
event happened about 21 or 22 years fince, fubfequent to which the father of Mrs. died; but the mother and brother are ftill living at Stuttgardt, upon a penfion which he has fettled upon them for their lives, and which is fully adequate to their wishes and fta tion. The brother purchafed his difcharge, and continues at Stuttgardt in an independent fituation; and Mr. who has long been returned to Europe, is refident in fome part of Ger many, having been many years married to another woman, by whom he has a numerous family, and being, it is faid, fill affifted by Mrs.

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Since the great turn in the affairs of that lady, attempts have been made to prove that he is defcended from the ancient and refpectable family of Chapufette in France; and the Chargé des Affaires from the Court of Versailles to that of Stuttgardt was, applied to by Mrs. 's brother, and doubtlefs at her inftigation, to fearch into the annals of that family, and draw out proofs of the alliance; but, although every pioper fearch was made, no traces could be found of there ever having been any alliance or connexion between that faIt mily and the family of Mrs.

furnished by the parents of the boys who are fent thither, for from them the mifchief fprings; and, till this mean be employed, the mafters will be unjustly blamed. What have ever been the irri

tamenta malorum, are found to be fo ftill; they are the pieces of precious metal which thefe boys are fuffered to bring to fchool with them in their poc kets, and, of late, in a plenty bevond all example of former times. These draw to them, as a honey-pot does wafps, vermin with ftings more veno. mous than wafps, and give them a difrelifh for their bufinefs, till their sweets, with their bloom, to the cruel detriment of their budding manhood, are fucked away. Let not the boys be abridged of any indulgences which they ought to have; and which a mafter, a private tutor, or any other proper perfon, may be empowered to fupply. But let them not know the ufe of money. That knowledge will come faft enough when they are of age to provide for their wants themselves. But who, it may be afked, shall be the first to infringe a deeply-rooted cuftom, howmuchfoever it may be more honoured in the breach than the obfervance? The answer is obvious--the fathers of the prefent is faid that, foon after that lady's arriyoung nobility at Weftminster and Eval in London, her mother came over ton. Let them confer amongst themto fee her, but that Mrs.'- would felves; which if they will condefcend to no fuffer her to come to her house, and do, they will want no perfuafion to fo only faw her twice at an inn, where the falutary a meafure: or let but a dozen promifed to provide for her, upon con- of them do fo, determine that, after the dition of her quitting England directly. next Christmas holidavs, their fons fhall This condition being complied with, carry no money with them to their Mr. Meyer, the miniature painter, a fchool, and authorize you, Sir, to no native of the Duchy of Würtemberg, tify that determination in your Magawas fent over to Stuttgardt as agent to zine to be published on the firft of JaMrs. and arranged the fettle-nuary, and I am perfuaded that their ment of the mother and brother much example will be eagerly followed throughto their fatisfaction. This arrangement out the kingdom, which will blefs them was accompanied by a picture of Mrs. for the happy Revolution it will make. which her relations are not a lit- Sublata caufa, &c. SOPHRON.

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P. S. I have faid nothing of the illiberality to which tender minds are more or lefs betrayed by their early anxiety for that money which is in ge neral fo viciously and dangerously, or at beft, idly expended, nor of other arguments that might be urged against a cuftom, becoming continually more hurtful, and of which the feelings both of patriotifm and parental affection ftrongly dictate the abrogation.

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Twifs difpleases that gentleman. Permit me to vindicate my former communication.

As Mr. T. has not affigned any reafon for affirming that the paffage from Wallis is not worth infertion, I muft ftill retain my opinion that it is at leaft as important as the greater part of Mr. T's fragments. Were Mr. T. to omit all ftories equally trifling, and all paffages noticed by preceding writers, the bulk of his pamphlet would be much diminished.

Mr. T. fhould not have afferted fo peremptorily, that the ftory of King John is not in Leland; as it is to be met with in vol. 1. p. 233-4*.

Though Mr. T. has never heard of Pafchius, he is an author of note, whofe treatise, "De Nov-antiquis," has paffed through feveral editions, and has received the applaufe of the Learned.

The quotation from Seneca at least fhews that chefs is not the only game which excites an attention stronger than the fear of death: and that from Thucydides contains fo important a precept, is fo peculiarly applicable to this game, and is expreffed with fo much energy and elegance, that, I believe, every reader of tafte will join with me in opinion, that it would be a better motto for Mr. T's book, than an infipid fragment from Caxton.

Perhaps Mr. T. would find fome thing to his purpofe in the notes of De Salas on Petronius.

THE KEY in Plate II. the property of Mr. Gough, is fupposed to have been used as a PASSPORT by fome of the family of Stawel, whofe arms it bears.

The BELL in the fame plate, is one of thofe formerly called MASS-BELLS, and is the property of the Rev. Mr. Crutwell.


Nov. 10.

S the newly-projected Dictionary of our language, by Mr. Croft, appears likely, from the patronage it receives, to be adopted as the Randard of propriety, it doubtlefs ought to be rendered as perfect as fuch a work is capable of and as Mr. Croft himfelf, without that faftidioufnefs which too frequently accompanies genius, folicits the hints of correfpondents, allow me, through the channel of your very useful

Asof our language, by Mr. Croft,

The correfpondent who fent you part of this story from Leland, has omitted thofe paffages which ftruck me as being eminent for their naturalnefs and fimplicity.

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publication, to fubmit the following to his judgement.

Though I believe our language to be fully as copious, as nervous, and as expreffive, as any other modern tongue; and though I am very far from approving the prefent fashionable affectation of larding every subject, and almost every phrafe, with exotic words, where we have thofe which are as proper, and ges nerally much better, of our own; yet where real improvement can be effected without, as I fee, any confequent inconvenience, why fhould it be contemptuously or neglectfully omitted?

