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Warsaw, 08. 24.

VESTERDAY evening intelligence was received here, by M. de Bulgakow, of the death of Prince Potemkin, which happened at Jassy on the 16th inst.*

Copenhagen, Oct. 25. In the month of June last it was made known, that a dangerous shoal had been discovered in the Cattegat, between the Island of Anholt and the town of Warberg in Sweden.- The Court of Admiralty has now given orders to the keeper of the Royal Records of Sea Charts that the faid hoal (upon which is found only nineteen feet of water, with a large ftony or rocky bottom) thall be immediately engraved

upon the plate of the furvey of the Cattegat for 1790, and there laid down exactly agreeable to the report of his Danish Majesty's Officers appointed this summer to survey thefe grounds.

It is further found, by the exact surveys lately made, that the island of Anholt and Anholt Reef are fituated near one and one. third of an English league more to the Eastward, in the fame latitude, than they are laid down in the aforesaid Charts of 1790. This error will be corrected in the new Charts.

It is alfo faid, that the shoal in question lies E. N. E. from Anholt light-house, and at about twenty English miles distance from it.



ACCOUNTS were received at the Admiralty, by the Daphne man of war, from Jamaica, which place she left the 10th of September, that a dreadful insurrection had taken place at St. Domingot, among the negroes and free people, and that they were in arms to the number of from 35,000 to 40,000 men, and were supposed to have

in their poffeffion about 5000 stand of arms that they had ravaged all the country of Leo

gane, had killed all the white people that fell in their way, and burnt 218 plantations; and were within seven miles of Cape Town when the accounts came away. The white inhabitants were all flying to that town, which is fortified, for protection.

The Commander in Chief, and the Prefi

* It appears that Prince Potemkin had been attacked by a fever soon after his return from Petersburgh, which was brought on by the unwholesome climate, particularly in the neigh. bourhood of Jatly; he had therefore resolved to be moved in a litter to a village thirty wersts distance from thence, but his diforder increased on the road, and he was obliged to be carried back. His Highness died in the arms of the Countess of Branitzka, his niece, who had attended him during his illness. Few lives have been marked by fuch brilliant fucceffes as Prince Potemkin's, and he died while they were in the highest bloffom.

† St. Domingo, or Hifpaniola, is one of the richest of the Caribbee Islands, being about 450 miles long, and 75 broad. It is inhabited partly by the French, and partly by the Spaniards. Its most ancient town and capital is St. Domingo, a large and well-built city, Situated on a fpacious harbour, and inhabited (like the other Spanish towns) by Europeans, Creoles, Mulattoes, and Negroes.

The French towns in the island are, Cape St. Francois, which contains about 8000 inhabitants; Leogane, which has a good fort and confiderable trade, and is the feat of the French government in the island; and two other towns of confiderable trade, PetitGeaves, and Port Louis.

It is computed that the French exports from these places are not less in value than 1,200,0001. per annum, and that the ifland contains between 2 and 300,000 Negroes, valued at 501. a bead, a great proportion of whom will probably be destroyed.




dent of the Colonial Assembly, dispatched M. Bugnet to Jamaica to folicit afsistance from the General Afsembly, to whom they addreffed the following letter:

August 24, 1791.

"Honourable Gentlemen,

"The ruin of St. Domingo seems inevitable. In a short time this beautiful country will be a heap of ashes; already the planters have bathed with their blood that land which has been fertilized by the sweat of their brows. At this moment the flames are confuming those productions which contribute to the splendor of the French empire. The defolators of our property have spread around as the flames of war: our laves are armed for our destruction: the philosophy which gives confolation to man, is, with us, converted into defpair.

"Without fuccour, and reaching the extremity of calamity, St. Domingo seeks for friends and protectors among the States that furround it. We say nothing of your own particular interest, endangered as it is by the same spirit of delufive philanthropy, which, equally repugnant to your system of regulation as to ours, may occasion the fame calamities among you as among us, if the evil is fuffered to proceed to its utmost excess: we content ourselves only with appealing to that generofity which is the characteristic of your nation: we ask for assistance freely, and with confidence."

