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number of, in 1828, fatal and not fatal, '30. 215. Dufour, Alexander, dies, '36. 108. Dufresne, his "Taxidermie" quoted and referred to, '38. 20, 21. Duffryn, Llynvi, and Porthcawl Railway Amendment Act, '30. 232; further Act, '41. 220; railway, account of, '37. 92; '41. 66. Dugdale, W., '31. 72; '32. 60. Du Hamel, his "Physique des Arbres" referred to, '30. 40. Duillius, his sea victory over the Carthaginians, '28. 52.

Duino, castle of, lightning conductor at, '39. 19.

Duke of York's Island discovered, '30. 96.

Dukinfield Water Act, '37. 220; new Presbyterian (Unitarian) Chapel, account of, 40. 235237.

Dulais railway, account of, '37.93; '41. 66.

Dulhaggia, 28. 15.
Dulkaada, id. ib.

Dull, population of, '33. 86.
Dulong, M., killed in a duel by
General Bugeaud, '35. 254.
Dumbarton, population, '33. 83;
Road Act, 35. 221.


and Erskine Ferry Act,

Dumbartonshire, population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831; value of real property in, and its representation, 33. 83; summary of same in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. 89; the same in 1841,

42. 108; population of in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 110; elec. tors, number of in, in 1836, '37. 182; houses, number of, inhabited, uninhabited, and building, in 1841, 42. 108; occupation of persons in (1831), '35. 96, 97; power looms at in 1794, '34. 49; turnpike trusts, their extent and income in (1834) '35. 193; gates in, rents of in 1833, 1834, and 1835,

37. 178; Roads Act, '39. 213. Dumbleton, John of, '37. 22. Dumfries, population of (1821), '29.

83; in 1811, 1821, and 1831, '33. 83; Chrichton Royal Institution Act,'41. 223; Roads Act, 42. 196. Dumfriesshire, population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831; value of real property in, and its representation, '33. 83; summary of in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. 89; the same in 1841, 42. 108; population of, in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 110; electors, number of in, in 1836, 37. 182; houses, number of, inhabited, uninhabited, and building, in 1841, '42. 208; occupations of persons in (1831), '35. 97; turnpike trusts, their extent and income in (1834), '35. 193; gates in, rents of in 1833, 1831, and 1835, '37. 178. Dumont, '32. 69.

Dunbar, William, '31. 70; '32. 59. Dunbar (Haddington), population of (1821), 29. 83; in 1811, 1821, and 1831, '33. 84; Road Act, '39. 213.

Dunblane, population of, '33. 86. Duncannon, Lord, Secretary for the Home Department, '35. 211. Dunchurch and Stonebridge roads trusts, tolls collected on, in 1834 and 1839, 42. 119. Duncombe, Mr. T., his motion relating to theatrical entertainments in Lent, '40. 198, 199. Dundalk (Louth), population of (1821), 29. 83; in 1821 and 1831, 34. 90; electors, number of in, in 1834, '37. 182.

Road Act, '39. 213; River, Port, and Harbour Improvement Act, '41. 222; Western Railway, particulars of, 41. 78; Dundalk and Ballybay Railway Act, '38. 212.

Dundee (Forfar), population of (1821), 29. 83; population and representation of, '33. 84; three Churches in, burnt, '42. 234; postage collected at, in 1832 and 1833, 35. 192; amount collected at, in 1832, 1833, and 1834, '36. 179; same in 1835, 37. 179; same in 1836, '38. 196; same in

1837, 39. 196; Amendment Act, 32. 215; Gaol Act, '35. 219; Gas Light Company Act,'31. 211; Harbour Act, '31. 212; Amendment Act, 37. 225; Water Act, '38. 211.

Dundee port of, customs duties received at, in 1833, 35. 173; in year ending 5th January, 1837, 38. 175; the same in the years ended 5th January, 1837 and 1838, '39. 191; the same in the year 1838, '40. 187; the same during 1839, '41. 188; the same in 1840, 42. 164.

--railways, viz. :-Dundee and Arbroath Railway Act, '37. 224; railway, particulars of, '41. 84; further account and completion of, id. 84; Dundee and Newtyle Railway Act, '31. 212; '37. 224; railway, opening of, '33. 227; account of, '37. 93; '41.66.

boats to Gravesend, '38. 110. Dundonald, population of, '33. 82. Dunfermline (Fife), population of (1821), 29. 83; in 1811, 1821, and 1831, '33. 84.

