
'33. 54; states of, and their population (1836), 36. 107; number of Jews in the states of the (1829), '30. 100.

Germanicus poisoned, '28. 54. Germans, first mention of, '28. 55; in Helvetia, id. ib.; at Ravenna, id. ib. Germanus, Israel, '32. 47. Germany ruled by the House of Saxony, '28. 56; evacuation of, id. 64; chronological table of emperors of, from the year 800 to 1806, '29. 47-53; floods in, and lives lost by, '31. 234; increase of inhabitants in, '29. 78; mountains in the West of, and their several heights, 33. 43, 44; alphabetical index to same, &c., id. 49-53; 66 'History of," '32; 65; and France, "History of," id. 64.

British Consul-General and Vice-Consuls to, where employed, and amount of their salaries (1828), '31. 180.

TRADE of; brass and copper manufactures: exports to, value of, in 1838, '40. 183; coals, quantity of, exported to, in 1833, 35. 186; in 1840, 42. 163; cotton goods, value of, exported to, in 1832, '35. 178; British, quantity and value of exports to, in 1833 and 1834, '36. 169; in 1835, '37. 167; in 1838, '40. 182; hardwares and cutlery, exports to, value of, in 1835, 37. 168; in 1838, 40. 183; iron and steel, exports to, value of, in 1838, id. ib.; linen yarn, exports to, quantity and value of, in 1838, id. ib.; machinery, exports to, value of, in 1838, id. ib.; quantity of rum exported to, in 1829, 31. 186; in 1931, '33. 183; Germany and Prussia, export of rum to, in 1832, '34. 169; silk manufactures, exports to, value of, in 1838, id. ib.; tin and pewter wares, exports to, value of, in 1838, '40. 183; wool and woollens, British, value of, exported to, in 1832, '34. 167; woollens and woollen yarn, exports to, value of, in 1838,

'40. 183; of woollen manufactures to, in 1840, '42. 161; value of general exports to, in 1828, '31. 177; of British produce, &c., to, in 1830, '33. 179; of general exports to, in 1831, '34. 158; in 1827, 1830, 1833, 1834, and 1835, 37. 159; in 1836, '38. 173; in 1836 and 1837, '39. 189; in 1838, '40. 181; in 1839, '41. 188; in 1840, 42. 163; British and Irish produce, &c., exported to, value of, in the four years preceding, and subsequent to the commencement of the Prussian Commercial League (1830 to 1837), '39. 190; British manufactures, amount, value, and particulars of, in 1838, '40. 183.

IMPORTS; bones, imports from, in 1837, '39. 193; cotton, quantity imported from, in 1832 to 1834, 36. 168; wheat, &c., quantity of, imported from, in 1833, 35. 180; in 1835, 1838, 1839, and 1840, '42. 80; quantity of wool imported from, in 1832, 34. 166; in 1840, '42. 163; import of, from, and value of exports of British woollens to, in 1833, 35. 176, 177; value of imports from, and of exports of home produce, &c., and foreign and colonial merchandize to, in 1831, '34. 160.

Germinal, month of, '30. 20.
Gerning, Baron von, dies, '38. 128.
Gerson, John, '31. 69; 32. 67.
Levi ben, '32. 47.
"Gerusalemme Liberata," '32. 56.
Gervase, '31. 68.

of Canterbury, '32. 58. Gesner, Conrad, '28. 59; 31. 70; '32.64.

Gessner, J. J., 31.74; '32. 65.

J. M., 31. 74; '32. 65.

S., 31. 76; '32. 65. Gestation, whether it can be protracted beyond forty weeks, 36. 31. "Gestes de Godefroi," '32. 66. Geta, Caracalla and, '28. 55. Geulari, '32. 78.

Geyler, John, '31. 70; '32. 64. Ghazeepore gained by the English, '32. 30.

Ghent, pacification of, '31. 46; peace of, id. 59. Ghent and Ostend Railway opened, '40. 252.

Gheriah given to the Peishwa,'32. 28. Ghilzies, defeat of the, '42. 239. Ghizny, captured by Sir J. Keene, '40. 259.

Gholam Ali, id. ib.

Hussein, id. ib.

Ghuree, a Hindoo division of a day, '31. 10.

Ghureeal, a Hindoo gong to denote time, '31. 11.

Ghureealee, a Hindoo watcher of time, '30. 11.