Lord Effingham had in consequence fent them what arms he could fpare; and, being of course very apprehenfive of weakening our own fettlement in fuch a critical case, has fent, the Daphne express for directions how he is to proceed; and to defire further fupphes from hence, for the security of our own iflands.

Disturbances are reported alfo to have arifen in others of the French West India Islands, particularly in Guadaloupe and St. Lucia. The former is in a ftate of open rebellion. The military have been generally worsted, and have loft 250 men, with the greatest part of their stores. The inhabi. tants, although victorious, have fuffered much; upwards of 100 of them have been flain, and property to a great amount has been destroyed. St. Lucia is alfo a scene of anarchy and confufion. The Mulattoes have taken arms, and they have effected a complete revolution in the Government. The foldiers made a feeble oppofition, and, after a few skumishes, furrendered their arms; they were, for the major part, obliged to join the ipfurgents. The white inhabitants, unable to cope with the rebels, had either Aed to St. Vincent's, Barbadoss, or Marti

nico, or taken refuge in St. Lucia, there to wait assistance.

The National Affembly of France have fince decreed thanks to the King of Great Britain, to the English Nation, and to Lord Effingham, Governor of Jamaica, for his generous conduct in relieving the Planters of St. Dominga from the horrors of famine, and furnishing them with arms and military stores againft their rebel Negroes,

27. This evening, about seven o'clock, Count de Verteillac made his escape from the Fleet prifon, in a manner so unsuspected by the keepers, that the first intelligence lead. ing to a discovery was given by the master of the Bell-Savage Inn, through which he was found to have passed. He is the perfon who some time since was imprisoned in the King's Bench, and endeavoured to make his escape from thence. The debt for which he was detained is faid to amount to 5000l.

31. The feffions ended at the Old Bailey, when judgment of death was passed upon 18 capital convicts; one was fentenced to be transported for 14 years, 28 for seven years, four to be imprisoned in Newgate, nine in Clerkenwell Bridewell; II were publicly, and two privately whipped; one judgment refpited, on condition of his enlifting as an East India foldier; one (viz. Spence Broughton) for robbing the Mail, ordered to be sent to Cambridge, five to he sent to Surrey, and 34 were discharged by proclamation.

'This evening, about seven o'clock, it was discovered that - Oxley, one of the men imprisoned upon a charge of being concerned in some of the mail robberies (fee p. 317), had made his escape from Clerkenwell prifon. Some bricklayers had been employed during the day in repairing the outhouses in the yard, and their ladder, by a strange neglect, was left there after it was dark. This man was a prifoner in a place called the Lodge, where the confinement is less strict than in fome other parts of the prifon, and had been indulged with very light irons. He afcended the ladder without difcovery or fufpicion, and was presently beyond the walls of the prifon. In paffing over some leads belonging to an adjoining house, he threw down an earthen pan placed there for the reception of birds, which circumftance first discovered his escape by the noife of the falling pieces. Information was given to the prifon-keepers that some person had been paffing over those leads, and he was immediately pursued, but has not yet heen taken.

The Right Hon. the Lord Mayor, the Lord Mayor Elect, the Aldermen, Sheriffs, and Common Council of the City of Lon. don, waited upon his Majesty with an Hum, bla

ble Address on the marriage of his Royal Highmess the Duke of York. They were very graciously received, and his Majesty was pleased to thank them for their loyal and dutiful Address.'

Nov. 2. The following melancholy accident occurred in the house of Mrs. Clitherow, firework-maker, neat Halfmoon-alley, Bishopsgate-street :