Lord, see ABERCROMBY. Dungannon (Waterford), population of (1821), 29. 83; in 1821 and 1831, 34. 92; electors, number of in, in 1834, 37. 182. Dungarvon, population of, in 1821 and 1831, 31.91; electors, number of in, in 1834, '37. 182. Dung-heaps, how formed in Holland, 29. 134.

Dungleddan Bridge Act, 34. 204. Dunham Bridge Act, 31. 211; bridge, description and diagram of, '33. 223-226. ferry done: away, '33.223. Dunker, H., dies, '37. 110. Dunkerrin tithe affray, '37. 257. Dunkirk, destruction of, agreed on,

'31. 50; number of English residing at, in 1829, 30. 217. Dunmanway, population of, in 1821 and 1831, '34. 91. Duns Scotus, '31. 68; '32. 58; 37.

22; his works, id. 25. Dunse, population of, '33. 82. Dunshalton Canal Act, '38. 212. Dunstable Roads Trust, tolls col

lected on, in 1834 and 1839, 42. 119.

Dunstborne House Inclosure and Tithe Act, '35. 218.

Duodi, a French revolutionary day, '30. 20.

Dupin, M., his work on "The Commercial Power of England" referred to, '29. 183; his remark on the sums expended on roads in France and England, 29. 182; M. Charles, his calculations on crimes against the person in France, 29. 101; abridgment of his comparative estimate of the amount of animate and inanimate force applied to agriculture and the arts in France and Great Britain, '29. 86; Baron, his work on the population of Europe referred to, 29. 78.

Dupleix, Governor of Pondichery, 32. 27; recalled, id. 28. Dupuytren, Baron, dies, '36. 108


Dura, Isaac, '31. 68; '32. 47. Durand, G., '31. 68; '32. 54. W., '31. 69; '32. 67. (architect), dies, '36. 108. D'Urban, Sir Benjamin, Governor of the Cape of Good Hope, 35. 253.

Durer, Albert, dies, '28. 59; his monument at Nuremberg, '29. 237.

Durham, Simeon of, '31.68; '32. 58; '37. 22; his works, id. 23.

Bishop of (Barrington), his letter of advice at the time of scarcity of wheat, '29. 127; (Van Mildert), Bishop of, dies, '37. 253.

(Tonstall), Bishop of, De Arte supputandi, '29. 56.

Lord, Lord Privy Seal, 31. 240; resigns the Privy Seal, '34. 243; Lord Ambassador to St. Petersburgh, '33. 230; '36.


Earl of, public dinner given to, at Gateshead, '34. 249; appointed Commissioner to Canada, &c., 39. 248, 249; announces his intended resignation; resigns, '39. 251; his Canada Report presented, '40. 197; dies,

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'41. 254; his Canada expenses, debate on, '39. 203; and on his proceedings in Canada; his ordinances; Indemnity Bill relating to, id. 206, 207.

Durham, battle of, '28. 58.

city, population of (1821), 29. 81; population and representation of, '33. 61.

county, extent and population of, and number of sessions, magistrates, and parishes in, 28. 78; population of, and of the principal towns of, in 1811, 1821, and 1831; value of real property in, and its representation,

33. 61, 62; summary of same in 1821 and 1831, distinguishing the sexes, id. 88; the same in 1841, 42. 107; population of, in 1801, 1811, 1821, 1831, and 1841, and increase per cent., id. 109; extent of in acres, '34. 84; difference of time between the principal towns in, and London,

31. 15; bastards, number of, born in, in 1830, '34. 88; number of, in 1835 and 1836, '38. 192; charity property, income of, in (1834), '35. 191; rental of charities and income of schools in, 36. 175; education; proportion per cent. of persons married in the year ended June, 1840, who could write, '42. 171; electors, county, number of, in, in 1834 and 1835, '37. 181; excise licences issued, and public-houses in, number of (1831), 32. 185; families, number of, in, and how employed in 1811, 1821, and 1831, '34. 86, 87; houses, number of, in, in 1801, 1811, 1821, and 1831, 34. 84, 85; inhabited, uninhabited, and building in 1841, '42. 107; jurors in, in 1835, '37. 175; lunatics, &c., pauper, proportion of, to population in 1837, '38. 193; marriages, buildings registered for solemnization of (1840), '41. 199; proportion of persons married under 21 years of age in the year ended June, 1840, 42. 171; occupations of persons in (1831), 35. 76; offenders in, and proportion of,