Giannone, P., '31. 74; '32. 57. Gibbon, E., '31. 76; '32. 62. Gibbons and eleven others killed at Carrickshock, '33. 228. Gibraltar, extent and population of, in 1828, '28. 71; date of capitulation of, how governed, population, import and exports, and tonnage inwards and outward (1831), 32. 104, 105; taken by the English, '28. 61; ceded to England, id. ib.; siege of, id. 62; supplied with wheat by the King of Spain, '29. 245; fever at, id.

243; ceases, '30. 259; average mortality at, '39. 28.

TRADE to; coals, quantity of, exported to, in 1833, '35. 186; cotton goods, British, quantity and value of exports to, in 1833 and 1834, 36. 169; in 1835, 37. 167; in 1838, 40. 182; linens, exports to, value of, in 1838, id. 183; quantity of rum exported to, in 1829, 31. 186; in 1831, '33. 183; wool and woollens, British, value of, exported to, in 1832, '34. 167; woollens, value of exports of, to, in 1833, 35. 177; the same in 1840, 42. 161.

value of general exports to, in 1828, 31. 177; of British produce, &c., to, in 1830, '33. 180; of general exports to, in 1831, 34. 158; in 1827, 1830, 1833, 1834, and 1835, '37. 160; in 1836, 38. 173; in 1836 and 1837, 39. 189; in 1838, '40. 181; in 1839, '41. 188; in 1840,

'42. 163; value and particulars of, in 1838, '40. 183.

IMPORTS, &c., from; lead, quantity of, imported from, in 1833, 35. 180; value of imports from, and of exports of home produce, &c., and foreign and colonial merchandize to, in 1831, '34. 160.

Gierback, a dung-hole in Holland, '29. 135.

Gifford, '31. 76.

Gigantic lily, '31. 38.
Gilbert, Angl., '31. 68.

Davies, elected President of the Royal Society, '28. 70; dies, '41. 138.

Dr., electricity, '29. 60; magnetism, id. 61.

W., '31. 72; '32. 50.

"Gil Blas," "32. 68. Gildas, '31. 66; '32. 57. Gillham's case discussed, '29. 238. Gillham, Mr., his observations on vaccine matter, '41. 58. Gillingham, population of, '33. 61. Gillon, Mr., his motion for a committee on schools of art, &c., in populous places, '42. 178. Gilpin, W., 31. 76;,'32. 62. Gil Vincente, '32. 70.

Gin, low duties on, productive of drunkenness, '29. 122.

Ginger, import, export, and home consumption of, in 1828, '31. 173; in 1830, '33. 176; in 1831, '34. 155; see further, SPICES.

duty on (1829), '30. 204. preserved, foreign, duty on (1836), '37. 128.

Ginseng, duty on (1832), '33. 191. Gioia, 31. 78.

Gipsies or Bohemians in England, '28. 58.

Giraldi, '31. 70; '32.55.
Giraldus, '31. 68.

Girard, '31. 75; 32.69.
Girdleness lighthouse, '34. 235.
Girls' school, Burlington-gardens,
'30. 158.

Girvan, population of, '33. 82.
Giusto da Conti, '31. 68.
Glammiss and Newtyle Railway,
particulars of, '41. 74.
Glamorganshire, extent and popula-
tion of, and number of sessions, ma

gistrates, and parishes in, 28. 79; population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831; value of real property in, and its representation, 33. 80; summary of same in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. 89; the same in 1841, '42. 108; population of, in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 110; difference of time between the principal towns of, and London, '31. 22; bastards, number of, born in, in 1830, '34. 89'; excise licences issued, and public-houses in, number of (1831), '32. 185; houses, number of, inhabited, uninhabited, and building in 1841, 42. 108; jurors in, in 1835, 37. 175; occupations of persons in (1831), '35. 93; offenders in, and proportion of, to population (1837), 39. 90 RATES; amount of poor and county rate levied in, in 1826,

29. 197; the same for 1827, and account of its expenditure, id. 198; amount of poor rate levied in, from March 1827 to March 1828, and expenditure of same, '30. 216; from March 1828 to March 1829, 31. 195; for the year ending 25th March, 1830, 32. 184; for the year ending 25th March, 1831, '33. 187; expended on the poor, in the year ending Easter, 1832, 34. 175; amount levied, and expenditure of same, for year ending 25th March, 1833, 35. 189; in the year ending 25th March, 1834, 36. 174; proportion of paupers relieved to the population of, in 1839 and 1840, 42. 168; SCHOOLS, number of Church of England, in, and of scholars in same (1832), '33. 121; TAXES: Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire, amount of land and assessed taxes of, in 1829, 31. 172; house tax, inhabited houses assessed to, and rental of same, for year ending 5th April, 1830, 32. 106, 107; turnpike trusts, their extent and income in (1834), '35.