Mrs. Clitherow, with two journeymen, her fon, and eldest daughter, being at work in her shop, to complete some orders against Friday, about half past one o'clock in the morning some tea was proposed as a refreshment; while this was drinking, some of the materials upon which they had been at work, by unknown means, took fire, when Mrs. Clitherow's eldest daughter ran up ftairs to alarm her three fifters, who were in bed. Her fifters preffing her as to the fafety of her mother, she came down again, but not till the flames had got to fuch an height, that, every attempt to get out of the front door proving abortive, the, with one of the men, got into the yard. She there first perceived that her clothes were on fire, which the man had scarcely extinguished, by assisting her to get into the water-tub, before a beam fell, with the explosion of the roof, and broke his arm. At the same time, both the roof and the gable end of the next house, Mr. Gibbs's, was forced into the street, by which a perfon, who lodged in the garret, was thrown out of his bed upon the ground at several yards ditance; this man's thighs were broke, and he is otherwise much hurt. It was not till fome time after the principal, explosion, that the two unhappy people in Mrs. Clitherow's yard were found by the populace almost intombed in the smoking ruins: The young woman was conveyed to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, and the two men to St. Thomas's-two of whom are since dead. It is supposed that her mother and the other journey man fell a sacrifice to an attempt to extinguish the flames in the shop below, as the principal part of the powder, which was deposited in the garret, was a confiderable. time before it took fire. Happily only fix lives were lost, viz. those of Mrs. Clitherow, one journeyman, her fon, and three daughters; nor were any other persons hurt than those above-mentioned. Mrs. Clitherow's house is entirely confumed, but the two adjacent are only confiderably damaged, as were the windows and tiling of almost all the houses as far off the spot as Broad-ftreet Buildings.

It is remarkable, that the late husband of Mrs. Chitherow had a fimilar accident on the same spot about thirty years fince, when several lives were lost,

Birmingham, Nου. 3. Yesterday a very genteel well-made man, about twenty-seven, was apprehended at Vauxhall, near this town, on fufpicion of being the pretended Duke of Ormond who lately swindled Mr. Hammond, the Newmarket banker, out of 2001. He arrived at the hotel in this place on Sunday last, accompanied by a young lady, whom he called his fifter. On Monday he removed with the fame female to Vauxhall, as Capt. Monson, of the 4th dragoons. Yesterday evening, however, the father of the young woman, who is the master of the Bell inn in Leicester, reached this place in pursuit of his daughter, and applied to Mr. Wallis, one of our conftables, who, accompanied by his eldest son, went to apprehend the Captain. They had no fooner entered the room than he fired at young Wallis; the ball ftruck his front teeth, and, knocking out several of them, lodged in a part of his cheek. With a fecond pistol he attempted to shoot the elder Mr. Wallis :-it miffed fire; and he was then knocked down and fecured by one of the affutants, who has beaten hing very much indeed. - He says, he resisted upon the lady's account, who wished not to go back with her father, and that he meant to marry her. The father, however, has carried her back to Leicester.

He has been before the Magistrates this morning, but refuses to answer the question, whether or not he was the perfon who took Mr. Hammond in. He was committed to prifon under the name of Griffin.

Mr. Hammond, the Newmarket Banker, has fince recognized in the above man the person of his friend the pretended Duke of Ormond; and it is faid he is alfo the man who some time since, in London, affuming the character of Lord Maffey, defrauded Meff. Green and Co. jewellers in Bond. street.

He still remains in prifon by the name of Henry Griffin, Mr. Wallis having been as yet incapable of undergoing an examination. Jealous, one of Sir Sampfon Wright's men, has been to see him. He says the prisoner's real name is James Hubbard; that he is a native of, and has been an officer in Ame. rica; and that in the year 1790 he was convicted of an offence in Ireland, for which he was ordered to be transported; but that he then found means of escaping from his geolers. He also declares him to be the perfon who some time fince was guilty of the impofition upon the Duke of York, which his Highness forgave; and that he once affumed the character of the Duke of Manchester, with a view of taking in a watch-maker,

zo. John 10. John Portsmouth, for stealing a bay gelding, of the price of rol. the property of Patrick Smeeth, and a black gelding, of the price of rol. the property of Thomas Wood; William Triftram and John Berry, for ftealing a gelding of the price of gl. the property of John Cull; Thomas Eastop, for stealing and driving away eight theep, of the price of 81. the property of Joseph Sellon; and Robert Clark, for affaulting William Dawfon in a field near the high way, and robbing him of a metal watch, nine guineas, and a black leather pocket. book, value 111. 45. 5d. and a bank note, value tol. his property, were executed before Newgate.

15. The Court of King's Bench delivered their opinion on a special verdict returned to them in the Sittings after the laft Term on an action against the Printer of a Morning Paper, for having published therein illegal schemes for the Lottery; when their Lordships unanimoufly determined that he had incurred the penalty.

