Ministers of foreign courts as before.

Several articles of the penal code of laws were enforced. K

A report

A report was made of the new form of the oath prefcribed to be taken by the military and other officers appointed to watch over the defence of the nation. M. de Grey flated, that he had received from the Municipality of Senlis three letters, which were found on the King's Phyfician, addreffed to perfons refiding abroad. The fitting was about to be fufpended for a fhort time, when news was received that the King was in cuftody, and that there were strong reafons to believe that M. de Bouille had intended to favour the efcape.

M. Lameth propofed, that the King fhould be brought back to Paris; that M. de Pouille fhould be fufpended from his command; and that meafuses fhould be taken to fecure the perfon of the King. On the 2d of July the following article appeared in the London Gazette:

PARIS, June 25.

The King and Royal Family arrived here this evening at feven o'clock. They proceeded round the outfide of the walls of the town, till they came to the Grille de Chaillot; from wherce they palled, in a direct line, through the Champs Ely fees, and the Place de Louis XV. to the garden of the Thuillerics.

The manner in which their Majefties were 'topt was thus related in the following Letter from the Municipal Officers of St. Menehould.

Dated June 22. Three o' Clock in the

"We beg you to lay before the Af fembly an event which has occafioned great alarm in our town, and which interefts the whole French nation.

"Yesterday, at 11 o'clock in the morning a detachment of huffars of the 6 h egment, commanded by feveral off cers, entered the town by the gate of Veidun The commanding officer having been required to communicate to the Mn cipality the object of his miffion, he produced orders figned Bouille, ftating, That this detachment was under orders to precede a treasure destined for the troops on the frontiers.

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This officer and his detachment were to le replaced here by a detachment of dragoons, who were to take charge of the treature on the road from this town to Chalons.

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The huffars quitted St. Menehould this morning at feven o'clock, and took the road to Chalons. Towards nine 'clock the detachment of dragoons en

tered the town likewife by the gate of Verdun.

"We fubjoin copies of the different orders with which the commanding of ficer was charged. It was at first difficult to difcover the true object of these orders, when, between half paft feven and eight o'clock in the evening, there paffed through this town two carriages in the dite ion of from Weft to Eaft. They were preceded by one courier, and followed by another, both dreffed in chamois coloured clothes; and they went forward, after having changed horfes, without leaving any reafon to doubt who were the perfonages whom they conduted.

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Scarcely were refe two carriages out of fight, when M. Drouet, the Pottmafter, having fufpected fome mystery, thought it his duty to communicate his fufpicion to the Municipality.

"We immediately affembled in the Town-Hall, and all the inhabitants got

under arms.


"The detachment of dragoons continued quiet; but the people having demanded that they should be difarmed, we invited M. Berdoin, who commanded them, to the Town Hall,

"We were in the mean time confirmed in our fears, by an exprefs fent to us by the directory of the Department of La Marne. We had already given orders to M. Drouet, the Boft-mafter, and another of our inhabitants, to follow the carriages, and to stop them, if they should come up with them. It is now o'clock in the morning, and they are not yet returned.


"To fatisfy the inhabitants, thought it our duty to comply with their demand, and we procured the dianing of the dragoons. To fecure the perfon of the officer, as well as to protect him from violence, and the effect of the difcontent of the inhabitants of this town, and of the Municipalitics of VerFers, Chaude Fontaine, Argea, and La Neuville-au-Pont, we caufed him to be conducted to the prifon of this town.

"We ought not to forget to inform you, that the Municipality of La Neuville-au-Pont fent us an exprefs at ning o'clock this evening, with information that the detachment of huffars had paffed through that territory, and pursued the road to Varennes,

"M. Bayon, commander of the battalion of St. Germain, has just passed through here in purfuit of the carriages. We hope that our zeal will be at

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tended with the fuccefs which the Na-
tional Allembly has a right to expect from
our patriotilin.

"THE MUNICIPAL OFFICERS." The following relation was afterwards given by M. Drouet to the National Af fembly.

"I am the Poft-mater of Sainte Menehould, formerly a dragoon in the regiment of Condé. My comrade GuilJaume was formerly a dragoon of the Queen's regiment.

render the road impaffable; we then ran to feek the Procureur de la Commune, the Mayor, the Commandant of the National guard, and in a few minutes our number increafed to eighty men, who were all hearty in the caufe.

"The Commander of the National Guard, accompanied by the Procurcur, approached the carriage, afked the tra vellers who they were, and where they were going? The Queen answered that they were in a hurry---A fight of the paffport was then demanded. She at length gave her paffport to two guards of honour, who alighted and came to the inn.

On the 21st of June, at half paft feven o'clock in the evening, two cars riages and eleven horfes baited at my houfe. I thought I recognized the Queen; and perceiving a man at the back part of the carriage on the left, I was ftruck with the retemblance of his countenance to the King's effigy on an affig-reigner (faid we to the Queen), how nat of go livres.

"Thefe carriages were conducted by a detachment of dragoons, and fucceeded by a detachment of huffars, under pretence of protecting a treasure. This efcort confirmed me in my fufpicions; particularly when I faw the Commander of the detachment fpeak with great animation to one of the couriers. However, fearing to excite falfe alarms, being alone, and having no opportunity of consulting any one, I fuffered the carriages to depart. "But feeing immediately the dragoons making preparations to follow them, and obferving that, after having afked horfes for Verdun, the carriages took the road to Varennes; I went a cross-road, in order to rejoin them.

