
in hopes of a fray. Were it not that they suppose Catholic Emancipation is to put an end to tithes, taxes, and rent, they would care as little for the men who have raised the storm, as those men care for them, or their religion, or their country.

"When things of evil aspect are to do,

The first cause is not named; but, commonly,
Some slight, remote, co-operative cause,

Whereto the people knit them soul and body.'”

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"Most truly was it observed of Popery, in the remonstrance of the Commons to King James the First, It hath a restless spirit, and will strive by these gradations. If it once get but a connivance, it will press for a toleration; if that be obtained, they must have an equality; from thence they will aspire to a superiority, and will never rest till they have got a subversion of the true religion.'

"The Roman Catholic religion, is a religion of ambition, of encroachment; and its nature is continually to aim at the possession of something beyond that which it had heretofore possessed. The Roman Catholics consider, and have always considered, the Protestants as a people by whom they have been supplanted, and that the Church property is property that has been wrested from their hands. Is there then any person in this country, who can seriously think that the Roman Catholic hierarchy, which possesses unbounded sway over the minds of the Irish people, would

ever suffer Ireland to remain tranquil, while some object or other was yet to be obtained-that it would ever cease its exertions, day after day, until it had obtained not what is named Roman Catholic emancipation, but Roman Catholic ascendancy?"

"Catholic Emancipation," says Dr. Doyle, "will not remedy the evils of the tithe system : it will not allay the fervour of religious zeal, the perpetual clashing of two churches, one elevated, the other fallen, both high-minded, perhaps intolerant: it will not check the rancorous animosities withwhich different sects assail each other. It will not remove all suspicion of partiality in the government, were Antoninus himself the viceroy: it will not create that sympathy between the different orders of the State, which is ever mainly dependent on religion. Withal, Catholic emancipation is a great measure, and of itself not only would effect much, but open a passage to ulterior measures, which a provident legislature could without difficulty effect."

"The Protestants are in possession of all that is valuable in Ireland; their estates, no matter whether rightfully or wrongfully, have been wrested from the Roman Catholics. The establishments of the country conferring emolument and honour, are all Protestant; the Church conferring a splendid provision upon its ministers, and the corporations giving station, and power, and influence to its members, are all Protestant,

and have all, at no distant period, been in possession of Roman Catholics.

"Is it possible, therefore, to think that all the solid advantages can be on one side, without exciting a hope of enjoyment on the other? Can Protestants and Roman Catholics really unite together when such tempting objects are open to the Roman Catholics, and when a public clamour has already been begun against the Protestants? Will the Roman Catholics be satisfied to see every Protestant institution rolling in wealth and splendour, whilst his own are in poverty and distress? Will he submit to have his churches, his convents, his schools, his colleges, supported by alms, whilst his Protestant rival revels in the enjoyment of Roman Catholic possessions? Human nature forbids us to think so; and I must do the Roman Catholics the justice to say, that they have been no hypocrites on this occasion, but have proclaimed boldly and naturally their expectations.

"If power be given to the Roman Catholics, it

is vain to think that the two establishments can be co-existent. The wealth and influence of the Protestants are too great to be viewed with passive indifference; and the ambition and overbearing disposition of the Roman Catholic hierarchy, and Roman Catholic laity, are too notorious to be satisfied with the empty sounds of equal rights. Their gentry and nobility are ambitious; their priesthood is overbearing, arrogant, and in

tolerant; and their people, on account of their physical misery and degradation, will become their ready tools for any change, and will make their grievances, no matter whether arising from rents, tithes, or taxes, as much a cause of complaint against their rulers, in order to bring on Roman Catholic Supremacy, as they have already done to bring on Roman Catholic Emancipation.

66 It is not whether or not a certain number of Roman Catholics shall become members of the British House of Commons; but the great, the important, the ultimate point to be determined is, whether or not the Protestant Establishment shall continue to exist in Ireland.

“Hear their favourite orators, not unskilled in human nature, select those topics which are most congenial with the feelings of their audience; hear them denounce the Protestant Church as an intolerable nuisance, a baneful pest, an incubus upon the prosperity of the country! Listen to the applause with which these declarations are received, and then judge of the views which the Roman Catholics entertain.

"In a very remarkable speech of Dr. Dromgoole, which was received by a crowded assembly with acclamations of applause, and which was afterwards declared by a priest of his communion to be Catholic, purely, precisely Catholic,' he thus speaks of the Protestant Church :- It shall fall, and nothing but the memory of the

mischief it has created shall survive. It has had its time upon earth; and, when the time arrives, shall Catholics be bound by an oath to uphold a system which they believe will one day be rejected by the whole earth? So spoke the Popish layman. Now hear the priest, (Mr. Gandolphy), and they are his words, taken from a book, which, although it was rejected by the moderation or the policy of the Vicar Apostolic of his district, was carried to the foot of the Papal throne, received the sanction of the highest authority, and was declared 'worthy of being cased in cedar and gold, and highly advantageous to the Catholic Church.' He says of the English Church, that she is the eldest of her heretical sisterhood-a rebellious child-with a hateful eye he views the sickly sprouts which issue from its broken branchesthey shall gather it up and cast it into the fire, and it shall burn.' Such are the sentiments at this day avowed by some, and applauded by many more, of that great body to whom we are required to make further concessions of political power.


"As to the property of our Church, I once thought that the Roman Catholic Priesthood cast a longing eye on the tithes. On that point I have been undeceived. They now tell us that they have no desire whatever to appropriate the tithes to themselves; they only intend to take them away from the Protestant Church. Surely there cannot be a more effectual method of de

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