to population (1837), '39. 90; RATES: amount of poor and county rates levied in, in 1826, '29. 197; the same for 1827, and account of its expenditure, id. 198; amount of poor rate levied in, from March, 1827, to March, 1828, and expenditure of same, 30. 216; from March, 1828, to March, 1829, 31. 195; for the year ending 25th March, 1830, 32. 184; for the year ending 25th March, 1831, '33. 187; expended on the poor in year ending Easter, 1832, 34. 174; amount levied and expenditure of same for the year ending 25th March, 1833, 35. 189; for the year ending 25th March, 1834, 36. 174; the same for the years ending 25th March, 1834, 1836, and 1837, 38.188; decrease of same in 1837 compared with 1834, id. 190; proportion of paupers relieved to the population of, in 1839 and 1840, 42. 168; SAVINGS BANKS, friendly and charitable societies, amount of deposits and accounts in (1831), '32.102; Savings Banks, average amounts deposited in, and proportion of depositors to population of (1835), '37. 72; state of on 20th March, 1837, '39. 134; Savings Banks, friendly societies, and charitable institututions, number of, and of depositors, and amount of deposits in, in November, 1836, '38. 193; on 20th November, 1838, '40. 189; on 20th November, 1839, 41. 194; on 20th November, 1840, 42. 166; SCHOOLS: endowed, unendowed, and Sunday schools in, in 1818, '29. 91; unendowed day-schools in, in 1818 and 1828, id. 93; Sunday and other Church of England schools and number of scholars in, in (1832), '33. 120; TAXES: house tax, inhabited houses assessed to, and rental of same, for year ending 5th April, 1830, 32. 106, 107; Durham and Northumberland. Amount of land and assessed taxes of, in 1829, 31. 172; turnpike trusts, their extent and income in (1834),


35. 192; trusts in, and income and expenditure of same in 1834, 37. 177; the same, and length of roads in 1839, '42. 122; tolls received on, in 1834 and 1839, id. 118; coals and cinders entered coastwise, and duty thereon, in 1829, 31. 190; Coroners of, Act for Election of (7 W. IV. & 1 Vict. 64), '38. 151; University Act, '33. 211; Durham and Labberge executions (11 G. IV. c. 11), '31. 139; Durham Junction Railway, account of, '39. 120; 41.72; Durham and Sunderland Railway Company Act, '35. 222; Railway particulars of, '41. 72; Further Act, '42. 197.

Durham, diocese of, number of parishes, benefices, and churches and chapels in, and population of (1834), 35. 126; revenues of Bishop, of Cathedral, and of benefices; sums paid to curates; in whom patronage of benefices vested, and other particulars relating to same (1835), '36. 8289; number of Sunday schools in the, in 1826, 29. 95; Palatine jurisdiction of, see of, separated (6 W. 4. c. 19), '37. 116. Durinish, population of, '33. 85. Dursley, population of, '33. 62. Dusch, 31. 76; 32. 65. Dutch, established in India, '32. 25*; excluded from Mahratta dominions, '32. 28; victories over the, in India, '32. 34.

authors, list of, and of their principal works from A. D. 1200 to A. D. 1800, '32. 72-74.

Clinkers, duty on (1836), '37. 128.

East India Company, '28.60.
Flanders ceded to France,

'31. 54.

Literary Chronology, '32.


settlements in Ceylon, &c., taken, '32. 40.

Troy found, '28. 98.
vessels, embargo on, '33.

232. Duties, reduction of, cause increase of revenue; instances of, '41. 97,

98; continuance (1 W. IV. c. 12), '32. 138. Dutrochet, M., his assertion that the motion of sap causes the electric currents, '29, 35.

Duval, Amaury, dies, '40. 140. Duverger, C., dies, '39. 141. Duvivier dies, '39. 141. Dwelling-house, robbery in, punishment for, 28. 132; what shall be a dwelling-house, id. ib.; stealing in, not punishable with death (2 & 3 W. IV. c. 62), '33. 148; robbery in, punishment of death for, abolished (3 & 4 W. IV. c. 44), '34. 125; punishment for, settled (7 W. IV. & 1 Vict. c. 90), '38. 162, 163; stealing in, with menaces, punishable with transportation or imprisonment, 1837 (7 W. IV. & 1 Vict. c. 86), '38. 160; larceny in, effect of the abolition of death for, on charges of, '42. 103; setting fire to, any person being therein, punishable with death, 1837 (7 W. IV. & 1 Vict. c. 89), '38. 161. Dwelling-houses, Act to reduce certain of the duties on, &c. (3 & 4 W. IV. c. 39), '34. 123, 124; Act to repeal certain duties on inhabited dwelling-houses (4 W. IV. c. 19), '35. 131. Dye and hard woods; import, ex

port, and home consumption of, in 1828, 31. 173; in 1830, '32. 177; 33. 176; in 1831, '34. 154; duty on (1829), '30. 198. 201. Dyer John, '31. 74; '32. 61. -, Mr. Charles, architect of the "Red Maid's Hospital," Bristol, '38. 240; of the Victoria Rooms, Bristol, '39. 243.