193; trusts in, and income and expenditure of same in 1834, '37. 177; the same, and length of roads in 1839, 42. 122; coals, cinders, and culm entered coastwise, and duty thereon, in 1829, '31. 190.

Glanville, Ralph, '31. 68; '32. 58. Glareanus, 31. 70; 32. 64. Glasgow, Lanark, population of (1821), 29. 83; population and representation of, 33. 85; difference of time between, and London, 31. 23; postage collected at, in 1832 and 1833, '35. 192; collected at, in 1832, 1833, and 1834, '36. 179; same in 1835, 37. 179; same in 1836, '38. 196; same in 1837, '39. 196; earnings of cotton spinners at, from 1823 to 1833, 34.52; great commercial failures at,'30.260; power looms, number of, in 1836, 37. 183; prices at, in 1801, '34. 37; Bridewell statements relating to the salutary influence of its regulations on offenders, '36. 63, 64; expenses of, in each year, from 1825 to 1834, id. 64; cotton spinners, petition presented for inquiry into the case of the convicted, '39. 201; statistical account of, by Mr. Cleland, referred to, '34. 180; Hutcheson Bridge at, description and diagram of, id. 230-233; Wellington testimonial at, not yet determined, 42. 201; Juvenile Delinquency Suppression Act, id. 195.

University founded, '28. 58; Lord Rector of, Sir Robert Peel, '38. 243.

port of, customs' duties received at, in 1833, '35. 173; collected at, in 1834, '36. 157; the same in the years ending 5th January, 1835 and 1836, '37. 164; the same for the year ending 5th January, 1837, 38. 175; the same in the years ended 5th January, 1837 and 1838, 39. 191; the same in the year 1838, '40. 187; the same during 1839, '41. 188; the same in 1840, '42. 164; vessels, number of, and their aggregate tonnage, which entered

the, in 1820, 1826, and 1831, '34. 163; number of ships, and amount of their tonnage, which entered the, in 1832, 1833, and 1834, '36. 163; same in year 1835, 37. 166; same in 1836, '38. 176; same in 1837, 39. 188; same in 1838, 40. 186; the same British and foreign, in 1839 and 1840, '42. 160; quantities and descriptions of teas imported into, in 1833-34, and 1934-35, '36. 172.

Glasgow, Acts relating to, viz., Bridges Act, '37. 219; Faculty of Procurators of Widows Annuity Act,'34. 204; Harbour Enlargement Act, '41. 222; Justiciary Courts Building Act, 37. 220; Juvenile Delinquency Suppression Act,. '42. 195; Lottery, Act relating to (4 W. IV. c. 37), '35. 142; Police Continuance Act, '38. 211; Poor Amendment Act, '41. 219; Rebuilding Bridge Act, 30. 231; Road Act, 35. 221; Royalty Act, 31. 211; Statute Labour in the Barony of Gorbals Act, 32. 215; Street Act, id. ib.; Water Act Amendment, '39. 212. and Cartyne Road Act, '39.


and Edinburgh Union Canal Act Amendment Act, '42. 198. and Lanark Bridewell further Act, 41. 217.

and Renfrew Road Act, '40. 216.

Railways; viz., Glasgow and Edinburgh Railway Act, 39. 214; Amendment Act, '41. 220; Railway, particulars of, '41. 80.

and Garnkirk Railway Act Amendment, '39. 214; Railway, account of, '37. 93, 94; '41. 68.

Paisley, and Greenock Railway Act, '38. 213; Amendment Act, '41. 220; further Act, '42. 197; Railway, partial opening of, '41. 96, 97; Railway, particulars of, 41. 80; opening of, '42. 237; its total length and extent, opened since November 1840, id. 56; further particulars

relating to same and its branches, id. 61, 62. Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock, and

Ayr Railway Act, '38. 213; Amendment Act, '41. 220; Railway, partial opening of, '40. 88; completion of, '41. 93, 94; particulars of, id. 80.

Glass, Solomon, '32. 64. Glass brought into England, '28. 56; made in England, id. 58.