It is confeffed that we poffefs many ideas, for the expreffing whereof our language does not poffefs any fufficiently adequate, or precife words (an excufe which the introducers of foreign ones fometimes offer in extenuation of their practice), fuch as the Frenchi l'ennui, naiveté, &c. the Latin fimplex munaitis, and many, many others, which my fmall knowledge of the subject will not allow me to enumerate. I obferve too, that fome acute, though impartial critics, object to the words nepotism and caaucity, as ufed by Mr. Gibbon.

To remedy all fuch defects as our language may contain, and to render this Dictionary a permanent standard of it for the future government of all defcription of perfons, I would suggest to Mr. Croft, that a proper perfon or committee be appointed, to afcertain all fuch words as are wanting in our language, to convey clearly and precisely fuch ideas as naturally arife in the mind of every man; or, in other words, to poin out fuch ideas as we have not at prefent any words which convey a proper fenfe of, and, at the fame time, fuggefting fuch words, either formed of our own compounds, or from any other either dead or living languages, to remedy and fupply all fuch defects. Such words, if thought neceffary, might be diftinguished in the Dictionary by fome prefixed defignation. I hope too that this Dictionary will be fo formed as to come within the reach of the generality of purchasers, without which its utility will be lefs extenfive. And to the publick, a reference, I apprehend, to a paffage, will be as fatisfactory as a quotation.

Though I have the highest respect for the talents and industry of Mr. C. I own I cannot avoid being of opinion, that many of the 5000 words, omitted in poor Johnson, may as well be omitted every where elle, R. R. E. *** Imagining

** Imagining we Bould meet the wishes of the writer of the following letter, we communicated it to Mr. CROFT; who defires us never to befitate about printing any thing which apparently finds fault with him or his Dictionary; as he is perfuaded, that no writer wili wan sanly abufe one, who gives fo much of his time and his money to the publick, without, as yet, the leaf encouragement but approbation; or, if any writer bould, that fuch abufe is a species of encouragement. Mr. URBAN,


WAS moft agreeably furprized to find that Dr. Johnfon's famous Dictionary is at laft likely to be fupplanted by what will, I hope, really merit that epithet; and the letter from the future editor, p. 91, in answer to various correfpondents, with the account he gives of his meditated plan, appears to me no bad prognoftic of it. That Dr. Johnfon's Dictionary fhould, I was almost going to fay, have been endured for fo many years, has long been matter of aftonishment to me. What then, that it fhould have had encomiums lavished upon it, nay, and from writers of no fmall eminence in the literary world! Strange but no, Mr. Urban, nothing is ttrange with creatures whom Nature happens to have made with difpofitions to put their opinions and judgements in other hands than their own; who judge a work from the man, not the man from the work; who, from pre-fuppofing that a writer of great general eminence (and who greater, who almoft to great, as the late Dr. Johnfon!) will be great in a new undertaking (not much matter, perhaps, het) conclude he bas been fo when that work is produced, then to be examined fo independently of the writer, that he should, if poflible, be forgotten, and when even the work itfelf thews that he has not been fo great. Were it not, Mr. Urban, for the reSpectable letter from the editor of the new Dictionary, and perhaps as much from one of your correfpondents of the next month, who figns himfelf A. B. D. I fhould fcarcely have hazarded fuch a letter as this to you. It would in that cafe certainly have met with the di'regard, to ufe no ftronger term, that perbaps it may fill only merit. Be that as it may, thoughts are free; and I venture on thefe for the treatment of your own at free difcretion.

The critic I allude to, as well as the propofed writer Mr. H. Ciott, has forenalled many of my objections to the Doctor's Daionary, as well as remarked on others that may have clcaped

my inferior notice: and let any man, I will only fay of common fenfe, reflect on what thofe particularized objections are! Will not fuch a perfon, will not every reader, who now at laft, it is prefumed, will be fo good (that is, to himfelf) as to open his eyes, fomewhat wonder that even any compiler of a Dictionary fhould have rendered himself liable to the imputation of them? I will be bold to fay, that no man of the most common intelligence can open Dr. J's fmall Dictionary (I have never feen any other), in any part of it, without fiading more than one infiance of defect of fome kind or other. Both Mr. Croft and A. B. D. give instances, or general affertions, of defective particulars, both of commiffion and omiffion, in Dr. Johnfon: I have neither of thofe writer's letters just now before me, fo that I do not recollect exactly what ei ther marks, or points at but no matter, if I repeat any particular of either, nay the double remark in any inftance will ferve to enforce it the stronger.The letter-writer, I remember," fays, that he had enumerated, I think, fome hundreds of Latin words Anglicized, that no English writer, or, at leaft, none of any tafte, had ever made ufe of. I think too, one or both july remarks, that it is not enough that a precedent or quotation be produced, as ftamping a valid authority for its ufe, for, as already faid, even a good writer, in general, may deviate into an unwarrant able peculiarity or adoption. It is the business of the Dictionary-writer (I beg the Door's pardon, the Lexicographer,) to attend to the language, if not folely, primarily and chiefly indeed, and himfelf, from general obfervation of the beft writers, to mark the most eli gible words or phrafes: but Dr. John. fon not only quotes continually the leaft refpectable of our modern writers, for his authorities, indifferently with the beft, but even the old and obfolete ones. In short, Mr. Urban, it feems endlefs to point out the detects of this great man's Dictionary, and I have of ten pitied the poor foreigners who were to learn their English from it, and more especially their ftyle. I remember, fome years ago, a young lady's writing a let ter to a friend of hers, from words picked out from Johnson's Dictionary, and very fairly picked, in order to di veit and puzzle her friend; in which, it will be eafily imagined, he did not fail. The friend did not underftand a full-ble of what was written to her. A. B. C. (To be continued.)

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