16. The Printer of a Morning Paper was brought up in the Court of King's Bench, to receive judgment for a libel upon the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and Lady Fitzgibbon, Mr. Justice Athhurst passed sentence on the defendant, that he should be imprisoned in Newgate for 12 months, and at the end of that period enter into a recognizance for his good behaviour for three years.

24. Her Majefty held an Extra-DrawingRoom at St. James's for the purpote of publicly receiving the Duchess of York.

At three o'clock her Royal Highness the Duchefs of York went to St. James's in her State Coach, accompanied by his Highness of York, and attended in her coach by Lady Ann Fitzroy, efcorted by a party of Life Guards. Upon her Royal Highness's arrival, she went first to her Majesty's apartments, who was waiting to receive her. After paying her obedience to her Majefty, her Royal Highness returned through the Queen's Guard Chamber, and went into the Drawing Room, where, after paying her respects to his Majefty, and graciously condescending to fatisfy the curiosity of the company prefent, by gracefully exhibiting her perfon, in


the course of half an hour withdrew from the Drawing Room, and, attended by Lady Anne Fitzroy, returned in her Berlin to York House,

We never faw a more becoming dress than that worn by her Royal Highness on this occafion. -The thape and train were compofed of a white tissue, spotted very richly with filver, and trimmed with broad filver fringes, a fall of the fame half way down the arm, trimmed with filver fringe; the fleeve of white fatin, decorated with silver foil, and the bottom terminated by an edging of dia. monds; the stomacher white fatin; at the top a very large bow of brilliants, and a remarkably splendid lacing of brilliants, which nearly covered the stomacher. The petticoat was of white fatin, covered with crape, rich. ly spotted and sprigged with filver, tied in festoons, with silver flowers, and trimmed and decorated with infinite tafte with filver fringes, &c. &c. The Duchefs's hair was dressed high, and ornamented in a very rich stile; it was decorated with white feathers and gauze, crape and blond, on the left fide The wore a very large double sprig of brilliants, of uncommon lustre; a bandeau of brilliants encircled the right part of her head dress, to which were added the three dia. mond pins fet to resemble stars, which were presented to her Royal Highness by the King; the also wore the diamond ear-rings prefented to her by his Majesty, and the necklace which was a present from the Queen, and a number of trinkets richly ornamented with brilliants of uncommon fize and luftre; the whole forming one of the most costly dresses we have ever feen.

The Duke of York was in his regimentals, and wore a great number of diamonds, But what appeared to be the most coftly, was a fabre, which was a present to his Royal Highness from the King of Prussia, and is of great value.

The whole of the Royal Family, except the Royal Bride and Bridegroom, wore clegant filver favours.

The fame day Princess Sophia, their Majetties' fifth daughter, was at the Drawing Room at St. James's for the first time.



T Gibraltar, Mr Charles Green, clerk of the Vicqualling Office of that place. Ост. 9. Near Jarnac in France, Monf. Drouilly, who was preparing for the press a political work on the prefent ftate of

France. He was at one time of his life a ftrolling player, and wrote a witty trad "entitled "The Curate of St. Vitor."

12. In his 83d year, the Right Rev. and Serene Prince Erobenius Forster Abbott, of the Free Imperial Chapter of St. Emmcian, 16. At Petersburgh, Baron Sutherland, banker to the Empress of Ruffia.

18. At Dunlop, in Scotland, the Dowager Lady Wallace, relict of the late Sir Thomas Wallace.

19. John Macpherson, efq. of Benchar, Invernefsshire, formerly a captain in the late Duke of Hamilton's reg. of foot.

20. At Billericay, Effex, Mr. Chaplyn, aged 74.

The Rev. F. Willington, rector of Walton-upon-Trent, and of Rosliston, in Der byshire.

Lately, at Margate, the Rev. Mr. Fermor, of Bath, brother-in-law to the Earl of Conyngham.

21. Henry Lyte, efq. Secretary and Treafurer to the Prince of Wales.

Edmund Cole, efq. Alderman of Northampton.

Arthur Gregory, efq. one of his Majesty's Gentlemen Ushers to the Privy Chamber, late Lieut. Col. of the Warwickshire militia, and Justice of Peace for the county of Warwick, at his feat at Spiwick-hall, near Coventry, aged 77.

