Comedies of Plautus, 2. kötetT. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, 1769 |
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248. oldal
... TYNDARUS , a Captive at Ætolia , his Servant . ARISTOPHONTES , a Captive at Ætolia , and Friend to PHILOCRATES . PHILOPOLEMUS , a Captive at Ælis , Son to HEGIO . STALAGMUS , Servant to HEGIO , ERGASILUS , a Parasite . A SERVANT of ...
... TYNDARUS , a Captive at Ætolia , his Servant . ARISTOPHONTES , a Captive at Ætolia , and Friend to PHILOCRATES . PHILOPOLEMUS , a Captive at Ælis , Son to HEGIO . STALAGMUS , Servant to HEGIO , ERGASILUS , a Parasite . A SERVANT of ...
249. oldal
... Tyndarus . V. 2. Sit not , they stand . ] Hi stant ambo , non fedent . I cannot discover any humour in this passage , though M. Cofte ( the French Translator of this Play ) says there is , and that it depends upon the address of the ...
... Tyndarus . V. 2. Sit not , they stand . ] Hi stant ambo , non fedent . I cannot discover any humour in this passage , though M. Cofte ( the French Translator of this Play ) says there is , and that it depends upon the address of the ...
252. oldal
... Tyndarus Is call'd Philocrates , Philocrates 50 Call'd Tyndarus ; the master perfonates The fervant , while the fervant personates The master .--- Tyndarus , the servant , now Will play his tricks so well , that he'll procure His master ...
... Tyndarus Is call'd Philocrates , Philocrates 50 Call'd Tyndarus ; the master perfonates The fervant , while the fervant personates The master .--- Tyndarus , the servant , now Will play his tricks so well , that he'll procure His master ...
267. oldal
... Tyndarus , two captives he had just then purchased , for him . There is confequently nothing in it very interesting ; but yet it is so conducted , as very properly to raise the expectation of the Spectators for what is to follow . The ...
... Tyndarus , two captives he had just then purchased , for him . There is confequently nothing in it very interesting ; but yet it is so conducted , as very properly to raise the expectation of the Spectators for what is to follow . The ...
268. oldal
... TYNDARUS . A SLAVE . F the immortal Gods have so decreed , That this affliction you should undergo , It is your duty patiently to bear it ; Which if you do , the trouble will be lighter . When at your home , you I prefume were free ...
... TYNDARUS . A SLAVE . F the immortal Gods have so decreed , That this affliction you should undergo , It is your duty patiently to bear it ; Which if you do , the trouble will be lighter . When at your home , you I prefume were free ...
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Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
Ælis Afide Alcmena alluſion alſo AMPH Amphitryon ancients anſwer ARIST aſk Author becauſe beſt BLEPH Blepharo BRAGGARD CAPTAIN buſineſs captive chuſe COLMAN Comedy cuſtom door expreſſion faid fame father feem Ferneze fervant fignifies firſt flave fome fuch fure give Gods heav'n Hegio houſe humour inſtant Jove Jupiter juſt leſs loſe maſter means MERC Mercury miſtreſs moſt muſt myſelf neceſſary obſerved original PALÆSTRIO Parafite paſſage Periplectomenes perſon PHIL Philocomafium Philocrates Plautus play pleaſe pleaſure PLEU preſent preſerve Prithee Prologue purpoſe PYRG raſcal reaſon reſpect ſame ſay ſcarce Sceledrus SCENE ſee ſeems ſeen ſenſe ſerve ſervice ſeveral ſhall ſhe ſhew ſhip ſhould ſince ſlave Sofia ſome ſon ſpeak ſpeech ſtage ſtand ſtill ſtrange ſuch ſuppoſed Teleboans tell Terence theſe thoſe thou tranſlated troth TYND Tyndarus uſed whoſe wife word
Népszerű szakaszok
94. oldal - Where either I must live, or bear no life; The fountain from the which my current runs, Or else dries up ; to be discarded thence...
257. oldal - Of every hearer; for it so falls out, That what we have we prize not to the worth, Whiles we enjoy it; but being lack'd and lost, Why, then we rack the value; then we find The virtue, that possession would not show us, Whiles it was ours...
10. oldal - It began with Jupiter's falling in love out of a peep-hole in the clouds, and ended with the birth of Hercules.
10. oldal - I could not easily pardon the liberty the poet has taken of larding his play with, not only indecent expressions, but such gross words, as I don't think our mob would suffer from a mountebank.
43. oldal - Be with yon soldier present, as if absent. All night and day love me : still long for me : Dream, ponder still " on " me : wish, hope for me, Delight in me : be all in all with me : Give your whole heart, for mine's all yours, to me.
7. oldal - Having translated, call'd COMMORIENTES. In the beginning of the Grecian play There is a youth, who rends a girl perforce From a procurer : and this incident, Untouch'd by Plautus, render'd word for word, Has our bard interwoven with his Brothers — The new piece which we represent to-day. Say then if this be theft, or honest use Of what remained unoccupied.
80. oldal - Of ev'ry thing ; but arc not. These I follow ; Not for their sport and laughter, but for gain To laugh with them, and wonder at their parts : Whate'er they say, I praise it; if again They contradict, I praise that too : does any Deny ? I too deny : affirm ? I too Affirm : and in a word, I've brought myself To say, unsay, swear, and forswear, at pleasure: And that is now the best of all professions.
281. oldal - For when my father is informed of this, And learns how well your heart has been inclin'd Both to his son and to himself, he'll never Prove such a niggard, but in gratitude He will reward you with your liberty ; And I, if I return, with all my power Will urge him the more readily to do it. For by your aid, your courtesy, your courage, Wisdom and prudence, you have been the means Of my return to...