"I arrived before them at Varennes. It was eleven o'clock at night, very dark, and every one gone to bed. The carriages were flopped in a street, by a difpute which had taken place between the poftilions and the poft-mafter of the place. The poft-maiter was defirous that they fhould ftop and refresh their Morfes according to custom: The King, n the contrary, was defirous to haften his departure.

"I then faid to my comrade," Are You a ftaunch Patriot ""Don't doubt it," replied he. "Well," said I," the King is at Varennes-he must be flopped." We then alighted, and reflected, that in order to fecure fuccefs to our plan it was neceflary to barricade the treet and the bridge by which the King was to pafs. My companion and I then went to the bridge of Varennes---fortunately there was a carriage there loaded with Furniture; we overturned it, fo as to


"When the paffport was read, fome faid it was fufficient-We combated this opinion, because it was not figned by the Prefident of the National Affembly, as it fhould have been. "If you are a fo

came you to have fufficient influence to have a detachment follow you!--- How came you, when you paffed through Clermont, to have a fufficient influence to be preceded by a first detachment?"

"In confequence of thefe reflexions, and our perfeverance, it was determined that the travellers fhould not proceed till the following day. They alighted at the houfe of the Procureur.

"Then the King faid to us, "I am the King! Thefe are my wife and children! We conjure you to treat us with that refpect which the French have ever fhewn their Kings !"

"The National Guard immediately came in crowds, and at the fame time the huffars arrived fword in hand--they endeavoured to approach the Houfe where the King was; but we let them know that if they perfifted in taking him away, they thould not tear him from us alive.

"The Commander of the National Guards had the precaution to bring up two fmall field-pieces, which he planted at the upper end of the street, and two others at the lower end, fo that the huffars were between two fires. They were fummoned to difmount---M. Jouglas refufed; he faid, that he and his troops would guard the King; he was anfwered, that the National Guards would guard him without his affiftance.---He perfifted in his refolution; upon which the Commander of the National Guards gave orders to the gunners to form their ranks and to fire. They took the matches in

their hands-but I have the honour to
obferve to you, that the cannon were
not then loaded.

In a word, the Commander and the


National Guards acted fo judiciously, that they contrived to difarm the huffars. The King was then made a prifoner! "Having thus fulfilled our duty, we returned home, amidst the applaufe of our fellow-citizens,and we are come to lay before the National Affembly the homage of our fervices."

At half past feven o clock a great agitation manifefied itself in every part of the hail-A report was circulated that the King was crotfing the Thuille ries--twenty minutes elapfed before the National Affembly could retume its deliberations.

M. Lecoulteux informed the Affembly that the three couriers who had attended the King, and who were now on the King's carriage, were furrounded by the people, who threatened to hang them.

Twenty Commiflioners went out, by order of the Affembly, to reftore order.

On their return, M. Lecoulteux faid, "When your Commiffioners arrived at the place whe e the tumult was, they perceived that it had been occafioned by the appearance of three perfons chained who were on the coach box of the King's carriage, and who were faid to have acted as couriers on the King's departure from Paris.

"At the fight of the Commiffioners, the agitation was quieted, and the National Guards fuccceded in making way for the Royal Family, all of whom then entered the palace.

"The three men who acted as couriers are likewife in cuftody-one of them let fall a pocket-book, which was immediately delivered to me by M. Cormenil, Commander of the battalion, which I lay upon the table. All is now peace and quietnefs, and the Aflembly need be under no apprehenfion."

M. le Prefident. "You have heard the account which has just been givenLouis XVI. is at prefent in the Palace of the Thuilleries."

M. Blacon." If the Affembly requires that 1 should name the three perfons who were on the feat, I will name them." Many voices cried out, Name them-"They are Meff. Valori, Dumou

tier, and Malfan, three Guards du Corps."

M. Bonnay. "I move, that as the pocket-book paffed through two hands before it was given to M. Lecoulteux, it be fealed up, that it may be afcertained that nothing has been added to its contents."

M. le Prefident. "The key of the King's carriage has been delivered to me; I learn that a great crowd of people have furrounded the carriages, and are determined to open them."

M. Voidell. "The united Committees of Reports and Refearches have already taken precautions on this particular, and the Department of Paris has been enjoined to ufe the greatest care that order be maintained. There are Commifiioners of the Municipality there, for the purpose of calming the people."

The Commiffioners who had been fent to conduct the King back to Paris then entered the Hall, and were received with great applaufe.

CAPTURE OF THEIR MAJESTIES. M. Barnave then addreffed the Affembly.

We are about to give an account to the Affembly of the miffion with which it intrufted us. It has terminated in the most fatisfactory manner for the Affembly.

"In conformity to your orders, we took the road to Varennes; upon the road we took what information we could collect; we took, at the fame time, neceffary measures, that the greatest order, the greateft tranquillity and fafety, might accompany the return of the King.

"We learned that he was at Chalons, where a numerous body of National Guards was already affembled from the neighbouring departments. Defirous that the respect due to the Royal dignity fhould be conftantly maintained, we gave orders that the troops of all defcriptions fhould affemble wherever we should think necellary.

"We flopped at Dormans, where we were informed the King had quitted Chalons in his way to Epernay, but we learned the alarming news that he was purfued; other accounts faid, that with

* "The Commiffioners appointed by the National Affembly, and the Adjutant-General, empowered by the Decree of the 22d inft. to take the necessary measures for the fafe return of the King, beg leave to inform their fellow-citizens, that the three perfons who were on th: feat of the royal carriage were neither chained to the feat, nor tied by any bonds whatever, as has been erroneoufly reported; the National Guards having made ute of no other precaution than that arifing from their own vigilance.




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