George, dies, '42. 124.

H. M. Willis, dies, id. ib. Dyes and dyeing stuffs; imports and home consumption of, and duty on, in 1837, 39. 184; the same in 1838, '40. 176; the same in 1839, 41. 183; the same in 1840, 42. 156. Dyname, its equivalent power, '29. 88.

Dysart, population of, '33. 84. Dysentery, deaths from, within the Bills of Mortality in 1827, 29.

110; great prevalence of, formerly in London, 35. 29. Dystrus, a Macedonian Month, 30.


Dwarf Magnolia, '31. 41. Dwernicki, General, and the Polish army surrender to the Austrians, '32. 237.


Eadmer, '31. 66; '32. 58. Eagle (United States), its value, &c. (1829), '30. 111; double do. do., id. ib.; half do. do. id. ib. Ealand and Rochdale Road Act, '37. 221.

Ealing, rental of the Parish of (1829), '29. 85; population of '33. 67.

Ear, Royal Dispensary for Diseases of the, 30. 141; Ear and Eye, Surrey and Southwark Infirmary for curing diseases of the, '30. 141.

"Earl Grey" steam-packet explosion, '36. 246.

"Earl of Wemyss" smack wrecked, '34. 247; investigation concerning same, '34. 249.

Earl's Court, Kensington, cemetery at, account of, '41. 236, 237. Earlswood Common, cuttings at, on the Brighton Railway, account of, $42. 69.

Earnings, average weekly, of cottonspinners at Glasgow, from 1823 to 1833, 34. 52; at Manchester in 1804, 1814, and 1833, 34. 53.

Earnshaw clocks, '29. 61.

Mr., his improvements in chronometers referred to, '41. 44; the first who used the detached escapement, '42. 42. Farth, the, description of, '28. 90; globular form of, taught, '29. 57; density of, '38. 30; magnitude of, '29. 58; determined, id. 59; orbit of, '28. 44; axis, nutation of, '29. 59; rotation described, 28. 28; motion of, old arguments against, '36. 5-20; stability of,-Parmenides, '29. 58.

worm, its fear of the mole,

'29. 32; mode of catching, id. ib. Earths, decomposition of, Davy,

'29. 60.

Earthenware, value of, exported in

1827, 28. 167; quantity, and declared value of exports of, in 1828, 31. 176; in 1830, 33. 179; in 1831, '34. 157; in years ending 5th January, 1833 and 1834, 35. 173; value of, in 1833 and 1834, '36. 156; in 1836, '38. 178; in 1834 and 1835, '37. 161; the same in 1835, 1836, and 1837, 39. 183; the same, and quantities thereof, in 1838, '40. 180; the same in 1839, '41. 187; the same in 1840, '42. 162. Earthquake in Calabria, '28. 62; at Cuba, id. 68; at Constantinople and in Syria, '38. 243; at Granada, '28. 67-69; at Katmandoo, '35. 256; at Lisbon, '28. 61; at Mantua, id. 68; at Martinique, '40. 256; in Messina, '28.68; at Parma and Reggio, '33. 229; in the Duchy of Parma, '35. 255; at Perth, '42. 240; at San Salvador, '40. 257; at Murcia in Spain, '30. 261; at Washington, '34. 246.

shocks of felt at Chichester, '34. 250; '35. 253; in Nottinghamshire, '34. 246; at Portsmouth, '35. 261; at Perth and Stirling, '42. 240.

East Bedfont, rental of the parish of (1829), '29. 85.

East Brixton, three divisions of, the parishes and liberties comprised within, '32. 108.


Grinstead, population of, '33.

Hagbourne Inclosure Act, '41.


Easthope, Mr., created a Baronet, '42. 242.

East India Company established,

'28. 60; government, mode of, pursued by in British India, '33. 91-99; its collection of revenue, id. ib.; Company, first charter to, '32. 25; second ditto, id. ib. ; becomes a joint stock company, id. ib.; new charter to the, id. 26;

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