John Blandy, efq. at Kingston Bagpure, Berks, in the 74th year of his age. He was formerly a Gentleman Commoner of Pembroke College, Oxford, and foon after he left the University was High Sheriff for the County of Bucks.

Mr. Plummer, of Shipton Mallet.

Mr. Mackenfie, of Ardress, in Scotland, 22. In the Marine barracks Chatham, Gemeral Carruthers, Commanding officer of the Chatham division of marines.

Robert Dixon, efq. of Rochester.

Mr. James Oram, late of the Theatre Royal York, aged 72.

Lately, in the Marshalsea-prison, Dublin, Miss Vangable, a dancer in Mr. Astley's Company.

23. The Rev. Mr. Davis, vicar of Send, in Surrey, and Minister of Ripley Chapel. Joseph Cleaver, efq. of Red-Lion-square. Mr. Buller, Hanwell, Oxfordshire. The Rev. William Henry Davidson, at Bramcote, near Nottingham.

Lately, Thomas Figgins, efq. many years Captain of the 67th reg. of foot.

24. William Ward, esq. late Commiffioner of Artillery at Barbadoes.

Mrs. Wheble, wife of Mr. John Wheble. Mr. William Knapp, fen. Alderman of Winchester.

25. Mr. Jofeph Moline, Broadway, Weftminster, one of the people called Quakers. At Marlock, Somersetshire, John Butler, efq. Justice of Peace for that county.

27. The Rev. William Hole, B. D. aged 82, vicar of Menhinnion, and for upwards of 46 years Archdeacon of Barnstaple.

Lucius O'Brien, efq. of Texover, in Rutlandthire.


28. The Rev. George Metcalf, rector of Crofton, near Wakefield, and Minister of Armley, near Leeds, Yorkshire.

Captain John Lefley, sen. of Paradife row, Rotherhithe, aged 85.

At Richmond, in Surrey, aged 83, Mr. William Robertson, surgeon, of that place.

At Bath, the Rev. Mr. Crowther, vicar of Shillingforth.

Mr. George Vincent, one of the Cashiers of the Bank.

James Coldham, esq. of Amner, in Norfolk.

29, Lewis Mestayer, efq. late Lieut. Col. and Chief Engineer in the East India Come pany's service.

Nicholas Marshall, esq. at Enstone, Oxfordshire.

Mr. Edward Roberts, Wine Merchant, Fenchurch-ftreet.

At Pontefract, Yorkshire, Fairfax Fearnley, esq. Barrister at Law.

30. Miss Percy, a daughter of the late Duke

of Northumberland.

The Rev. Joseph Cookson, Curate of Shoreditch, aged upwards of 80. Lately, the Rev. Henry Parminter, Rector of Stoke, in the county of Devon.

31. Mr. Tobias Maynard, of the South Sea House, many years one of the Common Councilmen of Bishopsgate Ward.

Alexander Duff, esq. of Hatton, in Banffshire.

John Harpur, efq. at Cotton, Warwickshire.

Mr. Garratt, Tinman, Windfor. At Sir Roger Newd gate's, Signior Motta Music-master.

The Rev. Charles Ifaac Yorke, eldest son of the Bishop of Ely.

Nov. 1. Mrs. Evelyn, wife of J. Evelyn, efq. of Fellwood-park, Surrey: She was fifter of the late Sir John Cutt, and aunt of Lord Brownlow.

John Pidcock, efq. at the Plats, near Stourbridge.

William Wall, efq. L. L. D. at Puincy, aged 86.

Bamber Gascoigne, efq. Receiver General of the Customs.

2. At Elfeworth, in Cambridgeshire, in his 84th year, the Rev. Mr. Lunn, 46 years Rector of that parish, in which he succeeded his father, who held the living 52 years.

At Norwich, the Rev. John Offley, Rector of Cratfield and Laxfield, and Vicar of Eartham, in that diocese.

At Uik, in Monmouthshire, Mrs. Browne, wife of John Browne, esq. and only daughter of Vice Admiral Sir Richard Hughes. Mr. Exam, Coppersmith, Upper Thames


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