Duties Acts (5 & 6 W. IV. c. 77), '36. 144; Consolidation and Amendment Act (1 & 2 Vict. c. 44), '39. 151, 152; Act to remove doubts on same (2 & 3 Vict. c. 25), '40. 147.

duty, amount produced by, in 1827, 29. 187; in 1829, '30. 203; and fluxed materials for, quantity of, charged with duty in the years ending 5th April, 1831 and 1832, '33. 181; glass, quantity of, charged with duty in the United Kingdom in each year, from 1826 to 1832, '34. 165; amount of duty on, in 1830, 1831, and 1832, id. 164; amount of, and drawbacks on same in 1832, id. 165; quantity charged with, and amount of duty in 1833, '35. 183; amount of duty charged on, in Great Britain and Ireland in 1833, id. 186; quantity charged with duty, and amount of same in 1834, 36. 158; duty and drawback, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 173; quantities and amount of duty on, in 1836, '38. 181; duty on, amount of, in 1837, '39. 177; same, and quantity charged in 1838, 40. 171; produce of additional duties on (1840 and 1841), '42. 153.

exports, value of, exported in 1827, 28. 167; quantity and declared value of exports of, in 1828, 31. 176; in 1830, '33. 179; in 1831, '34. 157; value of exports of, in years ending 5th January, 1833 and 1834, '35. 173; of, in 1833 and 1834, '36. 156; in 1836, '38. 178; exports, drawback on, in 1837, 39. 193; exports of, value of, in 1834 and

1835, '37. 161; the same in 1835, 1836, and 1837, 39. 183; the same, and quantities thereof, in 1838, '40. 180; the same in 1839, 41. 187; in the year 1840,

'42. 162. Glass benders and stainers, regulation relating to, '36. 144.

houses; number employed in the manufacture of the different kinds of glass in 1832, '34. 165. Glasshouse-yard, population, &c. of, 28. 86, 87; Liberty, rental of (1829), '29. 85. Glasse, '31. 72. Glastonbury, Douglas of, 32.59. Union of Parishes Act,

id. ib. Glauber salts, their resemblance to nitre, '28. 119. Glaucous lachnæa, '31. 41; laurel, id. ib.

Glazed paper, duty on, 40. 146.
Gleditschia triacanthos, 29. 65.
Gleichen, 31. 74.

Gleicken, F. W. von, '32. 65.
Gleim, '31. 76; '32. 65.
Glenelg, Lord, Mr. Charles Grant
created, '36. 243.
Glenfalloch, road from Tarbet to,
progress of, '31. 229.
Glinka, 31. 77.

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Rectifying" the, meaning of the term, '42. 25. Globe Insurance Office, progress of, '38. 233.

Globe-flowered liparia, '31. 41. Globes, mode of forming, described, '42. 19.

celestial and terrestrial, dissertation on, '42. 19-27. Gloger, M., his work on the natural history of birds of Germany referred to, 30. 41.

Glossop Small Debts' Act, '40. 214. Glossy-leaved pittosporum, 31. 42. Gloucester, city, population of (1821), '29. 81; population and representation of, '33. 62; branch Bank of England at,'33. 111; chapel at Barton St. Michael built and endowed by subscription, '42. 206; Gas Light Act, 35. 221; Water Act, '37. 220.

and Berkeley Canal Act,

33. 211; Company Act to take water from the River Froome, '35. 223. Gloucester and Herefordshire Canal Navigation further Act, '40. 218. Railways, viz. Gloucester and Avon Railway, particulars of, '41. 68.

and Birmingham Railway Act, '37. 222; Railway, partial opening of, '41. 95; particulars of, id. 74; its total length; and extent opened since November, 1840, '42. 56; further particulars relating to the same, and account of its expenses, id. 66, 67.

and Bristol Railway, extension, &c., Act, '40. 217; Railway, account of, '37. 104; '41. 68; (extension) Railway, particulars of, id. 80.'

and Cheltenham Railway, account of, '37. 88, 89; particulars of, '41. 62.

port of, Customs' duty collected at, in 1834, 36. 157; the same in the years ending 5th January, 1835 and 1836, 37. 164; the same in the year ending 5th January, 1837, '38. 175; the same in years ended 5th January, 1837 and 1838, 39. 191; the same in the year 1838, '40. 187; the same during 1839, 41. 188; the same in 1840, '42. 164.

diocese of, number of Sunday schools in the, in 1826, $29.95; number of parishes, benefices, and churches and chapels in, and population of (1834), 35. 126; revenues of bishop, of cathedral, and of benefices; sums paid to curates; in whom patronage of benefices vested, and other particulars relating to same (1835), '36. 82-89.

Humphrey, Duke of, '37. 22; his works, id. 26.

'36. 238.

William Duke of, dies,

Robert of, '31.68; '32. 58. Gloucestershire, extent and population of, and number of sessions, magistrates, and parishes in, '28.

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