The Acts of the Parliament of Western Australia, 1. kötetGovernment Printer, South Africa, 1962 |
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Act Amendment Act Act is amended advice and consent Agreement Alsatian dog amended by adding amended by substituting amount appointed approved for reprint approved hospital Assembly of Western Assented authorised authority business name cited clause coming into operation commencement corporation Court creating the trust deemed Depuch Island discharge effect Elizabeth Elizabeth II enacted entitled Excellent Majesty fee simple follows Geraldton grant hereby incapable patient incapable person income instrument Insurance interest Joint Venturers lease Legislative Assembly Legislative Council liability license ment Minister mortgage notice offence paragraph passage payable payment period pounds prescribed present Parliament assembled principal Act Public Trustee purchase purposes pursuant Queen's Most Excellent railway referred registered Registrar relation repealed and re-enacted respect rule against perpetuities scheme section applies section one hundred Short title specified subclause thereof thinks fit tion title and citation trust property vested Western Australia word